900+ entries in 0.319s
BingoBoingo: shinohai: I told n6 to just install OpenBSD. Then he found a guide to set up a "desktop" which convinced him to edit fstab (treat as read only). Got him to reinstall and find a saner guide. Didn't check his hardware and because Nvidia his resolution is painful. Directed to keep reading man pages. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2015 06:03:32; trinque: BingoBoingo: OpenBSD is probably a much better n00b suggestion
BingoBoingo: trinque: OpenBSD is the new Ubuntu 10.04
trinque: BingoBoingo: OpenBSD is probably a much better n00b suggestion ☟︎
BingoBoingo: trinque: He's on OpenBSD now and a six month hold order
BingoBoingo: Just remember OpenBSD still contains plenty of ways to hang yourself. On the plus side almost all of them are very well documented.
danielpbarron: yes, and OpenBSD is very easy to install
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: "Absolute OpenBSD"
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you had a favourite book re: openbsd i recall ?
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell n6 Step 1: Just run OpenBSD for now Step 2: transcribe and build "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code" Step 3: Six monthe of logs should be up, then you may Gentoo
trinque: then in 6-12mos we can talk about replacing the thing with OpenBSD
BingoBoingo: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=143922226922228&w=2
BingoBoingo: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=143916358308848&w=2
trinque: I am open to offering options like the openbsd installer for say X, other things
assbot: Logged on 07-08-2015 18:44:44; gernika: General question - is there value in continuing to test stator, and future versions of it, on OpenBSD? Or should I abandon that and just test on Gentoo from now on?
gernika: Ah right. No problems building statically on OpenBSD.
gernika: Incidentally I spent about 1hr attempting to build rotor on OpenBSD - got buried in tiny differences between bsd/linux.
ben_vulpes: mod6 has a hardon for openbsd
gernika: General question - is there value in continuing to test stator, and future versions of it, on OpenBSD? Or should I abandon that and just test on Gentoo from now on? ☟︎
ben_vulpes: <n6> might try openBSD after this.. << openbsd, an os that doesn't take much fucking with where bitcoin might actually build with vs gentoo where its known to build but the os cannot be built by mortals.
BingoBoingo: trinque: But for a build your first *nix Upgrading OpenBSd to -stable seems best documented
n6: might try openBSD after this..
BingoBoingo: n6: Practice on different *nic first. Install OpenBSD upgrade to stable. May have to patch bitcoind, but learn building from source in very documented way.
BingoBoingo: I'm not sure rc is jsut the plan9 shell. On Openbsd I see those two letter attached to all kinds of scripts and Openrc is apparently best Gentoo init.
BingoBoingo thinks something like OpenBSD uses for authenticating repository keys for anonCVS could work for important node connections
assbot: The OpenBSD Foundation Announces First Platinum Donor: CII ... ( http://bit.ly/1JN2xWq )
assbot: FBI 'planted backdoor' in OpenBSD • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1HilwSq )
asciilifeform: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/15/openbsd_backdoor_claim << rumour
BingoBoingo: I'll prolly just wait for Eulora emacs edition. There's no source package floating around for cg toolkit so it won't openBSD unless I rip it out.
assbot: OpenBSD manual pages ... ( http://bit.ly/1Uek2C1 )
BingoBoingo: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-5.7/man3/calloc.3?query=malloc&sec=3&manpath=OpenBSD-5.7
BingoBoingo: With the rest of my stuff running atm I'm almose using 1/3 of my RAM for the first time since I've moved to OpenBSD
mircea_popescu: if my suspect is true, this very neatly shows openbsd as a superior os.
BingoBoingo went from fairly stable 224-236 MB of ram usage to a very flat 986 MB the very flat makes me suspect OpenBSD weird
BingoBoingo: Random turd. Could be OpenBSD memory handling weird
punkman: "One of the first things I did after installing OpenBSD back in the day was set up a 6bone tunnel and ping6 all three other IPv6 sites out there. I was living in the future. Fifteen years later, and well... Fuck IPv6."
BingoBoingo: Some lols http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/from-distribution-to-project << "NetBSD changed its name to OpenBSD to reflect a new focus on desktop computing."
asciilifeform: somebody (mod6?) had it on openbsd
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 00:02:16; phf: trinque: probably same reason openbsd is not the blessed b-a target platform
phf: trinque: probably same reason openbsd is not the blessed b-a target platform ☟︎
trinque: I'm curious why these guys don't seem to have considered using openbsd as a basis
trinque: openbsd dead yet? I just grew to like it, so I'm sure it must be
mircea_popescu: openbsd decided it much prefers this, because the way to turn everything to shit is to surround everyone doing anything useful with a bunch of operational idiots.
assbot: Logged on 24-07-2015 06:27:43; BingoBoingo: Personally I hope that OpenBSD treats MicroShaft with the same Courtesy they did MP after the check clears
BingoBoingo: Personally I hope that OpenBSD treats MicroShaft with the same Courtesy they did MP after the check clears ☟︎
asciilifeform: phf: i have not personally tried openbsd on them. but note that if you buy the 'apu' model, must also buy the metal tin. there are no screwholes for heat sink. it is pressed on by the board mounting upside-down in its native tin case.
BingoBoingo: phf: You edit login.conf on openbsd to free up ram, yes?
phf: asciilifeform: fwiw i've not tried pcengines yet, but i might get it for an additional openbsd machine on your recommendation. compared to soekris though a lot of boards that i tried have dodgy reliability. i.e. random crashes. like BingoBoingo said though, this might just be a reputation impression
phf: re atom, it is 32bit only. i tried running stator on atom board with openbsd, it overheats, deferring until i figure out a cooling solution
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> wat << OpenBSD doesn't maintain binary compatibility between releases. They do stuff like kill deterministic rand() between 5.6 and 5.7
assbot: Logged on 23-07-2015 01:20:23; mod6: my one gentoo (all ascii's patches through verifyall x86-64/glibc) build got all the way up to where nsl is wedged. but my openbsd one is crawling along on verify all also... so far: height=220047
mod6: my one gentoo (all ascii's patches through verifyall x86-64/glibc) build got all the way up to where nsl is wedged. but my openbsd one is crawling along on verify all also... so far: height=220047 ☟︎
gernika: mod6 interesting that I ran into that on OpenBSD once, but got around it on a second try, not using libressl.
BingoBoingo: Anyone running OpenBSD and radeon graphics. 5.7 seems to actually improve quite a bit over 5.6 in this front.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell danielpbarron pete_dushenski http://www.openbsd.org/papers/eurobsdcon2014-octeon_dsr500.pdf
trinque: not bad; I continue to see parallels between gentoo and openbsd usage patterns
BingoBoingo took advantage of this Qntra downtime to update OpenBSD to 5.7 release and then compile/install 5.7 stable
gribble: openbsd.org is up
trinque: ;;isup openbsd.org
trinque has found the openbsd manpages to be in a class of their own
mod6: my openbsd one is crawling along.
trinque: openbsd's upgrade process is surprisingly (and refreshingly) easy
assbot: [BTC-dev] openbsd patch ... ( http://bit.ly/1MhDb4G )
TomServo: mod6: Was your OpenBSD recipe made public somewhere?
mod6: As far as testing, so far everything seems to be working ok -- i've fully sync'd 1 stator build, and i've got 2 more full sync's running curretly: one gentoo x86-64 w/glibc & one OpenBSD x86-64 w/glibc
assbot: Logged on 09-07-2015 21:57:04; decimation: https://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg138968.html < ah well then I am pleased to annouce that apparently openbsd will be supporting oceton usb in the very near future
TomServo: In other news, I noticed this blurb on the OpenBSD octeon page today: "In June 2015 USB support was added which finally allowed installing to local disk on machines lacking a CF slot."
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Build on OpenBSD with flags I use and missing from 0.5.x atm like getpeerinfo
BingoBoingo: Anyone as of yet spot my OpenBSD 0.7-ish build in the wild. Returns version for the time being
BingoBoingo was planning if acquired mac mini to install max ram, max sub $200 SSD, OpenBSD 5.6, Set up SSH keys, bitcoind sync, and ship
asciilifeform: rip openbsd.
assbot: 'BitCoin donations to the OpenBSD Foundation.' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1TBgUQe )
BingoBoingo: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=143645596526530&w=2
gernika: My OpenBSD bitcoind has stopped syncing: trying connection x.x.x.x:8333 lastseen=-371358.4hrs lasttry=-399136.2hrs | it had been syncing from the address in the qntra post.
mircea_popescu: if you manage to get it going on openbsd put the recipe in http://www.eulorum.org/Installing_Eulora ima give you some gin or wine or something
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: OpenBSD
BingoBoingo: SO finally got 0.7.2 ish built on OpenBSD 5.6 again. Turns out the problem this whole week was pointing at the wrong BDB version
decimation: https://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg138968.html < ah well then I am pleased to annouce that apparently openbsd will be supporting oceton usb in the very near future ☟︎
decimation: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.7/octeon/INSTALL.octeon < they claim that openbsd doesn't support usb storage
assbot: Handling Leap Seconds the OpenBSD Way ... ( http://bit.ly/1D2iq4n )
BingoBoingo wonders how his 0.7.2 qt build ever worked on OpenBSD
assbot: Donate to the OpenBSD Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hi3NLe )
mod6: <+gernika> mod6 I've attempted syncing on OpenBSD again and am now past block 168000 and have reached 185126. It's going very very slowly though. << good to hear though ☟︎
gernika: mod6 I've attempted syncing on OpenBSD again and am now past block 168000 and have reached 185126. It's going very very slowly though.
ben_vulpes: <BingoBoingo> phf: No, not yet. On OpenBSD I'm running an 0.7.2 derivative with LibreSSL 2.0 just to see how it behaves. << how's the libressl build going?
trinque: mod6: which openbsd package provides realpath?
mod6: read your readme... so yeah, months and months ago I was able to build a dynamic bitcoind on openbsd, but that was the exact issue after statically linked: seg fault.
BingoBoingo: <mod6> phf: i built on 5.6 but I can't seem to get mine to be be statically built :( << First thing to understand about OpenBSD is that it is a weird unix. Not as weird as Linux, but differently weird.
BingoBoingo: phf: No, not yet. On OpenBSD I'm running an 0.7.2 derivative with LibreSSL 2.0 just to see how it behaves.
phf: BingoBoingo: have you tried making static build on openbsd? i seem to recall you were running a bunch of openbsd boxes
BingoBoingo finally trying to recreate my OpenBSD 0.7.2-ish qt build. Must have lost the original sources that worked somewhere down the line
decimation: interesting. I didn't see any updates on openbsd saying that the nfs turd was no longer needed
decimation: running openbsd. I thought ascii had been using netbs
decimation: pete_dushenski: I thought that openbsd didn't support the usb storage driver for edgerouter
pete_dushenski: first you unplug the usb drive from inside the edgerouter, plug it into your computer, install openbsd on it, unpack it, reinstall the drive in the edgerouter, establish a serial connection, and start talking.
TomServo: But last I read booting OpenBSD required booting over the network, rather than install on the USB drive due to lack of a USB driver
TomServo: pete_dushenski: Didja find a way to boot OpenBSD on the edgerouter from USB or are you using the nfs boot option?
mod6: stator on openbsd did build, yet this: http://dpaste.com/0S8R7Z1.txt
mod6: mircea_popescu: (this is compiling stator on openbsd)
gernika: mod6: had to run as root to get around openbsd memory limits on normal user accounts. There are other ways.