1100+ entries in 0.039s
a111: Logged on 2018-10-10 01:22 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/ltRHd << per same, of the 4 public noadez in BingoBoingostan, 3 are in pizarro
mircea_popescu: western bunion deplatforming pizarro! conspiraci!
asciilifeform: i have 1 presently ( switched off, will move it to pizarro in near fyootoor ) , talks to ffa
mod6: btw... jurov and I are working on relocating the bitcoin.foundation website to the foundation's server in Pizarro. We're gonna get it set up, and test before we announce a cut-over date. Smooth transition, ftw.
billymg: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-11#1860578 < thanks for these. might be handy for new customers to include these links (and the links shared here http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-10-11#440371) on an info page somewhere on http://pizarroisp.net ☝︎
billymg: can i self-voice in #pizarro?
asciilifeform: billymg: prolly this is obvious, but i'ma remind for the record : whatever you do, dun lose yer pgp key. it's your only connection to the wallet, pizarro, wot . nothing can be done for folx who lose key.
billymg: i tried speaking in pizarro, i don't see a deedbot to message about voice
asciilifeform: billymg: http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-hosting-rate-sheet/
billymg: somewhat related to an mp-wp theme, i'd very much like some reliable hosting. do i join #pizarro to ask about that?
BingoBoingo: In other news, today is pizarro invoicing day and hanbot's auction closed per "<lobbesbot> AUCTION # 367 has ENDED: 500usd via WU SOLD to BingoBoingo for 76mn coppers. Attn: hanbot" leading to a price of 6579 usd/BTC ☟︎
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/ltRHd << per same, of the 4 public noadez in BingoBoingostan, 3 are in pizarro ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: As mimi is not logging pizarro I present the latest report draft http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XAMut/?raw=true for mod6 ben_vulpes asciilifeform and all other interested parties
asciilifeform: esp. pizarro voyages, these will always call for lightest available lappy, erry gram costs.
asciilifeform: i had to actually use it as a battery-powered box on pizarro voyage, and it sucked
BingoBoingo: As I await the board to approve the Pizarro report I bring a nugget from the research mines: "Just try to have a good time and work hard to find a better job. Budtending is nowhere land."
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 22:25 Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 22:25 Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything?
Mocky: a lot of sites are blocked in qatar and i don't know if I'll need it but I'd like to run a web proxy on my pizarro shared hosting just in case. can someone make a recommendation? do I need something like tinyproxy or squid, or is there a way to do it without installing anything? ☟︎☟︎
mod6: BingoBoingo: Please just enter a bid from yourself on behalf of Pizarro for 1 satoshi more than I bid.
mircea_popescu: heck, half the fucking reason we even did pizarro was to get this going, if yo urecall.
mod6: any regular buyers of btc should just throw out an auction for some minimal amount. Say $500 USD, and once pizarro wins those aucutions, they'll get the hang of it.
trinque: mod6: the hinting thing doesn't work. put a blog post out and give direction, pizarro's process is to ...
mod6: i pasted that log line above because i was hinting to readers "hey, if you want to buy pizarro's coins, this is how you do it." But no one even asked.
trinque: this would look like an ideal position for pizarro, as you'd have far more of a sense in advance what fiat you may be able to pick up.
mircea_popescu: this, as far as i can tell, is perfectly useful to pizarro as things stand now, and perfecly approachable to everyone, and a permanent solution to the record and advertisement requirements people have.
mircea_popescu: it ~seems to me~ this difference is not worth a postage stamp, if indeed i understand the description of pizarro's situation mod6 is making correctly, that is, "we have trouble finding lots of fiat to buy, not finding exact chunks".
mircea_popescu: to translate the difference between "i'm selling 8k fiats" and "i wish to buy 8k fiats" ? is the specificity of ammounts on pizarro side such a huge deal for you lot ?
mod6: After for sure. I don't have the exact date, but I'd say it was in the last week of september -- I reached out to a few people directly since I wasn't getting any takers in either #pizarro or #trielam.
mircea_popescu: so if jurov has a chunk of fiat, he can offer it and pizarro can bid and i guess trinque could bid more if he wanted to. this is dysfunctional ?
a111: Logged on 2018-09-17 19:04 mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-23 01:43 mod6: Pizarro is looking to purchase some fiat for next month. Please reach out to me if you would like to sell some dollars! Thanks in advance.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-17 19:04 mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested.
mod6: I'm sorry, I was just acting to do what I thought was best for Pizarro and it's customers. I seem to be getting it wrong, somehow.
asciilifeform: trinque: entirely meant as non-flame. i like selling usd occasionally ( did first , what , 6mo of pizarro... ) but i do not have a proper algo currently.
mod6: All, an update from Pizarro: The price point that Pizarro will be using for the month of October is $6170 per BTC.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: plox at your earliest convenience to pgp to asciilifeform your notes re how pizarro exit router was configged... asciilifeform is baking a pilot replacement for subj
mircea_popescu: yeah but we were using a "standard" figure. what's pizarro charge, i don't recall ? was it 10% ?
mod6: I gotta get the report done for pizarro. I've also gotta lock in a price and get the bills paid.
mod6: And for the time being, I've got Pizarro things that need doing.
mod6: i'll find it, just a minute. then I gotta reivew the rest of the log, and move on to pizarro things.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: pre-pizarro i actually tried a dozen ru isp. they all wanted ru corp.
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-03#1857656 -> udp tester for pizarro win! ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: item will need some tuning to work as pizarro main switch, presently i only ever used it as a nat ( large-ish lan to 1 external ip ) thing
mircea_popescu: if it's good enough to ship to pizarro it's good enough to sell.
lobbes: (obligatory pizarro pitch to log readers: where else can you have 100% context on -why- service is being done on your box, as well as watch it unfold real-time? Compare and contrast with, say, this example from heathenlandia (Edis) >> http://archive.is/NVpIR)
asciilifeform: i've been thinking i oughta conjure up moar trb nodez, but erry time i sit down and look to do it, end up thinking 'why give money to heathen derps'. but on other hand it dun do much good to put 9000 nodes all in pizarro. but to which heathen can give moneys without retching..
mod6: workin' on the pizarro stuff here...
asciilifeform: ( pizarro per se has no use for the old drives once we get errybody onto the new )
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 15:43 mod6: Pizarro, on the other hand, I'm more of a fish out of water.
mod6: I'm really lacking in the 'sales' end of things with Pizarro too, obviously.
mod6: Pizarro, on the other hand, I'm more of a fish out of water. ☟︎
mod6: Right now, I've got two major struggles. The Foundation, which I feel like I've been at least successful at the trb curation end of (and am certainly much more well suited for), and Pizarro.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-24 15:59 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider eg that pizarro doesn't need to undertake the (significant, and unbounded) cost of writing "code of conduct" or "terms of service" or any of the other nonsense. things have changed. nude bitcoin is dangerous in the sense discussed in 2012, but bitcoin-as-currency-of-the-republic eminently usable today.
mod6: I will do so formally after the Pizarro report is complete. We will be needing to find a replacement for myself as Co-Chair.
mod6: I'll be working on the Pizarro report over the next few days. After which time, I'll start looking into creating a keccak version of the TRB tree.
asciilifeform: in other minor noose, 100% of blox since this morning on zoolag are from tbf/pizarro, with exception of 1, from mod6's
asciilifeform: ( at pizarro, i mean )
diana_coman: and hm, it seems that it's more like ~all from one single node actually? (pizarro hosted, yes but is that the only one that is hosted by pizarro?)
asciilifeform: ^ spoiler/anticlimactic -- loox like just about all new blox on zoolag come from the pizarro noades
trinque: good investments oughta be able to drive new customers to pizarro for infrastructure.
ben_vulpes: pizarro seemed a) worthwhile endeavour b) could be let fail and the experiment run again c) had good odds of rescue mission succeeding for a time.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 02:16 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the seed funding it provided for pizarro for instance seems a very legitimate approach, "if your project has merit you get a little bit from foundation, helps other people commit." this works well in pantsuitlands too, but i suspect because it;s sound objectively.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the seed funding it provided for pizarro for instance seems a very legitimate approach, "if your project has merit you get a little bit from foundation, helps other people commit." this works well in pantsuitlands too, but i suspect because it;s sound objectively. ☟︎
mod6: People contribute, and do things. It would be very nice to have more consistant help with testing and other things. It hasn't been too bad just doing it myself, but with Pizarro in the picture (esepcially when was acting manager), having to do it all was hard.
asciilifeform: and that dun look like pizarro !
mod6: Only thing I've been held back by is lack of time as I've been way overwhelemed by all of the Pizarro work.
trinque: << this appears to be the pizarro box, eh?
mod6: 's box at Pizarro.
asciilifeform: mod6: i thought it was moved to pizarro ?!
BingoBoingo: Orc paper hell is orc paper hell, but once this bitch gets digested it seems like it will open up slow boating piles of shit in from China when Pizarro grows to the point we can use that.
BingoBoingo: I eat them, customs folk can't imagine that, hippos dance, the lobos marinos sing, and at some point PizarroISP the musical will resound through the Gossipd equivalent of torrents
trinque: asciilifeform: hate to report that I just noticed my pizarro box (running aggression) was sitting there doing absolutely nothing for about 4k blox
mod6: ben_vulpes: plz to bring back mimi to #pizarro for logging
mod6: Pizarro is looking to purchase some fiat for next month. Please reach out to me if you would like to sell some dollars! Thanks in advance. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-22 18:47 asciilifeform: ( simple algo: you send a packet to 'adult' (i.e. pizarro) box, and it echoes your nat's external ephemeral port, and other folx can udp ~to~ that, while you keep it alive )
asciilifeform: ( simple algo: you send a packet to 'adult' (i.e. pizarro) box, and it echoes your nat's external ephemeral port, and other folx can udp ~to~ that, while you keep it alive ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it all sprung out from the "how would the deedbot pizarro service look like" consideration.
mircea_popescu: i guess "this cat not worth the skinning", in general, maybe. sure, not like the current model is that broken. but if you're going to support things like #pizarro, deedbot pming new names is way the fuck better than pizarro website or sales funnel including a "and then send !!up to deebot" etc.
PeterL: at least now I can join #pizarro, but still can't talk there
mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested. ☟︎☟︎
mod6: And ya, would love to have #pizarro open and welcoming to everyone. I turned off the restrictions this AM and within 3 minutes, guy came in and shit in the foyer.
BingoBoingo: PeterL: mod6 is worried about Allah spam in #pizarro
PeterL: why is #pizarro invite only, are not potential customers pointed there by the website?
mod6: Alright, much better. http://pizarroisp.net/2018/09/17/september-2018/
mod6: Thanks deedbot. TMSR~: The Pizarro August report is finally out, thanks for your patience with me for getting this completed.
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/09/17/september-2018/ << PizzaroISP - September 2018
PeterL: is there a process to get voiced in #pizarro?
asciilifeform: at some point i'd like to get a bigendian box of some description into pizarro , for such work
mod6: TMSR~ : Update on the Pizarro report for August. I have completed the Liabilities table after some discussion with ben_vulpes, and it is currently in a final-draft form. Upon approval of this draft, we will post it to the pizarroisp.net site.
asciilifeform: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-9-11#427276 << whole log of the hunt, for reference .
a111: Logged on 2018-09-11 15:37 lobbes: ftr, this was the -exact- issue I was having (403 errors on www, no ssh, but could ping fine. Whatever BingoBoingo did for me then worked like a charm though.) http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-9-11#427159 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846123
lobbes: ftr, this was the -exact- issue I was having (403 errors on www, no ssh, but could ping fine. Whatever BingoBoingo did for me then worked like a charm though.) http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-9-11#427159 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-31#1846123 ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: do me a favour and add #Do not change this if you're not entirely sure ; talk in #pizarro to make sure ; messing up the routing will cost you your reputation.
asciilifeform: http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-good-neighbor-policy/
mircea_popescu: so basically what's the idea here, "do not edit /etc/conf.d/net without checking with #pizarro" ?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 04:53 ben_vulpes: douchebag: pizarro board has serious reservations about your fucking up our honorsystem ip routing table and bringing dos/whatever hell down upon our little gated community, can i extract a commitment from you to not misbehave in my cab?
asciilifeform: nope, current pizarro policy is that users are to refrain from interfering with others.
mircea_popescu: a large portion of why people are stuck paying that $$$ ; and i guess pizarro will too ?
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG all pizarro rockchip customers ! if you modified your /etc/conf.d/net , in recent 2 weeks, plz say ! asciilifeform currently suspects that somebody munged theirs, and it may account for diana_coman's unreachable box, we may have to take the pilot plant down for maintenance and manually dig, if nobody says anyffing