500+ entries in 0.049s
diana_coman: bvt: also, mind packing in next vpatch either removal of that Makefile or an update to it so it covers the new .gpr files? As it is now it's doing half a job and even that unclear why via makefile anyway - it would possibly make more sense to just have one .gpr file that allows you to build all with a single command but anyways.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-07 19:12:56 mp_en_viaje: but anyway, the problem never was whether single-character-x or single-character-y is to be your indentation scheme. the problem was when a unit of indentation is made up of n characters, such that 1st tabulation is implemented as three space characters, and 2nd as six.
mp_en_viaje: but anyway, the problem never was whether single-character-x or single-character-y is to be your indentation scheme. the problem was when a unit of indentation is made up of n characters, such that 1st tabulation is implemented as three space characters, and 2nd as six.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, the problem with the textbook go-to examples of totalitarian systems, namely the various attempts at socialism in the 20th century, is that they're very weak examples of totalitarian systems and comparatively much stronger examples of closed systems. that's their salient feature, their closedness, universally premature, and by a rather mengele hand.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-04#1957893 - diana_coman observes I need more practice at figuring things out through discussion / asking than quietly on my own. Anyway, in my latest I've attempted to sort out my thoughts on the matter. There are some questions there on the clearsigning
diana_coman: it reads to me exactly no user matters and ~all reducing to "we wanted this anyway/for a long time", huh.
mircea_popescu: anyway, your statement is i guess something along the lines of "look, good fellows, your theory as to how users matter is not an argument in the direction you wish to construe it, but exactly opposite. the republic specifically does not want there to be unicode support. if you implement it, that means the republic will fork and maintain your thing pre-implementation. if you do not implement it, some schmuck somewhere wi
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 18:32:47 dorion: I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway.
dorion: I'll let him show and tell, his patch removes the whole rotor orchestra since Gales is musl static anyway.
mircea_popescu: there's self-evidently no reason such a thing as an alleged Matt Micucci should exist, and definitely no good cause for it and similar nothings to aggregate, and for the resulting sadness to be labelled anyway other than "garbage".
mod6: Anyway, sounds like there might be a solution to this between what billymg and lobbes are working on + maybe another added step?
mod6: I dunno, anyway, I thought it could be good for people to go ahead and submit a vpatch, and seal to the bot, where it can be checked for L1/L2, and stored for the future, all in one place, making less work for the gardener.
mod6: TMSR Lords and others seem to publish all their code on their blogs, which, I think is fine. But my hang-up with allowing people to post TRB patches/seals on their blogs instead of sending them in is two-fold: 1) It puts it on me to chase these down. 2) Then I have to place them somewhere for long-term keeping anyway. As we've seen, people's blogs get rather large, hard to find things, or disappear complet
mircea_popescu: this procedure whereby you'll do whatever the fuck it is you feel like doing anyway, and expect the republic to feed and clothe you didn't work for alf, nor will it work for you. cuz it's pure hallucinatoria, it ain't how anything works
mircea_popescu: but anyway, from the perspective of the patient, he goes in wanting to be fixed. he's done his part. some of these patients who've done their part will hear "ok, do this, don't do that" and some will hear "we don't know"
mircea_popescu: billymg, not that i'm telling you how to run your household, however one approach is to simply send her anyway. "but i have no experience, and it's a humongous task" "do or die trying, bitch."
diana_coman: ahaha; and if it's not ~33%, it will still be some % so the more writing the better anyway, sure; lolz.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the sad result two centuries worth of asciilifeformism have wrought. and apparently the imbecile "smart" kids are still not quite ready to wake up in any sort of numbers.
diana_coman: re maintaining the infrastructure, I don't see how it can be really justified as such anyway given that uhm, those doing something with it are anyway essentially non-existent currently so can't maintain so they "do" anything; and if it is to *also* build them up, then well, they'll fit whatever infrastructure is provided, not the other way around.
diana_coman: ... lisp code is that it pulls in the drakma http client that pulls in as far as I can see another 18 deps (and moreover so far one of them fails anyway on my current setup aka centos 6 with sbcl 1.0.39, asdf 2.26; but I see that whaack reports sbcl 1.4.14 working for the logbot so I'll try it next with that and see.)
mp_en_viaje: anyway, to get back to the "recourse from negrating" thing -- you and him argue, i'm definitely getting stuck with making some choices. there's no out of this, and it doesn't matter what you load into "you, him, i".
mp_en_viaje: anyway, that's what they seem to be doing, "here's the hardware, here's the mental floss slash bible, here's the daily prayers rules regulation and prayerbook", a complete package like that.
diana_coman: ahaha; but yes, what's with all those hierogliphs anyway, slash and a bended sword!!
mircea_popescu: anyway, to belabour the point : the difference between us, dictated by experience and high level understanding as it may be, nevertheless comes in simple droplets. where i choose to let sql handle its own date format and use proper numeric notation for time, you attempt to convey string dates across boundries. it's [http://trilema.com/2015/the-downtrodden-are-downtrodden-for-a-reason-step-on-their-faces/?b=Old%20age&e=trea
mircea_popescu: nfi why they give them names anyway, i can usually recall on the basis of face-and-tits, but names ?!
mircea_popescu: anyway, i really can't complain, the weather here's a very solid late march, though it be almost december. sunny warm and pretty.
diana_coman: they are atm under some pressure to finish a working version of a wallet too but I'd say that is currently at a more tech stage really so the os-planning could start anyway.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: not like I don't want holidays even to visit waste in faraway lands; but that would mean first waiting for the gloriously communist ro embassy to finish futzing with the paperwork and issue my new passport so it can't happen right now anyway.
diana_coman: otherwise yes, at least go for cheapest and that's that; for added lulz, that pretty much ends up in moldova anyway.
diana_coman: well, medium & macro businesses tend to be built around the website from what I can see; so yeah, looked at micro and kind of running out of anything to look at anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is what the jr high game of battleship should have been. because wtf, we got computers, thus therefore are better than the pen-and-paper forefathers. or else, what the fuck's all the toil been for.
spyked: and I might eventually get an nvidia desktop just for gfx work anyway
diana_coman: a lot of the deps there are not fully mandatory in that if one wants, one can run the client anyway but at the extreme this goes to "well, if one WANTS TO, one can make their own bloody text client already and run that"
mircea_popescu: and we intend to muchly broaden the extant gfx basis anyway, hence all these self-curing client genuflexions
mp_en_viaje: but anyway, no point in pre-discussing his. question stands as http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-12#1950585 for a reason and we see later.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-10 04:43:05 mp_en_viaje: so no, 2k in 1920 very much isn't 100k in 2011 prices. it's AT LEAST A MILLION ; and "2011 prices" is purely an academic point anyway, because the sort of thing one could trivially buy in 1920 ~DOES NOT EXIST~, and therefore can't be bought for any amount of these 2020 "money" that very well fucking aren't either money or anything remotely like it.
mp_en_viaje: so no, 2k in 1920 very much isn't 100k in 2011 prices. it's AT LEAST A MILLION ; and "2011 prices" is purely an academic point anyway, because the sort of thing one could trivially buy in 1920 ~DOES NOT EXIST~, and therefore can't be bought for any amount of these 2020 "money" that very well fucking aren't either money or anything remotely like it.
diana_coman: all right, I'm sure we can coordinate anyway and it'll surely help.
diana_coman: if we need to move it anyway, we need to move it and so ...
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-02 05:57:45 diana_coman: no mandatory fields huh, what a great... standard! spyked there is though some description inside the blog spec and possibly that's going to be the actual spec anyway (maybe iterated if more details are needed)
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-02#1949269 <-- hm, I'd keep that distinct from the bot spec (which'd spec bot inputs/outputs and behaviour), but it does bring to light the question of whether feedbot should accept non-mp-wp-style feeds. on one hand I might want to subscribe to heathen feeds on the internets. on the other, the rift is growing anyway (e.g. feedbot doesn't do https), so it's pro
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-02 04:24:16 spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
diana_coman: no mandatory fields huh, what a great... standard! spyked there is though some description inside the blog spec and possibly that's going to be the actual spec anyway (maybe iterated if more details are needed)
spyked: anyway, I'll fire up the bot in a few mins and will be around for a while to check whether everything's alright.
diana_coman: spyked: no hurry now and I'd wait anyway for other people to comment on this thread too, first.
diana_coman: spyked: they have the timestamp, no? and/or they come as a list anyway.
spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
billymg: anyway, will have two patches up shortly, one for the fix and one for a test of that behavior
diana_coman: aha; and here appointment online but then queue anyway... outside the building too and a guy giving frantic directions, it was something.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-13 18:03:01 mp_en_viaje: anyway, unrelatedly : for the folk awaiting trilema publication of divers reports, as were implicitly due for q3 sometime early october : i had every intention of doing them, if not by the 5th day as trad. absolute value at least sorta by 15th (as scaled value, 3x the months, 3x5 days) or something. but then, whole pizaro debacle, adding to the fact that i'm traveling and that's never so fixed a schedule (for inst
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:42:27 mp_en_viaje: anyway, i suppose the logical next step is for the remarkably productive bvt to do some benchmarking re speed of possible candidates (a list including atm the chacha and serpent -- knowledgeable folk feel free to propose more candidates) so as to have some practical basis.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:10:10 diana_coman: asciilifeform: since 1 IP per rack anyway, I don't quite see the sense in keeping this all the time separate and then pushed in as an add-on etc. I'd calculate the Te to include IPs enough for a full rack and that's it; sure, additional IPs are additional and then naturally add-ons but that's separate anyway.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, i suppose the logical next step is for the remarkably productive bvt to do some benchmarking re speed of possible candidates (a list including atm the chacha and serpent -- knowledgeable folk feel free to propose more candidates) so as to have some practical basis.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: since 1 IP per rack anyway, I don't quite see the sense in keeping this all the time separate and then pushed in as an add-on etc. I'd calculate the Te to include IPs enough for a full rack and that's it; sure, additional IPs are additional and then naturally add-ons but that's separate anyway.
mod6: Anyway, as far as litigation and things, basically I'd like to see if we can save some money. How much money? Well, I'm trying to dig up the costs we spend on that thing per month...
asciilifeform: if no one can stomach such delay, what will happen is that asciilifeform bids on the iron auctions, and may go anyway at own expense to retrieve irons if wins .
diana_coman: asciilifeform: by the sounds of it though it would anyway be cheaper for s.mg if putting them in your rack to just buy the servers in the us and ship to your door, no?
diana_coman: asciilifeform: anyway, it's one of those things that has to be done and that's it.
diana_coman: then again, I wouldn't quite want to *live* in a dc either and computers seem to multiply in my house as it is so probably not much choice there in the end anyway.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, john curran & co whined long and hard about it, and will continue to do so until arin dissolved.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, unrelatedly : for the folk awaiting trilema publication of divers reports, as were implicitly due for q3 sometime early october : i had every intention of doing them, if not by the 5th day as trad. absolute value at least sorta by 15th (as scaled value, 3x the months, 3x5 days) or something. but then, whole pizaro debacle, adding to the fact that i'm traveling and that's never so fixed a schedule (for instance, i was orig supposed to be in m
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-13 16:54:35 diana_coman: asciilifeform: for eulora I need: app-misc/screen, ftjam, net-misc/curl (that runs into the openssl shit), dev-db/mysql (5.6.39 or earlier) + cs and cal3d but those are frozen versions/not portage anyway
diana_coman: asciilifeform: for eulora I need: app-misc/screen, ftjam, net-misc/curl (that runs into the openssl shit), dev-db/mysql (5.6.39 or earlier) + cs and cal3d but those are frozen versions/not portage anyway
diana_coman: crowncloud_: that was my email, lol; it won't really work for everyone anyway; and really, what's against irc? it's ok, we don't bite the unexperienced.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: you know, there were at least *some* in the whole list saying kvm; and I'm pretty sure I don't have a full list anyway.
mp_en_viaje: this makes one feel great when "it works", but experimentally it almost never does anything -- hurts their feelings if they were going to pay anyway, and otherwise god himself can't squeeze blood out of stone.
mp_en_viaje: and in general, this purely latino whore style of "i don't mind what they call it for as long as i can keep doing exactly the fuck it was i was gonna do anyway" dun werk.
asciilifeform: i still dunget why the 4 target addrs and not 5 or 1, each flood seems to take out whole pipe anyway
mp_en_viaje: "Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I don’t love you son, I love you more than I ever thought I could possibly love anyone or anything, including myself, which I’ve done plenty of, I’m just saying that having you wasn’t a fucking choice, it wasn’t my God damn choice anyway and because that fucking choice was made for me without an ounce of God damn consultation or input from me whatsofuckingever, in spite of th
mp_en_viaje: anyway, to get back to it : what 2 years has (perhaps) done is given us some real world data, such that we can compare the list of criteria we originally abstractly derived from our own imaginations and best intentions, with the story of how well they worked out in practice.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: can you drive through the thick heads that 'getting ddos' aint a violation of the service terms, and that the fuckers are obligated to provide service, on whatever level available ?! what is this nullrouting bullshit anyway?
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939870 << so add the first however many fit by last-updated in there, and permit "hacked" url notation anyway. eg right now "trilema" as listed links http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema ; but http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/xxx works in any case, whether it's listed or not, so all's good.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: my point re misleading longest sequence was if new talk in between getting sequence from a and from b, causing b to be longest just because latest retrieved; anyway, I don't think it can be done a whole lot better at this level really.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, tirgoviste, "marketness". what both london and washington ever aspired to be, yet never figured out how to state.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-13 13:02:11 mircea_popescu: anyway : i'm willing to bet migration ~will~ be trivial ; and i am very curious to find out why not if indeed not
diana_coman: ah, now I see it re thimbronion.com - he tripped over his own feet, didn't he; fwiw he got told off for it and he fixed it; anyway that "plan" needs revising.
mircea_popescu: and, my reasoning goes, since im doing this ANYWAY, might as well have a public, published version.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:44:51 mircea_popescu: anyway, to make the point for the 9`000th time in the general, because unlike the previous 8`999th times prior, each exactly proven correct and each exactly disavowed the very next morning, THERE IS NOTHING CONTROLLED ABOUT INCA WORLD.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to make the point for the 9`000th time in the general, because unlike the previous 8`999th times prior, each exactly proven correct and each exactly disavowed the very next morning, THERE IS NOTHING CONTROLLED ABOUT INCA WORLD.
mircea_popescu: anyway : i'm willing to bet migration ~will~ be trivial ; and i am very curious to find out why not if indeed not
mircea_popescu: and if bw comes to grief, we can either further tune the software via same process trilema.org was invented anyway ; or else spand the pipe, we see theb
diana_coman: asciilifeform: I doubt it can help you if it gets read like the rest; anyway, the shortest summary I can come up with: phf persistently refused to engage tmsr beyond the purely technical; and ultimately (when pressure forced a decision) made his choice for out rather than in.
diana_coman: this chapter of transactions reads like great fun anyway, what with "procuring smallpox" and asia-ticks
diana_coman: since it was quiet otherwise anyway, I made the change and restarted ossabot so I'll see the effect @ next socket error, I suppose
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 01:28:50 mircea_popescu: anyway, biosacks only need names if they're about to log here. both hanbot an' nicoleci are on, and so far what you lot wanna use them for is rather punching bags, from experience, so i don't see the urgency in naming anyone else.
mircea_popescu: anyway, biosacks only need names if they're about to log here. both hanbot an' nicoleci are on, and so far what you lot wanna use them for is rather punching bags, from experience, so i don't see the urgency in naming anyone else.
diana_coman: spyked: there is a newer version of keccak that works on octet-sized input but iirc it's not yet in vdiff, might help to get it in anyway (and then see if it still fails)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 04:37:38 spyked: anyway, I guess the q is in fact whether there's any use to this entire lisp-webstuff exercise. if not, I can go back to wp and work on other stuff, there's no shortage of that.
spyked: anyway, I guess the q is in fact whether there's any use to this entire lisp-webstuff exercise. if not, I can go back to wp and work on other stuff, there's no shortage of that.
lobbes: But, in order to do this I need to fully understand the "guts" of the logotron anyway, and eating the current todo list I think will help to achieve this. Plus the code is already fresh in my mind!
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: possibly I'll find it later as inner-indexing tends to keep working in the background after one of those anyway and pops up with the result some days from now or such shit.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's necessary, because they're so utterly wrong in everything
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, anyway, i suppose the thing to do is point out to the dorks in question that really there's no need nor any space for their self aferations, drop the shit and go younghands instead.
diana_coman: and I don't see any need to change the urls anyway
diana_coman: re logger atm I am undecided as my options so far seem to be: 1. do another round of madness with flask until it works on this old (but stable at least) centos 2. replicate environment aka burn down centos and have fun installing remotely on the machine cuntoo 3. simply run irssi (as I'm otherwise running this code anyway as my client) with logging to db into an mp-wp database and be done with it (possibly each line a one comment - will end
trinque: I'm not trying to insult you, but this is exactly the "and anyway if I did" loop.
mircea_popescu: anyway, these are large questions and nobody can answer for you, so don't take lightly.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-06-12 20:54:54 mircea_popescu: anyway, your design is dysfunctional in that (even allowing for it modelling somewhat close to reality, which i have no faith it does) suppose today someone gives you a working pill, and june 27th google patches the hole. and the someone says "dood, i have nfi, i honestly didn't tell anyone anything".
diana_coman: true; though it does get added gradually anyway and they don't really expect to know upfront *everything* that will be added
diana_coman: tbh with categories also I start wondering if it's working at all or in fact it's still tags more useful anyway, without the pretense of neat and strict classification