44 entries in 1.428s
BingoBoingo: trinque: If I do get a Cuntoo running this weekend, you can expect me to submit Cuntoo-ified versions of my desktop work tools at the speed I port them. Everything I depend on seems to have already been ported to musl based linux distributions. I can't promise doing this fast, but it can be something that would help make a noob-cuntoo image down the line.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-01 10:56:41 mp_en_viaje: there is no better alternative to however many men in the scattered line, going at it. they can cut grass at the speed of a stout walk, which nothing else can do.
mp_en_viaje: there is no better alternative to however many men in the scattered line, going at it. they can cut grass at the speed of a stout walk, which nothing else can do.
ossabot: Logged on 2018-08-01 12:53:52 asciilifeform: dwc_otg.speed=1 on kernel param line.
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939263 << aha, I recall the various small-town departments operating the highwayman model here in usgistan. Common tactic is for said towns along a major rural highway to drop the speed limit a few miles outside of town by about 40 mph, and post officer at the line.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-22 03:00 mircea_popescu: and yes, a properly configured webserver serves at line speed, in the sense that the way to ddos is by overwhelming ~the router~ not the webserver.
mircea_popescu: and yes, a properly configured webserver serves at line speed, in the sense that the way to ddos is by overwhelming ~the router~ not the webserver. ☟︎
asciilifeform: same algo, thing shits out 9000 shitblox and dumps at line speed
asciilifeform: Mocky: in theory you already have rsa with Ch. 4 . but nowhere near line speed.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i suspect that the % of surviving fragged packets will drop as you saturate the link ( with e.g. GB thrown at line speed )
a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 14:41 asciilifeform: ( why to do this ? just as in other cases of 'i can't believe it's not X!', dram is not actually random-access -- all currently sold drams only achieve their rated speed in 'burst mode'; and from that it follows that they are only ever read to fill a cache line; and from this, trivial timing leak etc. and the joys of 'rowhammer', bonus. )
a111: Logged on 2018-09-04 15:29 asciilifeform: now what i ~have~ wanted to bake, for years nao, is a box with ~2~ jacks, that tests rsa sigs on specially-defined packets at line speed, and drops all the ones that dun pass. this is imho the Right Thing, for entirely curing the disease in question.
asciilifeform: now what i ~have~ wanted to bake, for years nao, is a box with ~2~ jacks, that tests rsa sigs on specially-defined packets at line speed, and drops all the ones that dun pass. this is imho the Right Thing, for entirely curing the disease in question. ☟︎
asciilifeform: at one time asciilifeform burned 20-40min erry day manually banning . then got tired of this and went to properly optimize the phuctor db so that it doesn't give a damn re load, up to line speed.
asciilifeform: dwc_otg.speed=1 on kernel param line.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 14:41 asciilifeform: ( why to do this ? just as in other cases of 'i can't believe it's not X!', dram is not actually random-access -- all currently sold drams only achieve their rated speed in 'burst mode'; and from that it follows that they are only ever read to fill a cache line; and from this, trivial timing leak etc. and the joys of 'rowhammer', bonus. )
asciilifeform: not if i have '9000' entry points to my gossip net, each of which rejects malformed rsa packets in O(1) at line speed
asciilifeform: if actually care about capex -- speed up, or better yet, eliminate -- the ~meat~ in your line.
mircea_popescu: yeah but how't that work, i make a line speed fpga based encrypto/decryptor and use it as a router ?
asciilifeform: ( why to do this ? just as in other cases of 'i can't believe it's not X!', dram is not actually random-access -- all currently sold drams only achieve their rated speed in 'burst mode'; and from that it follows that they are only ever read to fill a cache line; and from this, trivial timing leak etc. and the joys of 'rowhammer', bonus. ) ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-03-01 03:53 asciilifeform: mats: the idea is, a kind of line-speed (GB ethernet) wall, where crud goes in, and valid in-wot gossipd out.
ben_vulpes: sina: you read http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=line+speed ?
asciilifeform: the cost of validation in a single-packet-authenticating protocol where you crunch the numbers at line speed is effectively 0.
asciilifeform: what next, line-speed crypto in perl also.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that's what 'line speed' means.
asciilifeform: but doesn't work as well as i'd like, not line speed (uses dumb bignum)
asciilifeform: mats: the idea is, a kind of line-speed (GB ethernet) wall, where crud goes in, and valid in-wot gossipd out. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: "pff line speed. you still need to get the buffered packets from the kernel into userspace, and that's an abstraction you'll have a hard time getting around."
ben_vulpes: "yeah man! big challenge though is to get it to operate at line speed."
asciilifeform: 1) the kind that processes ALL INPUTS at LINE SPEED
ascii_field: to reach line speed
thestringpuller: "uARM is certainly no speed demon. It takes about 2 hours to boot to bash prompt ("init=/bin/bash" kernel command line). Then 4 more hours to boot up the entire Ubuntu ("exec init" and then login). Starting X takes a lot longer. The effective emulated CPU speed is about 6.5KHz, which is on par with what you'd expect emulating a 32-bit CPU & MMU on a measly 8-bit micro. Curiously enough, once booted, the system is somewhat usabl
ascii_field: trinque: sig checker ~must~ operate at line speed, and in practice this means it is integral to the die which actually throws the packets around.
ascii_field: AND that this can take place at line speed.
asciilifeform: gotta work at line speed
asciilifeform: can verify packets at line speed.
decimation: sure, you could do line-speed rsa
asciilifeform: jurov: aha. and you check them at line speed.
asciilifeform: routes at something quite like line speed;
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2015#1186461 << sync at line speed ☝︎
asciilifeform: at line speed.
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: Both. The Runningbacks almost always find a way around the line if they have any speed and in the backfield the people with speed to catch up to them lack the mass to take them down efficiently
Jere_Jones: It would speed up the hot dog line.
dexX7: air line, speed of light