1548 entries in 0.635s
thestringpuller: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/447/hello-yes-this-is-dog.png
thestringpuller: who is dog?
thestringpuller: it is dog?
mircea_popescu: i'll end up with manga fanshit, whereby a dog asks a princess what this is a kingdog ?!
mircea_popescu: "dear king, what is this ?" "it is dog"
kakobrekla: you can have her and the dog.
pigeons: yer lovin made me as sick as a dog, so i'm sickin my dog on you
mircea_popescu: inaba is teh cornered dog
kakobrekla: fuckin dog.
Diablo-D3: infact, triple dog dare you
mircea_popescu: blind dog goes to mt fiji. "your obsession with clouds shows how small you really are".
jcpham: yes, this is dog.
kakobreklaa: or is it dog?
thestringpuller: I thought of that meme with the dog holding the test tubes
gribble: Muzzle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle>; Petco Nylon & Mesh Dog Muzzle at PETCO: <http://www.petco.com/product/109945/Petco-Nylon-And-Mesh-Dog-Muzzle.aspx>; muzzle - definition of muzzle by the Free Online Dictionary ...: <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/muzzle>
kakobrekla: not dog?
kakobreklaaa: what is this dog?
kakobrekla: is this dog?
mircea_popescu: Lobbyist Michael Kiok, who lives with his dog Cassie, told the newspaper there were more than 100,000 zoophiles in Germany.
Chaang-Noi: i liked that dog barking quote
mircea_popescu: lol. please don't buffer the dog.
mircea_popescu: rex is a dog's name
mircea_popescu: yes, this is dog.
MrTiggr: liek dog-years but diff
rg: gigavps: will you eat a can of dog food on webcam for btc?
mircea_popescu: .echo who's the dog in this relationship
dog: dog want bone!
dog: hello? yes, this is dog
mircea_popescu: the dog ?
mircea_popescu: "everybody and their dog" where everybody has more than one dog.
nefario: I am a dog I guess
copumpkin: kakobrekla: you mean dog on the forum?
kakobrekla: DOG!
mircea_popescu: everyone on the internet is a dog
dog: double dog dare?
mircea_popescu: build a better double dog...
JWU_42: a double dog
JWU_42: http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg
dog: http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg
mircea_popescu: dog hello ?
this_is_dog: this is dog
mircea_popescu: this_is_dog hello ?
mircea_popescu: they'd ship it soaked in dog pee
mircea_popescu: o, "people" do ? im sorry eskimodog, but we of teh internets know you're a dog.
nefario: usagi: you sly dog
mircea_popescu: you sly dog you. i wouldn't worry about any blemishes.
EskimoBob: sure - lets another man and a dog develop something and when he gets "sick" and walks... you have a assload of broken code :)