72 entries in 0.646s
mircea_popescu: Mocky yes, a full report on this hawala business very valued accomplishment.
asciilifeform: the hilarity is that the 'terrorists' ( goat-flavoured orcs ) have 0 prob with the idjicy, they have their hawala
mats: you could hawala if you don't want to give up your PII to the guy
phf: for me wot is a partial externalization of a hawala network and as far as -1,0,1 is concerned ~perhaps~ indicates prevalent opinions among the people whose opinion i value, but by convention only. in this sense the wot follows the lords and not the other way around. it has some practical use like serving as a door bouncer and ostensibly letting newbs know who to talk to.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: ties into (naive or not) hawala discussions, i guess...
asciilifeform: PeterL: we had a 'what if gossipd also had a multidimensional hawala thing' thread
PeterL: so I was thinking about hawala/wotcoin, would it be reasonable to make some sort of client that eats RSA messages in a sort of [date amount unit RSAkeyIssuer FromRSAkey ToRSAKey] set protocol? each Issuer would have a DB with balances they see, and using WoT could connect multiple issuers?
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 17:29 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course..
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 18:47 phf: Framedragger: i was saying hawala as an alternative to bitcoin. that was when we were looking closely at the implementation and finding all kinds of insanity. hawala is a system for tracking long term exposure, and you forego collateral because you have "fuck same woman" wot (i suspect there's still collateral involved when exposure is too high). you don't need hawal when you have near instant calls.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger [,,,] .soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? << yes. http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 17:29 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course..
asciilifeform: phf et al: did i ~and~ the log somehow get netsplit, and miss a thread, or is the hawala thing a continuation of pm or whatever
phf: but if the question is, why can't reddit produce hawala, the answer is so obvious it's kind of a "no shit". you need http://glyf.org/socdarw.jpg for hawala, which reddit doesn't have, can't produce and wouldn't recognize when given.
phf: Framedragger: i was saying hawala as an alternative to bitcoin. that was when we were looking closely at the implementation and finding all kinds of insanity. hawala is a system for tracking long term exposure, and you forego collateral because you have "fuck same woman" wot (i suspect there's still collateral involved when exposure is too high). you don't need hawal when you have near instant calls. ☟︎
a111: 49 results for "hawala", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hawala
Framedragger: $s hawala
a111: Logged on 2016-04-04 16:22 phf: given the state of things, i'm not convinced that hawala is the worst we can do
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course.. ☝︎☝︎☟︎☟︎
phf: given the state of things, i'm not convinced that hawala is the worst we can do ☟︎
asciilifeform: and you might as well go back to hawala and broken clay tablet halves as pgp.
ben_vulpes: but clearly these are all points that only dirigible captains may discuss over hawala shortwave.
asciilifeform: (tldr: hawala over gossipd. an end to the 'anyone is a bank' dream.)
asciilifeform: or rather, how is this not a throwback to manually-cranked hawala.
assbot: Logged on 17-01-2016 16:44:07; ascii_shmoocon: i can think of exactly one: an 'mp-hawala', where mo transacts with the other 17 or so olympians, indeed requires no minerz...
assbot: Logged on 17-01-2016 16:44:07; ascii_shmoocon: i can think of exactly one: an 'mp-hawala', where mo transacts with the other 17 or so olympians, indeed requires no minerz...
ben_vulpes: hawala, then?
ascii_shmoocon: and I admit that I wondered since showing up, for what does he need btc, can hawala all day
ascii_shmoocon: i can think of exactly one: an 'mp-hawala', where mo transacts with the other 17 or so olympians, indeed requires no minerz... ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: jurov: already baked. it's called hawala
ascii_field: understand, the thing can work while being used only by mircea_popescu and five other similar fellas to 'hawala' at each other.
ascii_field: if we did, 'hawala' would have used it 2000 y ago.
assbot: Logged on 24-04-2015 19:15:24; funkenstein_: afaik hawala doesn't come with failsafe refunds in case somebody goes awol
funkenstein_: afaik hawala doesn't come with failsafe refunds in case somebody goes awol ☟︎
jurov: traditional hawala seems to work without much technology, why sudden need to introduce nonstd or private TXs?
ben_vulpes: i was always under the impression that there was no single hawala network.
ben_vulpes: ah no hawala
jurov: the hawala definition
Adlai: lightning is precisely bitcoin hawala
jurov: anyone thought about how the bitcoin hawala ought to work?
Adlai imagines hawala also has higher throughput and lower transaction importance than the hypothetical bitcoin-in-ten-halvings
mircea_popescu building hawala on top of hawala since 2011!
decimation: hawala works fine for finance but not for real estate
scoopbot: New post on Qntra.net by thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2015/03/digital-hawala-for-the-poor/
thestringpuller: (the US claimed 9/11 was funded with the ultiization of hawala)
thestringpuller: there was a lot of "hawala is bad" propaganda
thestringpuller: well this is why US hated hawala during "war on terror" beginnings
thestringpuller: mike_c: hawala doesn't require money license
assbot: 23 results for 'hawala' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=hawala
mircea_popescu: !s hawala
dignork: mike_c: hawala comes up a lot in discussions about remittance business.
thestringpuller: mike_c: who doesn't know what a hawala is?
ascii_field: (for readers of my site: iirc i referred to bitcoin as 'mechanized hawala' in my first article on the subject)
ascii_field: mike_c: hawala is as famous as anything gets, i thought
mike_c: and how the hell did you know what a hawala was? i first saw that word today.
ascii_field: thing is, actual hawala isn't a roundedcorners iPnohe turd app
ascii_field: mike_c: usually with 'hawala', works since 900 ad or so
thestringpuller: re: cryptohawala <<< I'm certain most of the L1 and L2 nodes have their local "crypto hawala" guy
asciilifeform: i'm not sure why it even matters what the gavinists do, so long as the original blockchain continues to run as designed. it then remains a 'hawala' between actual people, and zimbabwe can do whatever
asciilifeform: hawala is more or less the same, but implemented in the informal, mouth-to-ear way contemplated above.
asciilifeform: think of the advantage bitcoin has over hawala.
ben_vulpes: adlai: hawala fork << lol
adlai: tl;dr: ripple/stellar are a centralized exchange which publishes its customer database, and uses a hawala fork for fiat processing
BingoBoingo: As far as I understand it Liberty Reserve was basically just Dollar Hawala, except derpier
asciilifeform: BlueMeanie4: see also 'hawala' in moslem world, 1000+ yrs.
asciilifeform: so something resembling bitcoin (well, more like Hawala) could have worked even there.
mircea_popescu: course this is more of a case of hawala reduces to bitcoin
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if one takes a conceptual hawala rather than any particular historical implementation, no.
asciilifeform: is there a scenario with 'paper & pencil btc' that does not reduce to simply 'Hawala' ?
asciilifeform: btc sans electric is more or less Hawala.
asciilifeform: has nobody ever heard of 'hawala'?
asciilifeform: if the chumps decamp en masse, btc might end up as a Hawala for a dozen people.
mjr_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawala this is a fascinating article