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BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> <decimation> this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest << markov chains have no self interest. << Vexual seems to
mircea_popescu: <decimation> this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest << markov chains have no self interest.
decimation: this goes to my earlier point about a split in the Dem. party. it's not like the usg elite overlords act in their interest
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform raytheon has been trying to prop up th emegahole in its balncesheet by selling a mini version to fed backed usg agencies.
decimation: apple: usg dept of shiny things
mircea_popescu: every dollar the usg extracts from anything costs it more than a dollar as a precondition of its continued existence.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform kinda why the credit bubble is required for usg : because all extraction only works if it costs more than it extracts
asciilifeform: at some point, one or more of the folks lowered into bitcherasty by usg will have a logical, adequate response.
mircea_popescu: Maj. Jeff Cotner of the crimes against persons division said the whole incident was surreal. “I’ve been here 32 1/2 years. This is bizarre,” he said. <<< dear usg worker, do yourself a favour, read http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ today.
mircea_popescu: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2004/07/01/374834/ << for historical interest. this is how the party records looked back when the usg had few and marginal enemies, a solid grip on power, and people looked at the usgisation of places like intel as a Good Thing.
mircea_popescu: they are no major concern for the usg in either case, because man who hangs for a goat might as well hang for a goat and a chick
mircea_popescu: any usg affiliate or more likely, herpy q derp that looks like he may acquire any btc sum through any means will receive all the soft backing possible, from business insder news articles to an invitation to the fucking white house. anything whatsoever as long as it loks natural rather than spammy
mircea_popescu: here's the scheme : whatever usg affiliate, be it goldman sachs or herpy q derp that holds any sum of btc will lend it to the usg btc policy bureau in exchange for fiat guarantees.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes pretty much every single major sucking of chumps change you will see from about q1 onwards will be and has been a psyops riding on top of a usg-backed institutional lending for shorts
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: usg << one possible explanatory hypothesis for why they bought straight from the vendor instead of mircea_popescu's short
ben_vulpes: yeah, i get it i read it, but whence the source? there was the usms sale which is theoretically trickling into the market, and the ether sale which may or may not be trickling into the market. the former, clearly usg. the latter as well?
ben_vulpes: or btc sent to ether addr is loan to usg?
ben_vulpes: or meta-usg/
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ether is a loan to the usg?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes kinda what the usg needs, more loans of this type.
asciilifeform: he thinks usg << could've, too, if the hearts had bled on schedule. bullet whistled by.
decimation: he thinks usg will stop bitcoin - I don't find that a very credible thesis.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i'd love to read the canaltalkforums where all the "business ceos" go to ipo for their new dig projects and special usg contracts
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> kakobrekla you know if that thing's not on github and you start doing speedballs or busgee jumping or w/e << What will lampelina allow?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you know if that thing's not on github and you start doing speedballs or busgee jumping or w/e
mircea_popescu: ;;rate etotheipi -10 usg plant. helps nsa in every way he can, lies about it every chance he gets.
ascii_at_beach: 'kindly install this trojan, for the good of the Motherland. sincerely, usg.'
asciilifeform: 'ses' are the people who actually run usg.
decimation: this goes back to Mircea's point - USG "wants" things, but it can't really afford them - it's running on the "fumes" of past memories
asciilifeform: fluffypony: if tonight he checks in hardcoded root pw for usg, will you install new ver.?
asciilifeform can't help but suspect a 'laundry' for stolen/usg-snarfed/etc coin
asciilifeform: SUPER RICH couldn't do what they wanted << they contracted it out. to usg.
decimation: re: drillbit << even usg safes are rated for only 10 minutes forced entry
decimation: http://www.fedsafes.com/X-09_locks.php << asciilifeform note USG uses electric locks... with a dial
asciilifeform: decimation: nitpick. usg-blessed safes are optimized for tamper-evidence, rather than absolute strength
decimation: afaik high-leve usg safes are 2 hours
decimation: another usg foreign policy success
decimation: re: danger to usg agents: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/08/05/man-in-afghan-army-uniform-shoots-at-foreign-troops-causing-casualties/
ben_vulpes: much self-contradiction. it's the lot of the nearly-enlightened under the USG.
mircea_popescu: <decimation> If USG doesn't consider failure to pay federal taxes a basis to deny a security clearance, one wonders upon what basis the clearance is granted? <<< i don't think you understand how few people still pay their taxes.
decimation: If USG doesn't consider failure to pay federal taxes a basis to deny a security clearance, one wonders upon what basis the clearance is granted?
FoOdies5: what's a USG ?
BingoBoingo: FoOdies5: Are you USG in Costana entrapping?
asciilifeform: (scroll down, author revealed... certified usg stooge)
chetty: haha well I kinda just assume usg and eu is doing same stuffs these days
mircea_popescu: usg is spending a lot of money time and resources trying to infiltrate it!
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves that would then not be a btc atm. it would be a satanic usg attack on btc.
asciilifeform: (usg trials. for some reason, just about all the tear-off tabs on the 'volunteers needed' ad - stayed attached. one can infer that most people want > 1k usd for this.)
asciilifeform: fluffypony: let's also remember that 'general dynamics' is a premier USG brand.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla because when you stop bothering you become part of the meta-usg.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform unless one is a thermodynamics gaylord, it is irrelevant what living costs. you're running a business, not a charity. except in the us, of course, where all the <del>corporations</del> usg sponsored charities foul up the market, and with it, the culture and people's heads.
decimation: I don't think the usg hides this stuff either, it just gets pushed into statistics that no one reads. The usg has a compulsion to account for itself (in its own crazy way)
chetty: usg is a whore
decimation: I'm not sure that usg is capable of keeping the deaths of its employees secret
decimation: if the power of usg wanes to that degree, I think you will see the power return to the localities/states
asciilifeform: if 'meta-nsa' exists in the flesh, it's probably an assemblage of one grey-haired officer and his two dozen or so apprentices, embedded deep within the scar tissue of usg and surviving in spite of, rather than due to, the overall management. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: kinda what makes it better than oppresive regimes a la usg in the first place.
decimation: you can own, you just have to confess to usg you have them
decimation: usg must be scared of something
mircea_popescu: this isn't nearly as cut and dried a matter as the usg likes to pretend (forced mistake, it has no alternative than to so pretend).
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: opressed populace... it'll side with the enemy << who will invade usa? martians? and should they invade, for what purpose other than rounding up inhabitants for biodiesel? one might suppose folks would support usg over biodiesel harvesters?
Luke-Jr: USG?
mircea_popescu: eh spare me the derpage. you and the rest of the usg plants are trying to push forward a certain political aggenda.
mircea_popescu: while the usg is busy drinking chateau lafitte out of the taxpayer's moneyz.
BingoBoingo: I guess that people will have to read other places that he is suspected of being the lead USG plant
dub: much like cnn or fox is usg powered
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: American Government Edits Wikipedia On Nobody Ever - USGDot
BingoBoingo: OMG USG Side channel attack on TaT via Ebay-Wife interaction
decimation: if bitcoin goes up another one or two orders of magnitude in dollar value, it will be that much worse for the usg to do anything
decimation: mircea: the usg tends to maximally claim & minimally deliver
mircea_popescu: anyway, one of the comparatively more important btc valuations is, "cost incurred by the usg litigating per btc available to defendant".
decimation: why would usg bother with the minor part of the little brother anyway
mircea_popescu: i get more for .1 a tit for crying out loud. wasn't the usg supposed to be like rich and powerful and whatnot ?
mircea_popescu: a few moar victories like this and teh usg won't need any defeats.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony wouldn';t be the first time the usg ignores the us law.
benkay: hm this nydfs paper looks like a suicide note from the usg
mircea_popescu: that's the funny thing with the usg bureaucracy, the entire "make the laws too complex and then add regulation" thing used to work in their favour cca 1980-1990. but once that starts moving it doesn't stop, and now they're left behind.
BingoBoingo: decimation: USG has been sending rednecks overseas since tripoli
decimation: usg has been sending rednecks overseas for two generations at least
asciilifeform: traditionally, usg prioritizes self-styled 'armed rebel' circles for stoolie insertion and gasenwagen quota filling.
asciilifeform: so now we see that these (likely same, but usg never commissions just one turd of a particular variety) idiots did indeed crap out something like a $1B version of 'ida hexray.'
decimation: I wonder why usg & hmg bother to pay "spies" to ... secretly watch ebay auctions
asciilifeform: 'swamp donkey' << lol! apparently a usg version of 'cryptolocker' ☟︎
decimation: ultimately the usg depends on "likes" in the polling booth, right?
asciilifeform: ^ tldr: massive catalogue of usg... spam tools.
benkay: so does the usg, for that matter.
decimation: some part of the usg has to be able to operate in secrecy effectively to perform this laudering plan right?
decimation: eh, that supposes that the usg is secretly competent, which you just implied was not the case above
decimation: what does the fact that the US auctioned off the DPR horde of btc rather than put it in the fed reveal about usg?
mircea_popescu: "being arrested and dropping ten btc to the usg"
mircea_popescu: if there were no pirate and no silkroad whatshisname, the usg wouldn't be tempted today by the very dangerous heresy that "maybe it can make it on its own"
decimation: it seems to me that if oil is so cheap, it should be burned for power, but I suspect USG has banned that too (to do it cheaply)
asciilifeform: 'what you need to know' - 'nothing.' (usg)
asciilifeform: not to usg
mircea_popescu: “The USGS undertook this assessment of the Bakken and Three Forks Formations as part of a nationwide project assessing U.S. petroleum basins using standardized methodology and protocol,” said Acting Director of the USGS Suzette Kimball. “Through this improved understanding of our energy resources, government, industry, and citizens are better able to understand our domestic energy mix and make wiser decisions fo
mircea_popescu: mexican standoff. the usg doesn't mind idiot eu bureaucrats fucking themselves over, but otherwise, it won't really shoot first.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in fairness, usg1 failed on its own merits.
asciilifeform: usg1 - 'idealism', attempt at actual federation of independent states; usg2 - strong federal / centralized, slave states alive; usg3 - slave states zapped, vestiges of state autonomy removed, capitalism; usg4 - the one we know and love. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'The chronic UR reader will be familiar with my own humble periodization of American history, arranged by constitutional singularity: USG 1, the Congressional Republic, 1774-89; USG 2, the Original Deal, 1789-1861; USG 3, the Old Deal, 1861-1933; USG 4, the New Deal, 1933-present.'
gribble: USG: more Russian than the Tsar, more Muslim than Osama: <http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2011/05/usg-more-russian-than-tsar-more-muslim.html>; Unqualified Reservations: September 2010: <http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html>; AIACC – Call For Papers | Handle's Haus: <http://handleshaus.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/aiacc-call-for- (1 more message)