2600+ entries in 0.13s
Framedragger: mircea_popescu are you referring to the time-honoured "put some irc logs into deedbot" practice? :D (that i'd seen)
mircea_popescu: Framedragger we do also have a scheme whereby we save the plain data and deedbot under consideration, but meh.
asciilifeform: well i do not maintain deedbot, and only could ask politely.
asciilifeform: not sure that deedbot as-it-now-is would do the trick though
asciilifeform: deedbot for patches; 1 per block.
asciilifeform: but in re: 'timing issue', we had a thread where i brought up 'two(+) d00dz form a cycle, who do we negrate' and specifically stated that deedbot-for-vpatches is necessary, and that any two+ folx who insist on issuing patches into same blocktime, and end up being part of a loop, are ~both~ idiots/wreckers
asciilifeform: deedbot-of-humanreadable is not 'harden', it does not utterly thermonuke the possibility of ambiguity.
trinque: worked fine; I move deedbot to trb to lean on trb
a111: Logged on 2016-12-18 01:51 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BB00D032684518BC104086034CC744E677AE07664721CCE57688F6783ACBBD03 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1393...4129 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (s101.deinprovider.de. DE)
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 17:24 deedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2016/the-drunken-explorer/ << Daniel P. Barron - The drunken explorer
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-443869.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 18:26 mircea_popescu: but the point of deedbot is to contain signed matter intended for human hands ; it is why the signed matter intended for machine processing is a separate mechanism.
mircea_popescu: but the point of deedbot is to contain signed matter intended for human hands ; it is why the signed matter intended for machine processing is a separate mechanism. ☟︎
asciilifeform: but since nobody seems to have any better idea, i'ma deedbot a manifest.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what is the matter with sending to deedbot the item #1 wrapped in a "This is a notarized version of the original root of the so and so project, prepared for this and that etc" ?
mod6: I think it would be really cool to have something like !!deedbot <wotpaste_of_vpatch> <pgp_sig_of_wotpaste_vpatch>
mod6: if I were him, this is what I would do: take the schematic blob, encode it, clearsign it with a note at the top and a hash of its output value. submit to deedbot. next, edit the code somewhere or prefereably create a README.txt that points to that deed, create a new fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch and fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch.alf.sig on nosuchlabs.com, point to them with your www.
mod6: there may be some better solution to this with deedbot.
Framedragger: (but i think i got it why you don't want binary tarball - it'd sure be nice to be able to host a plaintext package, with v sigs etc right there. hm. but then why deedbot the *whole* thing - why not deedbot only hashes of tarball version of webthing. make webthing available to view, but also for those who wish to verify via deedbot, too, make tarball available. not pretty, but worx for *now*.)
mircea_popescu: you point to deedbot which contains signed tarball. what's the problem ?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: *for the time being*, can you not hash the package, and deedbot clearsigned hash of package?
asciilifeform: to make clear what i need here, 1) i gotta put a source link on nosuchlabs.com 2) it must be a HUMAN READABLE + VALID vgenesis 3) it should be a link to deedbot.
asciilifeform: solution is that deedbot eats ordinary standalone gpg sigs.
asciilifeform: i point TO DEEDBOT
mod6: then this is a question for trinque; he'll know if deedbot can or can't deal with .sig files.
asciilifeform: *deedbot
mircea_popescu: in other news, btcbase logs 889 deedbot-reported recent phuctorings since april 30th, or about
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 13:42 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D12C3ED7C732BD895BEF4E5D92C4903DA44B4AA71EB79922DB5742F7212BE721 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 2475...7527 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (mail.multi-print.com. DE)
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i'm not altogether certain how it'd work, but basically i'd like it if mimisbrunnr allowed me to buy storage on wotpaste. i could pay from trinque 's deedbot once it's done ; and i should be able to buy by the gb of storage or by the tb of traffic.
mircea_popescu: god i totally love the deedbot rss service.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-15 22:32 trinque: shinohai: http://deedbot.org/genbootstrap.sh
a111: Logged on 2016-12-13 18:14 deedbot: http://thewhet.net/2016/argentina-comicon-bonbon/ << The Whet - Argentina Comicon Bonbon.
mircea_popescu: so what are you sauing here, gotta expand deedbot format so it also accepts btc-dev detached sigs ?
asciilifeform: which brings back to #1 horror -- how do i deedbot a vpatch and its sig..?
mircea_popescu: but if that's what it is - neither v nor deedbot need fixing for it.
trinque: release and I'll build into deedbot
asciilifeform: trinque: 1 is still problem : it is impossible to deedbot an UNMUTILATED payload
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform : as a palleative : could we actually just fucking edit koch-rsa so that "----" rather than "-" becomes a symbol and deploy this on deedbot ?
mircea_popescu: did not. just deedbot.
asciilifeform: lel mircea_popescu shows up just when i was about to switch on my robotic autopopescu, to say 'stop trying to deedbot nonhumancomestibles!'
asciilifeform: b) release vtronic pld source only -- and deedbot apparently doesn't eat vpatches yet -- AND then would have no schematics
asciilifeform: a) deedbot hashes of binary garbage -- this is not vtronic!
phf: trinque wants me to deedbot logs, and if it only takes clearsigns, that would be kind of tricky.
phf: huh, i didn't know that. i thought deedbot takes binary blobs sort of deal
phf: i guess deedbot does something it shouldn't do..
asciilifeform: i'd like to deedbot it though.
phf: asciilifeform: i think the solution that we arrived at is that you just paste the two pastebot urls clear and sig and i pick them up. so if you want to deedbot them, just do that, and you can assume that it'll end up in btcbase
asciilifeform: phf, trinque, et al : is it yet possible to throw a vpatch into deedbot ?
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-442823.txt
shinohai: returned 22:08 deedbot shinohai updated rating of trinque from 3 to 3 << deedbot, lisp, trb
a111: Logged on 2016-12-10 11:45 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/the-cosubstantial-lie/ << Trilema - The cosubstantial lie
trinque: deedbot.org IP
mircea_popescu: we should get our key registered with the deedbot and read up the topic / do something useful with ourselves.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:27 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AAF7663C0AECC17FC31935B62259B2A1A4700A0EAE5AB14624B296023EEF258C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1489...4207 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown HK)
asciilifeform: aaalso deedbot skipped a trilema?!
EDLionX: im just trying to import me gpg to deedbot
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
Framedragger: (i guess WoT trust had been simply deferred to deedbot until those points in time, etc)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: but what oftentimes ends up happening when you request key from deedbot is that the requester then promptly uses that key to encrypt $text, and ping recipient with a public url to $text. the fact that there's been no mitm, i think, only shows that the lizards do not find this place important enough (for better or worse, etc)
Framedragger: and how the hell do you know that what thing-calling-self-deedbot gave you over fleanode is thing-you-requested?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-06 14:02 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9460417F17B2CD1F76F6DB069E697C5DABA33283141E06F1ABA005ACF08CD48F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1797...6589 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (server.mokamediagroup.com. LT)
trinque: inb4 every deedbot published item is a terrorist hash
trinque: asciilifeform: what benefits are reaped by having these be computable, rather than http://deedbot.org/deed-427443-1.txt
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-442050.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-05 14:06 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F764EC5736FA3782A599FBBAE8F5867BD66D04EED4A2579F7282CE6453F80839 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1767...4719 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown UA)
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-441992.txt
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-441925.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-03 13:28 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5503CEAD5D63424D8B1200DA00A1BA31A8978C2C243767C2F0D93D3DEBAEA154 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1757...6617 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (www.ckoehler.de. DE)
mod6: I should clearsign the pubkey with my pgp-pubkey and deedbot this, aha?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-02#1576781 << actually, it IS the present trinque, and must be. in order to voice itself, the guy named trinque must talk to deedbot, and reply with the right challenge. so yes we forced the shitty freenode name system into a very strong thing. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-02#1576690 << too many ifs ; and for that matter the problem of "what to do with the intestate" is unsolvable in the general sense. the best approach is for the man to write a fucking testament already. there's deedbot for this purpose, it is wrong to you know, have an ethereum-powered mechanism to decide FOR gauss what of the coffin liners should be rescued. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: one particular angle would be that if we generate republic-rsa keys (see http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524210 eg) as opposed to koch-rsa keys then yes eulora server will have to dump its privately maintained wot to deedbot periodically ; but on the upside we get very cheap transition to the new format while maintaining all the backwards compatibility one could want. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: oh come now you had the keys out when decrypting deedbot's pad
trinque: this was the problem mod6 had with signing the dependency turds thrown into deedbot
phf: i missed the part where wot was going to be integrated into eulora? i know that deedbot was mentioned
trinque: this bottle is also somehow distinct from the bottle where deedbot is currently lying to him
a111: Logged on 2016-12-02 14:56 mircea_popescu: trinque here's a strategic point for your consideration : eulora will move to a rsa auth model sometime next year. this means the client generates itself a key, and talks to the server. i don't want to create a special deedbot for eulora, and so, how do we best interoperate them so that i have rate and deeds in-game ? (ideally the wot visualisations and other such beauty also)
mircea_popescu: trinque here's a strategic point for your consideration : eulora will move to a rsa auth model sometime next year. this means the client generates itself a key, and talks to the server. i don't want to create a special deedbot for eulora, and so, how do we best interoperate them so that i have rate and deeds in-game ? (ideally the wot visualisations and other such beauty also) ☟︎
pete_dushenski goes to update blog with link to wot.deedbot
a111: Logged on 2016-11-29 16:13 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E739A834E2CE6339A7D05EEDB78D8485695F6AA890225B692F2561197FFFFBE5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1522...2357 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (ssdpdev1.srv.ualberta.ca. CA AB)
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 15:26 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/28ED0A651B3CF9434A08A486D6073700042996FE39715688490B8245C1E17A74 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1393...3777 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (server.blanquart.com. BE)
jurov: deedbot: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20161201/attachment.txt?sha1=3ebec7e118a9f69ad2fe87574a11430a955fae9e
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-441363.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 04:27 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A8567569490690A4A212DEEDF7809300A0F133264CEB4ED07E15261F5F26C5E4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1430...1817 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (blackbox.poly.edu. US NY)
BingoBoingo: deedbot: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/LnrhN/?raw=true
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/bundle-441235.txt
trinque: namecheap deleted the wot.deedbot.org record without being told!
mircea_popescu: !!ratings deedbot
mircea_popescu: as part of fucking deedbot ? no wai.
asciilifeform: deedbot, etc.
asciilifeform: ( http://wot.deedbot.org/A.html )
trinque added l2 to wot.deedbot.org index page, looks like happy trollface nao
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo can have blockquote for the deedbot bit plox ?
mircea_popescu: hm. is it a diff ip from deedbot ?
mircea_popescu: http://wot.deedbot.org/260fa57bce677a5c04bf60ba4a75883cc1b1d34c.html << i get 404
shinohai: but http://wot.deedbot.org/260fa57bce677a5c04bf60ba4a75883cc1b1d34c.html worx
shinohai: http://wot.deedbot.org/260FA57BCE677A5C04BF60BA4A75883CC1B1D34C.html <<< 404
trinque: http://wot.deedbot.org/FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4.html << capitalized
shinohai: *wot.deedbot.org
shinohai: I was hacking around with a bash function so I could view wot in w3m, was driving me crazy until I realized wot.deedbot.com doesn't recognize fingerprints in all caps