55 entries in 0.701s

mp_en_viaje: and THEN they think it's ~fans~ that suck the air out of the room
while you sleep so
you suffocate.
mod6: Anyway Gentlemen, thanks for listening. Wanted to stop in and let
you know I was reading logs
while I could today -- I'm running on nil
sleep and today was like an 18 hour day. So I'm gonna drop out and get some rest.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "
while you sleep" scheme out there.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "
while you sleep" scheme out there.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-21 22:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "
while you sleep" scheme out there.
ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: a sales incentive scheme proposal: we kick back 5% of revenue to affiliates who've recruited up to 10 paying customers, 10% up to 25 paying customers, 15% to 50 customers and then 20% for recruiting over 50 customers, which'd be a tidy .03 btc/mo, way better than any other "
while you sleep" scheme out there.
☟︎☟︎☟︎ BingoBoingo: It's an agricultural product. Business seems to draw the "money
while you sleep" crowd
mircea_popescu: which is what happens
while you sleep, all those receptors are cleanned up of the debris of having been shot into, and the dendrites that did the shooting are reloaded.
a111: Logged on 2014-01-19 19:48 mircea_popescu: i came to it studying the warrior forum (*) years ago, when i noticed the unifying factor in all their textual emissions was a desire to "make money
while you sleep".
lobbes: "
You learn
while you sleep" or something along those lines. Maybe "
you compile
while you sleep" is more apt
mircea_popescu: it's not "most eager whores". it's whether 15 yo is "i will burn down the fucking house
while you sleep rather than not follow these guys".
mircea_popescu: i bought one of those "make snark
while you sleep" things
PeterL: cant fill out capchas by hand
while you sleep either
mircea_popescu: i laid down to
sleep and instead had this vision of
you know, dreamers fucking around on reddit
while suspended in vats,
assbot: Logged on 07-09-2015 17:29:28; pete_dushenski: apparently ashley madison was yet another mommy blogger/daddy investor 'make money
while you sleep' scam
pete_dushenski: 1) this is average roi for 'make money
while you sleep' 2) what else ?
pete_dushenski: apparently ashley madison was yet another mommy blogger/daddy investor 'make money
while you sleep' scam
☟︎ mircea_popescu: like the difference between a) linkspamming google and b) a bunch of "infoproducts" on "make money
while you sleep" having been sold to the retard forums.
mircea_popescu: there's no way to get rich
while you sleep that doens't include everyone else getting richer.
punkman: nah, usual "make money
while you sleep" fare
ascii_field: not 'work 12 hours to make min wage
while you sleep'
mircea_popescu: i think in some fields (retarded "make money
while you sleep" "webmaster/businessmen" ; "infomercial products" from hyps to herbal whatevers ; etc) it might well work.
ascii_lander: BingoBoingo: are we also to propose verifying woman not stabbing
you while you sleep? and if so, how ?
chetty: ouch, worse than having a fan run
while you sleep mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> doesn't imply lots of slapping tho << from what i hear the way to educate them is to place them in the door and slam the door on em. that way they chew on the door. rather than on your intestines,
while you sleep.
ben_vulpes: but what about making money
while you sleep, cazalla!?
gernika: Man. I used to subscribe to this forum called the Micropreneuer academy. I see now that this was exactly their propsal: spam to make money
while you sleep.
assbot: Logged on 19-01-2014 19:47:07; asciilifeform: getting back to the crapware: most instances
you're dealing with a case of 'work 12 hrs. a day to make minim. wage
while you sleep.'
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves
you ever met that blessed folk that will spent sixteen hours a day working to "make money
while they
sleep", 5 dolla an hour ?
bitcoinpete: "make money
while you sleep" (in the library, mall, etc.)
cazalla: yo i heard
you like #bitcoin-assets so we put mircea_popescu in your dreams so
you can #bitcoin-assets
while you sleep, no homo
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Sounds like
you have to start posting girls to keep watch for gremlins
while you sleep.
Mats_cd03: its really not terribly special other than the edge case where
you need all the cognitive performance
you can get
while sustaining on low
sleep mircea_popescu: so prices move
while you sleep. welcome to the insomniac side.
mircea_popescu: i came to it studying the warrior forum (*) years ago, when i noticed the unifying factor in all their textual emissions was a desire to "make money
while you sleep".
☟︎ furuknap: TAT, what do
you mean,
you don't ahve a chatbot to represent yourself
while you sleep?
BitHub: and
while you sleep you should have someone watching
you sleep ready to wake
you up for an emergency
mircea_popescu: hickAsThieves> going to bed, i expect
you guys to get btc up to 140
while i
sleep << and yet it's exactly 133
ThickAsThieves: going to bed, i expect
you guys to get btc up to 140
while i