385 entries in 0.705s
xanthyos: BRYAN MICON
asciilifeform: even the gate libraries used by extant semiconductor fab houses would have to be thrown.
asciilifeform: decimation: and anything that semiconducts is rectifier.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: or semiconductors encased in continuous conductive countours.
asciilifeform: bfl assets seized << so, ft meade semiconductor plant is behind schedule, gotta 'steal candy from baby' now ?
ben_vulpes: when i was 14 i talked my cs teacher into letting me use the first chapter of text from cryptonomicon as my wpm benchmark
xanthyos: danielpbarron IS STREAMING LIVE ON http://www.donkdown.com/live-radio/ SPEAKING TO SEALSWITHCLUBS FRONTMAN BRYAN MICON LIVE LIVE LIVE
xanthyos: donkdown freeroll, 380 registered of 315. "i am the most respected name in internet poker." (bryan micon)
RagnarDanneskjol: primarily life sci, aerospace, pharma, semiconductor and enterprise software, finance
asciilifeform: (pure Si is an excellent insulator. to get a semiconductor, you add, e.g., boron. this is called 'doping.')
asciilifeform: dirt-cheap semiconductor leak detectors exist today, vs. 100 yrs ago
decimation: obviously if Mr. Noyce had stayed in Iowa he would have been an advanced farmer, not the founder of modern semiconductor business
asciilifeform often wonders about thermal behaviour of the semiconductor widgetry connected to such clocks, and whether anyone even gives a fuck
gribble: Star Control II - Ultronomicon: <http://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Star_Control_II>; Walkthrough - Ultronomicon: <http://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Walkthrough>; List of Star Control races - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Control_races>
asciilifeform: you can shield a semiconductor-based gizmo from njd - faraday cage - but then it will turn up on ordinary metal detector. and won't transmit (you'll have to fetch the bug like your ancestors used to)
asciilifeform: don't buy russian, chinese njd. it'll cook yer balls. but will pick up a semiconductor through a metre of concrete.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> (basic physical principle - any semiconductor is a rectifier. any conductor is antenna. together - 'rfid' whether you wanted or not.) << the ability to put this heory in practice is severely limited for a government that spends 1 bn for a website.,
asciilifeform: (basic physical principle - any semiconductor is a rectifier. any conductor is antenna. together - 'rfid' whether you wanted or not.)
asciilifeform remembers one of the less-discussed reasons for vietnam war - the buggers had the temerity to build semiconductor plants
asciilifeform: the only reason no one would even try this crap is the point mentioned earlier (100% of present-day use is industrial, mostly as GaAs semiconductor, fluctuating demand)
assbot: Potato Semiconductor 74 Logic
asciilifeform: jurov: plus, ferroresonant monster gets 25+ years of lifetime, vs. the laughable 3 or 4 modern semiconductor-based ups is good for.
asciilifeform: none of the recent semiconductor-based 'on-demand' crap. can one still get the massive soviet-style ones, i wonder.
asciilifeform: (re: semiconductor house & thermostat folks)
asciilifeform: apparently, chumpatronics are more appealing than semiconductor research in jungle conditions. whod'avethunkit.
assbot: Voicing Micon_ for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !up Micon_
mircea_popescu: Micon_ http://wiki.bitcoin-otc.com/wiki/GPG_authentication
mircea_popescu: Micon_ also, re the wot thing : there isn't really a top. http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ << that's the long story.
mircea_popescu: Micon_ hm. okay.
mircea_popescu: Micon_ the payments for april were 0.09 BTC. this is fucking ridiculous. now, what can you do for me ?
mircea_popescu: Micon_ hey. so the deal is this : bitbet offers an open affiliate deal, where anyone sending traffic gets 100% the house rake
assbot: Voicing Micon_ for 30 minutes.
benkay: !up Micon_
assbot: Voicing Micon for 30 minutes.
benkay: !up Micon
mircea_popescu: yo Micon
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell Micon The practical reason to register with Gribble and the WoT at the moment is to get self voicing privileges passed to you.
danielpbarron: Micon: can i use the email you already tweeted at MP?
moiety: see you later micon, take care :]
danielpbarron: Micon: i can invite you to keybase, they make it really easy to do all that
danielpbarron: Micon: instead of pastebin
danielpbarron: Micon: you host your pub key on the root
danielpbarron: Micon: that way, we know that it's the same Micon accross the board
danielpbarron: Micon: you can prove that you have access to modify sealswithclubs.eu with your GPG key
Micon: but then you guys are trusting that GPG key is real-micon
danielpbarron: Micon: but again, it requires GPG signing
danielpbarron: Micon: you can prove your twitter is you; see keybase.io
moiety: Micon: lots of people have old accounts and you can buy followers
moiety: <Micon> but I could tweet that I'm me right now << but you could also have a fake corresponding tweeter for this purpose
BigBitz: Micon type ;;eregister <GPG Key ID>
danielpbarron: Micon: I can explain how the opposite is true
BigBitz: Micon the issue is you could be anyone.
danielpbarron: Micon: for example, it works like this ,,(gettrust danielpbarron BigBitz)
ThickAsThieves: Micon, it's not gameable in the sense that it is a tool that references who trusts whom
danielpbarron: Micon: don't pay attention to "total rating scores," that's where the scammers show up
BigBitz: Micon that is a possibility with any WoT.
bitcoinpete: micon: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/wot_and_reputation
danielpbarron: and also to confirm that you are in fact the Micon of SWC fame
danielpbarron: Micon: so we can be sure that the Micon we're talking to today is the same as any Micons in the future
BigBitz: ;;gpg info Micon
danielpbarron: Micon: so get in the WoT!
ozbot: Micon PGP - Pastebin.com
danielpbarron: Micon: do you have a GPG key?
BigBitz: Micon sure.
BigBitz: Micon nuke that KingOfSports kid.
ThickAsThieves: Micon, I know I know your name, but it escapes me, what do you do? Was it SWC?
danielpbarron: Micon: sorry I haven't called in to your show in a while, i've been so busy lately I space out on the time
BigBitz: No such place, Micon.
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user Micon: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=danielpbarron&dest=Micon | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Micon | Rated since: never
danielpbarron: ;;gettrust Micon
assbot: Voicing Micon for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: !up Micon
danielpbarron: !up Micon
danielpbarron: I like Micon, but i've recently come to understand why online poker is essentially a scam, even if the operators aren't directly stealing
BigBitz: I used to like Micon.......
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user micon: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=micon | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=micon | Rated since: never
kakobrekla: ;;gettrust assbot micon
kakobrekla: ;;getturst assbot micon
danielpbarron: micon!
assbot: Voicing micon for 30 minutes.
cgcardona: !up micon
kakobrekla: do micon
kakobrekla: !up micon
danielpbarron: ugh, why is Micon so aloof; I'd like to see these worlds collide
danielpbarron hopes this is Micon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if we get someone trustworthy doing mining at some point << the way i understand it, mining is -EV unless you own a semiconductor plant.
rithm: sortof like micon
mircea_popescu: like the necronomicon, only better.
mircea_popescu: rectothermicon
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform more than semiconductor chemistry i'd say. lynn conway wasn't 40 years ago was she ?
BingoBoingo: The state of the art from 1980 on 2004 semiconductors would be a hell of a thing to behold
asciilifeform: (tldr - pretend the last 40 years, other than semiconductor chemistry, never happened)
asciilifeform: semiconductor and operating at a clock frequency exceeding 40 MHz;
asciilifeform: (yes, incl. semiconductors)
cads: haha, the book I refer to was neal stephenson's cryptonomicon
asciilifeform: if you're willing to sign under 'i wish victory to botnet artists but not semiconductor makers', you can work with that.
asciilifeform: shitanium chassis, unobtainium semiconductors...
asciilifeform: lasers also age very dramatically (less the case for semiconductor laser, but remains)
bounce: oh right, "solitaire (cipher)", bruce schneier vehicle for the cryptonomicon