58 entries in 0.66s

mp_en_viaje: yeah, emule still around, beats
gopher for stability.
mircea_popescu: lobbes you added
gopher to your hopper ?! what did grace say ?
mircea_popescu: phf ben_vulpes Framedragger any one of you want to add a
gopher service to teh logotron ?
mircea_popescu: ckang are you the guy with the
gopher stuff / suckless morphing ?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
MDude: Yeah, if that manages to go anywhwere, it'd be neat if making your own
gopher browser and server would be a part of it.
MDude: Anyway, I think there were a few things I was thinking of for a bit, one of them being
gopher://vernunftzentrum.de/0/ckeen/ciy-manifesto.txt .
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
mircea_popescu: but yes, things went downhill from the 80s when chet diagnosed her rare eye condition / located specialist via
gopher to today.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
a111: Logged on 2016-07-18 19:49 asciilifeform: anyone ever tempted to revive
gopher ?
phf: last time it was brought up was probably due to me, since i was looking into hipster
gopher revival that's going on (was going on?)
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
douchebag: !!deed
phf: "there's some
gopher purists out there but don't pay them much heed. There's no one in charge. There's nothing keeping you from your next big idea. There's nothing to stop you from trying. And besides, most of us think it's pretty cool."
mircea_popescu: phf the difference in tone from the exact same item pushing bitcoin forks is that the
gopher forks people have no one to fear in
phf: asciilifeform: "Having to unfollow folks because I'm sick of cynical passive agressive subtoots." ""It will not hurt people who use
gopher the way it has been used for ~30 years. It won't break things. Those folks can ignore what we're doing. This doesn't have to be antagonistic. If you don't wanna take part, that's cool! I'm not here to force you. Keep doing what you're doing, or do what we're doing. Either is wonderful" etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-23 16:20 phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
phf: time "
gopher is awesome, because it's so simple and pure", yeah, before you fuckers decided to show up.
phf: re upstack, there's been a resurgence of sorts of
gopher protocol, various hipsters spinning up personal websites, etc. whether the resurgence was shortlived or i'm just late to the game, but there's already a community of wreckers (one of them groups is coming from this federated twitter platform, mastodon) discussing all the various ways that they want to "improve"
gopher, tls, utf-8, markdown renderer, "minimal subset of html", etc. but at the same
☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎ BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Lol, still day may come where Rural King begins stocking anti-orbital umbrella rockets next to
gopher gassers
trinque: there,
gopher wins against
http in that it enforces a strict tree
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Have you also considered setting up a shallow bowl full of "mole &
gopher peanuts"
BingoBoingo: And in African it derives from the man Petrus telling the boy David that building is skilled work as David plays
gopher for Petrus's tools
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Eh the
gopher has some drink named after him, and the drink isn't cool enough to have booze. The refugee shut people up about the two aspects of Clinton for nearly a day.
mircea_popescu: anyway ; it's not a case of "omg
gopher was so great". to get an idea, think "navigate web through excel spreadsheet"
mircea_popescu: anyway, one good thing
gopher had that's still sorely missed was, you'd query someone's org and get their email.
mircea_popescu: chet self-diagnosed her rare eyesight condition over
gopher at a time medical science was done off paper
a111: Logged on 2016-07-18 19:49 asciilifeform: anyone ever tempted to revive
gopher ?
jurov: these wait for
gopher over whispernet or what is the #b-a replacement vaporware called
BingoBoingo: Win >> "Guys, I think the
Gopher people were right."
BingoBoingo: <trinque> anyhow, I have made myself sleepy. I think most here would be satisfied with a simple hypertext system to replace the JS monstrosity of today. <<
Gopher is beautiful
trinque: ben_vulpes | now i want a directory! << here comes the #b-a
gopher site
ascii_field: when it found what it was looking for, the antenna automatically turned to point at its quarry. Prices for the device varied from $395 for a basic model to $8,000 for one capable of locating individual human beings, which required a Polaroid photograph of the person to be loaded into the programming box. Quadro’s golf ball-finding variant, the
Gopher, was available by mail order for just $69.'
undata: I vaguely remember
gopher sites as a young kid
chetty: lets go back to
gopher bounce is tempted to publish all the specs exclusively on
gopher BingoBoingo: I once produced a version of a web site I ran as a
gopher site, in 2011, Library school project
nubbins`: ah, they're all the same. does a horse prefer one
gopher hole over another?
jcpham: i can't
gopher:// anywhere