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a111: Logged on 2018-12-15 18:13 asciilifeform: sorta how i've met runners, even competition-grade ones, but they did not run all day, erry day, to
kitchen, to
toilet, etc
mircea_popescu: and in other convenient coincidences, as per 문전본풀이 the goddess of
kitchen and the goddess of outhouse had an argument, therefore koreans may not take things from
kitchen to
toilet or vice-versa.
ben_vulpes: look here i only recently decided to move the
toilet out of the
kitchen okay
mircea_popescu: the idea that
toilet belongs by the pool is about as alien to the roman as the idea that
toilet belongs by
kitchen sink is to you.
decimation: asciilifeform: does the same company sell the sought-after
kitchen sink combo?
toilet and
kitchen sink hybrid - no thanks. <
toilet and bidet hybrids do well in china
mircea_popescu: im to the
toilet. Adan explained that the
toilet could be reached only through the
kitchen, and because the restaurant did not have accident insurance for customers, only employees could use the bathroom. Abbott argued with him. They took their dispute outside, where Abbott stabbed Adan to death.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i once rescued a damsel from a situation where her living space consisted of...
kitchen. you could shower over the "
toilet", and there was a small stove nearby.