1885 entries in 0.142s
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask topace!~kvirc@unaffiliated/topace . User topace, rated since Wed Jun 8 15:37:29 2011. Cumulative rating 25, from 10 total ratings. Received ratings: 10 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=topace gribble:
Nick 'topace', with hostmask 'topace!~kvirc@unaffiliated/topace', is identified as user topace, with GPG key id A49472A32D4FCE50, key fingerprint 08AEAC40F3086E6131B39762A49472A32D4FCE50, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'topace', with hostmask 'topace!~kvirc@unaffiliated/topace', is not identified.
Nick 'kakobrekla', with hostmask 'kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla', is identified as user kakobrekla, with GPG key id 27AF75321F2489E8, key fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'kakobrekla', with hostmask 'kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla', is not identified.
Nick '[\\\]', with hostmask '[\\\]!~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy', is identified as user imsaguy, with GPG key id 7D7EA76776E6CE48, key fingerprint A1398F4C58AC3D387F012AFA7D7EA76776E6CE48, and bitcoin address 1Hf5qWZzd2WsrDwLhkykNc4uXPAkykg9PM
Nick 'imsaguy', with hostmask 'imsaguy!~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy', is not identified.
gribble: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a
nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must (1 more message)
Nick 'kakobrekla', with hostmask 'kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla', is identified as user kakobrekla, with GPG key id 27AF75321F2489E8, key fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'mpexbot', with hostmask 'mpexbot!~supybot@unaffiliated/smickles/bot/mpexbot', is not identified.
Nick 'assbot', with hostmask 'assbot!~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot', is not identified.
Nick 'grubles', with hostmask 'grubles!~buttsniff@unaffiliated/grubles', is not identified.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask dub!~dub@unaffiliated/dub . User dub, rated since Wed Dec 19 14:09:17 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=dub gribble:
Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user mircea_popescu, with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
gribble: User 'mircea_popescu', with keyid 8A736F0E2FB7B452, fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None, registered on Fri Jul 22 05:39:10 2011.
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=mircea_popescu . Currently authenticated from hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu .
gribble: User 'smickles', with keyid EA62D7CEB2450C3F, fingerprint 96ACCA7C3B09EC61B0A6D7F9EA62D7CEB2450C3F, and bitcoin address 12NjnZTVeTJ3g5C7BqfS2aQ2rLkmwiqVz6, registered on Mon Jun 20 12:24:35 2011.
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=smickles . Currently authenticated from hostmask smickles!~smickles@ .
Nick 'topace_', with hostmask 'topace_!~kvirc@unaffiliated/topace', is not identified.
Nick 'topace', with hostmask 'topace!~kvirc@unaffiliated/topace', is not identified.
Nick 'topace_', with hostmask 'topace_!~kvirc@CPEc0c1c03be745-CM00407b85cf6f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com', is not identified.
Nick 'jborkl', with hostmask 'jborkl!~jborkl_@unaffiliated/jborkl', is identified as user jborkl_, with GPG key id 3ABA925F1676E0DA, key fingerprint BEDA499D84B3F11FAC2C98C13ABA925F1676E0DA, and bitcoin address 1assBEfKxpuhv3HdYfQwf9h2TR43DwVke
Nick 'jborkl_', with hostmask 'jborkl_!~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl', is not identified.
Nick 'bgupta', with hostmask 'bgupta!~bgupta@207-237-250-126.c3-0.80w-ubr1.nyr-80w.ny.cable.rcn.com', is not identified.
Nick 'jborkl', with hostmask 'jborkl!~jborkl_@unaffiliated/jborkl', is not identified.
Nick 'jborkl', with hostmask 'jborkl!~jborkl_@unaffiliated/jborkl', is not identified.
gribble: (eauth <
nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <
nick>. You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
Nick 'Josh_Rossi', with hostmask 'Josh_Rossi!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is not identified.
Nick 'Josh_Rossi', with hostmask 'Josh_Rossi!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is identified as user Josh_Rossi, with GPG key id C286BB96FE9B6CD3, key fingerprint 3812AFD43A6B8A057F37D858C286BB96FE9B6CD3, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'Josh_Rossi', with hostmask 'Josh_Rossi!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is identified as user Josh_Rossi, with GPG key id C286BB96FE9B6CD3, key fingerprint 3812AFD43A6B8A057F37D858C286BB96FE9B6CD3, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'mjr_', with hostmask 'mjr_!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is not identified.
gribble: Error: This
nick is not registered. Please register.
Nick 'mpexbot', with hostmask 'mpexbot!~supybot@unaffiliated/smickles/bot/mpexbot', is not identified.
gribble: (bcauth <
nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <
nick>. You must have registered with the bot with a bitcoin address for this to work. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire within 10 minutes.
Nick 'burnside', with hostmask 'burnside!~burnside@', is identified as user burnside, with GPG key id 990D4DB54ECDA3C6, key fingerprint 2EEB40C9DF5E25E6BD3A7BF8990D4DB54ECDA3C6, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'FabianB', with hostmask 'FabianB!~ogg@unaffiliated/fabianb', is identified as user fabianb, with GPG key id 797C1106D52E79DF, key fingerprint 9B854E5F36B927C9C365F208797C1106D52E79DF, and bitcoin address 18Wnjc1fcWDboZDHNsn48URtwGaqRjPnAt
Nick 'burnside', with hostmask 'burnside!~burnside@', is not identified.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask ThickAsThieves!ThickAsThi@c-98-231-58-41.hsd1.fl.comcast.net . User thickasthieves, rated since Sat Mar 2 08:19:18 2013. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 0 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=thickasthieves gribble: (later tell <
nick> <text>) -- Tells <
nick> <text> the next time <
nick> is in seen. <
nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching
nick will be given the note.
gribble: (getrating <
nick>) -- Get rating information for <
gribble: (rate <
nick> <rating> [<notes>]) -- Enters a rating for <
nick> in the amount of <rating>. Use optional <notes> field to enter any notes you have about this user. <
nick> must be the user's GPG-registered username, Your previously existing rating, if any, will be overwritten.
Nick 'gigavps', with hostmask 'gigavps!~me@rrcs-97-79-110-50.se.biz.rr.com', is identified as user gigavps, with GPG key id F83554D76ADE3A3F, key fingerprint C4D30ACE7ACB2C16BCE9FD55F83554D76ADE3A3F, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'gigavps', with hostmask 'gigavps!~me@rrcs-97-79-110-50.se.biz.rr.com', is not identified.
gribble: (register <
nick> <keyid> [<keyserver>]) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <
nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. Optional <keyserver> argument tells us where to get your public key. By default we look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, (1 more message)
Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is not identified.
Nick 'bitcoin5411', with hostmask 'bitcoin5411!~bitcoin54@', is not identified.
gribble: Error: This
nick is not registered. Please register.
Nick 'mod6', with hostmask 'mod6!fb699aa74e@rider.us', is identified as user mod6, with GPG key id D655A630A13E8C69, key fingerprint AD7EA6BB386273FCAA5AE7ABD655A630A13E8C69, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user mircea_popescu, with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is not identified.
gribble: Error: This
nick is not registered. Please register.
Nick 'evoorhees', with hostmask 'evoorhees!~evoorhees@ool-45738bde.dyn.optonline.net', is not identified.
Nick 'evoorhees', with hostmask 'evoorhees!~evoorhees@ool-45738bde.dyn.optonline.net', is not identified.
Nick 'Bugpowder', with hostmask 'Bugpowder!47ab6a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
Nick 'smickles', with hostmask 'smickles!~smickles@', is not identified.
gribble: (rate <
nick> <rating> [<notes>]) -- Enters a rating for <
nick> in the amount of <rating>. Use optional <notes> field to enter any notes you have about this user. <
nick> must be the user's GPG-registered username, Your previously existing rating, if any, will be overwritten.
Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is not identified.
Nick 'Bugpowder', with hostmask 'Bugpowder!cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-98-185.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user thestringpuller, with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None
gribble: (eauth <
nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <
nick>. You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
gribble: (eauth <
nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <
nick>. You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
Nick 'Schadenfreude', with hostmask 'Schadenfreude!~m@', is not identified.
Nick 'Namworld', with hostmask 'Namworld!~BTC-Minin@modemcable075.132-23-96.mc.videotron.ca', is identified as user Namworld, with GPG key id F2758D83EEEDE453, key fingerprint F12DE6B4E1EF26F5768BE918F2758D83EEEDE453, and bitcoin address 1Namjies9JeJ4ugCzjkAj6dbaWrtjAFKCk
Nick 'kakobrekla', with hostmask 'kakobrekla!~T42@89-212-41-49.static.t-2.net', is identified as user kakobrekla, with GPG key id 27AF75321F2489E8, key fingerprint 27C3CE9A20851312F086268C27AF75321F2489E8, and bitcoin address None
Nick 'kakobreklaa', with hostmask 'kakobreklaa!~T42@89-212-41-49.static.t-2.net', is not identified.
Nick 'honeybadger', with hostmask 'honeybadger!ade705cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask jurov!~jurov@2001:5c0:1400:b::1245 . User jurov, rated since Fri Jan 20 15:16:32 2012. Cumulative rating 17, from 11 total ratings. Received ratings: 11 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 8 positive, 1 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=jurov gribble:
Nick 'jurov', with hostmask 'jurov!~jurov@2001:5c0:1400:b::1245', is identified as user jurov, with GPG key id 677ABD62D0AEE7D7, key fingerprint BBB0A99950037551F533850A677ABD62D0AEE7D7, and bitcoin address None
gribble: (later tell <
nick> <text>) -- Tells <
nick> <text> the next time <
nick> is in seen. <
nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching
nick will be given the note.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Batteryfire!~solomonch@c-76-97-22-23.hsd1.ga.comcast.net . User batteryfire, rated since Sun Dec 23 14:04:14 2012. Cumulative rating 5, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=batteryfire gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask WhateverIFeelLik!44071d66@gateway/web/freenode/ip. . User WhateverIFeelLik, rated since Sun Sep 9 21:02:35 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=WhateverIFeelLik gribble:
Nick 'Ukto', with hostmask 'Ukto!~Kami-Sama@99-30-79-193.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net', is not identified.
Nick 'jurov', with hostmask 'jurov!~jurov@', is not identified.
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu . User mircea_popescu, rated since Fri Jul 22 08:04:26 2011. Cumulative rating 100, from 46 total ratings. Received ratings: 45 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 56 positive, 7 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=mircea_popescu gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask dub!dub@unaffiliated/dub . User dub, rated since Wed Dec 19 14:09:17 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=dub gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask smickles!~smickles@mostofmany.com . User smickles, rated since Wed Jan 4 18:28:52 2012. Cumulative rating 78, from 48 total ratings. Received ratings: 47 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 47 positive, 5 negative. Details:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=smickles gribble:
Nick 'dub', with hostmask 'dub!dub@unaffiliated/dub', is identified as user dub, with GPG key id 110C3582E5C480CF, key fingerprint B2956C98270DCC89E2E94A17110C3582E5C480CF, and bitcoin address None
gribble: (eauth <
nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <
nick>. You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.