2000+ entries in 0.114s
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> anyway, srsly, married guy with small kids. gotta bring home some kind of bacon. he tried to put that idea into work, with you recall, betting something. imo did a great run of it, too. but it didn't catch. so he tried something else and that caught better. << AHA, does not have young unmarried unchilded option of hardware store to contribute minmally to USGism on principle
mircea_popescu: connivance in usgtardation renders professional merit ~impossible~ and that's the final word on that matter.
mircea_popescu: that nsa chose to publish some derpage through usg.nsa.x-shithead or through usg.nsa.y-shithead is not a meaningful point of difference.
mircea_popescu: right so : usg remora. nothing any http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/#selection-413.0-419.38 / http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/ "publishes" may be credited to them.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform usg remora. nothing any ... wtf was that schmucks name...
mircea_popescu: which is the real lulz behind that "decimation of american productivity". usg.blue lost "american" trademark, did not REALISE this ; lost also tax immunities, and HAD NO IDEA. only approximation is a cow so dumb it only notices someone cut off its legs when trying to stand up.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740178 << much in the way usg had a frigate^H^H^H^H littolol combat ship ☝︎
mircea_popescu: rather than pretend alongside the usg tards it's an "insurmountable task". it's not. build the tools and spend the time, do your part to ruin wintel and with it the united states.
asciilifeform: and the income is tallies as the market value ( per usg gosplan ) of the difference, 49bux/ea
asciilifeform: well answr to the 'who sez' is 'usg gosplan sez'
BingoBoingo: usg.red taunts usg.blue https://archive.is/Gd5DX
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake. << Either way LACNIC is cheaper/(less competition for space) than APNIC
mircea_popescu: may take some finagleing, usg.dns decided to be a bitch about ips so as to force ipv6 uptake.
mircea_popescu: by 2040 we'll have "nobody could have predicted" and "usg tards still respectable / government still needed / state still important BECAUSE ALTERNATIVES UNTHINKABLE!!1" as per usual.
mircea_popescu: so you know, usg wants to talk about how "companies don't correctly account for their externalities and global warming", provided of course we don't talk about how usg doesn't correctly account for ITS externalities and kreutzfeld-jakobs.
mircea_popescu: notwithstanding that this is entirely factual, humans INVENTED a new, lethal disease for bos primigenus, BECAUSE retarded usg regulation has the unwelcome effect of responsibility divestment.
mircea_popescu: ie, nobody will ever say "mad cow disease exists because usda introduced mandatory milk pasteurization in 1933 taking advantage of the 'overproduction' of milk the usg generated artificially through fucking the currency" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: yes, because by usg mandate romania moved from pasteurization to uht-ization
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes there's this theory whereby usg oligarchy (ie, the pile of fundamentally corrupt underpinnings of the state, as all state ever is based on corruption nad naught else, which is why colonizers attempt to "root out corruption" in colonial posessions) is split into red section (raytheon and friends) and blue section (stanford and friends)
asciilifeform: here applies to the 'soft power' species of usgcrat ( in contrast with 'red' , 'weapons of mass destruction!' species )
asciilifeform: aka usg.blue
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ftr, i'm rather doubtful as to actual usg involvement in that. seems a case of "hitchhiker comes across bute, pushes it into the chasm below". well, it's true that "hitchhiker pushed as hard as he could", but it's also true that he didn;t make or specifically find bute.
asciilifeform: usg.blue quite like the stereotypical idjit gambler, wearing ancient crusty shirt he once jackpotted in
mircea_popescu: how fucking dumb teh remains of usg.blue must be to re-do the ~exact~ ukraine failure is anyone's guess...
mircea_popescu: did they get moar "oh usg decided to "sell" keyhole to google thereby inqtel has a coupla mn dollars now" sortas items ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ben_vulpes wait, wait, they came up with a loophole in the whole "Standard of care" scam ? "as long as you doctor for stanford, you get to opt out of the usg lawyer insanity" ?
mircea_popescu: but coding is coder-centric not code-centric. leave aside teh faux modesties of githubs and other usgtardations and set things on their proper footing : coding is all about the coder.
mircea_popescu: oh wait, THEYRE JUST WORDS. and yet the usg socialist is not ==== the subsaharan retard. because... DIFFERENCE, just like FAMOUS. they'll give testimony on the difference!
asciilifeform: and it isn't as if there is nonchinese equipment for sale somewhere. unless you count the for-usg 'weight in gold' nonsense
asciilifeform: did moar counterintel 'bang for buck' in 5min than whole usg in 50yrs
mircea_popescu: you'\re still missing the important point. usg is looking for a brand to show its large citizenry. much like every attempt to hold a tech fconference in argentina degenerates into a bunch of local tards speaking/stepping over each other to blather meaninglessly in the hope of thereby attaining a certificate of humanhood from the foreigners,
mircea_popescu: ironically, romania's communist party had made the socialist republic very very far from the "sacred ideals". usg much more worthy of the S than rsr ever manafged to be.
asciilifeform: re the shoemaker, asciilifeform still can't fully shake the traditional ru version , where man was plugged for paying off his national debt, rather than 'the beoble Finally Had Enuff!' usgolade nonsense.
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz : usg focused on infiltrating and corrupting ro justice system first ; as a result in 1999 they came up with a "rehabilitation" supreme court decision. ro govt refused to recognize it, which resulted in a lot of usg agitprop material as to how "romania not yet rule of law".
mircea_popescu: (if it could -- usg would have some)
mircea_popescu: right. "has cash" usg printed for it.
asciilifeform: for milking usg
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 03:12 asciilifeform: hey mats did usg schutzstaffel corps teachya to set legs ?
asciilifeform: iirc nsa was first publicly proclaimed by usg when marvin&mitchell escaped.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: usg long ago gave up on intel in the traditional sense . e.g. nsa 'restaurant menu' consists ~100% of vulns they themselves created.
mircea_popescu: hey. this situatuion where usg is more transparent than fresh piss is not tenable. either it abolishes itself or fixes it
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736787 << ah hm iirc nao su did not stash u, it stashed pu -- and most of it 'sold' to usg in '90s for pennies ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-11#1736264 << quite so. the whole "you are fucking yourself over" thing MEANS something. it's not an idle "oh noews" from usg.chicklit, "happens" somehow unhappeningly and all is well anyway. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but no, there's no getting out of it : turkey-iran with a russian background much much stronger than usg.israel + usg.saudi-arabia. israel isn't coming apart just yet -- therefore the peninsula must.
BingoBoingo: Same as Cali. Everything was cool and patriarchy then evil USG mole Zorro fucked everything up by opening Chicano studies departments
mircea_popescu: nah, moar like failure of orange revolution ("teh people matter, and here's a buncha dorky chicks fresh from usg "criminology" studies going topless hurr durr) had dept of blue usg move to white revolution ("teh people dun matter, here's kings-youngest-son being totally the true lost tsarevich!!!"). in this case the local pretext for legitimacy is that 32yo princelet.
asciilifeform: it definitely had the pre-usgization keccak gold standard. can generate tests from this.
mircea_popescu: if all the "here's the usg-bitcoin, accept it in exchange" doesn't work as it hasn't with ripple/ethereum/bitcoin-core/crash/whatever, the only remaining avenue is the idly papal claim to "all the bitcoins".
asciilifeform: this'd be so if the army in the colour brochures were the actual usg army
ben_vulpes: at least in usg, "fighting readiness" is both sexist and racist
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-09#1735222 << returning briefly upstack, there's a 'seekrit' bit of hilarity : usg actually moving away from old, classic 'z80-style' dies, and into 'let's have modern density, so we can run javaturds, let ibm make 'space-grade' ppc , etc -- but that's ok, we'll use 8 in tandem ' ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they ARE looking for weaknesses. there's a reason usg lost south china sea.
asciilifeform: idk that usg any longer even uses items not of chinese make to begin with
mircea_popescu: now, it';d be nice if you could buy BRONZE interior. not fucking electrolysed, but SOLID. nevertheless, it is apparently usg-forbidden to use actual materials.
BingoBoingo: lol @ USG says WAT
mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/dMDOP <<>> https://archive.is/aWkOK << a study in usg-independent "technology".
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-08#1734285 << and, evidently, anyone gives a shit what the usg does. because hurr. ☝︎
asciilifeform: aha, i can easily see usg df iron being mandated in cabletv boxes or similar.
mircea_popescu: it wants to be whatever usg's silicon valley politruks appear to be willing to put stalin's notes behind that season.
apeloyee: df for usg for free << correlation attacks work but are neither easy nor cheap. if they only exchange 10% of the traffic, will take 10x as long to find you, unless they know the key
asciilifeform: what happens is that 5-6 pensioners notice 'noise' and get in their trucks and df for usg for free, for a month, if it takes a month
asciilifeform: incidentally the problem as originally stated, 'communicate across planet with a few watt, reliably, unjammably, and as close to undetectably as possible' was obsession of usg in 1940s-50s; and was declared 'solved enough' when satellite was built.
asciilifeform: as described on trilema and elsewhere, usd ain't money, it's 'money[*]', and the * typically includes 'cannot be spend on defense from usg'
asciilifeform: possibly gotta 1938 the wrong-chirality bluebloods who want to spend it in usg-unapproved ways (e.g. btc) ..?
ben_vulpes: lookie, usg agents teaching the world that depositing into their banks is a fucking terrible deal
asciilifeform: even without carrier, possible to find. consider usg's adventure in vietnam, where they picked up spark plug noise from trucks on ho chi min trail.
asciilifeform: oh upstack re radios, the 'why not use aperidic wave, and entire spectrum' thing was of course not long ago hannobockized and redhatized by usg shills, as 'uwb (ultrawideband)' and 'regulated' and other rubbish. ☟︎
asciilifeform: between all of this, usg does still enforce its monopoly on long-range telecom.
mircea_popescu: aha. sort-of like "moderators" on usg walled gardens
asciilifeform: they'll work for phree, for weeks, charging usg 0, to find the vreditel'
asciilifeform: incidentally phunphakt re usa : it is virtually never usg.proper that hunts for radio pirates
mircea_popescu: meanwhile usg criminal gang aka "law enforcement" just killed its 999th victim this year, nov 2nd. 71 yo jerry roach.
mircea_popescu: i am offering the (sadly unverifiable) proposition here that it is more likely to have your door broken into and your pet shot because "they thought tuttle lived there" a la brasil ; than because you were running a clinton-porn-pirate-radiostation and someone in usg noticed.
mircea_popescu: people get shot while the usg brown shirts are breaking in all the time ; they had no transmitters. adding one that had to this list does not raise above the statistical noise floor.
mircea_popescu: you've seen the whole "blockchain interpretation & crystal ball" "expert services" usg spawned to date neh ?
mircea_popescu: "cyber forensic lab" aka the usg owned-and-operator "truefax" producer for usg court system.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-26 17:11 mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure
asciilifeform: if usg 'borrows' something from me, i dun expect to see it again 'like own ears without mirror', because mother did not drop me as a child
asciilifeform: ^ detritus from usg war games of 20th c.
mircea_popescu: this is more like "usg pr experts reusing superficial arrangements of ro folklore"
a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 18:18 asciilifeform: they are imho an intrinsically usgistic item -- costly, fragile, vulnerable, conspicuous.
asciilifeform: they are imho an intrinsically usgistic item -- costly, fragile, vulnerable, conspicuous. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the entirely of the usg-i-cant-believe-its-not-bitcoin is the orc colonized lands. there, they actually believe the shit they read in bad localized versions of the ny times.
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/R55fd << check it out, peter surda is "saddened" by "the great bitcoin blocksize debate". you know, the march 2017 version of it, that is pre the fucking of bitcvoin crash and post the fucking of usgavin. somewhere in between.
mircea_popescu: in other "closer ties", usg managed to get samsung's boss convicted for "corruption".
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-31#1731544 << everyone is, as a result of usg militant tardation. i can just drive into brazil. you -- can not. they "banned" turkish visitors, as if anyone from turkey could be arsed to go to the us ; turkey reciprocated, meaning about 70% of classical antiquity is now off limits to what in english passes for "the civilised world". ☝︎☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-10-31 18:52 asciilifeform: ( speaking of crypto, usg lulz http://archive.is/7UnjC >> label 'no backdoors' == 'extremist crypto' nao )
asciilifeform: ( speaking of crypto, usg lulz http://archive.is/7UnjC >> label 'no backdoors' == 'extremist crypto' nao ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: most usg-once-removed corps are trying hard to advertise bucharest.
asciilifeform: i wondered if because to prosecute false coiners, or because usg demands record, or both
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ur- was coopted in artspeech to denote a typical or originating example, like trilema is the ur-blog and rome the ur-usg.
asciilifeform: usg VERY much dislikes its inmates escaping (with 'their' moneys)
diana_coman: if you start a business there -does it also get usg-taxed?
asciilifeform: if i open in own name, it gets usg-taxed.
asciilifeform: btw BingoBoingo you could live like normal person for 20bux/d here; and like royalty for 50 . ( caveat : it's a natostan and usg-occupied in the east, naturally. tho you wouldn't be able to tell with naked eye. )
mircea_popescu: in other great usg victories against isis & co, "there was another team in the same area as the platoon ambushed in niger".
mircea_popescu: possibly the most annoying version in the usg lands is the bus-doctor. he'll tell you what to pay and he klnows what to do. and he's never heard the salutary "bitch, say what ?" in his lyf.
asciilifeform: lol the time to kick ustards was prolly before the time of letting usg army division occupy the sea shore, eh
asciilifeform: by usghitler naturally
mircea_popescu: the only problem is that they kick out the threats to usg.