41 entries in 0.548s

mircea_popescu: there's this romanian
idiomatic, it goes "te uiti ca vitelu' la poarta noua".
mircea_popescu: in the simplest of terms : whoever you might be meeting, either is doing something or isn't doing anything. if they're not doing anything you absolutely have no use for them, as the
idiomatic expression -- there's no possible basis for any relationship, no cause to meet again,
get lost dumbo.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
idiomatic, something between "kicking and screaming" and "on hands and knees"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ro
idiomatic, to do nothing on govt pay.
mircea_popescu: to use a chinese
idiomatic which, oddly, i can actually introduce without importing shitsquiggles.tiff first.
mircea_popescu: yes, eventually, once v is so old to have been forgotten like the original calculations for the pyramids, robots will perhaps have enough linguistic history that you could pretend
idiomatic-c is no less a language than latin.
mircea_popescu: the concept of "library" as "this collection of primitives" is meta-syntactic, and strictly personal
idiomatic. that a bunch of anglotards try this thing where they "all mean nigger in the same sense - and everyone always does!" is just you know, anglotards being anglotards.
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 23:06:37; jurov: "
idiomatic C"
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 23:06:37; jurov: "
idiomatic C"
ascii_field: ;;later tell decimation does phrase 'grenzenlos naiv' have any
idiomatic meaning on top of the obvious ?
Chillum: it is a very
idiomatic saying
the_scourge: as opposed to combinations which are clearly natural. they are
idiomatic so the brain groks them more, and the fingers do them easier
Adlai: it's most
idiomatic for the reputation at risk to be that of the exchange owner
idiomatic cpp aside, thoughts on the list?
Apocalyptic: probably a literal translation of "noir sur blanc" as the
idiomatic expression goes
mircea_popescu: which is a superlative
idiomatic i've just created for the occasion.
kuzetsa: mircea_popescu: oooh, so is it an
idiomatic non-literal phrase similar to in english, calling someone a "know-it-all" ?
chetty: ok its just a
idiomatic saying, basically I was saying that you had been tricked into believing you were useless