2600+ entries in 0.27s
asciilifeform: it would still be interesting to have alarm bell in trb , connected to 'i booted and it looks like >$maxcoin bitcoin are circulating'
mod6: and if it is required to be attached to at least one other node, then that may be a problem. We could still test on a lan, but you'd have to have two trb nodes on that lan to get past that line of code.
asciilifeform: it is necessary. afaik trb's miner has not been tested since... 2011?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as i understand, you were referring to 'spin up trb node from 0 on real-life blockchain'. which more or less everyone involved has done, multiple times. his current thing appears to be the 'lan testnet' scenario i suggested a while back. where one pretends that the year is 2009.
asciilifeform: y'know, to see if trb miner actually works. and if indeed the thing can be put on alpha centauri.
mircea_popescu: pretty sure various people (myself included) did full trb blockchain download ; but mimi's very open and usefully so.
asciilifeform: also imho ben_vulpes has a very spiffy project here and it deserves more brain cycles, he is actually testing the 'bitcoin on alpha centauri' scenario! i.e. replay of time, from genesis and up, in parallel universe, on trb.
mod6: phf: oh i get it. i lead by example with trb on this. there is no good solution here. we do not want blobs in V, and somewhere between a-z you end up with a blob that must get signed along with the vpatches.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ---- except that i can't because apparently we have 0 working infrastructure for actually releasing v code << i disagree with this. what we have, and trb isn't the only one who's done this, is; you make a mirror, and then v.pl deals with this. you grab all the vpatches you want, and the sigs from people you trust, and you place them in v, then you do what you wanna do.
asciilifeform: this part of trb is completely virginal 0.5.3 btw
asciilifeform: satoshi was not mining on trb eh
asciilifeform: iirc you need at least 1 on trb
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'g' was result of my frustration with trb's plaintext tcp
deedbot: shinohai rated ben_vulpes 3 at 2016/12/11 03:11:16 << http://cascadianhacker.com/ #trilema trb lisp
phf: only for the lack of trying, but even now elsewhere i'd be a regular trb guru :p
asciilifeform: i'll point out that trb is ~190k tgz.
asciilifeform: to give some vague idea of complexity, 'eagle cad' is of about ~same binary mass as trb.
adlai: !~later tell mod6 may I please be granted admission to your trb dev channel(s)?
adlai: ;;later tell mod6 may I please be granted admission to your trb dev channel(s)?
deedbot: shinohai updated rating of mod6 from 2 to 3 << trb V http://thebitcoin.foundation
shinohai: returned 22:08 deedbot shinohai updated rating of trinque from 3 to 3 << deedbot, lisp, trb
deedbot: BingoBoingo rated shinohai 3 << Regular Qntra Contributor and TRB-ist
mod6: While doing such work, I decided it'd also be nice (if not for trb integration, for myself) to have some tools to help me construct a rawtx.
asciilifeform: incidentally : for so long as block verification remains O(N) and serial, trb is vulnerable to a very trivial malformed-block ddos
asciilifeform: my point is that artificially rationing connections to trb will lead to ~slower~ propagation, rather than faster -- unless it alleviates severa spamola, as my 'banhammer' did
asciilifeform: (the situation where trb nodes, in the ~collective~, can be persuaded to tune out the heathen world, is precisely it)
asciilifeform: sorta why i have not touched trb in quite a spell -- there is nothing left to do that is not 'a mutilation' imho
asciilifeform: it still very much itches in asciilifeform's brain that we still do not have any means for fixed peering in trb
asciilifeform: the bulk of the reason i even wrote the 'programmable verstring' patch to begin with is to determine, experimentally, whether enemy would willingly go along with displaying directory of public trb urinals, or not
asciilifeform: in related noose, there are at least 6 operating trb nodes, and that is just in the heathen catalogue! ( https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: ) and only those with default verstring
a111: 1093 results for "trb", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=trb
mircea_popescu: !#s trb
asciilifeform: trb is static and will run on literally any linux
danielpbarron: ditto, trb
asciilifeform: seems like if we want a graphical wwwtron -- will have to 'trb' one.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-05 14:24 mircea_popescu: also in which vein, see the discussion re busybox and the complete trb machine tmsr created for deployment on pogos (and the whole discussion with pogos) ; also perhaps of interest the failure to create a useful gentoo and so forth.
mircea_popescu: also in which vein, see the discussion re busybox and the complete trb machine tmsr created for deployment on pogos (and the whole discussion with pogos) ; also perhaps of interest the failure to create a useful gentoo and so forth. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-03 21:36 mircea_popescu: well, pick up the V tree and submit a patch ; ben_vulpes is already running http://cascadianhacker.com/update-mimisbrunnr-last-block-received on the trb infrastructure.
mircea_popescu: or alternatively read the various discussions in the log and mailing list re trb reform.
mircea_popescu: well, pick up the V tree and submit a patch ; ben_vulpes is already running http://cascadianhacker.com/update-mimisbrunnr-last-block-received on the trb infrastructure. ☟︎
shinohai never really has problem when using trb .... tx fee is set at 0.001
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: problem is that the thing hangs on a megatonne of open Sores shitware that is >trb-sized
asciilifeform: tbh i do not have a clear picture of what use a trb-on-mac might be to anyone, given as the thing needs to be up 24/7 for any practical battlefield value
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-01#1575340 << buildroot exclusively generates linux binaries, so any bsd build has to be done manually. but fwiw my openbsd patch still works and still produces a working trb ☝︎
asciilifeform: trb is very often 2-7 behind
adlai recently tried pressing & building trb on fbsd; did not go well, needs another attempt. but for now - sleep.
asciilifeform: jurov: i must admit that it has been eons since i set up a prb, and the last one i tested was iirc 0.8.something (which worked with trb)
jurov: asciilifeform: iirc anything past 0.10.x won't speak with trb
asciilifeform: yalehasaquestion: trb ( therealbitcoin.org ) is the ~actual~ bitcoin client. approximately as-it-was in 2012, with minor cleanups.
asciilifeform: it may be the case that 'core 0.13.1' (which is an imposter pseudo-bitcoin client, see below) refuses to speak with trb.
shinohai: Best way to learn is to go to http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html and stand up your own trb node.
asciilifeform: imho sanity in trb logs would include not only timestamp but such things as non-mutilated tx ids (wtf, srsly, are these 1st N bytes, or last, or wat) but also separation of blockchainchurch and mempoolstate
asciilifeform: iirc 'how to log' got caught up in the thread re whether trb wants to become own os or not
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: iirc items such as oom are sent to stderr by trb
a111: Logged on 2016-11-28 17:08 asciilifeform: ( and iirc trb still has no times in logz )
asciilifeform: ( and iirc trb still has no times in logz ) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-11-26 19:46 trinque: phf: is there a way to link to the list of trb patches signed by a given key?
trinque: actually not just trb, all seals would be nice.
trinque: phf: is there a way to link to the list of trb patches signed by a given key? ☟︎
shinohai: More in the worx, juggling those, trb, and eulora mods.
mod6: anyway, trb takes my top efforts, but i'll fit this new t stuff in when I can for sure.
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 1, Type: D, Subject: Wallet counts change amounts in total balance, Antecedents: , Notes: It has been wildly reported that version 0.5.4 (99999) of the Reference Implementation adds change from a given transaction to the wallet balance.
mod6: !%p trb 1
mod6: %p trb 1
mod6: Framedragger: are you trying to view a ticket for trb?
tb0t: Projects: UCI | t | trb | v
asciilifeform: using what patch ? standard trb dun have import..
shinohai: !~later tell mod6 so after roughly 10 minutes, trb will accept a 8192 char string as label :D
deedbot: shinohai updated rating of trinque from 2 to 3 << deedbot.org, trb
shinohai: !!rate trinque 3 deedbot.org, trb
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cheap vps will fall down just as readily when flooded (as will the trb node, mine or anybody's)
asciilifeform: trb, ssh, www, all.
asciilifeform: (and , for folks with poor reading comprehension, i will repeat - entire box is ~unreachable, trb node, ssh, 80, etc )
mod6: Framedragger: point taken about 'owner' on tickets. I considered adding a 'assignee' or 'owner' for a given ticket(s), but with the narrow view of the first project (trb), i didn't want to discourage people from thinking about solutions for a given problem just because it had my name on it or something.
asciilifeform: the trb node just as dead.
Framedragger: trinque's invoice thing may come useful. but then, there's more space to bridge, such as the vast gap between person who wants to buy useful item and person spending coins from trb so can pay invoice....
asciilifeform: Framedragger: that 1 file is almost longer than ALL OF TRB
asciilifeform: earlier this year, i wanted to fit symmetric cipher into trb, and get rid of 'blackholing' etc. but mircea_popescu correctly pointed out that it is the Wrong Thing to cement a pseudoscientific abortion like AES (or ANY OTHER known symmetric cipher!) into place
pete_dushenski: anyways, phf's line is but one example. the corpse that was my 'trb history' should serve as the only proof required that i have deeply nfi which way is up in the cs field and that is has ~zero to do with maths.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-08 18:31 asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody else's trb node under 'askfor tx somecrapolade' ddos ?
asciilifeform: mempool really belongs chopped cleanly out of trb.
asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody else's trb node under 'askfor tx somecrapolade' ddos ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway. if we were to bother with this we'd best fix all the other problems too, so the current miners wouldn't be able to mine trb anyway.
mircea_popescu: just as long as i pay 700 bux to the trb, it's not going anywhere. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is connected. simmer down and stop confusing yourself. you said : <asciilifeform> going briefly upstack, my understanding is that this particular batch of forkolade is effectively 'hard', in that no trb-generated tx is likely to be mined. and i said <mircea_popescu> if it is, whatever, we'll release a proper trb and they can all go hang. im pegging it.
asciilifeform: to have separate market, as in 'x prb == y trb coin', they gotta be circulatable separately
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to peg as in a currency, 1 trb = 1 prb to start. may devalue as time goes by of course.
mircea_popescu: if it is, whatever, we'll release a proper trb and they can all go hang. im pegging it.
asciilifeform: going briefly upstack, my understanding is that this particular batch of forkolade is effectively 'hard', in that no trb-generated tx is likely to be mined.
asciilifeform: ( the other prong of the front is the attempt to make trb difficult to use reliably by preventing effective quarantine of derp nodes and their tx)
mircea_popescu: anyway. it significantly weakens trb, which they're more than welcome to.
asciilifeform: (summary: usg's most recent attempt to pound in the cock 'halfway', 'segwit', consists of prb churning out txen that result in 'anyone can spend' from trb pov, but miners are to 'agree never to process counter-softforkian tx', a la 'timelock' etc)
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 29, Type: F, Subject: Redesign Wallet, Antecedents: 30, Notes: The original Reference Implementation wallet needs a redesign. http://trilema.com/2016/the-ideal-bitcoin-wallet/ http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-cut-the-wallet/
mod6: !%p trb 29
mod6: !%e trb 29 F "Redesign Wallet" "The original Reference Implementation wallet needs a redesign. http://trilema.com/2016/the-ideal-bitcoin-wallet/ http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-cut-the-wallet/" 30
mircea_popescu: would you want someone working on trb on the basis of having read the book or on the basis of having watched "the videos" ?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-02 17:21 PeterL: so we need a sort of "frozen" archive of "how to make X, which you need to make Y", sort of like how trb has frozen deps
PeterL: so we need a sort of "frozen" archive of "how to make X, which you need to make Y", sort of like how trb has frozen deps ☟︎
thestringpuller: trb the bsd of bitcoin
asciilifeform: trb absolutely gives no fuck if it cannot find the network.