500+ entries in 0.111s
jfw: that's 1). 2) what do you mean by "busybox-only" - because far as I know you can't possibly mean exactly that, it doesn't have an mkfs or make for example, let alone a compiler. Do you mean, "system which selects components outside busybox only if busybox $version does not contain them"? I'll note that busybox is an amalgam of code from a variety of sources and, ahem, "Adjusted by so many folks,
billymg: so will be at my expense. whaack talked to one of their customer support agents who didn't really know what it would cost but thought roughly $2-5k for the laying of the cable
billymg: yeah, compared to the ~$375 / mo for Kolbi's enterprise fiber offering it seemed like a good deal
ossabot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-03-03 billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema-hanbot/2020-02-08#1001053 << update: my girl has been corresponding with american data through this contact and they are now putting together a proposal for a supposedly dedicated 10/10 connection at $150 a month (proposal will be to determine cost/timeline of install)
mp_en_viaje: Such successful ratholes the socialists built, that per same ACS 2014, median value of single-family home = $131k, possibly last place on continental us where such wonder exists. only 5k of them, too, but if nobody wants...
mp_en_viaje: ACS, 2014 : median household income $37,078, per capita income for the city was $25,589, 16.9% of families and 30.7% of the population below the poverty line. needless to say this wasn't the case in the 70s.
mp_en_viaje: cuz they're hard to make, you know, chinese sheet can be had for what, $3. threadbare sheet can be had for 5-10k nights slept in, and handwashing weekly. what's that cost, $1mn ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 14:36:47 mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#sel
mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#select][people just say thi
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-05#1956632 - "if ($a = 1) ..." worked for me, though in the stupid C sense that the operator has elsewhere, yes. Tried Python and apparently it syntactically forbids single-= in an "if" statement, probably because it has this strict statement vs. expression distinction
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-28 15:04:59 mircea_popescu: the portion "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_" is visible on my browser. in order to actually see the "POST)) ? true : false;" portion of it, i'd have to scroll right. however, the right scrollbar is under line 413. if i scroll that far down, the topmost line is in the high 300s, meaning that i can't observe the effect scrolling right has upon line 149.
mircea_popescu: the portion "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_" is visible on my browser. in order to actually see the "POST)) ? true : false;" portion of it, i'd have to scroll right. however, the right scrollbar is under line 413. if i scroll that far down, the topmost line is in the high 300s, meaning that i can't observe the effect scrolling right has upon line 149.
mircea_popescu: billymg, in the original example i looked at, line 149 reads : "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_POST)) ? true : false;"
dorion: the price of gold in usd was only briefly above the price it was that day (~$1720ish), despite usd being continually diluted. meanwhile, p. schiff, "i didn't forget my password, my wallet forgot my password." doh.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-03-21 03:08:34 danielpbarron: the culprit function is in wp-includes/comment.php: $commentdata['comment_content'] = apply_filters('pre_comment_content', $commentdata['comment_content']);
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 03:28:41 mircea_popescu: the matter SIMPLY CAN NOT BE IGNORED : if back in 2017, ie the very month that article came out, joe bloe took out the 20-50k in debt he could and liquidated the 20-50k in assets that he could, converting it to bitcoin at a monthly average $1k, he'd be looking now at either 400k to 1mn in cold hard cash, or else something like 1-1.5mn worth of liquidated assets, if he sold during the peak. (and not AT the peak,
mp_en_viaje: and it's not ~the language~, either. there's nothing magically great about "how it handles conditioanls", "if($2 != day) is not god's own notation or anything LIKE that. it's that python breeds and fits upon and further breeds and further fits upon the sort of thought process that'll produce the sort of thing that fails.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 22:53:10 mircea_popescu: (notice, incidentally, how my bash / awk didn't betray me in "if($2 != day)" like your python betrayed you)
BingoBoingo: LAR BOLSA REFERENCIA $ 71,920 = VARIACIÓN 0% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 RIESGO PAÍS ÚLTIMO 2.180,00
BingoBoingo: Milepost now that K's back in the pink house: http://archive.is/92vj5 DOLAR OFICIAL COMPRA $ 57,910 VENTA $ 62,910 VARIACIÓN -0,130% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DOLAR BLUE COMPRA $ 65,250 VENTA $ 69,250 VARIACIÓN -1,070% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 CONTADO CON LIQUI REFERENCIA $ 75,130 VARIACIÓN -2,080% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DOLAR PROMEDIO COMPRA $ 58,49 VENTA $ 63,45 VARIACIÓN -0,130% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DO
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-08 09:47:49 mp_en_viaje: "oh, we were worried china outspends us on $random-nonsense-we-made-up-specifically-so-as-to-have-it-all-to-ourselves" "why were you worried about that ?" "so we have somtething to talk about" "ah, okay"
mp_en_viaje: "oh, we were worried china outspends us on $random-nonsense-we-made-up-specifically-so-as-to-have-it-all-to-ourselves" "why were you worried about that ?" "so we have somtething to talk about" "ah, okay"
mircea_popescu: (notice, incidentally, how my bash / awk didn't betray me in "if($2 != day)" like your python betrayed you)
mircea_popescu: the function is just a wrapper on the exact same thing, wp_list_comments('type=comment'); is exactly SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' and comment_type = 'comment'
mircea_popescu: in other wtf, awk does not have a native date increment ; people do insane shit like awk -F"\",\"" '{cmd="date -d \"$(date -d \""$0"\")+10days\" \"+%Y-%m-%d %T\"";cmd | getline datum; close(cmd); print $0 ",\""datum"\""}' test.csv > test-increment-10days.csv
lobbes: or to be more exact, I believe I've ruled out 'xmlrpc.php' being the culprit. Rather, the breakage happens once the values in the $commentdata array are shipped off to the "wp_new_comment()" function in "wp-includes/comment.php" (which then makes a call to 'apply_filters()')
mircea_popescu: $select_tail = "?b=".substr(strip_tags($excerpt),0,12)."&e=".substr(strip_tags($excerpt),0,4)."#select";
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-01 20:49:54 billymg: yeah, when originally ripping it out, my brain parsed a "if (! $richedit ) ..." as "if ( $richedit ) ..." and so removed the line
billymg: yeah, when originally ripping it out, my brain parsed a "if (! $richedit ) ..." as "if ( $richedit ) ..." and so removed the line
deedbot: mp_en_viaje may not $down feedbot.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform worx 14h+ days. mp_en_viaje sits in cabaret and smokes 100$ bills. but somehow the former is 'avatar of lazy', eh.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: fwiw, afaik all of the iron that's actually on the books, with the exception of 4 very worn 256G ssd (~50 $ if were new) that i had BingoBoingo mail , is at piz. so you can liquidate even nao if you like.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: the $ is fine, yes; the q is how/whether you actually plan *anything* to get new customers?
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-24#1948009 << it's always a crapshoot. you can get counsel worth millions through springing for a $500 nothing. eminent lottery ticket, only comparable to picking up girlfriends. famously (if fantastically) frank sinatra picked up the woman that died for him through buying her a ten dollar bus ticket.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-23#1947786 << there was a 295 (u.s. $) deposit at the colo house , but the rest ( will detail in new article ) -- went for iron . ( even if had no rack -- it's time to replenish my depleted stock of iron. )
mod6: asciilifeform: that's pretty much where I was at as well. .25 BTC to evac. which is about ~$2k in today's prices.
asciilifeform: ( ^ in the simplest formulation, a full occupancy that brings in net >200 $ (the added expense of upgraded tower) w/out eating into irons amort. budget. )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:06:50 diana_coman: asciilifeform: the monthly overhead at $50 seems rather low to me - did you do any sort of estimate re how much of your *time* this will eat? (only considering that you'll spend 40 minutes just going back and forth each time you need to physically go there and that probably assuming good traffic etc)
diana_coman: asciilifeform: the monthly overhead at $50 seems rather low to me - did you do any sort of estimate re how much of your *time* this will eat? (only considering that you'll spend 40 minutes just going back and forth each time you need to physically go there and that probably assuming good traffic etc)
mp_en_viaje: the lulziest wanna-be punk bullshit, filmed out of a $200 potato by a few retards / "custodians" / graveyard shit workers still beats the shit out of the overproduced wanna-be pop of the usgistani "i wanna fuck latina teens" wasptard lobby.
mod6: I'd like to see pizarro save some money on the total $11,340 that would normally owe through the end of the contract, since yea, from what I've read in here, seems like they've screwed us over.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i took a naive stab at calculating the 'floor' for this locale. the util co charges presently 7.83 cents per kW/hr. the halftower is supplied with a 1.2kW baseline . 24*30*0.0783*1.2 ~= 70 $ of mains current ; warehouse sq. metrage goes for ~30 / m^2 here, this yields 100; and the remaining unaccounted for portion of price is then 295 , which presumably includes net pipe , upkeep of the grounds (maintenance, cooling, sla
mp_en_viaje: for that matter, for all i know $1k worth of ecc now will be worth 50% more than that 1k worth of non-ecc in two years, whatever.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: 100 is a rounded-off output of complicated arithmetic similar to ^ including cost of cage, % of max amperage eaten by $box at peak load, cost of ip, amortization of iron. i'ma post for criticism after tea.
asciilifeform: ( piz colo , for comparison , was 141.7 u.s.$ / mo, for empty hole, machines were moar )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i propose price : equiv of 100 orc$ per mo per such leased machine, inclusive of full service . to be paid either monthly, quarterly, or yearly, as customer so wishes.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: there's apparently customs nonsense threatening to get in the way. however ~absolute~ ceiling for removal cost is 500 per 1u (u.s. $) , asciilifeform can physically extract 100kg of iron for a ~2000 cost. ( this however would require 4 u worth of iron evacuation request, to be practical. ) BingoBoingo will say moar when wakes up.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: not incl. ssd disks, presently ~700 (u.s. $) from this new shop.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-11 20:41:09 mp_en_viaje: and, i suppose, file a complaint for theft with your local police station, listing what you recall of what they made off with "and others", and whatever, $10k or w/e the aggregate cost fairly was.
asciilifeform: ee of $150 per block.'
asciilifeform: 'Despite their current market value of between $13 and $19 per IP addresses, ARIN continues to provide IP addresses to its "members" for no direct cost, a holdover from the early days of the internet when IP allocation was literally a free-for-all. Depending on the size of a company, you pay ARIN an annual membership fee that starts at just $250. Members then pay between $100 and $500 for an address block with an annual maintenance f
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-15 23:12:24 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: last detail, ips are 2.34 $ ea. ( unless e.g. mp lends piece of ip . mp do you want ? what wouldja like in exchange ? ) and 2 come 'phree' w/ the basic halftower.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: last detail, ips are 2.34 $ ea. ( unless e.g. mp lends piece of ip . mp do you want ? what wouldja like in exchange ? ) and 2 come 'phree' w/ the basic halftower.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-14 18:22:21 asciilifeform: meanwhile, dig update : found a smaller isp literally 5km from my chair, 300/mo (us) for 22u half-cab, 100Mb/s unlim.; asked re ddos, d00d answr'd 'multiple balanced pipes, and we dun block, eat.' no contract commits. will be goin' there tomorrow to see with eyes before buying. ( fella pleasant enuff, offered to broker a /24 from arin , '5-6k', i said '1st lesse' . w/out arin, 2.50 $ / ea. ip from shop. )
asciilifeform: mod6: expecting to charge (in coin) equiv. of 20-30 $ u.s. per 1u, presently.
mod6: asciilifeform: Yeah, not sure how that would work exactly. Since I don't have $$$ for racking such things, unless your dc is gonna take btc?
asciilifeform: mod6: i'ma be inspecting and possibly leasing a rack today. if this goes properly, mod6 can consider installing $box there .
asciilifeform: ( i.e. 39 us $ atm )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm thinking, the $14 (12 if full-cab) per u , is even cheaper than maxim's. there's gotta be some reason...
asciilifeform: meanwhile, dig update : found a smaller isp literally 5km from my chair, 300/mo (us) for 22u half-cab, 100Mb/s unlim.; asked re ddos, d00d answr'd 'multiple balanced pipes, and we dun block, eat.' no contract commits. will be goin' there tomorrow to see with eyes before buying. ( fella pleasant enuff, offered to broker a /24 from arin , '5-6k', i said '1st lesse' . w/out arin, 2.50 $ / ea. ip from shop. )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: to ~make~ a tarball that can be used in place of 'r2', using a working install w/ whatevr customizations in it, mount the fs at a /mnt/gentoo and then e.g. tar pcvfz diana_coman-gentoo.tar.gz /mnt/gentoo . this snapshot can then be used to replicate $box to whatever others.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: even 'ha, you pay' comes in 2 variants, 'you get bill for $bil' and 'your acct empties in 5sec' , would at least like to know which before signing.
mp_en_viaje: and, i suppose, file a complaint for theft with your local police station, listing what you recall of what they made off with "and others", and whatever, $10k or w/e the aggregate cost fairly was.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 21:04:31 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption c
ericbot: Logged on 2017-02-18 22:54:14 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
asciilifeform: so long as $subscriber understands what he's getting into.
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944047 << if this were to be done I'd say trinque probably better fit for the role. While I am always hungry for BTC, my orcbux stash took a hit while jettisoning dependopotamus. I'm currently regrouping financially speaking, and while my monthly cashflow should be increasing by ~ $1k in the coming months, I'll still be at 'pauper' level in real terms. Consumption continues to be slashed, howe
ossabot: Logged on 2018-03-07 19:20:48 mircea_popescu: sooo... big deal, 1 sent girl to buy a bagful of phone numbers. they cost, no joke, $2.5 here. EXCEPT, of course, they want your "cedula", you know, "por activacion".
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 19:13:37 mp_en_viaje: obv if i wanted to pay less i'd have made the award less. i don't, not because "it's what it's worth" (which very eminently isn't, true market value of the item's prolly in the $70-$150 range, depending where you buy it) but because tryina prime the pump, so people can go "hey, we made something out of crumpled wad!", why not.
asciilifeform: ergo, minimal cost to house a single machine running at sustained 10Mb/s (very thin imho) is 150 $ us / mo ( + orctax ) .
asciilifeform: for physical slots, that is, cheap. bw -- less cheap. they want 50 $ (usa) per 10Mb-sustained. ( and in fact boxen get plugged into a Gb/s port , and expected to ration selves , erry 10Mb/s/mo costs 50 , if somehow eat 100Mb/s/mo or equiv. weight, costs 500 ! )
mp_en_viaje: obv if i wanted to pay less i'd have made the award less. i don't, not because "it's what it's worth" (which very eminently isn't, true market value of the item's prolly in the $70-$150 range, depending where you buy it) but because tryina prime the pump, so people can go "hey, we made something out of crumpled wad!", why not.
asciilifeform cannot categorically say 'impossible to make moneys smuggling comps into fuckholistan' but prolly possible for suitcase man who knows how to get >100kg in for 2k $ trip, rather than <100
asciilifeform: so far seems that signif. higher cost in northern idiotistan, if only on acct of 'buy 1 hole' vs cage . tends around 300-400 $ per .
asciilifeform: aite. would be a shame to lose opterons on acct of skimping 5 $ of cab tho.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 21:32:39 lobbes: I bought my first coin for ~$20 back in 2013 or abouts, then hung onto it for dear life. Almost lost it in a tardstalk scam, but luckily read hanbot's ancient writings; found this place in time
lobbes: I bought my first coin for ~$20 back in 2013 or abouts, then hung onto it for dear life. Almost lost it in a tardstalk scam, but luckily read hanbot's ancient writings; found this place in time
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 12:16:36 asciilifeform: or wat, we're paying $maxint, and this doesn't come with a fucking door to bang on?!
asciilifeform: or wat, we're paying $maxint, and this doesn't come with a fucking door to bang on?!
mp_en_viaje: hanbot_abroad, check this out : for f in *.JPG ; do ((cnt++)); convert "$f" -resize 1024 albertina-"$cnt".jpg ; done
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: folx who mainly use the thing to hang on wall, naturally dun care if a shell costs 10 $ ea. or is sold in just 1 place in alabama or whatnot
asciilifeform: shells are ~5 $ ea. usually.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 4-5 k $ in gringolandia typically.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 17:50:32 asciilifeform: they all seem to cost 1-1.5k $ / sq m., aha. tho BingoBoingo seems to have found that they haggle .
asciilifeform: they all seem to cost 1-1.5k $ / sq m., aha. tho BingoBoingo seems to have found that they haggle .
mp_en_viaje: Asking 185,000 USD, apparently under contract,94 m² << but this is like $200 per sqft ?!
asciilifeform: diana_coman: in recent years, asciilifeform's experience was 'trb-grade box is ~100 $ / mo just about anywhere' , so consistent with this.
asciilifeform has habit similar to mircea_popescu's of commenting prior to fully eating $text
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 1-2k $ / m^2 seems astonishingly high for an orcistan. but then again i aint expert on subj
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in world of chinesium : 'lichee' co. is selling a 2.5x3cm arm7 w/ 32MB on-chip an' various periphs , for 7 $ in qty .
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-20#1937438 << imho mircea_popescu has mega-point in there -- i dunno re the british , but over here all sortsa nonsense gets 'university affiliated' , via barely coupla k $ of greased palms. it's almost like the 'churches' thing .
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-20 16:07:40 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile, at the scrap dealer, asciilifeform picked up 12 pairs of ~mint-condition rack rails for 50 $ . 9 x '1u', 4 x '2u' .
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile, at the scrap dealer, asciilifeform picked up 12 pairs of ~mint-condition rack rails for 50 $ . 9 x '1u', 4 x '2u' .
asciilifeform: $process of course did not start with andropov. but with the derps who poisoned stalin, who was , near as i can tell, gettin' ready to purge the 'party elite' an' replace it w/ the young, vigorous folx who did loyal wetwork for him earlier.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-18 09:59:04 mp_en_viaje: i can almost hear the cageworthy old woman impelling the nonsense, too, "oh, why don't you want to do $random-stupid-shit, ~are you too scared?!?!?!?~".
mircea_popescu: re echo '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $description . '</a>'; << nothing keeps you from doing print_url(x y z) if you want to. you'd have to define that function, of course, but this is true in lisp and any other language as well.
asciilifeform: lobbes: there's 0 reason to 'wait for $nextpatch'. just turn errata into vpatches, folx
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934857 << why do you suppose piz pipe, 200Mb/s costs ~1k$/mo , while in timis 1Gb/s advertised at 10 $ ? the industrial pipe can, and in fact does (lately) run at ~100% capacity for weeks on end. which is not to say that there aint scam providers which will try to throttle a customer to less than he paid. simply, piz did not suffer the misfortune of sitting under any such.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-02-03 12:27:29 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done
mircea_popescu: "this is your tea ; your spices ; your golden fruit. eat them, like them, pay $$$ for them so we can turn around and use that to rape your daughters / evict you from your pastures / etc"