140 entries in 0.361s
mircea_popescu: nobody could have predicted this question.
mircea_popescu: inexplicably enough and who could have predicted.
mircea_popescu: eventually "no one could have predicted" that "you have to" http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-26#1457777 because "everyone is doing it". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: or stuck improvising for lack of viable strategy through events unfolding no one could have predicted, or or or.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck could have predicted.
mircea_popescu: i dunno wtf they were thinking putting it in the chip rather than the ram. i guess nobody could have predicted mp kills moore together with gavin.
mircea_popescu: "obviously, pretend like nobody could have predicted" "a totally, solid plan mate!"
mircea_popescu: this is utterly what the dawn of civilisaiton looks like. next, nobody could have predicted pissing on the electric fence.
mircea_popescu: cancer taking the first bite off the lordship list, more fodder for the list of things no one could have predicted.
mircea_popescu: they just never could have predicted. anything.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the diocletian edict is a fine example. the problem isn't even economic there, it's purely political. "oh, we have a problem we don't know how to solve, here's some red tape" "tell you what - it's not worth the risk of dealing with your red tape AT ALL. see ya". "oh noes! who could have predicted!"
pete_dushenski: I have only seen conspicuous consumers and Apple fanboys wearing the things. << i've seen exactly two young men wearing the apple watch. exactly two. "no one could've predicted!"
mircea_popescu: what, ustards are amazed that they applied the principles of 1950s soviet feminism, got the results of 1970s soviet society and WHOA WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED ?!?!?!
mircea_popescu: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2008/11/the_cia_has_the_same_problem_m.html << if anyone was curious as to HOW blunders to the scale of "hussein has wmds" a decade ago or "assad used wmds" last year happen, and to the whys and wherefore bacalaureat-level educated folk such as obama, rice etc come up with ridiculous nonsense like "putin doesn't understand" or "nobody could have predicted", here is why.
mircea_popescu: who knows ; who could have predicted ; etc.
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 05:17:33; gabriel_laddel: "On the historical evidence I shall be short. Carl Friedrich Gauss, the Prince of Mathematicians but also somewhat of a coward, was certainly aware of the fate of Galileo —and could probably have predicted the calumniation of Einstein— when he decided to suppress his discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, thus leaving it to Bolyai and Lobatchewsky to receive the flak. It is probably more illuminati
gabriel_laddel: "On the historical evidence I shall be short. Carl Friedrich Gauss, the Prince of Mathematicians but also somewhat of a coward, was certainly aware of the fate of Galileo —and could probably have predicted the calumniation of Einstein— when he decided to suppress his discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, thus leaving it to Bolyai and Lobatchewsky to receive the flak. It is probably more illuminating to go a littl ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the end of social media will come exactly like how nobody could have predicted it by reading a 2014 trilema article.
mircea_popescu never could have predicted the "should be enough for anyone" magic number really discusses "how manby people may be alive"
mircea_popescu chuckles at the thought of some [not so ?] distant time in the future when various derps will discover that "nobody could have predicted" they had a lengthy record of shit to answer for in the logs.
asciilifeform: wire your t3rr0r1st4 thermonuke to a RTL-SDR listening on a silent and unused frequency, which you then transmit the codez on. 'n0body could have predicted!1111!!!!111'
mircea_popescu: who could have FUCKING PREDICTED.
ben_vulpes: but this is bitcoin, where since time immemorial people have been shipping code that can only ever be tested in production and then standing by in amazement claiming that "nobody could have predicted!"
decimation: and all that. Except Fat Tony. ... All he knew is that suckers exist. ... If you asked any intelligent ?analyst? or journalist at the time, he would have predicted a rise in the price of oil in the event of war. But that causal link was precisely what Tony could not take for granted. So he bet against it: they are all prepared for a rise in oil from war, so the price must have adjusted to it. "
mircea_popescu: kinda why bitcoin is so important. kinda why the gavincoin disarray was so "nobody could have predicted" for the usg side.
decimation: this guy could have predicted (baltimore) http://unamusementpark.com/2011/07/blacks-ruin-fourth-of-july-in-baltimore-media-censor-race/
decimation: it's not like noone could have predicted racial freak-out in baltimore
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard what i've seen in practice is a lot of "industry standards" and "nobody could have predicted", neither of which do a cfo make.
mircea_popescu: impossibru. who outside of cazalla and anyone thinking could have predicted this!
mircea_popescu: anyway, i suppose it comes as one of those "nobody could have predicted" things to these people that the entire pile of crap they've been amassing over the years can and for that matter likely will simply be thrown out and forgotten.
mircea_popescu: "i have never seen it do anything else before" and "who could have predicted"
mircea_popescu: "nobody could have predicted"
davout: who could have predicted?
mircea_popescu: at which point, suddenly, yes. "who could have predicted".
decimation: who could have predicted?
mircea_popescu: and nobody could have predicted that nobody wants crap in the middle of nowhere.
mircea_popescu: davout because to this day about half of the us bureaucracy is shielded by only the flimsy "nobody could have predicted"
gribble: New 9/11 Documents Expose the "Nobody Could Have Predicted ...: <http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/20/1101687/-New-9-11-Documents-Expose-the-Nobody-Could-Have-Predicted-President>; Cheney Defends The "Nobody Could've Predicted" President ...: <http://crooksandliars.com/jon-perr/cheney-defends-nobody-couldve-predicted-p>; Nobody Could Have Predicted...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: * RICE CLAIM: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, 5/16/02
mjr_: every record setting earthquake could not have been predicted using the past