1700+ entries in 0.141s
a111: 13 results for "\"tim-s\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22tim-s%22
a111: 1 result for "на хитрую жопу", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D1%85%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D1%8E%20%D0%B6%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%83
a111: 0 results for "хуй с винтом", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B9%20%D1%81%20%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC
a111: Logged on 2018-10-18 18:59 mircea_popescu: 90% of the time i try to read something, the attempt fails ; and almost always it is because the author is insulting my smarts, not my intelligence. they're all such intelligent men, from sf writers to hayek to what have you. the problem is that they're not smart.
asciilifeform: it's, what, 99+% modulism by mass
mircea_popescu: and even taking the epsilon% remaining, 99+% of when THAT crashed it was because fucking drepper & co "upgraded" some shit.
mircea_popescu: linux kernel has a gash in itself, where "it gotta work with firmware" or "modules" or w/e the crap. 99+% percent of the time kernel crashed it wasn't the fucking kernel.
asciilifeform: ftr i also do not yet know why the variant where 100% of the lib is genericised, worked
a111: Logged on 2019-01-22 04:07 asciilifeform: briefly upstack to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889021 << possibly i'm thick, but it ~also~ never made sense to me why a ~router~ would fall down, either. seems like if yer pipe is e.g. 100mb/s , and incoming enemy crapola at 1000mb/s, then you simply oughta get (from pov of arbitrary test peer) 90% packet loss. rather than a smoking crater where router was.
asciilifeform: briefly upstack to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889021 << possibly i'm thick, but it ~also~ never made sense to me why a ~router~ would fall down, either. seems like if yer pipe is e.g. 100mb/s , and incoming enemy crapola at 1000mb/s, then you simply oughta get (from pov of arbitrary test peer) 90% packet loss. rather than a smoking crater where router was. ☝︎☟︎
a111: 16 results for "what i think it crashes", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=what%20i%20think%20it%20crashes
mircea_popescu: the cycles go 70-80% user / 10-15% system / etc whether there's 5 or 500 people asking for a page, it just doesn't figure into some sort of cycle economy
asciilifeform: btw apparently the 'translator wears clothespin on nose' item is mythical : turns out that good % of the tapes were simply dubbed by this 1 ex-boxer, with perma-broken nose
a111: 13 results for "mouse jar", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mouse%20jar
asciilifeform: ( btw does mircea_popescu have a theory re why people become crystallographers ? it's almost 100% young chix, and they -- even with modern shielding and safety derpisms -- never live particularly long. multi-MeV xray cannon in yer face... )
asciilifeform: i found last yr, for instance, that unrolled comba ( still in ada ) gives 20-25% speedup.
asciilifeform: before considering to bake irons, it is worth to see what a 100%-asmic ffa would give.
bvt: https://www.dyalog.com/uploads/conference/dyalog12/presentations/U23_MultidigitAlgorithms/Optimization%20of%20parallel%20multi-digit%20algorithms.pdf
asciilifeform: in simple o(n) bignum operations like addition, the cost of instruction decoding for each consecutive 'add' , is substantial % of the cost
asciilifeform: ( and even presuming 100% correctness, bounds checks still give added 'cosmic ray resistance'. i ~like~ having'em )
asciilifeform: the other 'secret' speed boost is if one were to turn off the bounds checks; this gives ~2x speedup across the board. but i dun expect to do this for my personal uses for years , if ever -- it requires 100% certainty of correctness of the program under all possible input
asciilifeform: bvt: comba itself ended up on the list of things that made it in by very small margin ( it wins perhaps 10%, on most pc iron , vs straight word*word mul as base case, try it yourself by turning the threshhold knob )
bvt: i would not be surprised it was 20% slower, but 2x was surprising for me
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in other fallout from the new penal code: https://www.reddit.com/r/uruguay/comments/ahax04/se_cans%C3%B3_de_esperar_en_banifox_y_se_rob%C3%B3_una_play/
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> dunno, cuz collects 100% garbage ? ( tho admittedly this never stopped'em before.. ) << If the USG didn't collect garbage for the sake of collecting garbage how else do you explain the Amazing Java Girl dying in Syria?
a111: 102 results for "death ray", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=death%20ray
asciilifeform: dunno, cuz collects 100% garbage ? ( tho admittedly this never stopped'em before.. )
a111: 4 results for "szabo seals", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=szabo%20seals
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: observe that all of the various Official 'speculative leak' kludges, ~even supposing they worked 100% of time~, only apply to ~kernel~ -- they do 0 to prevent 'ring3' (luserland) processes from leaking
mircea_popescu: rather than "turn it off 78% of tyhe time or so" ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i was doing the annoying but occasionally inescapable chore of sweeping out a spamola-encrusted mailbox, and ~100% of the spams were for something nominally smokable/pillable/etc
asciilifeform: ( and near as i can tell, ~100% of usg 'dope policy' is simply own competition for dope konsoomers. but i'm not particularly qualified to opine, nao if only gabriel_laddel were around... )
mircea_popescu: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=+%22mircea+popescu%22&t=ffsb&iax=images&ia=images << in other lulz, i fucking love the results. a buncha dorks and a buncha sluts, what more can you ask for.
asciilifeform: but good % of the folx signing the leases, are graduates
a111: Logged on 2019-01-16 02:36 asciilifeform: it's hilarious, the hovel i'm in, at least has steel frames. nearby they recently built whole street of 100% cardboard/plastic , 'ONLY low 800s!' reads the billboard. 800k orcbux, that is.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: racoon trap interestingly is ~100% species-selective
asciilifeform: lost good % of his moneys in this, in his last yrs
asciilifeform: ~100% time
mircea_popescu: people exactly 100% as african as before -- but capital investment fell off cliff in 80s and never recovered
asciilifeform: it's hilarious, the hovel i'm in, at least has steel frames. nearby they recently built whole street of 100% cardboard/plastic , 'ONLY low 800s!' reads the billboard. 800k orcbux, that is. ☟︎
asciilifeform: good % of pgp use historically -- resembled the medieval 'plague amulets'. y'know, the one where scrap of leather with word 'arsenicum' (cuz buying actual arsenic costs tuppence, and scrap -- one )
asciilifeform: why to do this, may seem a mystery, until realize that noise immunity means that you can use very fast logic elements , given as you aren't much concerned with 100% accuracy over small time period, only convergence.
mircea_popescu: needless to say, a "we're flyting over 50 rks, gotta fill these THAT WEEK, giving everyone 50% off for 3 months" media event / webhosting forum takeover / etc is de rigueur.
lobbes: BingoBoingo: if it helps, I've noticed at least 4 resets (the top 4 results are my recent resets; times are in UTC) >> http://logs.minigame.biz/search/?q=Quits%3A+lobbes
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is an academic discussion. in any case, i've had warnings re hot boxes from dcs before, it's not a wholly unheard of item. laser sensor costs ~nothing, and hvac management is 60% of what they do for a living.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 100% of the x86 iron in the cage is 2009-11 vintage.
a111: 5 results for "how many bugs tolerate", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=how%20many%20bugs%20tolerate
a111: 3 results for "qntra harvard", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=qntra%20harvard
mircea_popescu: are these factual ? because ~both~ of these would be ~significant~ accomplishments, neh ? shareholders put in 11, if memory serves, so they realised a 60% roi over the interval ?
asciilifeform: currently he still stands as a 50% owner.
asciilifeform: trinque: enlighten me, what exactly price is republican hosting worth to trinque ? is it '10% over what amazon costs' ? or 'the number i've grown used to?' what's the calculation there
asciilifeform: trinque: ~90% of the time the pipe is no saturated. the issue is burst capacity.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-05#1884617 <-- ftr, I agree 100% with this assessment. the last 4 months (at least) of my life have been a rollercoaster, and I'm just beginning to settle down into an arrangement where I can set goals without getting preempted at every corner. my current goal is to have a schedule posted by the end of the month, in the same style as http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735 , ☝︎
asciilifeform: sorta 90% of the reason i want a dos gnat
asciilifeform: btw the thing that set asciilifeform's ears standing originally, is that the gcd test battery appeared to give +/- 30% variant runtimes depending on hamming weights. but in 20 repeats of the trial set, the same thing showed up, and with no correlation to hamming weight. and a http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wherN/?raw=true ( soft barrelshifter ) version now ends up showing... same thing. i suspect that some peculiarity of the pipeline is
asciilifeform: this means not only slightly slower gcd than the draft posted earlier (it'll need a mux) but it also means that e.g. http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch14/fz_qshft__adb.htm#111_14 was in fact leaking, albeit undetectable on the tests given in ch14, and will need mandatory HaveBarrelShifter = 0 (i.e. 5% or so penalty)
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in local news: Argentina ~30% poorer than last year in yet another metric https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/-desastre-y-fatal-temporada-en-punta-del-este-segun-comerciantes-201917204123
asciilifeform: ( observe that ch1 ffa actually starts out by http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913#selection-337.0-1150.0 , i.e. banning 90% of ada.. why didja suppose this was. )
mircea_popescu: in fact it's 100% trb toy/"training muppet"
a111: 3 results for "standalone encapsulated dynamic", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=standalone%20encapsulated%20dynamic
asciilifeform finds good % of the 2014-prior l0gz to be indigestible. (tho regularly goes to read'em anyway)
mircea_popescu: in other sad lulz : etsy moved into the new york building where a scottish immigrant invented the prefab packaging box during the gilded age. who knows, maybe it rubs off ? maybe perhaps http://trilema.com/2016/the-%d0%ba%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%81-bdsm-party/#comment-118604 ?
mircea_popescu: the odds a 20something ~black~ ~male~ actually keeping a journal are 10ppm or so ; having the capacity to even in principle do so 0.1% sorta deal
a111: 8 results for "principal agent", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=principal%20agent
asciilifeform: entertainingly, even the '80s-90s' proviso aint 100%; just last week i had occasion to plug in a http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-04#1884363 , nominally made in some barn in usa, and it's a+++ ☝︎
asciilifeform: i aint about to disagree with this formula ( it's 100% of the thrust of vtronics, say )
asciilifeform: aaactually what little i've touched with own hands from 'made in usa' , comes 100% from these.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: dunno re 'select'. recall the shithub experiment ? good % of the pages had 'brickface' on'em iirc
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-07#1885323 << ~100% of heathenwww is precisely 'alt-fetlife' by mass ☝︎
BingoBoingo: They try that here too. Pay with card get X% back as VAT rebate.
asciilifeform: i was speaking of general-purpose 'bank gives you 5% of the spent money back'
asciilifeform: likbez for outside-reich folx : in reich, when folx pay with e.g. 'visa', vendors lose ~5% (they pay for privilege of eating it) and konsoomer wins ~5% ('reward point', exact qty varies by flavour-of-the-day)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1884935 << i actually considered to have 'if low bit is 0 - i.e. N is even -- then montgomery, otherwise barrett' but what this does is break constanttimeism of modexp -- nao you broadcast the parity of N for whole planet, cuz entirely diff execution profiles for the 2 algos. and montgomery is at the very most a 10% revvup over barrett. ☝︎
asciilifeform: to round out the 'loose ends' thread -- asciilifeform also has a ~90% built node-walker and www front end for same. but it is in refrigerator, no one is direly starving for the lack of the thing, i expect i'll come back and finish it off strictly after ffa is fielded .
mircea_popescu: specifically, a 5 to 10k% increase in deliverables over what you currently achieve.
asciilifeform: but 0.1% less!111
asciilifeform: ( observe that you dun need to cook the victim , like egg, he's just as dead when % of his Na turns to Mg etc
asciilifeform: the prob is the .x% that capture
mircea_popescu: same would be true of electrons, too, except for the braking, which makes 99.x% of the energy of those NOT energetic enough to go through... take your picture.
mircea_popescu: if there's one meter of steel and two meters of you, 99.x% of all neutrons energetic enough to go through the sheet will ALSO be energetic enough to go through you
asciilifeform: classical gpg (base64) is a 400% neh
mircea_popescu: nah. it's a 20% overhead or so.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884225 << ada is surrounded by a kind of roman 'sudes' fort , consisting of 'why the fuck does it make me do this', kills 99+% of maggots on the spot. at least that's my hypothesis re why the thing remains usable ~40 yrs after first made, unlike e.g. unix ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884066 << aand to properly round off the thread, that box nao runs openbsd ( which worx 100% ) , for nao. ☝︎
asciilifeform: atm it's some (unknown to me) % chetty's gen.
asciilifeform: granted, scythe of 'father time' does impose an asymptotic bound on the whole thing. eventually usg will be 100% resemble staff of arsebook, google, etc, then curtain call.
mircea_popescu: in random historical lulz : https://ia801607.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/32/items/NewsUK1977UKEnglish/May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_jp2.zip&file=May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_jp2/May%2031%201977%2C%20The%20Times%2C%20%2360017%2C%20UK%20%28en%29_0000.jp2&scale=2&rotate=0 (21 blacks arrested, responsible for >9/10 of street crime in
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in misc. lulz, http://michaelnielsen.org/polymath1/index.php?title=An_efficient_algorithm_exists_if_Cramer%27s_conjecture_holds
asciilifeform: btw it is possible to dispense with FZ_LoMul , and simply discard upper chunk of ordinary karatsuba product. this costs ~10% cpuwise, and may be justified for some proggies.
asciilifeform: you may find it interesting that asciilifeform's 1st shot at barrett managed to have a subtly fatal mistake in the proof, and correspondingly a proggy that failed on <0.1% of input space.
asciilifeform: btw there's a 'seekrit' 30% linear speed boost if one uses unrolled combas.
asciilifeform: thing's about 50-60% comment by mass.
asciilifeform: (~100% of the ram footprint is blown on indexes, also)
asciilifeform: interestingly, measured penalty from HaveBarrelShifter := False -- and turns out, on x64, it's <0.5% .
mircea_popescu: by now, 99% of walkers live off the dole, so they don't really happen anymore.
BingoBoingo: mod6: With an annual subscription you get 10% off per http://pizarroisp.net/shared-hosting/ for 0.0216
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-26#1883094 << do i have this right, so the logs were ~43% shorter but this drove a summary ~37% longer ? ie, snr varied by at least a factor of 2.4 ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-25#1883039 << always a great idea. people ~should~ have ample opportunity to discover how insufficient, unimpressive, etcetera they are. i don't mean "fair" opportunity, ie, a 9mn% increase over what their environment currently provides. i mean fucking ample. ☝︎
asciilifeform: after that , ch14b, where i found a ~20% (linear) speedup.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-24#1882931 << fwliw i have a 90+% written node-and-tx-hunter with wwwistic frontend etc. but it is currently on shelf, taking back seat to ffa ☝︎