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mircea_popescu: pgp turns out would is auxiliary there, not personal, so it was correct
mircea_popescu: cads the retards re-re-re-inventing a broken version of pgp
cads: pgp: I'm not sure if I'm going to remain in school
MJR_: i'm going to lunch with darren pgp
mircea_popescu: pgp it would have been the logical step for them.
MJR_: and pgp is right
mircea_popescu: <pgp> it's the color of money << i like this one.
mircea_popescu: pgp not rly. btc has no standards is what i'm saying.
mircea_popescu: pgp you understand only recently they had any money ?
dub: pgp: idiocy
Scrat: pgp: quite a lot more
mircea_popescu: <pgp> it's embarassing for any bitcoin evangelist... << they're not here, blessfully.
mjr_: pgp: hey there
mircea_popescu: pgp no.
smickles: pgp: it's odd, to say the least
smickles: pgp: ask about it in -dev
dub: pgp: no fees?
mircea_popescu: pgp yes...
mircea_popescu: pgp yes
mircea_popescu: pgp i don't think the idea ever was for coders to be paid
mircea_popescu: pgp ya well the old pos doesn't work (as detailed in http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoind-not-quite-ready-for-prime-time/ )
mircea_popescu: pgp a hungarian dood.
mircea_popescu: pgp there is no such thing as "money laundering".
mircea_popescu: <pgp> often they float <10% of there shares and often aren't that liquid <<< /me grins
MJR_III: pgp: i don't think it would be that much
bugpowderr: pgp all orders that display in the book are fully funded
smickles: pgp: bugpowderr seems to know more about it, but basically, they let you do it
OneMiner: pgp Yes, if hashrate always goes up then halving day will come sooner by a bit.
OneMiner: pgp 1 block per 10 min based on rate of block generation during the period.
MJR_III: pgp: also...current btc/usd exchange rate and expected btc/usd exchange rate
mircea_popescu: yah what gwillen said. i gather you're competent enough, go make one pgp
gwillen: pgp: I'd be interested in seeing such an analysis if you found or made one
mircea_popescu: pgp not really.
gwillen: pgp: if you bought with BTC or with dollars you would have put into BTC, I think you lose
gwillen: pgp: if you bought with dollars you weren't otherwise going to use to buy BTC, I think you get pretty much a wash
mircea_popescu: pgp btc equiv of the fiat value of the btc sent at the time it was sent
OneMiner: pgp You're on the right track but it's up to you to decide.
mircea_popescu: pgp it does make it less valuable yes
mircea_popescu: pgp prolly mtgox.
pgp: [16:08] <pgp> my spidey sense tells me that something is about to happen
mircea_popescu: pgp maybe somebody finally got bored of their idiocy and used one of the five i mean eight i mean nine billion ror 0days
Bugpowder: pgp, we will probably hit the 60s and bounce right back
mircea_popescu: pgp you mean smickles' thing ?
mircea_popescu: pgp esp in the next 3-6 months.
mircea_popescu: pgp the budding bitcoin entreprewhatevers still have much more basic issues, such as for instance dealing with their daddy complexes
mircea_popescu: pgp socrate would only approve of it if it were rephrased as aquestion.
mircea_popescu: pgp it's sad tho
mircea_popescu: <pgp> my gut tells me that's there's an "undisclosed problem" over at coinbase... << i read someone saying something similar iirc
leotreasure: what do you mean pgp?
deadweasel: pgp, they have. A LOT.
kakobrekla: pgp its multiple of them
Bugpowder: pgp security or convienence, pick one.
MJR_: pgp signed?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why not extract it from a PGP public key instead? can't be faked, and doesn't need armed thugs to enforce.
mircea_popescu: pgp im quoting this.
mircea_popescu: pgp now this is an interestinfg observatiob
mircea_popescu: pgp nah
mircea_popescu: pgp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHrt7Fc99Eo there. with music.
mircea_popescu: pgp gimme a link i might make some sense of it
mircea_popescu: pgp lol cool
mircea_popescu: pgp haha cool.
mircea_popescu: pgp you actually can't connect to what srsly ?!
smickles: pgp: if you're still having issues with the websites, use assbot or mpexbot
mircea_popescu: lmao pgp
mircea_popescu: pgp the reason is they're mixing bizdev with the fee schedule.
MJR_: exactly what pgp said
mircea_popescu: pgp bitfloor, the guys currently owinfg like 900x what they'll ever make ?
mircea_popescu: or independently, but pgp is a good solution to keep it safe.
mircea_popescu: pgp that could easily be implemented using the mpex push for isntance
MJR_: pgp: again instant settlement is not sustainable
gesell: smickles: yeah mpexbot... so it could be that just as mpex forces people to understand that the odd security model is better (and forces people to learn why and learn what pgp is) maybe it is of value to force them to use a different interface in a similar way. but the cause and effect is not as clear with the Web vs Mpexbot, as it was with the gpg protocol
smickles: i've got a copy of the original pgp source code somewhere
smickles: yeah, pgp busted that
mircea_popescu: <MJR_> -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
MJR_: I finally got pgp working on the iPhone
Josh_Rossi: well, i kind of want to start using pgp for certain emails
Josh_Rossi: but i already set up a script to do it with pgp
Josh_Rossi: yeah, i got it, i thought that was going to change my pgp address
mod6: Hey all. So I think I'm just gonna play with this thing a bit today, but it should be a lot less testing in here. I'm gonna change this thing so when it just sits in here, it looks for a msg from the owner defined by a pgp keyid and it'll verify with gribble via keyid & hostmask & if authenticated currently.
mjr_: now I want to set up the pgp signature
mod6: i gotta see if any of the proxies can process PGP messages similar to mpex.co used to -- otherwise I gotta change my perl scripts
imsaguy: but then mpex passes pgp back :p
imsaguy: nanotube: pgp over irc
mircea_popescu: if they get anywhere they broke pgp.
mircea_popescu: but if someone breaks pgp in 2049, what do they get ? a lot of BUY|S.BLABLA|350|45000 ?
mircea_popescu: all you have to do is take urls from people and feed them into server as pgp strings
imsaguy: people pastebin the pgp
mircea_popescu: imsaguy the problem is irc doesn't handle pgp so well
jurov: doctor_pullfinge, since pgp is used,coinbr has no way to tamper with your orders nor replies
mjr___: i'm actually on his comp right now, he prob goes by pgp
dub: he invented pgp yo
Diablo-D3: I fucking pgp encrypt it with a passphrase, and then upload it to multiple VPSes
mircea_popescu: 3. you look for the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- tag.
mircea_popescu: 1. you look for -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----. if not found, kill the task. if found :
topace_: yea it definitely needs a blank line after the BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE line
mircea_popescu: put it on the same line with -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
topace_: -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
mircea_popescu: if you pgp-sign the same exact message ten million times you won't get a collision
mjr__: it's funny though, my friend who i work with is so impressed with nomura because they use pgp
jurov: unless they do it like my bank... sends emails with pgp signature.. but pubkey is nowhere to be found