49 entries in 0.474s
mircea_popescu: others are adnotations, like the recent
rothbard series for instance.
mircea_popescu: and that's a minor example. consider
rothbard's utter failure to mean or matter, as sadly chronicled on trilema. yes, he's intellectually negligible, but the chief problem that renders him moot is the extreme poverty and ineptitude of his references! which is not his problem, but the 1st gen in shoes folks' problem, and the deep reason us can't and hasn't spoken in the forum of human thought.
mircea_popescu: phf also worth bearing in mind that point re introductions in the
rothbard series. people more recent than the author daring to pen introductions are the exact equivalents of herostratus ; and to be treated no better.
mircea_popescu: babbage says the same thing, "oh, americans just wanted to know how they could
rothbard this item"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know, here's what i can't put to rest : it's not JUST fucking joseph smith, "o i heard them fine folks in rome have this religion thing, ima make one myself out of shit around my log cabin". he's one of the more ridiculous exponents, yes, but he's in no way marginal. not at all. murray
rothbard is exactly "oh i heard them folks in paris have a philosophy, ima make one out of old shit in demolished us protest
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the problem here is the reverse : "my eyes will jump out of my head if they have to read a single other page of this
rothbard ; best i stop that and go build eye cages"
mircea_popescu: this is what i want. we gotta produce some literature at the lest on the level of huxley, or else liberty will forever be oppressed by the komodo dragon breath of rand and
rothbard and whatnot talented poets of the silver tay.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> liber-rothbards whatever are so poorly received by the anglo left. they prolly tried to read
rothbard and fell over. << AHA, this IS the anglophone problem. Not much in the language that isn't worse than
Rothbard. English gives you Twain, William James, and Shakespeare. Everthing else is translated into the language.
mircea_popescu: liber-rothbards whatever are so poorly received by the anglo left. they prolly tried to read
rothbard and fell over.
ascii_modem: also read mircea_popescu's new series. i gotta learn where he buys his gas masks, i was never able to stomach even this amt of
rothbard anglotardism, even for entomological work
thestringpuller: so been reading about mises and
rothbard and anarcho-capitalism. i think the "majority revolting" isn't revolting about an issue, but subconsciously rejecting the anarcho-capitalist nature of bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: decimation i think his point stands tho,
rothbard never said it, and what idiots trying to be "rothbardian" understood of it all isn't really relevant.
dignork: decimation:
Rothbard never claimed people would 'play nice', just that current system of control is fucked up.
Adlai: obligatory
rothbard quote, "the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children"
mircea_popescu: which is why you imagine satoshi to be a
rothbard tool.
Dimsler: he fucking read murray
rothbard and applied his idiotic quantitive theory of money
wywialm: Apocalyptic, no, it's a standard definition, contrary to late Mises and
Rothbard, and avoids much confusion
mircea_popescu: so basically in
rothbard's reading, this rand character is the quintessential balabusta, a staid, obnoxious, overarching yet profoundly ignorant and puritanical fat old woman.
mircea_popescu: (quote via rockwell's restatement of
rothbard's rand commentary)
thestringpuller: i mispoke, i forget I"m speaking to mr.
rothbard and not mr. keynes (i kid), value creates income streams in which other people can access a job is merely trading time and some kind of skill to contribute to the business in exchange for access to the revenue stream
JohnSmith777: now I am not here to advocate FREE MARKETS!!!111 and Murray