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mircea_popescu: ah so could actually run trb np
mircea_popescu: douchebag i'll get you a sever once the pizarro folk unwrap their heads enough to actually have one on offer. so you can tinker on gentoo, trb etc and get out of the "vps" bs hell. ☟︎
lobbes is slowly assembling parts for his own home trb node. Waiting on replacement cpu fan to come in atm. Updates to follow!
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-03 14:25 douchebag: Hey, would you guys be able to show me up a pizarro shell for trb?
ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-3#324705 << do you not have a machine capable of building trb?
douchebag: Hey, would you guys be able to show me up a pizarro shell for trb?
douchebag: trinque: For my writeup, do you want exploits that can actively be exploited on trb or just exploits in the dependencies used?
trinque: where's my report on trb dependencies?
phf: mod6: think plaintext tar archive that you stick inside a vpatch. there's only ever ~one file~ in your tree. for simplicity it's one large trb.cpp that compiles to the result. no other dependencies.
phf: i.e. trb.vpatch -> trb.web -> foo.c, bar.c, qux.c
mod6: <+phf> problem can also be solved with having entire project in one file, << to me, was trying to picture trb one giant vpatch, over and over, may have misunderstood
asciilifeform: phf: can you give a concrete press head for current-trb that will barf if the lateral-walk is removed ?
mircea_popescu: or possibly everyone regarded trb as a messy pile which isn't properly v-ified even today. like mpi, or like gentoo
phf: well, cutting "makefiles" from trb and going up the graph demonstrates many places where full press wouldn't happen with current behavior, but will still happen with the "buggy" one. so either there was a shared understanding that has changed, or else people who claim that that was shared understanding haven't looked at the trb tree at the time to observe the buggy behavior themselves.
phf: mircea_popescu: i don't agree that the "in the sense" is correct. trb patchset relied on pressing the lateral trees behavior up until recent nailing down of graph, which was a result of elaboration from clearer understanding. i think the understanding of v has evolved, and things of which there was much uncertainty and hand waving in the past are now much more obvious. i don't think it's the case that "the behavior was always that way" in an accidental
trinque: aside the two above, what's been done in trb is to include 1 and 2 in patch 3; the bulk of the patch is lifted into the thing
mircea_popescu: terrible idea to do it on trb. no, you want to do it on something small and simple, speciifcallty because "it's not hard to regrind existing tree"
phf: this doesn't require a new codebase, trb is there, can be reground
phf: i'm saying that i understand the meta problem, because i've seen other people deal with it, and there's been a lot of competing proposals as to how to solve it, including trb's "makefile" approach.
mod6: trinque: hey, are you paying douchebag to figure out trb on his own? or does me helping him violate what he agreed to?
mod6: douchebag: did building trb go alright for ya?
douchebag: building trb right now, I'm on the very last step
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-03-29 00:13 trinque: great. I'd like you to review the dependencies of trb (which were frozen at particular versions) for known public exploits, and to publish a report of this on your own mpwp blog.
trinque: great. I'd like you to review the dependencies of trb (which were frozen at particular versions) for known public exploits, and to publish a report of this on your own mpwp blog. ☟︎
shinohai: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-3-27#320406 <<< and I thank you for the hours of instruction not only on trb, but V as well. Has been a pleasure and an honour, Sir! o7
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-23#1789035 << in trb you mean ? not likely. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: oh for the motherloving fuck hole of sin trb won't sendmany with two outputs to the same address
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: there's quite likely enuff coin just in trb hotwallets, to buy a flotilla. and if you can get to it, it's as yours as your own nose, nobody could do a thing about it. so wtf are you doing fucking with php.
asciilifeform: for that matter, why does douchebag settle for small change of www ? a remote ex for trb or even prb will easily bring in enuff loot to buy a battleship. without having to convince anybody, i'll note, of anything.
asciilifeform: possibly funnily , early in trb life , asciilifeform on a lark put it through a $maxint scamolade 'cpp security auditor' proggy that the imperial slavegalley he was working in, had bought. the result -- unsuprisingly to tuned-in folx, i expect -- was so unremarkable that i did not bother to post it.
asciilifeform: as discussed, re e.g. trb.
ben_vulpes: douchebag: until you wrap your head around what goes on here, you're going to be fighting this negative impression where you insist that you're smart and educated etc, just...not in any topics that anyone here cares about eg trb as a basis for murdering the megastate and all barnacles like ecommerce/ssl/securitycircus hanging off the side
douchebag: I just don't see what was so damn difficult about that? If you guys told me to look for RCE in trb this conversation could have ended hours ago
douchebag: Okay, suppose I can get remote code execution w/ trb
asciilifeform: i dun think more than a week has gone by, at any point since trb first proclaimed , when trb was not mentioned in some way
ben_vulpes: douchebag: if you cannot read through thebitcoin.foundation website and get to trb i do not know what future there is for you
shinohai: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html
douchebag: I didn't get a link to trb.
ben_vulpes: douchebag: you did just get a link to trb
mod6: you can't say that you read the logs, and also do not know where trb is or what it is.
douchebag: trb?
asciilifeform: douchebag: why limited to 'web framework' ? if you consider yerself fit for work in hard/unsolved problems -- why not go and find remotely exploitable boojum for trb
mod6: douchebag: did you ever build trb?
shinohai: trb integrates lightning network .....
trinque: apparently low enough to learn c++, which I refused to lift into my head nearly all my career until trb.
asciilifeform: trinque : out of curiosity : do you see, e.g., asciilifeform's amputation of all microshit #ifdef... crapola from trb, as mistake ? 'fails to strategically engage the world-as-it-is' ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'rockchip' rk series. asciilifeform ported trb to these in 2015.
mod6: Lords and Ladies of TMSR~, I am happy to announce the release of my V : version 99993 K. The tarball has been posted to the website http://thebitcoin.foundation : Also, take note, the trb-howto guide linked on The Foundation website has also been updated.
mod6: The goal for the Foundation is to get 2, 1U rack spaces for machines to host trb + webhost/mirror.
shinohai: I agree. my trb node runs on very old compaq which is actually far superior. I played Eulora on it when I first started (using ssh -X !) because the keyboard is long borked.
ag3nt_zer0: trinque: hi. they were connected. if trb nodes are still being desired, i am trying to set one up. i am trying to install GNUGPG on the linux machine so i can verify trb sigs. and i keep getting this problem described above
trinque: did you have a trb question, a gpg question, indigestion, what
BingoBoingo: ag3nt_zer0: What troubling news? TRB still exists, and management of the ISP development in a transition process http://pizarroisp.net/?p=5
ag3nt_zer0: i'm not hip to the details. is it still desirable to get trb nodes up?
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-17#1784334 <<< This I did, have been running my trb node this way for some time. I do plan on trying your musl recipe, I just needed working os on my daily driver and had to go with what I know at this time. ☝︎
asciilifeform: (why, is separate q : perhaps a testing trb, and a classical trb ? )
asciilifeform: i also using for years. but suppose you wanted to run two instances of trb on one box, on separate ips.
BingoBoingo: It turns out trb doesn't bind to a port. Thusly if you change the myip parameter other boxes will talk to it on the old ip out of habit in addition to the new.
asciilifeform: quasi-relatedly, seems like BingoBoingo has already not 1 but 2 working and synced trb nodez
asciilifeform: iirc fella mostly lurks, but quietly runs a trb node, obtained a FG ( but afaik not yet written any study of it, no blog yet ) , is literate tho
ben_vulpes: what, we release a trb that steals your coins and somehow nobody is to blame? get real
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: post to the trb ml, sort what it's for
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-07#1782339 << sadly, i dun see how bbisp could provide platter. for one thing, it takes way the fuck more power. for the other, it simply dun work for one of the more important republican apps, teh trb. it's just... not there. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: trinque yeah, i have no clear model in my head of what's going on. but, i expect most load other than trb will be apache or something like it. and in my experience higher clock beats more cores once you have more than 4 or so, there.
trinque: mircea_popescu: in re: cores, depends what you're running. most of my existing servers are many separate services doing tasks that don't block each other, whereas if running trb it's doubtful the thing benefits from even one extra core, except insofar as the rest of the OS's doings get shuffled off to it.
asciilifeform: ( y'know, exactly like whoever wants to , can mirror trb universe )
a111: Logged on 2018-02-01 15:57 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: be sure to use trb with sync sanity, cuts sync time from 6+months to coupla weeks at worst
asciilifeform: ( at some point we will have to solve the puzzle of just how many trb nodes it makes sense to have inside 1 cage, i also suspect )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: be sure to use trb with sync sanity, cuts sync time from 6+months to coupla weeks at worst ☟︎
mod6: The Foundation has emplaced shinohai's seal for trb's 'genesis.vpatch' in the foundation repository @ http://thebitcoin.foundation. Thanks shinohai!
asciilifeform: but trb nodes really oughta all be within a few blox of one another at all times.
asciilifeform: it's one thing where prb refuses to serve trb node blox, or puts out some oddball liquishit that gets it malleus'd, etc
asciilifeform: mod6: let's restate the general principle. if you have two or moar trb nodes, and they are 'in communion' with one another regularly, and yet one is several 100 blox behind the other(s) -- THIS IS A BUG
asciilifeform: observe also that even 'aggressive' trb only demands newblox when a peer ~connects~
mod6: so yeah, pretty clear. spinning rust and TRB do not mix.
BingoBoingo: Anyways musl servering is going well, building a trb on the box because gotta test for republican standards compliance.
mircea_popescu: trb is whatever the foundation releases.
asciilifeform: it ain't retrofittable to trb imho, however. too many inoperable tumours in trb.
mircea_popescu: but it;s not that machine is useless "for trb work". current trb is useless for machine work.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-27#1777409 << a properly rewritten trb-blockchain would actually work ok on plated disks. ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-27#1777388 << at the risk of repeating -- mechanical hdd is ~useless for trb work ☝︎
ben_vulpes: douchebag: press a trb with non-"release" patches so's you understand usage, ideally sync the binary if you can afford the hardware. then, write your own v, test it, and bring it back for review.
ben_vulpes: douchebag: mod6 has a point, consider pressing a trb and syncing it douchebag
mod6: I appreciate all your hard work / blood / sweat / tears on your trb adventure with deedbot. Your contributions are and will make a difference. This is why the republic is on top. We don't imagine the change we want to see in the world, WE MAKE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.
mod6: I'd like to see the Republic continue to expand the number of trb nodes we have available this year. There are activities currently afoot that immensly support that. Getting FFA vetted and used as a base lib really will help get the ball rolling for any proposed trbi.
asciilifeform: mod6: this was in response to a hypothetical 'but why do we even need releases' , not re current trb www
mod6: <+asciilifeform> n00b wants to run trb. which trb will he run ? << n00b runs what is available at thebitcoin.foundation -- there are some recent vpatches that will become mainline once I can get all of the things vetted more closely.
mod6: nothing personal. i feel like the foundation is a good thing ; maintaining all of the things re: trb.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 19:15 asciilifeform: n00b wants to run trb. which trb will he run ?
NoSatoshisHear: W00t! learned a lot from TRB, so thx to all of you maintainers! Will not make a V prolly though. Still learning lightning, now with "onion routing". HODL on, and buy my tethers plz.
NoSatoshisHear: I have, came last summer, fugged around, left with a copy of trb to play with, will make a real name and gpg id in the near future....
asciilifeform: ( dulap had ~ok trb performance on spinning rust, but it had striped raid . and STILL couldn't keep up with ssd zoolag, despite the latter being a box the size of my fist, with no raid, on residential fiber )
asciilifeform: n00b wants to run trb. which trb will he run ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: imho 'trb release' makes sense as a thing -- conservative 'this worx' item
asciilifeform: it means, simply enuff, whatever item ben_vulpes & mod6 proclaim 'this is a trb release'
ben_vulpes: given the evolution of 'v', and that the act of pressing is a private, intimate one, does "current trb's behavior" make much sense anymore?
asciilifeform: the old sync behaviour is profoundly retarded tho, asciilifeform felt quite stupid for not having fixed it in the first yr of trb's life
trinque: I intend for deedbot's node to always reflect current trb's behavior
asciilifeform finds the 'tx references outputs of old tx, rather than addrs' to be a profoundly trisomistic shitoshiism -- but we can come back to this at next 'trb-i' thread
asciilifeform: trinque: which trb is this