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deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/12/02/weekly-update-december-2nd-2018/ << PizarroISP - Weekly Update December 2nd 2018
a111: Logged on 2018-12-02 04:05 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: send me pizarro transactions s'il vous plait, note payments for service in advance; i'll put them into the hopper and produce statement numbers. asciilifeform: next girthy table and calculation to write is the customer equity tracker, i will draft and populate with historical data over the next few days and let you know if i hit any puzzlers (low odds, i'm well-acquainted with the process).
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: send me pizarro transactions s'il vous plait, note payments for service in advance; i'll put them into the hopper and produce statement numbers. asciilifeform: next girthy table and calculation to write is the customer equity tracker, i will draft and populate with historical data over the next few days and let you know if i hit any puzzlers (low odds, i'm well-acquainted with the process). ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877602 << there's listed pricing for 'rk', 'rk + fg', you get 1 of the pizarro stash with the latter. ☝︎
lobbes: danielpbarron: fwiw my pizarro rockchip has served me well thus far as a home for both auctionbot and for mp-wp. Hell, you could run a mirror for your church's www in the event it goes down AND host the poker bot
BingoBoingo: Apartments of the same or smaller size as Pizarro habitation module have a list price of ~100,000 USD even for sale. Rent for 14,500 to 16,000 pesos.
asciilifeform: let's make a +ev pizarro 1st, lol
asciilifeform: amberglint: there's an unsold rk ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2295 ) machine at pizarro, waiting for somebody's sweet bl0g
a111: Logged on 2018-11-28 18:14 asciilifeform: phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon
asciilifeform: phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon ☟︎
danielpbarron: pingbacks never worked for me until i got on pizarro
trinque: BingoBoingo: might I suggest contacting some of the n00bs directly, here, and asking them what would make them a pizarro customer
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/11/25/pizarro-weekly-update-november-25th-2018/ << PizarroISP - Pizarro Weekly Update November 25th 2018
asciilifeform: trinque: i dun have any complaints about the firmness of sitters in the chair. even an indestructible , firmly in-the-black pizarro dun mean that 'put ALL boxes in 1 rack' is good idea, imho
trinque: asciilifeform: eh, give me stable management of pizarro how bout, and I'll sit down more firmly on the chair
asciilifeform: ( BingoBoingo : you do recall that yer the pizarro.fuhrer nao ! how are we doing re sealing that roof ?? )
mircea_popescu: what ~did~ you expect bitcoin/usd will do, if we're retreating on foundation, still not solved pizarro market communication a full year later, etcetera ?
trinque: looks like the migration to pizarro happens tonight for the bot.
mircea_popescu: what portion of teh 25% drop in bitcoin value in fiat have you managed to capture as notional pizarro stock appreciation ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873712 << but neveryoumind that. the drop in bitcoin is where pizarro shines, right ? because in between http://btcbase.org/log/2014-01-24#457609 slash http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1825184 on one hand and wisely deploying http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445680 and so on has resulted in significant bitcoin appreciation of pizarro stock, right ? ☝︎☝︎☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: trinque: i admit that i sometimes miss the days when the amt of shit i gave re what the heathen exch rate is, was the size of a hamster's . pizarro is the 1 bone in throat on that score, it runs on heathenbux and consequently sensitive to the weather, like a bad knee
BingoBoingo: mod6: I started my ledger in the Pizarro notes on September 1st.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-19 05:30 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: why does mod6's ledger show a transaction for 0.1 btc to you on august 12th and then back from you on august 17th? it doesn't affect the accounting, but i am perplexed as you both stated that your ledgers in these shared notes contained all of your pizarro transactions with noted exceptions that do not include that transaction.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-19 05:06 ben_vulpes: mod6: why does the net change in pizarro's cash account for august not equal the difference between the sum of incoming and outgoing cash transactions?
a111: Logged on 2018-11-19 07:09 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i've sketched out a set of tables that could hold all pizarro data accounting data and generate statements; the only remaining puzzlers are modeling subscriptions, prepay, and asset depreciation. would you like me to complete the design, put sql to disk and turn this into an accounting spreadsheet for pizarro?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i've sketched out a set of tables that could hold all pizarro data accounting data and generate statements; the only remaining puzzlers are modeling subscriptions, prepay, and asset depreciation. would you like me to complete the design, put sql to disk and turn this into an accounting spreadsheet for pizarro? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: why does mod6's ledger show a transaction for 0.1 btc to you on august 12th and then back from you on august 17th? it doesn't affect the accounting, but i am perplexed as you both stated that your ledgers in these shared notes contained all of your pizarro transactions with noted exceptions that do not include that transaction. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: mod6: why does the net change in pizarro's cash account for august not equal the difference between the sum of incoming and outgoing cash transactions? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-18 20:04 mod6: d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet.
mod6: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/07/15/june-statement/ << Shows that we had a end-of-June cash balance of '6.71445021'. And you subtracted off .5 from that amount, and sent it to me.
mod6: Before that tx, where you send me the remaining pizarro funds, my balance was "0.08479669 BTC".
mod6: d10b713fd66312f2a498b8b93620d87836283bafcbd4b969b1b842ccf11b2beb | ben_vulpes | 6.56190000 | 2018-07-11 06:52:43.265797-07 | Transfer of entirety of outstanding Pizarro funds to deedbot wallet. ☟︎
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/11/17/pizarro-weekly-update-november-17th-2018/ << PizarroISP - Pizarro Weekly Update November 17th, 2018
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: after i find these two roots, i would gladly serve and spreadsheetize this into the pizarro mysql/mp-wp
BingoBoingo: It's an experiment. I'd rather test auctionbot on something other than Pizarro criticals, and if it turns out there's substantial bidder interest in S.QNTR maybe it baits some more submissions from The Lordship and the honorable L2.
trinque: BingoBoingo: why not link the "Remote Hands" text on the Pizarro website to your blog?
BingoBoingo: Prior to September 7th, zero Pizarro Bitcoin was in the deedbot wallet. The payment of the Foundation colo invoice was the first Pizarro transaction outside of payments as a customer/wildcatter. Outside of deedbot I am holding 0.20113128 BTC Pizarro carryover BTC from the BBISP days.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: 2 q's: how much pizarro btc were you holding in your deedbot account as of september 7, and how much elsewhere?
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 22:09 BingoBoingo: ATTN ALL - http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/ << Coded Customer Histories and BTC/USD Price Points
BingoBoingo: ATTN ALL - http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/ << Coded Customer Histories and BTC/USD Price Points ☟︎
mod6: Alright, beginning with 2018-07-15, all transactions in my ledger are Pizarro transactions. Nothing personal in there after that date (where ben_vulpes sent me the funds).
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 20:22 ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo mod6: are there any non-pizarro transactions in the ledger outputs that i have from both of you?
ben_vulpes: i'm walking from july forward, comparing cash position on the pizarro book at the end of each month to cash held for pizarro in both of your accounts, want to ensure that i'm not rolling any personal transactions into the calculations.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo mod6: are there any non-pizarro transactions in the ledger outputs that i have from both of you? ☟︎
mod6: asciilifeform: I'll take some time, but in all honesty, I think Mr. Popescu has it on all accounts. I don't even think he wants to be right on this one, yet he is. And presently, there is nothing I can do to pour myself into the Republic, Foundation, or Pizarro more than I currently am. And at this level of commitment, is harmful to all.
mod6: ben_vulpes: While we're at it, BingoBoingo reminded me that xmas time is upon us, and it might be a very good time to start shopping for some Pizarro hardware with those amazon credits you're holding. Just a reminder.
mod6: So I think the correct thing to do here is to step-down from the Pizarro board, let someone else direct and lead the company to glory, as opposed to the back pages of tardstalk.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871031 << I will not. I will send the remaining Pizarro coins in my deedbot wallet to BingoBoingo today. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 16:00 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture << This and those surprise power cycling of dulap I/II (I forget the dulap version history)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture << This and those surprise power cycling of dulap I/II (I forget the dulap version history) ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: while we're on 'fyootoor techs' : i suspect that a working radio net would make 'robo-pizarro' a substantially moar practical notion. ( i.e. if 'cage' could in just about anywhere, not necessarily 'dc' )
mircea_popescu: yes BingoBoingo is not replaceable. but pizarro can very well be an imaginary woman.
asciilifeform: prior to pizarro, i pictured 'tmsr isp' as a moar 'noncontact' item, where heathen contract is signed and robotic 'bring server into gossip net' item is installed immediately. but FG / we-want-custom-irons etc changed this picture
asciilifeform: is however iirc in pizarro log, presently digging for the most recent known incarnation
mircea_popescu: btw, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871034 : i've ended up conflating two things i think and the result is confusing. so a) obviously as things stand now, and perfectly defensibly for an indefinite future the way to go is to pipe the result of !!balance into some publishatron ; however b) if and when pizarro decides to capitalize on its abundance of highly qualified personnel to create a "bitcoin isp software package", ☝︎
asciilifeform: initially 'missile codes' were 80%+ of the pizarro comms, so problem was latent
mircea_popescu: imagine what a beauty of foresight and strategic superiority that'd have been, /me proceeds to hang linus on own petard for getting one, "but mp... pizarro also has ?"
mircea_popescu: seems pizarro's been growing all kinda pantsuit warts, not mere bureaucracy-ism but the whole shebang.
mircea_popescu: pizarro could get fancy, run a publicly-advertised dedicated node, dumpblocks or w/e to get the txen, push them into mp-wp 100% automatically.
mircea_popescu: amusingly, since pizarro's website runs mp-wp, which is php, this can all be done in... an hour ?
mircea_popescu: notice how in this brief span of ten minutes we've done MORE for pizarro than the above mentioned six months produced!
mod6: I wanted to hire an accountant / CFO / whatever for the work, even back when ben was working on Pizarro -- so he could focus more on sales. But no takers.
BingoBoingo: Once the surplus is accounted for, make your next Pizarro priority a beach vacation before fall hits and the water gets cold. Arrive on a Friday or Saturday to get your odinsleep, we'll hit up the Feria Sunday and tour the rack Sunday or Monday. After you comfort yourself through seeing the hardware I'll put you on a bus to see all those cool beaches on the east coast I hear so much about but don't have the opportunity to check out
BingoBoingo: mod6: With respect to Pizarro, you probably ought to just focus on reconciling the cash account to account for the surplus. As you have time to spend on that task.
mod6: I remember when keeping up with the logs + trb + v really felt like a ton of stuff. But that stuff has been wholesale replaced + some even, by pizarro.
mod6: I'd have to say, I was just doing enough to get us by with the Foundation (library) stuff before Pizarro. Much less, even getting a Stanford and world-class embassy.
mod6: Normally I do tend to work slow so I ensure that my work is accurate, despite recent fuck-ups, which I agree with MP, are not my normal thing. But yes, I'm way overloaded. And it's been hard to keep up with anything foundation related since Pizarro. Especially since Ben left.
BingoBoingo: The accounting issue is mod6 has more Pizarro cash than the October draft statement calculated by applying the net change to the previous month's cash account says he should.
mod6: for #2: We keep the notes so we know what's going on with all the customer accounts, our ledgers, and general information about on-goings of the business. This is necessary so we don't have to log-spelunk everything. Logs don't work all the time, like right now, the logging for #pizarro is down.
mod6: So usually that leaves 30min-1hour per night, sometimes more depending on the size. Sometimes I fall down a well in the logs if i'm looking for something specific related to any number of things: pizarro, foundation, ada, ffa, who knows.
mod6: jurov didn't want to touch pizarro or its accounting. so that's out, I tried to hire him months ago.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 coming on the heels of the misspecced auction and so on, this looks terrifying. << Yeah, I screwed up the auction. I apologize. We had hoped to get some oversight on the last months statement from pizarro but it didn't happen. It might not even be incorrect, and BingoBoingo's draft might not be even incorrect.
mod6: An update on Pizarro's statement for October: BingoBoingo has a draft, of which I've poured through. We seem to have more BTC on hand then is adding up at the moment. So we're going to be auditing some previous statements to see where the problem might be.
jurov: We checked our notes and it came out that exact amount needed for pizarro datacenter payment is $2934.06 USD. The auction was intended for this amount, not just "$2k". Am i right mod6 BingoBoingo?
BingoBoingo: The situation is it will have to wait until after Pizarro statement.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: non-usgistic fw for ye olde 'edgerouter' box. asciilifeform has a duct-taped version in use locally, mircea_popescu had idea where it gets cleaned up and offered to e.g. pizarro for packet-filter
billymg: hey phf, i'm using my pizarro rockchip as my current workbench
asciilifeform: 'jurov moved the Foundation website to the Foundation's server hosted at Pizarro' << confirmed that it worx, a++ btw, ty jurov
asciilifeform: for instance, i have here 2 FG units i flew ~back~ from pizarro, they had been pawed by randos when ben_vulpes had his customs debacle. in so far as i can tell , they have orig firmware still, and by erry possible test they are virginal, but even i cannot say whether they're 'still FG' or not !
BingoBoingo: In still other anyways, where I am today I see the endgame where Pizarro survives to Profitability; I continue Qntra and other writing/social engineering, and gardening someting other than container chives while a republican colony settles down in this Martian hellscape wouldn't be a bad play.
BingoBoingo: I desperately need higher purpose in my life. Gloria the Peruana adores me so much it is ridiculous. My sex life offer no resistance in the medium. Pizarro is a struggle and I pursue that among peers.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, if anyone wants a PPC machine colo'd in Pizarro feel free to inquire. There's not a deep market, but there is one.
BingoBoingo working on a piece covering republican research and doctrine on censorship resistance as of 2018 to throw on the blognotebook, to inform Pizarro marketing.
asciilifeform: or at the very least , >1 serial port ( the current pizarro boxen, do have rs232 header on mobo, but only one, and at the traditional +/- 12v signal levels, rather than ttl, and i eschew the converters, because they all work by oscillating capacitor pump, hence noisy )
lobbes: billymg: there may also be opportunities selling for pizarro. If you think you could be good at that couldn't hurt to check with them
lobbes: billymg: ty for the offer. however ticker functionality will be intimately married to the auction database, so I'm going to want to own that completely. However, auxiliary logs for the various chans is something in demand (#pizarro, for example, just has the one logotron atm). That being said, there may be more pressing needs in the general tmsr conveyor
a111: Logged on 2018-10-10 16:05 BingoBoingo: In other news, today is pizarro invoicing day and hanbot's auction closed per "<lobbesbot> AUCTION # 367 has ENDED: 500usd via WU SOLD to BingoBoingo for 76mn coppers. Attn: hanbot" leading to a price of 6579 usd/BTC
lobbes: on my conveyor, absolutely. I still need to 1) finish de-heathenizing lobbesbot's functions 2) redo #eulora logs 3) get auxiliary #pizarro logs up 4) probably something I'm forgetting
lobbes: though nowadays the rockchip kernels in the pizarro plant have iptables enabled, so you now have a couple of options for crossing that bridge if you come to it
BingoBoingo: ATTN: Over the next few weeks I will be making some fairly big changes to the Pizarro website (theme chopping, pictures, etc) If the pizarro site is broken and stays broken please let me know.
deedbot: http://pizarroisp.net/2018/10/16/pizarro-september-2018-provisional-statement/ << PizarroISP - Pizarro September 2018 Provisional Statement
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of BingoBoingo from 3 to 4 << writes at bingology.net and qntra.net; moved to Uruguay and started Pizarro ISP.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 18:44 BingoBoingo: In new interesting to asciilifeform mod6 and other Pizarro folks, Uruguay is about to roll out a new type of corporate structure. Sociedad de Acción Simplificadas, going to look into it and see if it is at all interesting.
bvt: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862641 -- mircea_popescu, diana_coman, i'm in the process of getting some btc currently, after that will get pizarro shared hosting. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: In new interesting to asciilifeform mod6 and other Pizarro folks, Uruguay is about to roll out a new type of corporate structure. Sociedad de Acción Simplificadas, going to look into it and see if it is at all interesting. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-14 11:56 diana_coman: bvt, get yourself a pizarro shared account and start your blog there precisely with those pastes, what's keeping you?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-10 01:22 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/ltRHd << per same, of the 4 public noadez in BingoBoingostan, 3 are in pizarro
lobbes: asciilifeform: btw, I'm planning to have auctionbot sit in #eulora, and #trilema-lobbes to start. Would you like it to also sit in #pizarro?
diana_coman: bvt, get yourself a pizarro shared account and start your blog there precisely with those pastes, what's keeping you? ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Q0xYA/?raw=true << via pizarro