55 entries in 0.433s
a111: 53 results for "\"mirceau\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22mirceau%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "mirceau"
mircea_popescu: holy shit we're back to "mirceau" ? what the everloving ?
fluffypony: "Mirceau Popescue"
bagels7: mirceau_popescu: yes but I am in a special non typical domain which is not interesting to most men
jurov: you forgot mirceau_popescue :)
BlueMeanie4: i guess ill try to be more concise. Mirceau's blog makes me want to learn Romanian.
pankkake: it's an original, usually Mirceau
xmj: dub: a similar statement got me ignored by mirceau..
ryepdx: mirceau_popescu: Affs == affiliates?
mircea_popescu: decimation: mirceau_popescu: the treatment of individuals << dude you srsly typed that out ?!
decimation: mirceau_popescu: the treatment of individuals vs. corporations: http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=a274ed18-760a-42ed-b7be-b17bb0f63d54
mike_c: have they switched from calling you mirceau to marcel?
jurov: <troll>if random_cat really did read fine print, he'd ask you straight, not mirceau popescue</troll>
Apocalyptic: "Mirceau" again
fluffypony: "Yes I am Mirceau Popescu soon to be extradited to the USSA"
TestingUnoDosTre: Mirceauauu, could I'm a professional reporter from blog XYZ, could I speak with you privately? It's urgent
mircea_popescu: ;;notes mirceau_popescu
mircea_popescu: lol mirceau
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for antephialtic, Arbitrage, arij, babbler, bawse, bugpowder, cads, daver300, deepspace, dertin033, dnathe4th, Empirical, Felyza, herbijudlestoids, Izzy_, jcpham, Jorge_Pasada, kryo, later, LucyDrop, Mad7Scientist, melt7777, mirceau_popescu, MmmmYah, Myke974, novusordo, OMGDogecoin, only, princessnell, reutersemily, satdav, Sibty, sic_nic, Taras, tholu, (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: i hope you won't be spelling my name as mirceau once i'm dead or some shit.
robwhiz22: Does anyone know when Mirceau tends to be online?
Mats_cd03: ;;later tell mirceau_popescu 'challenge and response' meaning encryption, but more specifically encrypted spread-spectrum signals. many consumer drones are equipped with just wifi or bluetooth, which are comparatively easy to attack
robwhiz22: Hello, Mirceau.
ninjashogun: holy #$@ mirceau you sure know how to pick them. But I would never go for a woman with such an intellectually provocative public profile. Only the ones who keep that to themselves (as I do). makes everything easier :) :)
ninjashogun: Mats_cd03, asciilifeform and mirceau-p's Cardano - a physical device that escrows private keys and signs documents passed to it over USB - stored passwords as plaintext on the theory that a loss or theft should be considered catastrophic anyway. So storing in plaintext means people will practice better opsec
ninjashogun: benderp - it doesn't just take a weekend. Part of what I'm doing is the ideation portion. For example I'm soliciting mirceau's feedback on just one aspect right now.
ninjashogun: now you sound like you're kididng, mirceau :)
ninjashogun: mirceau_popescu- not really. VC's make VERY few seed-stage investments. mostly series A.
ninjashogun: ughlol - access to mirceau (I just read the most recent few lines, haven't been reading scrollback) is, as he correctly states, a VERY good opportunity
ninjashogun: ughlol, mirceau is not going to invest in you, unless oyu had a ton of traction
ninjashogun: I was talking about how many billionaires/millionaires I know as an American (just 1-2 of the former even if we include mirceau) :)
ninjashogun: guys, I'm watching htis channel as actually in talking with ughlol I'm the one who mentioned mirceau as being high-net-worth. he's from India and has access to a much poorer network of investors than some western countries
ninjashogun: mirceau, as a Romanian do you hate Hungarians?
ninjashogun: For example I thought mirceau completely bootstrapped his thing, had no investors of any kind, since he doesn't deal with them the way startups I've seen do.
ninjashogun: mirceau - could I have a copy of http://trilema.com/2012/lets-have-fun-with-paul-graham/ please? It was linked from this interesting http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/01/01/how-silicon-valley-could-learn-to-bitcoin-part1/ that BingoBoingo linked me.
HeySteve: hmm where is mirceau popescu tonight?
deadweasel: ;;later tell mirceau_popescu I'm not sure I could get Ed Felten in here, but i'll give it whirl later.
Vp7771: Mirceau what are those docs?
kingofsports: like for your example mirceau why would anyone offer u to sell the ring for $100 in 2 years when they could sell it for $10000 now?
kingofsports: finally in the same chat room as mirceau, congrats on the success of your site. If the entry wasn't so high, I'd be a trader with your services myself.
soypirate: mirceau_popescu is that part of a trend because of rising btc price?
deadweasel: what does mpex stand for? mirceau popescu's exchange?
benkay: /msg mirceau_popescu
mjr_: that is what i was thinking...you do insulate yourself from that risk on mirceau's side but smickles would have to go to the court i guess?
jurov: seems he enjoys bein calles mirceaU
mjr_: actually, i think that mirceau_popescu's idea behind his trading platform could be huge
mjr_: and good link mirceau
mjr_: mirceau_popescu: upon furthor thought, i think that what you have set up IS the equivalent of a circuit...ie. you can verify communication between you and someone else, but i don't think it could work as a broadcast type message (i may be wrong) if i wanted it to take multiple hops, i would be vulnerable to MitM and phishing right?
smickles: < mjr_> like for example...i don't think i have ever read one negative article about mpex or mirceau_popescu <<< lolwut?
mjr_: like for example...i don't think i have ever read one negative article about mpex or mirceau_popescu
mjr_: mirceau_popescu: also, I love how you mention NYSE as underdog
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: sorry for calling you "mirceau"
mircea_popescu: and also why do you call me mirceau and why do you type out the name ? type mi press tab or so
thestringpuller: mirceau_popescu you know smickles?