1500+ entries in 0.383s
davout: pankkake: leave my mom's orderbook alone
davout: pankkake: better intel
mircea_popescu: <davout> pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ? << this is how it works yes
davout: pankkake: try with dotcoin :D
jurov: pankkake ^
davout: pankkake: wait, you're saying you're more inclined to become mad whenever you have respect for the person you argue with ?
davout: pankkake: arguing endlessly without getting mad is a skill in itself
mircea_popescu: pankkake kay, i'll read it. ping here when done
davout: pankkake: wai u hate faggots?
mircea_popescu: im sure nobody'll be like, "o, we no like pankkake anymoar now", even if they think your idea is dumb
mircea_popescu: pankkake seriously, you feel like articulating wtf you hate about altcoins quite so viscerally ?
ozbot: Threats to extort and blackmail BCT companies by the user 'pankkake'
dotcoin: i guess pankkake is the child from them
mircea_popescu: pankkake that'd be juout
mircea_popescu: "I've disagreed with pankkake before (on the subject of altcoins) and he's called me an idiot and I've told him he's wrong. " << look at that!
davout: pankkake: whatever, you're jelly because he doesn't make blog posts about you
davout: pankkake: YES
davout: pankkake: +francois damiens making pictures of naked women
davout: pankkake: +beer
davout: pankkake: http://p3.storage.canalblog.com/36/79/280237/14881225.jpg
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters << but those were sluts
mircea_popescu: pankkake: "Chinese-American, he was born in Africa; his entrepreneurial parents ran a flip-flop factory in the Ivory Coast" << for some reason that immediately sent me to http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/nigerian-scammers.jpg
davout: pankkake: fucking classical
kakobrekla: jurov pankkake is just trying to be provocative by being a pussy
davout: pankkake: "and I'd rather have a child rapist than a litecoiner anyway" <<< lmao
kakobrekla: does it make a difference if you piss or shit in the sewage pankkake ?
jurov: pankkake so you care about scamdation now?
fluffypony: pankkake: we call them slip-slops...but we call traffic lights "robots" so South African English isn't much to go on
fluffypony: pankkake: I think this is the straw that is breaking the camel's back
davout: pankkake: "Given the various legal requirements, the new model will be equipped with a fingerprint scanner and a security camera." <<< wonder what legal requirements they're referring to
fluffypony: pankkake
davout: pankkake: "killall -HUP isn't a real kill, just a signal" <<< the HUP signal, so?
mod6: <+davout> pankkake: moar GPG pro-tip, make gpg-agent forget all passphrases : killall -HUP gpg-agent << actually, you can avoid having to kill gpg-agent by not starting it up at all. just comment out `use-agent` in gpg.conf
davout: pankkake: moar GPG pro-tip, make gpg-agent forget all passphrases : killall -HUP gpg-agent
davout: pankkake: yeah, that's dead easy, also multiple recipients is kinda mandatory if you want to be able to decrypt what you encrypt to someone else
fluffypony: davout, pankkake: http://i.imgur.com/hiKVziV.jpg
fluffypony: pankkake: core dumped
mircea_popescu: pankkake i dunno why dood. ask mike_c, he understands the whys of marketcaps.
bitcoinpete: sorry pankkake and artifexd, looks like peterL scooped it
asciilifeform: pankkake: that looks like the familiar Li battery swell.
peterL: thanks pankkake :)
mircea_popescu: pankkake: they probably want to start over for good reasons << like getting paid.
benkay: pankkake: url-encode everything and throw away the method.
fluffypony: pankkake: nah, Jobs had insight and vision into what people (generally) wanted before they even knew they want it
fluffypony: pankkake: who is that? that's the nerd equivalent of someone taking a picture of themselves standing next to a Nissan 350Z (when they're probably 3 mths behind on payments) and putting it on Facebook to impress everyone with his lavish riches
fluffypony: pankkake: trolling is fun :)
fluffypony: pankkake: apparently my advice is worthless because I implied Ken hired an incompetent "project manager"
fluffypony: pankkake: his reply is what triggered the blog post I'm writing
fluffypony: pankkake: ikr
mircea_popescu: pankkake because he's assburgers and can't drive 50 miles to fucking vienna to buy the stuff off the shelf
fluffypony: twizt: pankkake is the #bitcoin-assets police detective
moiety: pankkake: seems some's dead pools are more popular than others lol
davout: pankkake: probably getting msb licenses in 50 states
fluffypony: pankkake: we use ATM here
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: pankkake asked me a few minutes after I posted it
fluffypony: pankkake: I'm proslimbs_inc
mircea_popescu: pankkake divers industry publications are still run as if it were 1970
mircea_popescu: pankkake old style, affluent, powerful people read newspapers. like moi.
davout: pankkake: "Pèche"
mircea_popescu: lol ok. pankkake voted for the old man's "GET OFF MY LAWN" party.
davout: pankkake: lol, you junkie
davout: pankkake: ty, my voter's card will finally be of some use
mircea_popescu: pankkake yeah because of this meta- and pretense bs. they can't make a whore party, they gotta make a pretend-whore sorta-like party except stupid.
Apocalyptic: pankkake, ATC needs your miners !
fluffypony: pankkake: you are a wizard that knows all
jurov: pankkake: source about panama fund non-existing?
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> try the electrified butt plugs << actually those are kinda bad for you. there is such a thing as electric burns of the mucosa.
assbot: Need a nickname, pankkake.
assbot: Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first.
davout: pankkake: because it's derpcentralized
assbot: Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first.
fluffypony: pankkake: he's hardcore (tm)
mircea_popescu: all blame pankkake
fluffypony: actually mostly pankkake's laziness
fluffypony: nanotube: reference material + pankkake's laziness
mircea_popescu: pankkake course the canonical way around is to just ask the rater. he can tell you how far back the relationship goes
mircea_popescu: pankkake it does have a chilling effect, because sometimes i'm hesitant to update very old ratings, and just let them be "good enough"
fluffypony: pankkake: I suppose you could talk to the rater and ask them?
HeySteve: or check the blockchain, pankkake :)
mircea_popescu: pankkake you can log the ratings chan
fluffypony: pankkake: yeah - to a large degree, investors don't *necessarily* have the knowledge to be in the space the business is operating in (otherwise they'd be in the space), so they're just proffering an opinion
mircea_popescu: pankkake l'humanite was actually printed by jaures/the pcf
mircea_popescu: pankkake : vaillant, French publisher, founded in July 1946 by the Front Patriotique de la Jeunesse (FPJ)
mircea_popescu: pankkake nah, i had the complete editions valliant, 1952 to 1970ish, bound in yearly tomes
mircea_popescu: pankkake clearly you don't understand the party culture.
mircea_popescu: pankkake aww.
fluffypony: pankkake, when we had our Bitcoin Black Friday special their API was unavailable
mircea_popescu: <fluffypony> pankkake: eventual consistency, within 3 weeks! << for all the beating eventual consistency gets, the sad secret elephant in the room is that all business in the history of business for the past 1k years has been of the eventual consistency types. what do you think double entry accounting is.
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> so it solves everything. twice. << 8 lines bashed. omfg i spilled. bwahahahaha
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> besides the various forms of writing an address, I guess there are RIPEMD-160 collisions? << a ripemd-160 collision that'd make two diff bitcoin addresses out of one key is kinda improbable even theoretically tho
davout: pankkake: doubtful, the last japenese earthquake cost sthg like 750,000
fluffypony: pankkake: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/author/gordon-geeko/feed
fluffypony: pankkake: hah found it
Apocalyptic: pankkake is to be chairman imo
fluffypony: pankkake: YOU TOO CAN OWN A PIECE OF THIS WIKI!
fluffypony: pankkake: eventual consistency, within 3 weeks!
fluffypony: pankkake: exactly
Apocalyptic: pankkake, you wrote "Private keys have only one address" on bitcoinpete's article
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user pankkake has been recorded.
thestringpuller: ;;rate pankkake 1 "Gives French people a good name."