3400+ entries in 0.514s
mircea_popescu: how exactly would such a test go ?
danielpbarron: ecstaticpessimst, what's the url I can submit stuff to to make it show up on your test subject's head?
Vexual: well like your classic laptop is to classic cars, you can do a time test, running your own software
mircea_popescu: that was the equivalent of the mike hearn "let's test bitcoin". the result came out kinda clearly - 9 maybe 10 days. that's it.
mod6: let me know how it goes. my full-sync test with the static bin is up to height=273236 currently.
asciilifeform: decimation: i did not test on any closed-source compiler because they don't exist on the planet i choose to live on
mod6: jurov: so as far as shorter release cycles, i think going forward they will be. the foundation will focus on say, one specific problem and then tackle it, patch it, and then regression test, release.
asciilifeform: does -anybody- test this crap ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Dragonfly ports are mostly loose FreeBSD ports with little guarentee of working. There are older Ada and the visual Ada IDE ports for OpenBSD, but... it seems fuckers would on the whole rather test "go"
ascii_field: i overlooked this because assumed that static build worked given as test was on box known to lack openssl, boost, bdb as centrally installed libs
thestringpuller: lol mircea_popescu there is not going to be a test server for experimental anymore?
mircea_popescu: trinque http://deedbot.org/ << should delete the test ones.
gabriel_laddel: 14:16:34 BingoBoingo: gabriel_laddel: the 'adults' are not going to be happy about you writing a program that converts all books in libgen.info + all papers you can get of school networks into a useful format via a combination of OCR and heuristic hackery << Plain OCR is normally sufficient for books without advanced mathematics as long as you are willing to liberate the pages from the spine. Test it with a sheetfed
thestringpuller: http://copenhagensuborbitals.com/manned-test-of-nexo-parachute-saturday-214/ << LOL "Cancelled due to bad weather"
asciilifeform: but rather the feedstock for the spectroscopic test.
asciilifeform: i did emphatically did -not- invent or design the calorimetric test
BingoBoingo: gabriel_laddel: the 'adults' are not going to be happy about you writing a program that converts all books in libgen.info + all papers you can get of school networks into a useful format via a combination of OCR and heuristic hackery << Plain OCR is normally sufficient for books without advanced mathematics as long as you are willing to liberate the pages from the spine. Test it with a sheetfed scanner sometime.
gabriel_laddel: none took the time to test it out
asciilifeform: same problem as aids test meaning here, that i'm much more interested in the folks left bugling in the dark
asciilifeform: it has same problem as the aids test
asciilifeform: they'll test.
decimation: AFQT means 'armed forces qualifying test'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the conclusive test requires the torsion rotor
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: but this is not germane to the issue. << Oh, but it is. These people are prepared to lie at every turn. See the stack overflow post, or the output of the Eot-wash group. If Al or Stan were make a mistake in the run, they'd never be able to test it again.
gabriel_laddel: The Eot-wash group won't test this. And the string theorist in that stackoverflow question is more than happy to state that because a large construction of molecules falls at the speed we expect it to, it couldn't possibly happen on a small scale.
gabriel_laddel: But you have to test it.
gabriel_laddel: What Al would like to test is pretty simple. Is gravity mirror-symmetric? If it is, then you can drop two stereoisomers in a vacuum, and they'll fall at the same rate. We don't know that this is the case, and the universe actually violates mirror-symmetry on many scales. Perhaps a violation will be observable.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i devised a test costing approximately 50k usd.
asciilifeform: 'Due to the well-known fact that all compilers have bugs, it is the conventional wisdom of the safety critical community to avoid assuming that the generated object code is automatically correct. For instance, the approach taken in the avionics standard DO-178B is one of Design, Review and Test [DO-178B]. As far as practical, the review and test activities are undertaken at the object code level. Indeed, if the reliability req
nubbins`: we call this "test driven development"
mircea_popescu: it's worth doing on a test network just to count subtle bugs.
kakobrekla: ah i thought we were talking bitcoind sync test or some such
trinque: +mircea_popescu | <trinque> http://deedbot.org/ << there be deeds << cool. why are some repeated ? << test values; I published bundles with the same messages a few times while working
kakobrekla: !rate assbot 1 test
trinque: at least test ones
kakobrekla: !rate assbot 1 test
Adlai: "sorting algorithm" sounds a bit like "intelligence test"
assbot: Air Force security failed nuke test | New York Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1w5uHSd )
asciilifeform: (source: vintage lul, http://nypost.com/2014/05/22/air-force-security-failed-nuke-test )
BingoBoingo: decimation: We are jsut talking the admissions test now
BingoBoingo: mats: it is. Admissions counselors don't know it is an easier test though
BingoBoingo: Well, the black test score bump can be explained entirely by the need to fill a competitive handegg team
mircea_popescu: "The most reliable street test in my opinion is actually the smell of cocaine, as it has a very distinct aroma that none of the additives possess. Unfortunately, for reference, this requires you to have smelt a lot of different cocaine of certain purities, and very few people have had that opportunity. Personally, I think I could estimate cocaine purity from its scent and from looking at and tasting a few milligrams, b
assbot: Researchers Test Anti-Cocaine Vaccine, Taps Immune System to End Addiction : LIFE : Tech Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1zysKPD )
asciilifeform: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/28288/20150123/researchers-test-anti-cocaine-vaccine-taps-immune-system-to-end-addiction.htm << this is interesting -only- because of the photo of the crack woman from pediwikia. it used to have a face!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wtf, i'd fail this test even now. who's to say that 'climber' is really being 'helped' by being pushed up
assbot: Amazon.com: NooElec PL2303 USB to Serial (TTL) Module/Adapter with Female and Male Wiring Harnesses & Test Jumper. Compatible with Windows 98 through Windows 7; Mac OS 8 through OS X, Linux and Android!: Computers & Accessories ... ( http://bit.ly/1Fcekbo )
asciilifeform: (why do i need a conventional install? because want to test my attempt at driver for the nand as a kernel mod)
asciilifeform: if south kr prints 'sky in north kr is blue' it's worth an independent test.
asciilifeform: the only true 'acid test' is an actual hardfork.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: the actual jtag test points are small and gnarly, clustered around cpu. i'll get around to them some time..
BingoBoingo: 7b0e48befe8051bdeb8a31272abb1b9067928e4a237110105897334a08b02fd197b47a52a3eb4bb508a2983b75e0457f059c85aff0f8aea9a161cb83fee14e31 << FOr plaintext saved as name "test.txt"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: perhaps the ancient art of 'sword test' will be revived one day.
asciilifeform: the test is, in my imagination, an exam given in real time, in the flesh
decimation: yeah, 'half a page of docs per line' is pretty much the same as your 'what does this line do?' test
jurov: internals of bitcoind? like, the whip out the cane, point to line test?
BingoBoingo: 211165 and still going on latest sync test. Will try to ride this one to the present
BingoBoingo: I also killed the block files and block index with my build today to test syncing again. Almost to 16801 again.
mircea_popescu: it's just infantilism. girlie trying to test the limits of her world.
thestringpuller: for if I wanted to test that.
decimation: kinda like how 'hp' now brands chumper printer cartridges, instead of quality reliable test equipment
assbot: Logged on 14-02-2015 00:20:24; BingoBoingo: punkman: if we replace openssl with libressl or whatever, how do we verify all the buggy data generated by 7 different openssl versions? << For the time being... empirically. There a set with six year's worth a data to test against by syncing.
herbijudlestoids: so far: squid, ldap, kerberos, djbdns, postfix, and today i finished setting up nginx and getting "A" score on the qualys ssl test
decimation: once you cross into > 10 GHz signals you start having to fork over real $$ for test equipment
BingoBoingo: punkman: if we replace openssl with libressl or whatever, how do we verify all the buggy data generated by 7 different openssl versions? << For the time being... empirically. There a set with six year's worth a data to test against by syncing. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "I was told that this sample set was too small so I performed the same test over four to five years until I reached the sample size of 10,000 in total split into tranches of 100. Every time the answer effectively remained the same. All the samples lie between a 94% bias and a 100% bias."
mircea_popescu: "I originally performed this test 5 times and found approximately a 95% skew" << :D
mircea_popescu: your test will probably be in the double digit failure rate, which is laughable. i suspect it is impossible for chemodynamic reasons to make it single digit, which makes it impractical
asciilifeform: immunoreactive test at ppb concentration is not a wholly outlandish concept
asciilifeform: Cheap Smartphone Dongle Diagnoses HIV And Syphilis In 15 Minutes << sham. not in that the tech doesn't work (it does) but in that it is the ordinary single-shot immunoreactive test, but for some (chumpatronic) reason someone bolted it on to a pNohe.
assbot: Logged on 05-02-2015 01:19:42; mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> adlai: why does it have to test on actual live-fire btc anyway? << so he can make a buck ?
asciilifeform did not test with anything other than the shortly post-heartbleed turdball specified in 'portatronic'
mod6: root@debian-test:~# openssl version -a
the_scourge: i assumed it was poor design and useless academics who'd never had to do a hard day's work in their lives. perhaps it is a shit test?
the_scourge: 'Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands? If you do not do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive.' (naggum, who else. http://www.xach.com/na < funny, that's one of the reason i've avoided ☟︎
danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/patch_test.txt
mircea_popescu: and also i need to test and verify what i read
mod6: take a look at this other test i ran today with /just/ v0.5.3 basecode: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9U2VHnRx
mircea_popescu: well it's engineering... if they test with it still frozen
phillipsjk: Um It is my understanding that the turkey is supposed to be thawed for the test.
asciilifeform: decimation: as per the famous 'frozen turkey test' at airplane factories.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> adlai: why does it have to test on actual live-fire btc anyway? << so he can make a buck ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: adlai: why does it have to test on actual live-fire btc anyway?
adlai: i'd like to test scalpl on larger amounts of btc than i have at my personal disposal.
asciilifeform: davout: but it's reserved for autodefloration test
asciilifeform: davout: nope. bastard node test on x86.
mod6: no worries, gotta run though, will test direct against a 50300 later tonight.
mod6: morning. ok lastnights test wedged going against a fully-loaded 70002 seed: http://pastebin.com/4Ps9ZxDJ
mod6: aight. time to test this out.
asciilifeform: whoever is doing is - brilliant 'shit test' - will the idiots merge? turns out, yes! they will.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: twould also be interesting to see the same test against the modern codebase
mircea_popescu: stress test the system, as it were. see what happens when there's i dunno, 500k pps ddos, but not from wordpress to me.
asciilifeform has two 'pogos' but one is virginal and sitting in crate; it is to be used to test the auto-deflorator (flash virgin unit by plugging into deflowered one)
BingoBoingo: davout: Well google was more the catalyst for doing it now. That and having picked up a Smatr PNohe to actually test on.
mircea_popescu: even if they're both meaningful constructions, they're not both stereotypical constructions. a good test being, of course, translation.
danielpbarron: i got a ssd sata drive, a 5400 rpm laptop thing, and a usb3 flashdrive to test
BingoBoingo: So who what's to test qntra's new, more modern CSS?
mod6: that's neat. gonna test RI on 'em?
mod6: Anyone wanna test out a perl script for me? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Wp8V8n9h
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for TomServo with note: Helped me test a script for The Bitcoin Foundation