385 entries in 0.705s

ben_vulpes: when i was 14 i talked my cs teacher into letting me use the first chapter of text from cryptono
micon as my wpm benchmark
xanthyos: donkdown freeroll, 380 registered of 315. "i am the most respected name in internet poker." (bryan
RagnarDanneskjol: primarily life sci, aerospace, pharma, se
miconductor and enterprise software, finance
decimation: obviously if Mr. Noyce had stayed in Iowa he would have been an advanced farmer, not the founder of modern se
miconductor business
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> (basic physical principle - any se
miconductor is a rectifier. any conductor is antenna. together - 'rfid' whether you wanted or not.) << the ability to put this heory in practice is severely limited for a government that spends 1 bn for a website.,
assbot: Potato Se
miconductor 74 Logic
assbot: Voicing
Micon_ for 30 minutes.
Micon_ the payments for april were 0.09 BTC. this is fucking ridiculous. now, what can you do for me ?
Micon_ hey. so the deal is this : bitbet offers an open affiliate deal, where anyone sending traffic gets 100% the house rake
assbot: Voicing
Micon_ for 30 minutes.
assbot: Voicing
Micon for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell
Micon The practical reason to register with Gribble and the WoT at the moment is to get self voicing privileges passed to you.
Micon: can i use the email you already tweeted at MP?
moiety: see you later
micon, take care :]
Micon: i can invite you to keybase, they make it really easy to do all that
Micon: that way, we know that it's the same
Micon accross the board
Micon: you can prove that you have access to modify sealswithclubs.eu with your GPG key
Micon: but then you guys are trusting that GPG key is real-
micon danielpbarron:
Micon: you can prove your twitter is you; see keybase.io
Micon: lots of people have old accounts and you can buy followers
moiety: <
Micon> but I could tweet that I'm me right now << but you could also have a fake corresponding tweeter for this purpose
Micon type ;;eregister <GPG Key ID>
Micon the issue is you could be anyone.
Micon: for example, it works like this ,,(gettrust danielpbarron BigBitz)
Micon, it's not gameable in the sense that it is a tool that references who trusts whom
Micon: don't pay attention to "total rating scores," that's where the scammers show up
Micon that is a possibility with any WoT.
danielpbarron: and also to confirm that you are in fact the
Micon of SWC fame
Micon: so we can be sure that the
Micon we're talking to today is the same as any
Micons in the future
Micon PGP - Pastebin.com
Micon nuke that KingOfSports kid.
Micon, I know I know your name, but it escapes me, what do you do? Was it SWC?
Micon: sorry I haven't called in to your show in a while, i've been so busy lately I space out on the time
assbot: Voicing
Micon for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: I like
Micon, but i've recently come to understand why online poker is essentially a scam, even if the operators aren't directly stealing
BigBitz: I used to like
assbot: Voicing
micon for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: ugh, why is
Micon so aloof; I'd like to see these worlds collide
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform more than se
miconductor chemistry i'd say. lynn conway wasn't 40 years ago was she ?
BingoBoingo: The state of the art from 1980 on 2004 se
miconductors would be a hell of a thing to behold
cads: haha, the book I refer to was neal stephenson's cryptono
micon bounce: oh right, "solitaire (cipher)", bruce schneier vehicle for the cryptono