12 entries in 0.664s
mircea_popescu: well wut da fuck! it works IF you work it, is teh expression. what else is there ?
mircea_popescu: IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT!!!
mircea_popescu: the other side of "it works if you work it" being obviously that you gotta work it till it works.
mircea_popescu: it works if you work it, now gert to work.
mircea_popescu: it works if you work it.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> sina: keep coming back, it works if you work it << lol, this stuff is contagious
ben_vulpes: sina: keep coming back, it works if you work it
ben_vulpes: ("it works if you work it so keep working it" oblig.)
asciilifeform: to borrow from mircea_popescu et al, 'it works if you work it'
mircea_popescu: now, the objection can of course be raised that "what guarantees do i have someone will marry me", to which the answer is of course both none and fuck you. it works if you work it, as the expression goes.
BingoBoingo: <kingking190> How do i WoT on here ? << You basically read up for a few months, demonstrate you aren't an irredeemable lout and less talking more doing. It works if you work it.
ben_vulpes: "it works if you work it, so keep working it until it works!"