1900+ entries in 0.119s
danielpbarron: what do you have to say about the 12step meme's appropriation of your memeplex in step 1? (and its appropriation of bb's brain, but that's another matter, and better memes than liquor dreams)
☟︎ mike_c: ;;later tell
danielpbarron fixed.
danielpbarron: try now.
mike_c: ;;later tell
danielpbarron well, let me know if you're still having problems.
mike_c: ping
danielpbarron - what's this eulorum problem you're seeing?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell mike_c hey,
danielpbarron can't log into eulorum because something with cookies. anything change ?
danielpbarron rated solrodar -1 << I find it implausible that this guy has anything interesting to say
danielpbarron lmao don't tell me, the self-elected defender of public interest split with some spare change.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-17 14:26 davout: asciilifeform: you should send me a couple if you're going to the post office anyway for
danielpbarron davout: asciilifeform: you should send me a couple if you're going to the post office anyway for
danielpbarron ☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-04-17 14:06
danielpbarron: asciilifeform, gimme a quote on a small box of them, like a dozen or so
danielpbarron: were any of your trades at prices different from the current exchange price?
a111: Logged on 2016-04-17 13:20
danielpbarron: ;; later tell nubbins` I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath waiting for you to send those two s.nsa shirts you already took payment for..
danielpbarron has not rated nubbins`.
mircea_popescu: *
danielpbarron pours a whiskey << ron cubano original ftw!
shinohai: btw
danielpbarron didn't you have some info stashed away somewhere on building a gentoo on pogo instead of arch?
danielpbarron: my impression is that in all seriousness asciilifeform pines for a technology priest status in an hierarchy that's at the very least not rotten through and through, i.e. building machines for non-lizard-hitler. he despairs since one is not available. as such "become crust punk" advise is totally inapplicable to him
danielpbarron: i hear you, i do. but it's sorta over and done with at this point.
danielpbarron: like soap, once a few people start using it...
danielpbarron: it's *not* over
danielpbarron: it's not over
danielpbarron: yeah, i'm adding them myself since wp is retarded
danielpbarron: i usually add <pre> tags
danielpbarron but if they just asked how would you know it's correct!
mircea_popescu: so i'm guessing
danielpbarron is getting voted most likely to succeed jail ?
danielpbarron but are you actually exempt or just claiming ?
mircea_popescu: phf: incidentally there's a bug in ref counter, only finds one ref << thanks
danielpbarron :D
danielpbarron> i love the new log! v.nice with the back and forward reference thing << am i missing something ?
danielpbarron has a fief?
danielpbarron: might've had extraneous whitespace somewhere in the command
danielpbarron: imma teach you guys to give proper bug reports :p
danielpbarron you familiar with the old idea that you know, the creation-god is this hunchback covetous idiot of a fellow,
mircea_popescu: it did, had a burp earlier with
danielpbarron it seems
danielpbarron: i'll give more details later, working on bitbet for now
wallflower216: thanks,
danielpbarron, and cheers to all. Just a noob here used to reading the logs so lurking here
danielpbarron rated deedbot 1 << #trilema bot
danielpbarron updated rating of assbot from 1 to -1 << #bitcoin-assets bot
deedbot: deedbot rated
danielpbarron 1
danielpbarron: yup, apple, google et al
danielpbarron I guess it depends on how you do it, I never did beer, but I made mead, and it was much cheaper than buying an equivalent volume, about an hour of work and a few weeks of waiting
danielpbarron tho in fairness if you add all official s.mg auctions up, you get something more like 6 btc i think ? so yeah. totallies.
mircea_popescu: check that out
danielpbarron close to one billion ecu!
danielpbarron> just like Obama can't be that powerful if he can't publicly have a harem << the excuse here would be that "he could if he wanted to - doesn't want to".
danielpbarron doesn't matter because lemonde.fr isn't going around pretending like what you say matters!!!1eleventeen
danielpbarron: PeterL>
danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas << no. just the 66 books
danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas, or do you just stick with what is in the traditional bible?
danielpbarron even something like the vulgate (ie, jerome's ancient but otherwise very good latin version) would be useful
danielpbarron: this jason peirce guy is full of shit, he's talking about "early greek versions" like he's got insight trump into true meaning
danielpbarron these fucking derps with "the golden rule" already. /me turns the page.
shinohai: Are they any good
danielpbarron ?
phf: well,
danielpbarron believes in god, i (for sake of conversation) don't. that's a non-transferable prior, though of course both can be transferred through various involved mechanisms. indoctrination, dialogues, sudden insight
danielpbarron: we have it in orthodox christianity. a period when you have to eat specific, reduced diet
phf: if
danielpbarron started discussing finer points of the bible, like, say, specific choices of food for lent, the entire thread is "crazy"
phf: well,
danielpbarron is a religious fundamentalist. things that he says have to be recoded from his frame to my frame. if there's particularly prolonged periods of inability to map frames on my part, i can go "well this is crazy" and dismiss it as not bring relevant to me or i can spend significantly more effort to recode
danielpbarron expressed some concern that the following part of yesterdays #b-a log was an accusation made by me against mircea_popescu. i don't see it, but perhaps i'm missing something?
http://paste.lisp.org/display/311820/raw mircea_popescu: ahahahaha what!
danielpbarron scored twins at porcfest ?
danielpbarron falkvinge has lotsa followers, and is supposed to be pro decentralization...
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 13:32:31;
danielpbarron: i'm not interested in bitcoin if he's not interested in it
danielpbarron is pretty much hanbot-level muppet
danielpbarron: do you have any idea how many times i heard that in my life? surely you must have did too, did you likewise obey them?
jurov: trinque,
danielpbarron: i am not fine with things, what do you think i can do?
nubbins`: if we took all the bees out of
danielpbarron's and trinque's panties, we could make honey.
trinque: the way one forgets and falls back into the patterns of his youth.. it almost makes one believe in
danielpbarron's demons :p
PeterL: solrodar if you sign a statement "I give my dog to
danielpbarron", then yes it is his dog, and if you later say oops, I meant to give it to bob, then it is up to DPB to give the dog up, but he does not have to