1900+ entries in 0.308s
nubbins`: reminds me of the woman who claimed JK Rowling stole her book "Larry Botter" or w/e
mike_c: which is why some people who would rather have the cash themselves are willing to dump it at 90% of book value.
mike_c: heh, well, it's currently trading below book value
funkenstein_: anybody give me a book review? http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/1530.cfm
asciilifeform: decimation: http://royallib.com/book/novotni_y/krot_v_gorode.html
decimation: heh I didn't realize there was a book
asciilifeform: decimation: i never saw the animated one. only had the book
ascii_field: from the lulzfarms: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/24/science/hydrogen-bomb-physicists-book-runs-afoul-of-energy-department.html
nubbins`: shit, there was a Crichton book (sphere?) where the future coca-cola cans were all in chinese
jurov: nubbins`: you can use these as illuminations for alf's book
brendafdez: Well, my first computer was a Pentium 100 Mhz with 8 MB RAM that my parents bought in 1996, I stayed with that thing until 2005 or so. For many years that meant that I used DOS and Win3.11 daily bc W98 was too much for that piece of hardware. Once around 1999/2000 I borrowed from a friend a linux book which came with a Red Hat CD but dual booting was not an option (also the HDD was like 500 MB). It brings back memories seeing those in
nubbins`: asciilifeform sorry, your book can't be bound in sealskin anymore ;/
decimation: mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/mpifg_book/mpifg_bd_36.pdf > " Einen Antrag zur Förderung einer elektronischen Nachfolgeversion der Z-3, den sein Mit- arbeiter Elektroingenieur Helmut Schreyer stellte, lehnte die deutsche Reichsregierung als »nicht kriegswichtig« ab (Petzold 1985: 316). " They tried to get the nazi gov to pay for the advancement of the Z-3, but it was deemed "not war-worthy"
ben_vulpes: sipahi << yeah. that berber book's really good.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the outside world is despised << in the book, this was underscored on every page. and the degeneracy depicted also.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: him. he has a book, about his life and how he was tormented in punitive psych hospitals
decimation: asciilifeform: how do you 'scan and post' a book? I just fujitsu scansnap
asciilifeform: most of what i read is '70s-'90s and a good chunk of it is book
mod6: it seems like a decent read. i feel like i my have read that book like a million-internet years ago.
danielpbarron: apparently you can read the book on google? idk how that works
danielpbarron: i own this book and recommend it to others
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 22:02:49; danielpbarron: one of the best places to get like-new Bibles is a used book store
assbot: Process: Smyth Sewn Book Binding on Vimeo ... ( http://bit.ly/1DIbrCD )
nubbins`: downside is that the book block is now much less securely held in place
nubbins`: as you can see, the biggest thing is to not adhere the spine of the book block
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 21:44:19; danielpbarron: basically anything ascii wants in book form, I would probably also want
asciilifeform: perhaps somebody whose soul is still attached will write this book..
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 23:54:02; nubbins`: there's a large chunk of the book that could be misidentified as schizo by the unqualified observer
nubbins`: man, i remember tucows from back when i had to buy a book to use the internet
nubbins`: actually, bird book has gold on black as well
nubbins`: contrast the economy of scale here to alf's $200 book ;(
Adlai: (which were supposed to be one book, but eventually didn't 'fit in head')
nubbins`: which ender's game book was it where they created a race of smart people genetically predisposed to OCD?
nubbins`: there's a large chunk of the book that could be misidentified as schizo by the unqualified observer ☟︎
nubbins`: or even better, http://www.instash.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Hollow-Book-Safe-With-Flask.jpg
nubbins`: you're supposed to soak the entire book block in water+glue, then press it til it's dried, then cut the hole out
nubbins`: that is *not* how you make a secret compartment in a book.
jurov: i was like okay, read it like any other book
nubbins`: http://viewer.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/icv/page.php?book=arch._b_b.11&page=409
danielpbarron: one of the best places to get like-new Bibles is a used book store ☟︎
ascii_field: Shrugged, A New Kind of Science, and then other people chimed in with suggestions for Gray's Anatomy, The Chicago Manual of Style, and the 25-year anniversary edition of Gödel, Escher, Bach, all of them arguing that if I wanted the most important book, I would want their suggestions. I scremed, "Enough!", and space just as suddenly warped back to the bookstore and the very helpful young Muslim woman behind the counter
danielpbarron: S.BOOK needs to be a thing maybe
ascii_field: nubbins`: what is a book plough ?
danielpbarron: basically anything ascii wants in book form, I would probably also want ☟︎
danielpbarron: did that 0.5.3 source ever become a book? maybe put that on the list of things I'd buy if enough people in pool
nubbins`: 5th image shows the kind of corners a thousand-dollar book plough makes.
nubbins`: truthfully it's the fact that all the setup work is being done for a single book
trinque: not... buy an ada book
trinque: danielpbarron: order a nodejs book and throw them off
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=through+the+looking+glass | Similar to the twilight zone, where nothing is quite what it seems. In Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass book, it can mean clocks that work...
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dege | Bre 2 : Alow him fam hes a top dege, chek his high bats. Bre 1 : LOL Example 2. Bre 1 : That dege gets ber rude fam, i dashd his book out da window. Bre 2 : LOL  ...
danielpbarron bets a small insurance amount on 'No' for "Amazon will deliver my book on time"
gabriel_laddel: I always wonder about the people who see this sort of thing everyday but never connect the dots, how do they internally deal with actual reality? I once flipped through the book Dangerous Thoughts by Yuri Orlov. He claimed that in the soviet collapse people would have multiple "selves". When they would break the law that would be their "off work" I, vs. the at work I who would report such a transgression to the poli
asciilifeform: what's a $300 book compared to the $100k tuition.
asciilifeform: where a used copy of the book literally doesn't let you pass the class because its homework account code (yes) is already spent.
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah I've heard the latest scam for undergrads is to 'custom publish' a book for each class, which consists of portions of older texts with all of the sections and excercises renumbered
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be identified via GPG to use the order book.
asciilifeform: (exists as a barely readable book series, and a very lulzy tv series)
mircea_popescu: some people who don't own a history book gather on a blogspot to emit nonsense.
asciilifeform: obligatory naggumism: ''It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.''
ascii_field: trinque: see old book, 'the human zoo', for a more complete version of this hypothesis
ben_vulpes: i still want to get that madonna book
nubbins`: that book in particular is confusing, depressing, and ultimately without resolution or catharsis
nubbins`: ^ from a book we published in 2013 ;0
gabriel_laddel: ^ from the above book
gabriel_laddel I'll note that I hate the perspective of the author in that book but liked the information he had to present.
gabriel_laddel: Interesting book.
asciilifeform: there is actually a children's book with illustrations, yes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform writing a book of actual economy in moscow 1960 was equally titanical and demoralizing. or to get back to earth : a book on actual psychopathology in leningrad, bout same time.
mircea_popescu: "the thick book nobody ever borrows", generally.
assbot: Logged on 25-01-2015 06:53:07; asciilifeform: (satoshi did not go in for book-learning, it seems, esp. re: data structures, but that doesn't mean that we have to forget school)
ben_vulpes: lol no plain book
asciilifeform: everyone who likes kennings, straight to norse book, 'do not pass go, do not collect 200'
ascii_field: (look at the book catalogue then, vs. now)
saifedean: he also wrote a mind-blowin book called AIDS, Inc...
mircea_popescu: average usian has never traveled, never read a book in a foreign language, never fucked a woman he didn't know etc. his ideas of "isis" are necessarily a reflection of his own pen, nothing else.
ecstaticpessimst: I havent given anyone that website, i havent added everything ive done to it yet, its like having someone read a book that you've only made loose scribblings on.
trinque: mircea_popescu: I want the book on your life someday.
mircea_popescu: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0060/6102/products/book_buy_sell_sell_new_1024x1024.jpg?v=1291137799
asciilifeform: getting rich off netscape feels vaguely unsavoury in my book
danielpbarron: sounds like the book is timeless or something / probably a good investment
adlai: gathering and interpreting actual information is a totally different story, and there's a huge amount of information that most/all human traders totally *ignore*, and that's as mike_c said - past order book movements
mike_c: mm, not quite. because order book could have been better than price history at times ☟︎
mike_c: well, I not only have a clue, i have the order book history :) ☟︎
mike_c: like what the order book looked like across time
thestringpuller: the book of alf
thestringpuller: adlai: that part of the book/movie is creepy as fuck.
assbot: Logged on 04-03-2015 20:13:24; asciilifeform: there is even a 'rationale' document (also book) ready to argue with you
asciilifeform: there is even a 'rationale' document (also book) ready to argue with you ☟︎
asciilifeform: then you actually read a book and try to think of which 'verbosity' could be cut
sjsqd: except a history book is just a summary of events in most cases
danielpbarron: thestringpuller, sure I wouldn't mind someone reading something that had already been written down; that's more like an audio book than a podcast
decimation: danielpbarron: revelation is a difficult book. I have no idea what that means
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they have nothing. this is proof positive that the cia is as worthless as the vassar feminist book club; think about hassling beria in that manner << to be fair, p. was no longer heading anything when he was 'flushed'.
mircea_popescu: they have nothing. this is proof positive that the cia is as worthless as the vassar feminist book club.
mircea_popescu: trinque no, it's up there with some soi-dissant feminist derps writing a book on the "women in Marines history"
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the rocket described in the book is older than i am
thestringpuller: ^- didn't he end up eating green eggs and ham at the end of the book?
decimation: the book has a whole chapter on the subject of defining intelligence
mircea_popescu: not a very good book eh.