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a111: Logged on 2015-12-31 21:59 ascii_rear: problem with all
stego is that it runs exactly counter to standardization
jurov: ^ another idea for
stego corpus
ascii_rear: incidentally usg is obsessed with image
stego ascii_rear: multiply by whatever the bloat factor of the
stego is
ascii_rear: standardized/public
stego scheme is merely a waste of bandwidth.
ascii_rear: problem with all
stego is that it runs exactly counter to standardization
☟︎ adlai: yes, the PGP-w mode.but PGP
stego only needs to work for ~2 people, whereas btc
stego should work for 21M.
ascii_rear: mircea_popescu had an article about simple text
stego assbot: Logged on 05-12-2015 04:20:16; asciilifeform: (afaik publickeyization of
stego is an unsolved megapr0bl3m)
Bingoboingo: Grammarizer needs to aspire to creating
stego prose leik: "Bob's feet were a horror. Advanced stages of gout had swollen his feet which were covered in sores, growths, and hard scaly patches. I know this because Bob's shoes were improvised flip flops, clearly hand made. I can only imagine normal shoes don't come in sizes that would fit over the swollen sacs of disease that passed for his feet. I'm not sure how he walked on these s
ascii_field: bonus l0lpo1nt5 if this was a
stego'd privkey
ascii_field: imho
stego by its very nature ought to be a personal and various thing
BingoBoingo: <ascii_field> jurov: then we
stego on a 'recognizable' structure << 1024 nudes encoding!
ascii_field: jurov: then we
stego on a 'recognizable' structure
ascii_field: now if only crypto and
stego had been invented
assbot: Logged on 12-08-2015 17:54:13; mircea_popescu: one of the best places for
stego i can think of.
jurov: /msg williamdunne yea got the
stego data alright
mircea_popescu: incidentally : gpg armored lends itself splendidly to
stego : the payload byte is only a few bits
benkay: ideally
stego is rarely touched tho
mjr_: but also
stego, in that they don't know there is secret info, you are hiding the secret info in other public info
mjr_: whoever mentioned
stego is right
mjr_: really want to read the
stego article