1900+ entries in 0.345s
mircea_popescu: "Interesting, Romain Bignon is a Python dev.
Pankkake had some python work done for MP"
pankkake that's what happens if you wear it every day ;(
pankkake: Progamming anything right now?
pankkake: On NEOBEE or what did you have there?
pankkake: Do you have any investment in any security I check out?
skinnkavaj: That
pankkake and mircea_popescu you are the same person
pankkake: that is havelock.. see RENT, see NEOBEE, see ..
pankkake isn't that basically the bitcoin gem "idea" ?
mircea_popescu: between crumbs, btcapples and a
pankkake we can make OUR OWN PIES
pLambert: wait, we are the same person,
pankkake, right? Why am I talking to myself?
Pankkake thx I'll check it out
pankkake well other than it'll likely never generate any capital, it would resolve the problem yes.
pankkake, one does not simply sell shares on havelock
pankkake: Back in the days of it being library school homework I stealthed in some pages that didn't get the delte flag
pankkake: i think thermos is, so he can cut and run with the forum upgrade funds
mircea_popescu: so in this sense,
pankkake, i can mark as 10 someone with whom i only do 0.001 trades, inasmuch as i judge that i can 100% describe them to whoever asks
pankkake it seems you're labouring under the misapprehension that these ranks are sort-of like school marks
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user
pankkake has changed from 1 to 3.
pankkake, it's just not proper english :D
pankkake: someone pretending to be you PMing me
ThickAsThieves: being that the only way to lose is if
pankkake runs, and if someone actually buys any
ThickAsThieves: by these measures
pankkake's PIF is the real deal investment
pankkake: plz refresh assass feed. pushed to public too soon :(
pankkake: piece of tape with a piece of paper in the middle of the sticky side
nubbins`: anyway,
pankkake might argue that i don't speak "french" at all
chetty: Even the brain dead are starting to notice something is wrong
pankkake mircea_popescu:
pankkake pls to 1000 atc to 1CgNLdNUaXFawURSBuX4xBHv53GhGZ3XuC ty
pankkake, the challenge is to write and record an album entirely in the month of february
pankkake > It has a similar sound to the English dg in dodge.
pankkake they are under 1-9 on US layout
pankkake: best game evar
Duffer1: ken having his head so far up his own ass he doesn't know up from down isn't the problem it's those terrible trolls
pankkake and crumbs, payed by MP to slander ActM
pankkake the lulzy part is the guy has a dota avatar. wtf one could like dota and be that silly.
mircea_popescu: "Now, if you look at his Web of Trust ratings, you'll see that
pankkake has a rating from user abc4btc with the note
pankkake don't leave us :*(
diametric: so
pankkake is controlled by mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: "So above you see
pankkake continue to smear the company ActiveMining (by calling it an investment scam, associating it with the known 'LabCoin scam', saying the CEO is facing jail and accusing me of being a scammer (!)) after Ken publicly refused to pay
pankkake's blackmail money demand."
☟︎ mircea_popescu: actually you're right, the
pankkake theory is really...
Duffer1: wait so "Prism" is claiming Crumbs is MP/
Pankkake and MPOE-PR and that he was hired to find out this information by a high value neobee holder
pankkake: why u no let me assass on mah fone?
benkay: i just doubt i'd do much better than stochastic bouncing around,
pankkake - much like gamblers or traders. up one day, down the next; cognitively biased against tracking returns etc. it's a goddamn emotional shitshow is what it is.
pankkake yeah i think you may be right, there is something to this sculpting communities theory.
benkay: u no ams see "private bitbet"
davout: i tried to push the job on