1500+ entries in 0.107s
asciilifeform admittedly not current on subj. for all i know, both ends nao ~100% 'preet' from bombay.
asciilifeform: they even use entirely diff ethnics -- 'red' ~100% from BingoBoingo's 'flyover states' , 'blue' -- new england
mircea_popescu: "when dealing with usg, make sure you get 100% payment upfront" was http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ ; but iirc i had a different one.
mircea_popescu: "conviction" of public person / functionary / official in orclands 100% "usg.blue interference" by now. ☟︎
asciilifeform: in the end found that they are entirely unnecessary: ch4-style { } forward skip blocks, and ch17 controlstack-powered loop mechanics, do 100% of what is constructively done normally with numeric jumps
mod6: I gotta step away for now, but I appreciate it. We'll keep discussing this stuff. Maybe that's 50% of my problem, not enough chats.
mod6: I'm gonna keep reading, I'm about 60% of the way through the trilogy.
mod6: And with all the other things that I've got going, I'm putting in like 10-20% per day, max.
mod6: Because like we discussed before, some paraphrasing "man puts in 20% of time is 20% of a man".
asciilifeform: in the other dir -- asciilifeform is 100% current re diana_coman's worx
a111: Logged on 2019-03-18 16:28 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ffa is 3 ch away from fieldable beta atm ; so in attempt to avoid ending up like mod6 , i'm currently 100% in it. afterwards will switch for a spell to 100% elbows in piz.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ffa is 3 ch away from fieldable beta atm ; so in attempt to avoid ending up like mod6 , i'm currently 100% in it. afterwards will switch for a spell to 100% elbows in piz. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://bvt-trace.net/2019/03/mes-part-1-stage0/#selection-29.94-29.340 << imho ~100% of the attempts on record , made exactly same mistake -- they assumed that 'architecture-specific aspects creep into the design of the boostrapping process' only concerns ~what is there~ in the arch, and not ~what is not there~ (e.g. sane memory management, type tags) . if you dun put the complexity of certain necessary sanities where it belongs -- i ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: that one afaik 100% 'defeated self', ~100% of the 'graduates' turned into yarvins of 1 kind or another
mircea_popescu: it is down so much, overal productivity is nevertheless 10% lower.
asciilifeform: ( for n00bs/readers -- ffa has fully deterministic memory footprint, by design, and 100% of what it'll use, lives on the stack, e.g. under unixlikes, setbrk() is not invoked )
asciilifeform: reminded me of old interesting tidbit http://trilema.com/2017/%D0%9A%D1%82%D0%BE-%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BF%D0%BE-%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B8/#selection-393.0-397.127
mircea_popescu: in ACTUAL FACT, romanian worker of the 80s got ~120% the value of his labour, by an over-welfarist government, wrote himself hallucinated options to consider this "insufficient" to an entirely ridiculous standard, and proceeded from there with a web of lies.
asciilifeform: 100% edible.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: he took iirc the 2 mo., as incidentally described by the 'ru argentina' d00d i linked to last mo. he wrote that ~100% of ru expats go from 'i want to be buried in recoleta' to 'burn it all' in ~2mo.
mircea_popescu: in retrospect, they weren't even lying, you should see them, 100% in the shit.
asciilifeform: and he delivered his petro 100% ontime
asciilifeform: per logic of the 'spherical horse' market(tm)(r) mircea_popescu is 100% correct. but the 'market' aint one when there's derps printing money, it's simply a larger sovok
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-14#1902449 << i'll tell you exactly what it means : my preferred course at the time would have been to execute everyone with a https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsbucovina.ro%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F12%2Fcarnet-pcr.jpg ☝︎
a111: 13 results for "simulated annealing", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=simulated%20annealing
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-14#1902392 -> it is usable and it is used; that doesn't make it 100% byte-level as it'd be ideal; if it's still not clear what part/why, I'll have to load it back in head to give more detailed answer. ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-13#1902140 << the crowd of very similar 'pippidi' bashing sovok, always makes sure to compare hruscheba to manhattan penthouse, and not to the dirt floor hut 90% of ru lived in pre-sovok ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-13#1902246 << ~100% of the manhole covers on my street, have a 'made in india' text. 'leave it to india' worx a++ until india decides that erry fuckwad 'deserves' own country house and sinecure and etc. and soon enuff you have a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-14#1902304 ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-13#1902158 << ~100% of ameristani dwellings have mold that would make sovok inspector shit in pants ☝︎
mircea_popescu: y "prior". the whole thing was a bunch of inept by-hand farmers (CENTURIES after the french peasant had domestique-industrialize already! CEEENTURIES!!!!) and a 14% class literally dreaming on top of them, while "hating" the boss that "makes them" do the makework that existed ENTIRELY as a pretext to pay them, in the very "internal paint" hope they might achieve something sometime somehow (all unspecified).
a111: Logged on 2019-03-13 20:49 asciilifeform: c ( or perhaps this ball belongs with dej ? ) maybe 'soft', or maybe thought could not afford to kill %% of his subjects, i do not presently know why not pushed.
asciilifeform: with the diff that auto is 100% powered by 'great inca', you cannot plant petrol inside 'field' in a washington flat to feed to it, nor breed a replacement for when dies
asciilifeform: c ( or perhaps this ball belongs with dej ? ) maybe 'soft', or maybe thought could not afford to kill %% of his subjects, i do not presently know why not pushed. ☟︎
a111: 1 result for "xray lens", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xray%20lens
asciilifeform: recall story of where asciilifeform ~personally~ described to schwartz how to cut adelberger 100% out of the loop for under what mircea_popescu's bmw costs.
asciilifeform: henry had to '51%' his church into programmability, ivan -- not, was already in pos to 'from nao on you pray to my left foot'
asciilifeform: tho i must add, unlike shoemaker, ivan was a thinkin' man, spent good % of his life in his (lost to indiana jones warehouse) megalibrary, an' playin' chess etc with courtiers, scheming how to fuck english queen, and so forth
asciilifeform: i still dunget fully why ivan did not enharem. he had all the 'ducks lined up', boiled in oil good % of the folx in any position to constructively object, even ran experiment where half the kingdom was a personal human-hunt reservation, to test.
mircea_popescu: when it joined the eu, the % of barnhouses in the eu incresed like 30 fold.
mircea_popescu: who knew that the 50% problem exists in the general!!11
trinque: absent the "this will be somehow instructive" there's the practical need for infrastructure with which I 100% agree
asciilifeform: ~100% of the problems i learned to solve, only exist on acct of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-04#1892448 ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( tbf, this was after his 1st 20yrs -- 100% wheelbarrow. during his 2nd 20y, he learned to stick thermometers in arses, became 'medic' , hence lived )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: what i mean is, it's same 'attack' erry time, and consists 100% of https://www.oglaf.com/humans/
asciilifeform: diana_coman et al : i'm also not 100% convinced that the proposed multi-network thing is actually less of a nut to crack than adult gossipd. ( consider, how wouldja do authentication ? the extant ircd's support either '~nuffin, anyone can hijack session' or ssltardism . )
asciilifeform: he's on ch9, where no barrett, ~80% of the cpu eaten by knuthian div.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 02:46 mircea_popescu: 7% gains, not even that huge.
mircea_popescu: 7% gains, not even that huge. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ftr asciilifeform suspects that 99% of what can be won from asmism in ffa, can be had simply from bvt's existing 64bit mul, plus doing adc for the additions-with-carry instead of the manually-cranked carry calc, and that all 'fancy' instructions will only lead to sad
feedbot: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/088-gutenberg-iv.html << The Tar Pit -- Gutenberg ASCII archive updated, now with 0.5% less junk
asciilifeform cannot presume to comment re diana_coman's in-house proggy, but as i understand it's sumthing like 80% ancient cpp ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i translated the chinesium, it's 100% snoar, some kinda fiatological dark-age #b-a
asciilifeform: by mircea_popescu's 'quimby' formula, 100% of asciilifeform's gear is a loss, asciilifeform makes 0 moneys on his research.
mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist. man who works 70% of the time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that man. ☟︎
asciilifeform: it so also happens that asciilifeform has day job, where actually cranks out predictable crud. and it soaks up ~70-80% of cycles. but since i dun write about it, apparently as if dun exist.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: backend is 100% gcc's
asciilifeform: afaik ~100% of new residential construction, is this, nao.
asciilifeform: they've been building'em errywhere. 100% cardboard, and then mortgaged for half-m to 1m to some idjit, good margin.
asciilifeform: and BingoBoingo has a reportage re how double-digit % of usa proles are hooked on various synthetic opium
asciilifeform: ( iirc we had thread, re how ~100% of usg.psychopharma 100y consists of 'let's reimplement 2000 y.o. plant dopes in patentable form' )
mircea_popescu: for child porn completitude, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Imposici%C3%B3n_del_Tois%C3%B3n_de_Oro_a_la_princesa_de_Asturias_04.jpg
mircea_popescu: today they can't summon 50 people to go to venezuela, as soldiers. and back in http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea+mosul lulz days, they couldn't scare up 500.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: atm they filter, sorta, by hiring 100% burned-out iraq hands
a111: Logged on 2019-03-01 01:58 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-28#1899802 << this ties directly into above. it's not a problem of "these engineers did not do enough". it's not an engineering problem at all. it's 100% political, "these sorry schmucks passed themselves off for an authority they could never possibly be". this'll never wash, and in particular indigence is the worst possible plea they could bring. if they ALSO are poor then THEREFORE even LESS q
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-28#1899802 << this ties directly into above. it's not a problem of "these engineers did not do enough". it's not an engineering problem at all. it's 100% political, "these sorry schmucks passed themselves off for an authority they could never possibly be". this'll never wash, and in particular indigence is the worst possible plea they could bring. if they ALSO are poor then THEREFORE even LESS q ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: good % of the riotous complexity of the sadkernel, once you subtract deviceisms, is the slicer
asciilifeform: really oughta have a backplane connector, also ( the actual rk, takes up good 70-80% of enclosure space with cabling and legs )
asciilifeform: ( theoretically can do 70kV, per the sticker, but power supply deliberately capped by vendor, so as to get 100% absorption by the cabinet shields and sell as 'contained' or whatever oshaism it was called )
a111: 2 results for "viermi neadormiti", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=viermi%20neadormiti
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: imho pretty sad , actually : the (afaik) last 100% mcd-free reservation on hemisphere, totters.
a111: 0 results for "from:opcode", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aopcode
asciilifeform: and 99+% of pc bought to run spreadshit & 'hearts', no less
mircea_popescu: out of the people going to see some blockbuster, 33% are there because they're mouthdrooling retards, 66% are there because they're with their friends, and <1% are there to see the movie.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: these -- yes the 'fyootoor', in last decade they tore down good % of the town around here and built honest sovok-style communal-by-design flats
a111: 26 results for "mining is a bug", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mining%20is%20a%20bug
asciilifeform: arguably even the slow nintendoization of pc arch, squeezing out 1st 'load own bios' then 'load own kernel', is macroscale instance of same thing. rms rejected 'make own iron' in 1980s, today the chickens come home to roost, and the response of the gnutards is afaik ~100% denial games
a111: 6 results for "kick the dog then shoot", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kick%20the%20dog%20then%20shoot
mircea_popescu: see, i'm far from that fabled 100% foolproof etc.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-21#1898560 << http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22suckless%22 turns out ~little and there's apparently no mention ever on trilema, yet it's firmly classified under cat-v in my head. wtf happened here, did we ever say hi or anything ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you can muster the juice, wainot try an' wake him . iirc mircea_popescu has a ~100% 1shot 1kill record for these.
a111: 12 results for "plowing flies", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=plowing%20flies
asciilifeform: ( 100% lock-free )
asciilifeform: consider from pov of 'what is total mass of binary that has to be audited'. in which case is the mass smaller : where there are 9000 bins on the machine, each consisting 90% of a coupla MB of 'bounds check this array' and 'propagate this exception' ? or if the 1 runtime does these, and the bins -- invoke.
asciilifeform: or the deathbed bolix people, who did ~99% of the job but sank on the titanic of the dec alpha, the only arch they managed to massage into compliance before ran out of dough
mircea_popescu: that "% of horse power" is entirely not % of horse power ; the measure of horse power is at the torque end, not at horse's feelings end.
asciilifeform: this'd cost, yes, some % of horsepower, but in exchange gets a 100klok toolchain instead of millions of ??? loc
asciilifeform: i fully expect ^ adds up to ~100% of the c opensores mass, yes
mircea_popescu: in utter fucking lulz : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22To+help+you+detect+if+your+log+format+is+good%2C+Awstats%22&t=ffsb&ia=web ; meanwhile in the actual config files, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rXwyg/?raw=true
asciilifeform indeed expected that it's 100% gcc5ism
asciilifeform: the apu loses on physical space ( it takes the sq. metrage of 6 rk , just by itself ) and cost ( +30% over rk ) aand naturally x86itude.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if no passengers stand up, crate will contain 100% piz buildout materiel . and would like your input on precisely what, also asap.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-17#1897404 << -- >> https://ro.wikisource.org/wiki/O_inven%C8%9Bie_mare ☝︎
asciilifeform: aaand it aint as anybody's making ~moar~ english lit. can be 100% static archive.
asciilifeform: the other thing that makes backend a bitch is that ~100% of the work has to be done again and again, for each iron.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: thinking about it, kernel is really the starting point for 'get c the hell off the box' -- the e.g. 20% of gnat's standard lib that's in c, is in c strictly cuz of reason illustrate in http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=udp , i.e. that kernel api doesn't eat sane (e.g. bounded array) parameters, demands liquishit c-istic buffers
diana_coman remembers that eulora client is 99% NON-tmsr
asciilifeform: this is factually not the case on unix tho. good % of the control is illusory ( see e.g. the zombie thread )
mircea_popescu: but as a factual matter -- object files end up a few mb, and they're not 100% symbol by mass. you jsut can not have this many.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: cuz it'd break ~100% of extant c soup
mircea_popescu: coincidentally : is anyone from the adacore/gnat/gnarl/whatever days still breathing even ? or 100% bolix situation, "documents at warehouse, i am machinist in charge" ?