1400+ entries in 0.285s
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:59:14; assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 09:34:04; jurov: plus without scrubbing everyone'd be able to take some clearsigned text, slap on malicious JS and whatnot and have it published
kakobrekla: peterl because the end point of assbot url parser is in france. assbot is on another server, for obvious reasons.
peterl: why did assbot get the title in french?
trinque: ty assbot
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.phf.2:6cea324aa2207bd1d76e587be3036b547021756929f56d01002638c3c027b975
kakobrekla: assbot> Successfully updated the rating for phf from 2 to 1 < assbot
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.phf.1:039ae78c7128555ebad588f79c7dc7edd0087e763c49d7b6a7dd0165e1fbbc08
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 10:59:43; mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.asciilifeform.5:a22764b43e49e3ced01c6e1e606244e25c4ea7fe34d5f40fda3447a6b6b20a7d
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.asciilifeform.5:a22764b43e49e3ced01c6e1e606244e25c4ea7fe34d5f40fda3447a6b6b20a7d ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:17:38; assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 00:15:17; BingoBoingo: https://blockchain.info/address/1HitLerDidNothingWrongggggghJewfv
davout: !v assbot:davout.rate.Pierre_Rochard.2:850d1e7af53102cfcda576f4f31d76f3867ad3ced5383c6129cdde64313ed568
solrodar: !v assbot:solrodar.rate.asciilifeform.1:d36a041a380ad87f0b2260df1326ad3c6b92f187ad1ba29118587390d6d22fc2
solrodar: !v assbot:solrodar.rate.mircea_popescu.1:24d08c2cc7479bebd8d5e585a0d284305faa1da8102b5954bc38dcb6ac186f50
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.solrodar.1:3745ab57e08eae963b7be27ddddf5bff092c528e3a67dc4da4239834813156ae
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.hanbot.5:5c7030a162ab2367b81a4db0d5ef459ecaca547660a6d5397053e0a4d1428875
mircea_popescu: user_999123 get registered with assbot, get rated, then you can self-voice.
assbot: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.alt072.1:f08f7ddcbe375259c7186e524a39b3bd176d7d528d39fa50f347d14194f9eaaa
jurov: assbot on point, as always
assbot: Logged on 24-07-2015 00:48:33; assbot: US Standards Institute Moves From Timekeeping to Methamphetamine | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1CTeBnU )
assbot: Logged on 21-07-2015 19:17:47; assbot: Logged on 21-07-2015 17:31:20; ascii_field: disconnecting node socket no message in first 60 seconds, 1 0
assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 03:04:19; assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 02:22:29; lobbesbot: New post: http://nosuchlabs.com/rss Phuctored RSA Modulus, GCD=12884901891 (PGP Corporation Update Signing Key; PGP Corporation Update Signing Key ; ) <http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0D9057DA7AEE12C725AA9408D47F4FFC3769BEF7891A0F9C0A9F38420C5C08AB#F79436B629322C70C523BAA5BE0D3D4DDA011578F84122B8CA3ABD15C52A9567>
assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 03:04:19; assbot: Logged on 22-07-2015 02:22:29; lobbesbot: New post: http://nosuchlabs.com/rss Phuctored RSA Modulus, GCD=12884901891 (PGP Corporation Update Signing Key; PGP Corporation Update Signing Key ; ) <http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0D9057DA7AEE12C725AA9408D47F4FFC3769BEF7891A0F9C0A9F38420C5C08AB#F79436B629322C70C523BAA5BE0D3D4DDA011578F84122B8CA3ABD15C52A9567>
mod6: "assbot: I don't do bots, mod6." << lollerskates!
thestringpuller: !up assbot
mircea_popescu: users by lines, last 7 days 1.) assbot 1151 2.) mircea_popescu 1111 3.) asciilifeform 1087 << the closest it's been!
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.diana_coman.1:eda77f1600ad140a749e385a9f6eb53436d7c3487db0039bf0cf85840a907f25
mircea_popescu: incidentally kakobrekla could assbot be changed so instead of dropping a bitly links it drops an archive.today link ?
phf: ben_vulpes: it was assbot. i started on gribble, but it doesn't work as well
ben_vulpes: or was it assbot...
assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 00:22:12; assbot: Logged on 18-07-2015 18:10:58; mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 so what's the plan, turning stator into a release ? << Yeah. I believe 'stator' + { eat/dump block, rm testnet & verifyall } should be the 5.4 release unless anything additional is submitted before we can finish testing & bundling release.
felipelalli: or at least a kind of login where you have to sign a challenge with a GPG key L2 > 0 with assbot.
pete_dushenski: !v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.jurov.4:9b4b6d115c7e3ae9efa66c174d0b1cb0d980b7fbbf1fccd227565c1a6956c928
pete_dushenski: !v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.danielpbarron.2:7da19ed5834cd7e319ea1fc69b27cda70efb9e5c75e8e39dda74af49967f5b88
pete_dushenski: !v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.mircea_popescu.4:e29fd8985f2d0012bbacc5e9ca3f45037fdf14c37bddce4ebf46752b89fa5176
pete_dushenski: !v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.bitstein.2:c6425fc9b7bc8e79dc702b54d5d0ec5414ad73b61b10728dc9432eb06cc1f72a
mod6: !up assbot
assbot: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot
BingoBoingo: <assbot> Logged on 16-07-2015 14:21:09; asciilifeform: also, learned that the 'EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() type=3 unknown in ProcessMessages()' often found in therealbitcoin log comes from phoundation nodes sending 'bloom filter' command, a turd only they support << From my limited understanding it isn't Phoundation nodes, but SPV shit running Hearnia's BitcoinJ doing that
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 14:29:58; assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 12:57:37; nubbins`: "The substances purchased have been various Schedule I and II drugs, including ecstasy, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and others. As of April 2013, at least 56 samples of these purchases have been laboratory-tested, and, of these, 54 have shown high purity levels of the drug the item was advertised to be on Silk Road. "
mod6: !up assbot
trinque: you go up to some gate and do assbot-style authentication
kakobrekla: [20:39:14] <punkman> why no title assbot
kakobrekla: [20:39:00] <assbot> ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0h2XA )
punkman: why no title assbot
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.phf.2:6b5c1f07e27f7b7ae974773e4c050cfce50f47f405a2e9fdf2666a78059e721a
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user phillipsjk: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=phillipsjk | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/phillipsjk/
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot phillipsjk
phillipsjk: assbot says: "You need a better WoT rating for self-up. (level 2 with assbot >0)"
mircea_popescu: phillipsjk no you don't ? you just pm assbot !up
phillipsjk: I am not sure I can auth with assbot. to verify I need to decrypt a OTP, but I need a rating of 2 for the !up command to challenge me with one.
mats: np. fwiw, you can talk to assbot in PM
ag3nt_zer0: !v assbot:ag3nt_zer0.rate.shinohai.1:eecbbcd8e1da919dc77a78e03fc9ef6eb780d132a98b002b39c375244bf75a83
ag3nt_zer0: !v assbot:ag3nt_zer0.rate.trinque.1:6cfc2b3e5683499ec7116014e0dccbd14c25d77d8ed9adc92f6df57d4ea8f7f8
assbot: Logged on 11-07-2015 02:40:47; mats: !v assbot:mats.rate.moneycat.1:801ec5c77ea271e6dad662052dfc4363a1843c6cc5bc53dcd6609361c20777a5
mats: did you decrypt the otp and send it to assbot?
mats: !v assbot:mats.rate.moneycat.1:801ec5c77ea271e6dad662052dfc4363a1843c6cc5bc53dcd6609361c20777a5 ☟︎
mats: !v assbot:mats.rate.moneycat.1:801ec5c77ea271e6dad662052dfc4363a1843c6cc5bc53dc6609361c20777a5
assbot: Logged on 10-07-2015 20:42:19; assbot: Logged on 15-07-2014 03:00:53; asciilifeform: me: why would terrorist run ms-win. he: they will always, trust me.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-07-2015#1196659 << assbot does the bitly for this reason - use it ☝︎
danielpbarron also wonders what is the correct gender pronoun for a bot, and in particular, assbot
danielpbarron wonders if assbot can automatically submit urls to archive.is like he currently submits them to bit.ly
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-07-2015#1196167 << kinda weird. i have it in my log, but it's not on website log. did assbot get split or something ? ☝︎
hanbot: !v assbot:hanbot.rate.jurov.3:7d94608b06d5546bfb17e08573890583b92baec4a8e2116ff570e0ffe5a8f477
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.lobbes.2:81f948807d830af41e59c4726108dd6ddae1f995b52730f156735b2897c1a68b
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.mats.2:69e8f3590c3e3179d8606f89cade86164889b7457861391f4944b9ffca387e6d
asciilifeform: !v assbot:asciilifeform.rate.solrodar.1:0a8d0ab5914fc2d41371f84fe250e40f9eab92aab2afdf54f7774066895e50c5
solrodar: !v assbot:solrodar.rate.ben_vulpes.1:be7ce5a08c6698de2492a0c464338aa0a12c9c6070b6d7a9a6feffbe27ef763a
ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.solrodar.1:898d1835333b88e8a1aeafa9acb92bbad9b839fc1cf4135f8a2ea7ea45bf4c5f
solrodar: !rate assbot 1 testing
assbot: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot
mircea_popescu: jurov how am i going to speak here if i can't paste the assbot text ?
punkman: why is assbot wallet needed for mpif pcs?
mircea_popescu: anyway, if he does the assbot thing i'm definitely going to allow selected l2 people to manage f.mpif pcs.
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2015 02:45:29; assbot: Why Ubuntu plans to replace traditional Linux packages with something better | PCWorld ... ( http://bit.ly/1HJqEnF )
decimation: 00:05:37 assbot: Logged on 03-07-2015 19:49:35; shinohai: mod6: if you want another auto.sh, I'll try and help you when I understand this new build xD
decimation: 00:02:39 assbot: Logged on 04-07-2015 17:23:18; trinque: yeah, I'm being hyperbolic
decimation: 00:00:40 assbot: Logged on 04-07-2015 16:41:04; asciilifeform: ;;later tell kakobrekla my current understanding of the ph0rk situation is that your hypothesis re: miners
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla how about you do this specifically : a) make assbot make an hourly report with prices and volumes for each traded commodity ; b) make assbot spot a line trade for each time trade in a commodity goes > 100 btc ; c) make assbot keep a wallet for every person in l2 ; d) allow me to order buys and sells on bit4x via assbot, just gives me a hash to unpack like rating works now. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.hdbuck.1:054d7058b5e3cbe526b7ce2347cb387c46d70859cf71d140e888e743c872545e
BingoBoingo: <assbot> Successfully added a rating of 1 for hdbuck with note: Latest qntra editor << Not editor, edited
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.hdbuck.1:1dbf351613089fb79a798bdbb61614f211ae3e8f684a6abd682027df907aeb78
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user hdbuck: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=hdbuck | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/hdbuck/
jurov: !gettrust assbot hdbuck
assbot: Logged on 03-07-2015 15:44:14; assbot: Iceland makes blasphemy legal - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1UhMCDq )
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.gernika.1:eb318647a108e0be29f9865dd2fdfb67a3b866e012eab068bab5f31c1d2db831
mod6: !up assbot
assbot: Logged on 02-07-2015 09:30:01; assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47300 @ 0.00049435 = 23.3828 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.shinohai.1:69e4bc8a9153033824d3eb9343ba203c5b7eedd3510b7067e202e06cf4531194
mod6: !v assbot:mod6.rate.trinque.2:169cd6f50f90268d762985db26d2684aae73f0608210b216475944c337511014
mod6: !v assbot:mod6.rate.shinohai.1:166411dcdc19e0619447eec6756b67e99dd3dd7c8ac794832a8fdf651173e770
mod6: !assbot:mod6.rate.shinohai.1:166411dcdc19e0619447eec6756b67e99dd3dd7c8ac794832a8fdf651173e770
assbot: Trust relationship from user shinohai to user assbot: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=shinohai&to=assbot | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/assbot/
mats: !gettrust shinohai assbot
jurov: !gettrust assbot Vexual
jurov: !gettrust assbot muxne
assbot: Trust relationship from user DanyAlos to user assbot: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=DanyAlos&to=assbot | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/assbot/
decimation: !gettrust DanyAlos assbot
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user mats: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=mats | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/mats/
danielpbarron: !gettrust assbot mats