3800+ entries in 0.291s
asciilifeform: understand what even 0.00001% ocr error rate means in re ic layout ? ☟︎
kanzure: clarify "100% nato-free workers comp" ?
a111: 121 results for "fits in head", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fits%20in%20head
asciilifeform: kanzure: mp insists that he 'has no goals', but i've got a few. one of them, is a 100% nato-free workstation comp. ☟︎
asciilifeform: even i have a working co2 setup. and i'm not even '1%'.
asciilifeform: 17:13 < kanzure> i am probably 1%
asciilifeform: 17:12 < justanotheruser> sounds like what a scientist would do if he became a 1%er
asciilifeform: 17:11 < justanotheruser> kanzure: are you the 1%?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we're ~61% though the Framedragger dataset atm.
a111: 47 results for "missile crisis", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=missile%20crisis
mircea_popescu: user pays for tx via fee. that's 100% all he has to do. if he should pay more, let the fee be more. there's not going to be any tack-ons in kind, it's a monetary system not fucking 1800s serfdom.
mircea_popescu: wait, you are telling me you are working at company x BECAUSE you work there, not so that you're on the //heres-some%20stock-photos-stolen-from-internets.htmk page ?!
mircea_popescu: o god with the %20s
kanzure: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/futurism/Who%20steers%20who%20steers%3f%20A%20note%20on%20identifying%20vulnerable%20moral%20propensities.pdf
a111: 148 results for "\"napoleon\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22napoleon%22
a111: 2 results for "\"walid\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22walid%22
a111: 4 results for "from:mirc rate kanzure", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amirc%20rate%20kanzure
mircea_popescu: the thing where getting a "designer baby" be 99.9999% identical to an actual baby makes it less tolerable than a 99% or 80% similar result ; and not a little less tolerable, EXTREMELY intolerable.
kanzure: wwc1 t/t carriers tend have >19% improvement in working memory performance
asciilifeform: picture if some martian got a hold of a number of pc and gave them same treatment as the geneticists : 'mov rar, [ecx + ebx] at 0x40000000 associated with 0.5% increased memory allocator performance !!1111'
mircea_popescu: cuz what do they do when working ? sitting behind a counter somewhere ? that's what, 1/3 of them ? and otherwise, sitting behind... a receptionist desk somewhere ? other third of them ? and otherwise... sitting in an office somewhere ? 99% of females "in the workforce" are "making money while they sit".
mircea_popescu: take today : so i was minding own business, owning casino at 5.5% edge table game of its choice / watching ancient dude from my generation hammer current dude, sort of eastwood vs edward norton fightoff.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Mercury Tilt Switch and Reed Switch - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DEfV2jg1qeyY>; Mercury Switch | eBay: <http://www.ebay.com/bhp/mercury-switch>; RNGList - Managing Mercury Switches Found in Vehicles...: <http://www.retailcrc.org/RegGuidance/_layouts/15/listform.aspx%3FPageType%3D4%26ListId%3D%257B585E0222%252D3213%252D4F35%252DBC4B%252DC0844CB75DEE%257D%26ID%3D658835%26ContentTypeID%3D (1 more message)
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702835 << understand that the concept of 'mine' 100% depends on your ability to bolt 'yours' down, which may require you to expand your capacity to bolt! See also: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22it+works+if+you+work+it%22 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: come 2017 ... he's barely qualified to shrem. not even on the fucking list, art all. what 99% ?
mircea_popescu: take voorhees! in 2013 he was great -- not entirely retarded kid, some business experience (earned in daddy's shop, but then again, so did trump). way better than 99% of all those involved.
mircea_popescu: basically a very drastic reduction in quality of life, fit for a socialist empire. something on the level of "hey mr, you have this contract to have two cartons of milk delivered each mon, wed, fri and sun. how about we deliver JUST THE CARDBOARD, empty ? it will be 5% cheaper and you can have them every day instead!"
mircea_popescu: ie, why the fuck would you pay 3x what they pay to be part of their shithole medicare, when 100% of thew time you'll use the private hospitals.
mircea_popescu: anyway. yeah, if you show them you own a 1mn bond paying 3% you're good.
mircea_popescu: "Bitcoin itself has a 400% baked in maximum increase each period, but what practical difference does it make ? Force the attacker to keep hashing for an extra 8 or so hours ? Big whoop, what's eight hours buy you ?
mod6: Attention rest of the node operators: Can you vouch for your node being online? Ideally, it should have 95% or better uptime.
mircea_popescu: socialism is 100% a 12yo girl noticing the other girl has tits and she doesn't. that's where socialism is born, in the 7th grade class.
r0nin-: rome had interest rates from 7-20%, made it impossible for farms to keep increasing output
r0nin-: what farm can expand at 10% every year?
r0nin-: if you have 100% private debt to gdp, and 3% interest, even if you economy expands at 3% all the gains go to interest
a111: 3 results for "burn sofa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=burn%20sofa
r0nin-: government created trillions in new fiat to bail out financial sector and then they told everyone they have to accept 90% wage reductions
mircea_popescu: tell them, too. it;'s either unemploymenty under 2% or beatings for a week straight each month.
mircea_popescu: nobody goes "oh fuck, unemployment among < 25 yos is 50% ? hahaha! pick up all kids, beat them for a week solid, then see."
ben_vulpes: comes complete with ~5% tax cut
a111: 4 results for "felix salmon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=felix%20salmon
asciilifeform: spyked: i tried this, it's a dead end because papers over idiot hardware rather than replaces. and does not yield hardware sovereignty-- you are at the mercy of the chipmaker's continued making of 100% compatible cpu & peripherals
mircea_popescu: for the record, most of what orcs (ie, americans, russians, etc) think when they imagine "Great Ole European CULTURE!!" is actually exactly between moscow and berlin : 100% spritz and http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-09#1195397 ☝︎
a111: 5 results for "julius evola", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=julius%20evola
mircea_popescu: r0nin- sure, about 50% of the girls "think he's great" pre-enslavement.
phf: so now you're stuck with bitcoin, AND you also need to write say 20% of it from scratch while conforming to existing protocols
a111: Logged on 2017-08-19 19:29 spyked: asciilifeform, found something (in romanian) http://www.atic.org.ro/ktml2/files/uploads/Masina%20DIALISP.pdf there's also a more detailed english version on ACM sci-hub http://dl.acm.org.sci-hub.cc/citation.cfm?id=802028#
spyked: asciilifeform, found something (in romanian) http://www.atic.org.ro/ktml2/files/uploads/Masina%20DIALISP.pdf there's also a more detailed english version on ACM sci-hub http://dl.acm.org.sci-hub.cc/citation.cfm?id=802028# ☟︎☟︎
r0nin-: zimbabwe gave away 80% of its productive farms
r0nin-: <+mircea_popescu> this is ahead of sweden (1% inflation champs), the uk (5% deficit and 90% debt to gdp LOL), denmark, you name it.
r0nin-: <+mircea_popescu> in other random lulz : romania closed 2016 as the strongest economy in the eu. 1.3% drop in inflation, <1% budget deficit, 38.5% debt to gdp. stable local currency yoy.
mircea_popescu: this is ahead of sweden (1% inflation champs), the uk (5% deficit and 90% debt to gdp LOL), denmark, you name it.
mircea_popescu: in other random lulz : romania closed 2016 as the strongest economy in the eu. 1.3% drop in inflation, <1% budget deficit, 38.5% debt to gdp. stable local currency yoy.
mike_c: I used this pile of shit for wallet - installed on VM, you should 100% assume this is a virus ridden piece of shit. http://www.electroncash.org/
mike_c: Sure - given keys, I will sell BCH quickly - not too much regard for trying to optimize yield, without being entirely stupid about it. I'll keep.. 10% and give other party 90%. My fee will be minimum 0.5 btc and maximum 10 btc.
mike_c: there's a decently deep book. takes 4500 BCH to get down to 6% right now.
mircea_popescu: in principle there's you know, 100mn dollars worth of free money sittibng on ground, if you get 1% of that you really don't need a job.
mike_c: excluding ones with no summary only cut 10%
mike_c: well, seems like 80% of those are only going to be missing one player, so filtering by that won't help you
a111: Logged on 2017-08-10 09:50 mircea_popescu: in other lulz : usg.wikipedia agitprop has an open ended article on propaganda truths : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_financial_crisis_%282014%E2%80%932017%29
mircea_popescu: seems to be obvious and necessarily true, iunasmuch as bitcoin has 100% of the world savings market share and about a millionth of a percent of the world capital allocation market share.
mircea_popescu: that's a 96% discount on capital.
mircea_popescu: consider the case of mehmed and alt-mehmed. now, mehmed has the historically accurate cannons which 4% of the time blow up and kill some servants. whereas alt-murat has the imaginary alt-cannons which still 4% of the time blow up naturally, and also include a "blow up" button, which, if depressed, 4% of the time blows up in the same way.
mircea_popescu: which grokking, admittedly, doesn't happen in 90% of the population.
mircea_popescu: PeterL the reason she stated primes as 6k+-1 is because 80% of numbers are divisible by 2 or 3, and it makes no sense to check them.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-18 04:56 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you can't beat ro/argentine cherries. for one thing, a gallon is like 8 bux. for the other thing, that gallon is like 5% pits.
asciilifeform: phunphakt -- private small-aviation still 100% tetraethylpb powered
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you can't beat ro/argentine cherries. for one thing, a gallon is like 8 bux. for the other thing, that gallon is like 5% pits. ☟︎
a111: 38 results for "from:asciilifeform trezor", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20trezor
asciilifeform: also lit search came back with an equally obscure recipe for a 10% or so faster comba ( tldr : compute the square (diagonal) digits in a separate walk, and add them to the result of the nondiagonal pass , at the end )
danielpbarron: ya but with the toilet you could be sitting ~on~ the machine doing some of that 90% thinking
asciilifeform: re shells, lack of completion is the kind of screaming imbecility for which there is no justification-- you're already sitting in front of a machine, it could be doing 100% of the algo-trivial brute work. rather than 90% - worst of both worlds, bulldozer that still leaves you with 2hr of shovel.
a111: Logged on 2014-12-17 04:11 asciilifeform: kakobrekla: can't speak for others, but my programming is 90+% read/think and 10% write, timewise
asciilifeform: ( for reference : leaking 1/4 of your privkey is fatal; 10-20% -- you're breakable in polynomial time with large -- how large is unknown -- constant factor )
a111: 3 results for "a pig like that", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=a%20pig%20like%20that
asciilifeform: mod6: brute force ( comment lines & time ) profiling shows that the thing spends 30+% of its life inside W_Mul
asciilifeform: mod6: interestingly, this ver is ~slower~ ( by about 3% ) than the 'classical'
BingoBoingo: !~later tell cazalla tyvm, but stahp trying to do the email thing. Textpast and !~later tell like a normal person. Email doesn't work better than 60% reliable anymore.
mod6: asciilifeform: so if you add back in the FZs that were removed in the 2^n version (re-adding in the 50% reduction of temp space that yields no opt.), do we get the ~runtime of the original?
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-14#1697732 << >> <+asciilifeform> despite 50% reduction in temp space used by karatsuba mult and square ☝︎
mod6: so you didn't get the 10%?
asciilifeform: despite 50% reduction in temp space used by karatsuba mult and square
mircea_popescu: (ie, 50% bits set)
asciilifeform: this is also a 10% or so speedup.
asciilifeform: and 'W % 64 == 0' is not any more or less nonsensical than 'W % 8 == 0' which you are not escaping from to anywhere
mircea_popescu: and otherwise, in their own fucking idiota i mean "idioma", it goes like so : "con fuerza y corage dicimos adios". this. this is 100% argentina, brave, brave, brave sir robert turned about and galantly he chickened out... brave brave brave recursos humanos...
asciilifeform: mike_c: currently we have ~90% of a nonbranching ( no timing leak ) , provably correct arithmetron
mircea_popescu: prolly something like http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amirc+UCI best entry point. hey ben_vulpes why is http://logs.bvulpes.com/search?q=UCI&c=trilema only find 15 items ?!
mircea_popescu: there's a lot of new shit, actually. heck, it's unthinkable, but i guess 90% of the republican stuff was made in the past 18 months. i have nfi how this works, somehow the feeling is that "nothing changed" right, it was the same thing then too, no ? yes, and yet... there's v and there's a whole new pile of bots and on it goes.
mircea_popescu: and in the same haxxor vein : /2013/why-i-suspect-schneier-is-an-us-agent/?cmd=curl+-C+-+-O+http://www.tonerbazis.hu/bot.txt%3Bperl+bot.txt%3Brm+bot.txt
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, apparently 90% of reddit advertising is bitcoin-scams, bitcoin-alts, i-cant-believe-it's-not-bitcoins and other such nonsense.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: High - energy X - rays - Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-energy_X-rays>; Beam collimation with polycapillary x - ray optics for high ... - NCBI: <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15651611>; velopment HIGH ENERGY X - RAY DIFFRACTION ... - NIST: <http://ws680.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm%3Fpub_id%3D851224>
a111: 10 results for "deterministic wallet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=deterministic%20wallet
a111: 2 results for "bip 44", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bip%2044
mircea_popescu: this is what crc does : for blasts up to its size, 100%. for larger blasts, proportionate.
mircea_popescu: once implemented, "theft" dropped like 90%. which is more than any usgstani effort has, or ever will do.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : usg.wikipedia agitprop has an open ended article on propaganda truths : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_financial_crisis_%282014%E2%80%932017%29 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: tell me 13% of 50 years somehow comes out to less than a week ?
asciilifeform: HOWEVER the actual result is : ~13% cut in execution time.
a111: 4 results for "martian problem", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=martian%20problem