900+ entries in 0.355s
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-09-2015#1265316 << "Part and parcel of the present dispute is to clearly make the point that Gavin Andresen does not have the authority to enact or create a hardfork of the Bitcoin network, nor any sort of significant clout, cachet, power to influence the matter etc. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the lolcows. gavin and co, and it's a shitty career in unintentional comedy at that.
pete_dushenski doesn't recommend wasting 80 mins of precious life watching gavin derp on podcast. just for historical reference and record. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: still simple today, gavin. b-a decideth.
assbot: EB94 – Gavin Andresen: On The Blocksize And Bitcoin's Governance - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1JNigAV )
mircea_popescu: the entire decapitation of gavin thing, with its attendant disbelief on the enemy side and misallocation of resources/misinvestment of assets in dead pockets was such a major defeat for the usg, "the tikrit offensive"'s nothing compared.
asciilifeform: andychase: this pointedly does not include adding any subcomponent where gavin, hearn, & co had any say in making.
mike_c: oh gavin.. "... which should eventually evolve into "download, check for valid signatures, and automatically upgrade" code (yet another feature that I think it is pretty clear people want that can't make it past the Core idea review process)."
shinohai: Simple, GAvin says merchants will mine to help pay tx fees.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-09-2015#1259966 << but gavin said storage was phree ! ☝︎
shinohai: lol I was discussing w/ someone the other day hw he is going for that Gavin look in that article.
assbot: Logged on 01-09-2015 16:57:22; *: btcdrak wonders where he can short Mike and Gavin's reputation which seem to be going down in flames along with the XT movement.
btcdrak wonders where he can short Mike and Gavin's reputation which seem to be going down in flames along with the XT movement. ☟︎
assbot: Let's address some of the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJeUVD )
mircea_popescu: what i said when i opened this entire dispute, specifically, http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#selection-31.0-31.247 stands.
shinohai: http://www.coindesk.com/15-year-.old-developer-ethereum-whit-jackson/?utm_content=buffer6d5f4 <<< Kid looks like he is going for that Gavin look
asciilifeform: lol is that gavin ?!
assbot: Meet Gavin Andresen, the Most Powerful Person in the World of Bitcoin | MIT Technology Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1WY3uAx )
assbot: Gavin Andresen on Why Bitcoin Will Become Unreliable Next Year Without an Urgent Fix | MIT Technology Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1WY3pNa )
thestringpuller: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/540921/the-looming-problem-that-could-kill-bitcoin/ << Interview with Gavin on how bitcion is going to die if we don't listen!!!!1111
punkman: hope Gavin doesn't read this and buys a hat
moonpunter: i find it ironic that mike hearn is taking issue with people using the word "dictators" although he was originally the one who suggested that gavin be a benevolent dictator
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-08-2015#1253130 << appears to be mostly identical to gavin's pile o'shit ☝︎
mircea_popescu: gavin, dyke, and that's ite.
assbot: BitBet - The Hearn-Gavin scamcoin will fizzle in 2016 :: 101.09 B (98%) on Yes, 1.54 B (2%) on No | closing in 10 months 1 week| weight: 98`932 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1JyIOJJ )
mircea_popescu: https://bitbet.us/bet/1191/the-hearn-gavin-scamcoin-will-fizzle-in-2016/#c5038 << that epic moment when xt-ians figure out they're destined to lose, by design.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo imo that wants to mean "we don't want things stuck here forever, but we don't support gavin"
assbot: BitBet - The Hearn-Gavin scamcoin will fizzle in 2016 :: 101.09 B (98%) on Yes, 1.54 B (2%) on No | closing in 10 months 1 week| weight: 98`985 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1JoYZVq )
mircea_popescu: https://bitbet.us/bet/1191/the-hearn-gavin-scamcoin-will-fizzle-in-2016/ << it is my pleasure to report that so far, the herniated minds with the bitcoin-mount gokksu fixation have contributed a total of 533 words and 0.53231949 BTC in actual bets,
mircea_popescu: Some of bitcoin's biggest backers, including BitPay, Blockchain.info, Circle and KnCMiner.com, wrote a letter this week in support of the existing version of bitcoin—but only if it adopts some of the central ideas proposed by the renegade developers, Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn."
mircea_popescu: check out gavin from 2011 : "What's the extra CPU cost for recovering the public key? Current bottleneck for bitcoin transaction processing is the CPU cost of ECDSA signature verification, not disk space or bandwidth, so saving bytes at the expense of more CPU is not the right thing to do."
mats: isn't that the outfit gavin worked for?
thestringpuller: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3i4wfx/its_either_going_to_happen_or_already_has/ << they srsly think Gavin was the good guy and is not compromised, and is colluding with Hearn on XT because "the community" has been "hijacked".
assbot: BitBet - The Hearn-Gavin scamcoin will fizzle in 2016 :: 100.09 B (99%) on Yes, 1.01 B (1%) on No | closing in 10 months 1 week| weight: 99`855 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1hUaTkm )
mircea_popescu: bitbet got linked on reddit, so now https://bitbet.us/bet/1191/the-hearn-gavin-scamcoin-will-fizzle-in-2016/#c4992
fluffypony: I've been fairly vocal in denouncing -XT and the whole way Hearn-ia and Gavin have been pushing their agenda
mod6: the chick with 3 fingers thinks its a good idea. and gavin says "hey, you can't do that!" to the lion. the lion says, "we WILL do that."
hanbot: <danielpbarron> take it the guy with the weird glasses is gavin, and the girl with the breastplate is supposed to be hanbot? << moar like scoopbot, by the looks of those hands.
danielpbarron: i don't know who that is, but it looks like gavin's twitter pic
danielpbarron: take it the guy with the weird glasses is gavin, and the girl with the breastplate is supposed to be hanbot?
assbot: BitBet - The Hearn-Gavin scamcoin will fizzle in 2016 :: 100.09 B (100%) on Yes, 0.01 B (0%) on No | closing in 10 months 1 week| weight: 99`986 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1JoYZVq )
mircea_popescu: here's some more stuff that "never happened" : https://bitbet.us/bet/1191/the-hearn-gavin-scamcoin-will-fizzle-in-2016/
mircea_popescu: ppl really need to to a diff between realsolid's claims in 2012 and gavin's claims in 2015
mircea_popescu: understand : we have the liberty to decide tomorrow that gavin was right. or that bitcoin is stupid. or that whatever else. all this because liberty AT ALL.
assbot: CoinScrum: QA with Gavin Andresen and Mike Hearn - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1JqF4tF )
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-08-2015#1247400 <<< the guy who founded it (gavin mccines) got shoved out by the sjw who now operate it ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 13:20:14; BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo i don't actually think they were READY to deploy this autumn. irrespective of the september term they might or might not have lied to manageement about. << Gavin's eariler marketing campaign made this autumn the latest they could do this.
gribble: BIP: 101 - GitHub: <https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0101.mediawiki>; Implement BIP101: Increase maximum blocksize · Issue ... - GitHub: <https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/6559>; gavinandresen (Gavin Andresen) · GitHub: <https://github.com/gavinandresen?tab=activity>
assbot: Let's address some of the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1fsGAzl )
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#selection-169.0-169.15
mircea_popescu: rguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal
assbot: Third pass addressing the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1fsD6gg )
assbot: Let's address even more of the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1fsD6g6 )
assbot: Let's address some of the more common pseudo-arguments raised by the very stupid people that like the Gavin scamcoin proposal on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1fsD6g3 )
mircea_popescu: felipelalli or alternatively the cannonical texts on the topic. http://trilema.com/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal http://trilema.com/lets-address-even-more-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal http://trilema.com/third-pass-addressing-the-more-common-pseudo-a
mircea_popescu: hearn was added to support gavin almost as soon as gavin did his "presentation" at cia.
thestringpuller: "I think we should put users first. What do users want? They want low transaction fees and fast confirmations. Lets design for that case, because THE USERS are who ultimately give Bitcoin value." - Gavin << WHo is going to pay for these "low transactions"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo i don't actually think they were READY to deploy this autumn. irrespective of the september term they might or might not have lied to manageement about. << Gavin's eariler marketing campaign made this autumn the latest they could do this. ☟︎
asciilifeform: (thing is full of screen caps of hearn & gavin and their code, doing their thing.)
mircea_popescu: "There's absolutely no difference between Keiser's scamcoin and Gavin's scam coin as far as the network is concerned : while one's a scammer that I humiliatingly defeated in the past whereas the other a scammer that I humiliatingly defeat in the future, this makes no difference for Bitcoin."
assbot: Blockstream employee asking to remove Gavin from Foundation. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1UTaVXQ )
punkman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3hksre/blockstream_employee_asking_to_remove_gavin_from/
ascii_field: just like gavin & co
mircea_popescu: who's gonna pay, gavin ?
assbot: Logged on 18-08-2015 15:46:27; pete_dushenski: "Gavin has done more for bitcoin in a few years than you could do in a life time. 2003 128mb in my phone, 2006 1Gb on my phone. 2010 32gb on my phone, 2015, 64 gb on my phone. And your telling me raising the block size limit from 1 to 20 mb is an issue?"
pete_dushenski: "Gavin has done more for bitcoin in a few years than you could do in a life time. 2003 128mb in my phone, 2006 1Gb on my phone. 2010 32gb on my phone, 2015, 64 gb on my phone. And your telling me raising the block size limit from 1 to 20 mb is an issue?" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/the-progre/ << ahh this has been so nicely consecrated in the anal tears of gavin & co.
punkman: for interested readers, Pierre_Rochard's thread about the limit and fees, with Gavin as special guest: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#986252 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: since we're doing lulz, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/lol-gavin.png
assbot: Adam Back on Twitter:.@twobitidiot someone mentioned hypothetical: if you lost your Bitcoins as a result of Gavin network split - would you hold him accountable? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1TMuPqj )
assbot: Satoshi dumped Bitcoin right after Gavin announced he was going to the CIA. ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYrUDx )
shinohai: He may as well have sucked Gavin's cock as far as r/bitcoin is concerned.
mircea_popescu: hmm, anyone recall where the fuck i put that screenshot of gavin casually admitting that satoshi never spoke to him after he ran off and "presented" bitcoin @nsa hq ?
mircea_popescu: and speaking of gavin,
assbot: And Gavin moves on to the dark side. The Bitcoin project is officially hijacked on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MvB8Kx )
mircea_popescu: let's hold a moment of silence for 2 years ago. http://trilema.com/2013/and-gavin-moves-on-to-the-dark-side-the-bitcoin-project-is-officially-hijacked/
mircea_popescu: "Can't see why SN would write about Gavin in this sort of terse/removed tone."
mircea_popescu: The developers of this pretender-Bitcoin claim to be following my original vision, but nothing could be further from the truth. When I designed Bitcoin, I designed it in such a way as to make future modifications to the consensus rules difficult without near unanimous agreement. Bitcoin was designed to be protected from the influence of charismatic leaders, even if their name is Gavin Andresen, Barack Obama, or Satos
fluffypony: punkman: and my larger gripe is not "should we increase the blocksize or not", but rather the way Hearn-ia and Chief-Scientist-Gavin have sold this solution via Reddit and blog posts
mircea_popescu: incidentally, re <BingoBoingo> shinohai: I personally think this is the same process that slowly lead even Thermos to denounce Gavin, just... once enough time had passed to make MP espoused sanity seem original to the uninitiated <<< do not imagine that ms, yandex et all did not know same things i know. obviously trhey do, but they also had hoped they're somehow favoured sons. because "Terrorists will never do that, tr
asciilifeform: 'Congratulations Gavin and Mike on completing the patch to support larger block sizes. Although we all have ideological disagreements from time to time, two fundamental values of the Bitcoin community are freedom of choice and transparency of communication. Your work represents a big step in returning the power over Bitcoin's future back to the community where it belongs.' << l0l!!
BingoBoingo: shinohai: I personally think this is the same process that slowly lead even Thermos to denounce Gavin, just... once enough time had passed to make MP espoused sanity seem original to the uninitiated
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Gavin doesn't know how mining works or is a liar.
mircea_popescu: on the face seems more of gavin-the-retard having "studies" and "Economists agree" and "industreew support" bs "if we say it then it becomes a thing because magic is magic" stuff
asciilifeform: the place i'm trying to go with this is: dead code ought not be in The Book, except - in the one and only case where it pre-dates gavin et al, it could be shoved into an appendix
shinohai: "In the continuing quest to increase block size and reduce bandwidth issues, Gavin plans to integrate blockchain sync by carrier pigeon in the next release of BitcoinXT"
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 01:50:12; mircea_popescu: "Note, this is pretty much contrary to what Ulrich Drepper reckons about static linking." << everywhere a gavin!
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1217330 << we vivisected drepper here on several occasions. he is ~the~ most accomplished publicly-known gavin thus far. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "Note, this is pretty much contrary to what Ulrich Drepper reckons about static linking." << everywhere a gavin! ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 29-07-2015 04:51:29; mircea_popescu: gavin does the clown, for LESS MONEY than what the headbashers get.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-07-2015#1216196 << gotta understand, the thing i envy gavin and the boxer is the same thing - not-having-to-work+sleep-ad-libitum ☝︎
mircea_popescu: gavin does the clown, for LESS MONEY than what the headbashers get. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: be a star! make money! better career than gavin's!
scoopbot_revived: http://qntra.net/2015/05/gavin-backs-off-blocksize-scapegoats-memory-utxo-set/
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform usg style is also consistent over long periods, so much so that it makes gavin read like reddit etc.
shinohai: ^Hopefully, he will bite off Gavin's penis.
hanbot: asciilifeform the specifics of the dwelling aside, i am fairly confident that gavin doesn't have to show up to an office and program '9-5+' to get it << no, he just has to behave like a proper shitconduit. there's a lot of ways to gain various degrees of access to things, and most of them are unappealing.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2015#1211171 << the specifics of the dwelling aside, i am fairly confident that gavin doesn't have to show up to an office and program '9-5+' to get it ☝︎
asciilifeform: to schmucks like /me who barely subsist on what passes for honest work in usa, gavin et al are especially galling.
asciilifeform: gavin?