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diana_coman: asciilifeform, I can compile it certainly wherever it is; but can I press with V eucrypt with eucrypt/mpi and eucrypt/
serpent let's say?
mircea_popescu: the deeper problem here is that the evolution of warfare has rendered a symmetric cipher useless. for the launch codes or how you call it we're mostly in consensus to use pure rsa, if memory serves, and for the prattle of eg game server,
serpent will do.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-18 15:35 asciilifeform: fwiw there is a quite short ada
serpent existing, passes the test set ( and branch-free ).
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 16:58 asciilifeform since release of FUCKGOATS, spent much time studying '
serpent' block cipher.
mircea_popescu: the situation thereby is that the
serpent to be used in eulora ORIGINATES with diana_coman , its reader.
a111: Logged on 2015-01-17 22:38 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, like the choice of 'aes' over the stronger but 'slower' '
serpent' cipher, it was merely orders from lizardhitler.
mircea_popescu: in ~principle~
serpent doesn't expose the key anymore than it exposes the cipher. the claim is that if you know about 2^100 or so plaintext-ciphertext matches you can extract the key.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, 16
serpent keys means 16 keys of 256 bits each?
mircea_popescu: but if memory serves the "attack" on
serpent used 2^100 plaintexts sorta deal
mircea_popescu: so i'm guessing a daily-ish
serpent key change per client is not unreasonable.
mircea_popescu: and suddenly the fg entropy debit is relevant : eulora server will be capable to produce iirc no more than 64
serpent keys/second per installed FG.
mircea_popescu: so basically we'll be reusing
serpent keys, is the idea ?
mircea_popescu doesn't recall why we picked up airbase 1
serpent in preference of japanese item ?
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, let me see if I got this right re "patch": simply apply
serpent as it is and then at the next level up glue x keys together and send as "key", glue the corresponding x outputs together and use as "output"; basically lump together 16 serpents
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i have this itching half-memory that
serpent 256 was actually defined
mircea_popescu: anyway, whatever, diana_coman : the correct implementation approach to patch the 256 bit
serpent into 4096 bit rsa is to cut every rsa block into 16 fragments, cipher each independently with diff keys, then paste the 16 keys together make 4096 bit of key.
diana_coman: yes, I had found that one; for some reason I thought you had in mind a different approach for expanding block + key size for
serpent itself
diana_coman: asciilifeform, mind expanding a bit on what you had in mind as best way to expand
serpent to 512 bits blocks?
diana_coman: well, I was trying to keep my scope there relatively narrowly focused on
serpent itself; it's not a very short post as it is anywya
a111: Logged on 2015-01-17 22:38 asciilifeform: or, alternatively, like the choice of 'aes' over the stronger but 'slower' '
serpent' cipher, it was merely orders from lizardhitler.
diana_coman: asciilifeform,
serpent passed the test vectors!!
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, depending on what we use finally it might be ada-
serpent too,unclear
diana_coman: ftr for the
serpent ada implementation I wrote the testing part: grabbed published test vectors and wrote a snippet to eat them up, call the
serpent, check results, complain if any mismatch
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform any proposal on a method to compare camellia and
serpent meaningfully ?
davout: "Une controverse existe, selon laquelle
Serpent n'aurait pas été choisi comme AES, car casser ses clés aurait été beaucoup trop complexe pour les services de renseignement civils et militaires. De plus, même dans une version simplifiée il reste robuste. Par exemple Rijndael est très souvent implémenté dans TLS en version simplifiée sur 14 de ses 16 tours pour des raisons de rapidité, mais aussi d'analyses de données. Alors que
Serpent Framedragger: "Complicating things is the fact that Danica is pregnant. Neither the serpiente nor the avians are crazy about the idea of a mixed-blood child taking the throne. A child of a cobra and another
serpent is always a cobra, a child of a hawk and another avian is always a hawk." WELL BUT OBVIOUSLY
mircea_popescu: so they're not even at discussing jets and immutability yet. so far we're doing "branding imperatives" and "How to call
Serpent function from JAVA SCRIPT (including encoding of function arguments)"
serpent? in crc crypto encyclopaedia, and had citations. but largely, wank on sci.crypt
Serpent, the ideal language for businesses who don't need more than 2,256 of anything
punkman: lol "Python numbers have potentially unlimited size,
Serpent numbers wrap around 2256. For example, in
Serpent the expression 3^(2^254) suprisingly evaluates to 1"
mircea_popescu: e was traceable clear across the deserts of the Territory by the writhing
serpent of dust it lifted up. By these wagons, freights over that hundred and fifty miles were $200 a ton for small lots (same price for all express matter brought by stage), and $100 a ton for full loads. One Virginia firm received one hundred tons of freight a month, and paid $10,000 a month freightage. In the winter the freights were much high
BingoBoingo: This prolly goes back to the
Serpent's argument to Eve about the Apple.
mircea_popescu: but anyway : the hissing of the
serpent is easily ignored, until the point you cross its boundary.