1500+ entries in 0.169s
trinque: hm, I have a transaction for which trb considers the CTransaction "vin" vector to be empty, but which clearly has an input.
hanbot: if i want to understand what a genesis is, how it is made, independent of trb, say
deedbot: asciilifeform updated rating of shinohai from 1 to 3 << heathendom newsdesk; pogotronics, trb, FG experimenter
asciilifeform: !!rate shinohai 3 heathendom newsdesk; pogotronics, trb, FG experimenter
deedbot: asciilifeform updated rating of danielpbarron from 2 to 3 << operates heathenbux-denominated FUCKGOATS dealership; trb experimenter; history of doing The Right Thing
asciilifeform: !!rate danielpbarron 3 operates heathenbux-denominated FUCKGOATS dealership; trb experimenter; history of doing The Right Thing
a111: Logged on 2018-01-22 20:24 asciilifeform: in other oddities from asciilifeform's wwwtron referlog : http://armoredcoin.org << anybody here wants to confess to authorship of this ? it claims interop with trb , compliance with asciilifeform's '7laws' , etc
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 17:53 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774737 << btw, ty ben_vulpes for writing this article. After I get archive .zip delivery up and running I will be taking time to get my castle in order. This will include: 1) learning 'v' 2) get a working trb 3) testing my damn fgs already 4) ffa chapter 1 (at least)
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774737 << btw, ty ben_vulpes for writing this article. After I get archive .zip delivery up and running I will be taking time to get my castle in order. This will include: 1) learning 'v' 2) get a working trb 3) testing my damn fgs already 4) ffa chapter 1 (at least) ☝︎☟︎
shinohai: Oh it's running the same Arch linux from old days, contains a copy of trb blockchain and naught else.
trinque must have autisms, spent most of the weekend in trb guts
a111: Logged on 2018-01-22 20:24 asciilifeform: in other oddities from asciilifeform's wwwtron referlog : http://armoredcoin.org << anybody here wants to confess to authorship of this ? it claims interop with trb , compliance with asciilifeform's '7laws' , etc
asciilifeform: in other oddities from asciilifeform's wwwtron referlog : http://armoredcoin.org << anybody here wants to confess to authorship of this ? it claims interop with trb , compliance with asciilifeform's '7laws' , etc ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: the trb treatment.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1774125 << phf neato. mod6 : prolly this oughta go instead of the old one, in trb www. ☝︎
trinque has been going down memory lane today, re-reading trb patches and finally sticking sig on them.
lobbesbot: 85 results for "trb", http://lobbesblog.com/queryarchive/view.php?searchterm=trb&sortby=
mod6: !Qsarchive trb
trinque: sorry, several *trb* patches
spyked: there are some dependencies on cl-who and a few other libraries, which for now are taken as they are (similarly to trb "deps")
shinohai: tfw sifting through old trb stuff and you find "rotor-db-configure-fix.patch"
a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 20:14 asciilifeform: apeloyee: look at the trb tree, and picture what the mass of the patches would have been, if this requirement had been in effect when i made it.
mircea_popescu: you know ftr trb node state of blockpool has improved tremendously.
asciilifeform: apeloyee: look at the trb tree, and picture what the mass of the patches would have been, if this requirement had been in effect when i made it. ☟︎
asciilifeform: as i did in trb.
asciilifeform: trinque: first step is to genesis a gnat. ~then~ patches... a la trb
asciilifeform: their cumulative mass dwarfs , e.g., trb.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1765881 << sanity looks like this : 'trb since 2015 is made of v. and works. and quite compact. and fundamentally mechanics are correct.' ☝︎
asciilifeform: if trb tree can continue to look EXACTLY like http://btcbase.org/patches ( with new leaves growing ) -- your vtron is usable. if not -- not.
trinque: you do not see how it's fundamentally retarded to consider db.cpp a distinct thing, rather than the scroll "trb" as the *thing*
asciilifeform: trinque: consider how i solved this in trb.
asciilifeform: btw what does trb's ssl do with crafted der-encoded derpery ?
ag3nt_zer0: ok in my attempts to set up trb node I encountered a snag trying to install gpg keychain to verify sigs... tried a bunch of troubleshooting tips but no luck. i'm using ubuntu 14.04 - thinking of starting fresh. what is best linux dist for trb node?
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque how does deedbot's block-fetch history for past 2wk look ? zoolag's performed very, very well re 'tip of spear' , and there appear to exist at least 5 other fully-synced trb boxen that regularly speak to it.
asciilifeform: item aint strictly about 'clouds' tho, quite broad, includes errything from www browsers with scripting, to , potentially, trb's commandprocessor
a111: Logged on 2017-12-30 20:11 ben_vulpes: a useful patch for folks in jawbone2 's position would update the results of getinfo to indicate whether trb considered a connection 'inbound' or 'outbound' so that you could determine if your dyndns hacks were working
ben_vulpes: a useful patch for folks in jawbone2 's position would update the results of getinfo to indicate whether trb considered a connection 'inbound' or 'outbound' so that you could determine if your dyndns hacks were working ☟︎
ben_vulpes: would be neat to patch trb to have this dynamically settable, and nothard either, see settxfee
ben_vulpes: nothing in http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html mentions static IPs, so let's clear this up
asciilifeform: i expect there'll be plenty of rubbish in the genesis. as there was in trb.
BingoBoingo: And the trb node weather from my perch appears to have improved substantially with regards to nodes at the chaintip since this weekend.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-28 17:37 asciilifeform: pushing dun do much for a trb node, who needs at any given time THAT ONE SPECIFIC NEXT block
asciilifeform: 99.99999%+ of what gets 'pushed' to a trb node, is thrown straight into the rubbish
asciilifeform: pushing dun do much for a trb node, who needs at any given time THAT ONE SPECIFIC NEXT block ☟︎
asciilifeform: mod6 plox to re-add zoolag to trb roster.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i am looking to set up a handful of trb nodez 1) small, 'disposable' boxen 2) for fiatolade 3) with decent , i.e. at least 100mb symmetric ea. 4) NOT all in same cage
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> incidentally, the fresh blood you (and trinque ) pumped in trb ecosystem made a lot of secondary nodes gain lots of speed too. << Aha, since the aggressing started and some trb nodes changed ver string my nodes have had an easier time staying at the tip
mircea_popescu: incidentally, the fresh blood you (and trinque ) pumped in trb ecosystem made a lot of secondary nodes gain lots of speed too.
asciilifeform: as for nodes at the 'tip', the path of chinesium through layers of prb is a lottery, and i suspect that attempting to measure the effect of a trb patch on said behaviour is doomed to astrologize over noise
trinque: and yet, I can see the entire thing from the other perspective still, that cpp is broken, trb itself not a single concept but a mud, etc
asciilifeform: if it dun have a trb genesis, proving to proverbial martian that it really does have classical 0.5.3 pedigree, goes from trivial to monumentallypainful
mircea_popescu: ie, i don't expect the trb cut as described to have a trb genesis necessariyl, or even probably.
mircea_popescu: there's nothing wrong either in principle or in practice with making a correct item as the genesis and then patching in various parts of trb.
trinque: these aren't "trb" except in shitworld
trinque: trb's database interactions are properly in a filesystem-implementing walk of graph of human knowledge
asciilifeform: asciilifeform introduced the schemetron 1st, and only 2nd the glue in trb, and they were not automagically v-linked
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 17:38 mircea_popescu: anyway, continuing the trinque discussion, it seems entirely unavoidable that trb will become 3 things : a wallet node, optimized for pumping out local signed tx ; a block node, optimized for keeping the blockchain, getting blocks, no mempool nonsense ; and a spy node, optimized to keeping track of the lies and nonsense flowing through the relay network (mempool, timing nodes, what have you).
trinque: answer could be "trb was fucked from birth, let us not allow backflow into V"
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 00:23 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758779 << i see e.g. trb tree, as the frayed end of a rope. in long term, observe, the loose ends that dun get built on -- fade away, like orphan chains. btc is actually more or less same kind of system. but iirc we had this thread.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ( trinque ? ) what ~concrete~ operation on trb tree did v-as-it-nao-exists keep you from easily carrying out ? i'd like to see ?
asciilifeform: ( i.e. it is already inescapably linear. asciilifeform half-expected that the kakoschism would produce a long-playing split of the trb universe, but neverhappened. not every possible thing, happens... )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758779 << i see e.g. trb tree, as the frayed end of a rope. in long term, observe, the loose ends that dun get built on -- fade away, like orphan chains. btc is actually more or less same kind of system. but iirc we had this thread. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: which, in the whole picture, does not come close to topping the list of the hardest labours of a trb experimenter
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 21:40 phf: ben_vulpes: official trb releases touch many files to tie them all into a single endpoint, e.g. `makefile' did that
phf: ben_vulpes: official trb releases touch many files to tie them all into a single endpoint, e.g. `makefile' did that ☟︎
ben_vulpes: oho i think i see why the rebroadcaster appeared to fail completely, nobody likes trb dust
ben_vulpes: is there an argument to be made against asking peers for new blocks every time TRB loops through the peerlist? too resource-intensive?
ben_vulpes: well the question rattling around me braincase is ~"does this help or hinder weaponized TRB?"
BigTexasBingo: Perhaps the foundation could use some prb/trb bridges on boxen running both after the acceleration experiments bring more fruit.
asciilifeform: i can't speak for others, but asciilifeform often ( almost always, in fact ) runs trb during tests, in pure userland, making use of 0 systemwide loggings )
asciilifeform: what i'd like to see is 'was it from a trb?'
asciilifeform: that already printed ( the latter , in classical trb, mutilated )
mircea_popescu: but honestly i'd prioritize db-fix-and-trb-split discussed over these rather cosmetic by comparison improvements.
asciilifeform: exactly like what an unpatched trb does for first hour or three of boot
mircea_popescu: trb dun get malleus'd anyway
asciilifeform: well right nao it's pulling blox from other trb's, at ~100% efficiency
asciilifeform: ... as mircea_popescu prolly intuited , it remains possible that 'aggression' takes the trb<->prb link breakage from , say, the 80% of before, to 100% , and i would not learn about it until reaching tip.
asciilifeform: it did take a while to reach this state, given as 'wires' are no longer in use. had to actually connect to a working and nonblackholed trb.
asciilifeform: this is testable empirically; like-so: any N trb nodes built with 'aggression' patch above, and linked via 'wires', should never fall out of height-sync with one another by more than a coupla blox. at any point.
asciilifeform: *where any 2 trb nodes connect, and...
asciilifeform: analysis so far : ^^item^^ results , at last , in situation where any 2 trb nodes, and 1 is 'ahead' of the other, the 'trailing' node is guaranteed to be fed.
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque where didja get the log-timestamps in your trb ? ( which patch pressed to ? )
asciilifeform: shinohai: trb needs a disk
shinohai: This tx, sent from my trb node to bitpay, 0.00103098 BTC fee: bf5b74049c4b06ea3669b53595bc2c838025ad8b3adb8377212acd8fbeb72deb
shinohai unfortunately only has single trb-capable box.
asciilifeform: anybody got 2 trb-capable boxen, on separate ip but equal in bw ? can be in heathendom isp or wherever.
asciilifeform: and speaking of hasty and untested , asciilifeform has a 'aggressive sync mode' trb patch, which will need a proper differential test
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 17:38 mircea_popescu: anyway, continuing the trinque discussion, it seems entirely unavoidable that trb will become 3 things : a wallet node, optimized for pumping out local signed tx ; a block node, optimized for keeping the blockchain, getting blocks, no mempool nonsense ; and a spy node, optimized to keeping track of the lies and nonsense flowing through the relay network (mempool, timing nodes, what have you).
shinohai: Neato trinque .... had discussed with mod6 before how divorcing wallet rpc functions from trb would be so much better.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 17:38 mircea_popescu: anyway, continuing the trinque discussion, it seems entirely unavoidable that trb will become 3 things : a wallet node, optimized for pumping out local signed tx ; a block node, optimized for keeping the blockchain, getting blocks, no mempool nonsense ; and a spy node, optimized to keeping track of the lies and nonsense flowing through the relay network (mempool, timing nodes, what have you).
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-21#1756072 << I have already split the wallet from trb in a patch I'm testing. ☝︎
asciilifeform: as i understood trb historically was 'and here is bitcoin minus the post-2011 barnacles, deviate at your own risk, derps, it will still be there an' working'
asciilifeform: ideally reference-trb is capable-of-everything, incl. cpumining ( see the dozen or so threads at this point )
mircea_popescu: anyway, continuing the trinque discussion, it seems entirely unavoidable that trb will become 3 things : a wallet node, optimized for pumping out local signed tx ; a block node, optimized for keeping the blockchain, getting blocks, no mempool nonsense ; and a spy node, optimized to keeping track of the lies and nonsense flowing through the relay network (mempool, timing nodes, what have you). ☟︎☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> all i can say is, to date only observed db death on boxes with actual bit rot. << Aha, saw when trying to start trb from blockchain loaded onto box from corrupted thumb drive
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 16:44 mircea_popescu: in other sads : one trb node was dead since fucking 22nd of august, because -- it ran into the fabled "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DbRunRecoveryException' what(): DbEnv::txn_checkpoint: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery" which then kicked in a script to clean it up, which it did, but couldn't boot back up because for yet-unknown reasons there was a spurious .lock leftover ; corner case u
mircea_popescu: bb broadfly has it, there's a narrow sliver of bw trb/prb can even use ; more than that it generally wastes.
BingoBoingo: Once trb gets enough network speed to work, extra doesn't offer much
mircea_popescu: by the time your trb node eats 10 MBps even, you've more serious problems than "buy more pipe". and that's inst not sustained.
mircea_popescu: in other sads : one trb node was dead since fucking 22nd of august, because -- it ran into the fabled "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DbRunRecoveryException' what(): DbEnv::txn_checkpoint: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery" which then kicked in a script to clean it up, which it did, but couldn't boot back up because for yet-unknown reasons there was a spurious .lock leftover ; corner case u ☟︎