52 entries in 0.52s
mircea_popescu: takes me all of half an hour to organize a 10% chargeback pile, which is the immediate end, for isntance.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: it is actually nice to consider that all that paypal moneys i received for bitcoin in -otc were not chargeback'd. it's a nice feeling. but i suppose that's chiefly because 1) i hadn't done that many transactions, and 2) amounts were low...
asciilifeform: i know a fella who saw a (1990s-era isp) business slowly sink due to an eternal visa chargeback rape, stemming originally from 1 single hack
phf: asciilifeform: banks don't have to close the account, and if your account has been linked to visa, they have to keep it mandatory open for the duration of something like 10 years from your last transaction, which is how long visa network can claim a chargeback
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu recalls the lulzier years in 2011-2012 back when roger ver was actually pretending to be like, a business man, and stuff. << NEver forget $50 Blockchain.info chargeback because Ver's sticky hands were in all the things then
adlai: they let me withdraw fiat to a bank account, chargeback happened, i tried topping up the account with cc because aforementioned bank account was unavailable... and once the last cc charge went through, they locked the account
cazalla: who eats the chargeback? apple?
punkman: plus chargeback fee ^
austeritysucks: unfortunately credit cards all have chargeback, and until people can acquire bitcoins with creditcards at point of sale to remove the buyer from the "confusion" of the payment mechanism
kakobrekla: myea its worse than it thought this. a well, lucky for them btc has no chargeback!
asciilifeform: ru sp4mz0r steals cc #, charges 10k usd. on, e.g., 'amazon'; chumper reads his bill, complains, bank magically vacuums 10k+C (positive constant C, chargeback penalty) from 'amazon', plasma tv is nowhere to be found (drop house, magicked away)
assbot: 40 results for 'chargeback' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chargeback
asciilifeform: !s chargeback
mircea_popescu: <guevara246> the rationale being applied to chargeback and fraud < yes.
guevara246: the rationale being applied to chargeback and fraud
mike_c: call bitcoin and initiate a chargeback.
kakobrekla: zillabtc that doesnt work cause chargeback policies.
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: he tried to chargeback after it shipped
punkman: I will chargeback him
mircea_popescu: wait, you paid, how'd he chargeback you
punkman: paypal chargeback!
mircea_popescu: just the fact that nobody can chargeback you and pp can't hold your wallet at ransom and that;s enough for anyone sane.
kakobrekla: he can just chargeback through paypal
joecool: ie. if i walk into a store with a stolen magstripe you don't know i have, i can purchase goods and even if there's a chargeback, it only claws back from the store those goods were bought at
deadweasel: nubbins`: after you chargeback, cancel the card and link them to your posts.
jcpham: woohoo chargeback!. talk with your monies
nubbins`: i'm giving them one more chance before i issue a chargeback
mircea_popescu: punkman " Visa and MasterCard levy fines against acquiring banks that retain merchants with high chargeback frequency. "
punkman: the chargeback fines are paid to whoever is processing the merchant's transactions
benkay: "what ever will we do with our chargeback fraud department?"
jurov: "Butterfly Labs can now ship this merchandise with confidence that there will be no reversibility or chargeback of the payment, which is a significant risk when accepting credit cards online or PayPal,” said Gallippi.
kakobrekla: sepa chargeback eh
jimmy2k: yeah friday of last week was the chargeback of the money from the first transaction
ozbot: 22000 USD SCAM because of Phishing and Bank Transfer Chargeback
[\]: why would he paypal chargeback if he was accepting your money?
jcpham: but then he did a paypal chargeback
punkman: yes the merchant gets a fine for each chargeback
ezdiy: punkman: sure the chargeback dont get through, the fraud rate is like 0.1-3% tops
mircea_popescu: there is no system in this world with 20% chargeback rates. either you have a working system and chargebacks are a fraction of a percent
ezdiy: we shall assume same chargeback rates
punkman: you can't have 20% chargeback rate, they shut you down
mircea_popescu: where exactly are chargeback rates 20% ?
ezdiy: mircea_popescu: chargeback rates
Namworld: they apparently won a chargeback... apparently...
ThickAsThieves: apparently they defeated a huge chargeback attempt
pigeons: and not a lot of difference if you lose money in a hack or in a chargeback
jcpham: basic got chargeback'd
pigeons: so basic isn't doing striaght up refunds, you have to chargeback?
jcpham: never said the word bitcoin on chargeback dispute for btcfpga.com
Bugpowder: With regard to BTC refunds, I have sent all refund requests to Tom for processing. I have also processed all credit card refund requests at this time. I can't guarantee that the funds were there to back these refunds - I have no way to know this, and Tom never confirmed having done the bank transfer. At this point, if you are thinking of sending me a refund request, I recommend you do a chargeback instead.
BTC-Mining: No trace and no way to chargeback.
MrTiggr: no chargeback and not really very tracable