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thestringpuller: ;;rate pankkake "Gives French people a good name."
mike_c: pankkake: just 0.1%. i'm not greedy
mircea_popescu: pankkake ever seen bebes a gogo ?
jurov: ^ pankkake this. i have did it myself, i got back fees from the bet i linked directly but that was all
mircea_popescu: pankkake even if you purge cookies when you close browser, it should track you by ip afaik
mircea_popescu: pankkake no. it's like writing "fraudulent pracitce of medicine will be prosecuted" on the hopsital
mircea_popescu: pankkake his "claim" is his claim.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: pankkake when are we starting a business? we can call it "the Dropbox of water" << call it the dropbox of beer. you can go arounbd other people's tables and offer to store it for them.
fluffypony: pankkake when are we starting a business? we can call it "the Dropbox of water"
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I guess that's the value of drama << asciilifeform check this out. the derpy openssh vulnerability ppl wanted 20 btc. the neobeeq drama was 80 btc.
chetty: pankkake, make, jam ?
mike_c: pankkake: have you seen the last s.mg report? i thought of you when reading about the package maintainer job (cuz of altcoin).
assbot: Insufficient rights, pankkake, !up yourself on PM first.
davout: pankkake: well then it's just some IOU for nothing, not really an altcoin in the sense that it doesn't work in the same ways cryptos do
davout: pankkake: "you can also create other altcoins in ripple <<< i don't think so or i misunderstand sthg
davout: pankkake: "well, ripple's altcoin, XRP, is arguably cash" <<< yes
Apocalyptic: pankkake, the thing is XRP is bound to be depleted
mircea_popescu: pankkake belly dancing can also get quite serious
fluffypony: yeah, agree with pankkake, separation of liabilities
fluffypony: pankkake: RIPEMD4lyf
mircea_popescu: pankkake blizzard notably tried to do both
fluffypony: pankkake: because Fluffynix is a big deal, just like FluffyCoin is
mircea_popescu: pankkake so you hate altcoins or just the altcoin makers ?
BingoBoingo: pankkake: You mean like what altcoins are. People dicking around on their own chains?
mircea_popescu: pankkake but if everyone does then... everyone has to be alone neh
mircea_popescu: pankkake wtf everyone run his own universe, 4ever alone
mircea_popescu: pankkake omg you put the k in otaku
fluffypony: pankkake: I also start typing replies to him and then give up, I don't actually have the time to waste
mircea_popescu: pankkake i hear you gotta be a fag to man an oil rig.
asciilifeform: pankkake: you just need a macbook and a fedora << and a leaden stomach
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> "let me tell you a story…" contradictor falls asleep, win by default << o lies and slander. my stories kick ass
joecool: pankkake: you're thinking georgians, they'll cut into anything remotely resembling a wire, source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/06/georgian-woman-cuts-web-access
mike_c: pankkake: i know. the thought process of whoever wrote those.. it's painful to think about.
fluffypony: pankkake: did you just admit to being old?
ozbot: Yo #bitcoin-assets, I put contrarianism in your contrarianism | pankkake
mircea_popescu: http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/05/02/yo-bitcoin-assets-i-put-contrarianism-in-your-contrarianism/ << here's pancake trying to rebrand being a pussy as being a gadfly.
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> pankkake most = any << defo. there's what, like a dozen girls here.
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> if the second ones get something out of the company, even at the expense of the firsts, I'd be happy << need a company first.
kakobrekla: pankkake most = any
fluffypony: pankkake: what's this 4 year investigation thing? playing catch up
MarieLynn: Thanks pankkake
mircea_popescu: <fluffypony> between Apocalyptic, pankkake, davout, and now MarieLynn (and who knows who else) I feel at such a disadvantage for not speaking French << nubbins.
fluffypony: pankkake: "If not found then popup dialog asking for username/password & download GPG private key"
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> surprising. perhaps because I know too much aspie polymaths :| << too many, frenchie. much is for french fries :D
fluffypony: oh well pankkake already mentioned 2 :)
fluffypony: between Apocalyptic, pankkake, davout, and now MarieLynn (and who knows who else) I feel at such a disadvantage for not speaking French
bitcoinpete: pankkake: yup, they generally blow dead bears
bitcoinpete: pankkake: well played
bitcoinpete: pankkake: ya, her situation sounds crummy. i invited her here so maybe she can do something in the future
mircea_popescu: pankkake is she here ?
mircea_popescu: pankkake do you like analytix the fuck out of those blogs ?
fluffypony: tks pankkake, last played around with running a honeypot ages ago
mircea_popescu: pankkake like another forum ?
fluffypony: pankkake: me
mircea_popescu: pankkake well i don't use chrome.
mircea_popescu: pankkake so they like to think.
fluffypony: lol, pankkake, someone commented on that - "INB4 Technology blogs think they're clever naming this FreeBleed."
mircea_popescu: pankkake it's more of a "go to college my son, not so you can do great things, but so you may understand why the men doing great things are laughing at you, and laugh with them."
mircea_popescu: pankkake that's fine eh :D
mircea_popescu: pankkake the x.eur has the advantage that being supported by push txn and exchange sigs, you can enter into derivative gpg contracts of infinite complexity and actual otc quality on its basis.
mircea_popescu: pankkake because nobody gave a shit yet because they have bigger fires to put out because nobody uses ripple.
mircea_popescu: pankkake i know right ? an even split turns through the meta ear of humanity into an 99.99999% - 0% split. goes to show just how cultivated your average human alive is.
mircea_popescu: pankkake well you could have made an arrangement with anyone with an acct in the interim i guess, but srsly : you won't conceivably be locked out of shares, so. nothing to worry about on that score.
mircea_popescu: pankkake http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-04-2014#651792 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: pankkake what diff does it make ?
fluffypony: pankkake: someone should tell Jimmothy so he can warn everyone
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: pankkake (and I) were wondering when mpif shares are going to be available?
fluffypony: pankkake: you can't buy it on mpex either yet
fluffypony: but pankkake hates altcoins
pankkake: https://nameid.org/?name=pankkake
Duffer1: thanks pankkake, it's been a while since i've rated anyone
jurov: pankkake online chat ..with 1hr waiting times reported
Thelamarvelous1: Tbabks... how do I do that pankkake?
mircea_popescu: pankkake http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-04-2014#608678 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: pankkake yes they were suing bfl.
mircea_popescu: pankkake i could too, via email, in wp of 2008
mircea_popescu: pankkake trilema runs wp 1.8 i think ?
mircea_popescu: <fluffypony> pankkake: I wouldn't consider WP a lesser evil than Disqus << why not ?!
fluffypony: pankkake: ah ok, I get what you're saying
fluffypony: pankkake: I have control over the content? you can turn off that advertising thingy where they show similar content
asciilifeform: pankkake: identities are keys.
fluffypony: pankkake: I wouldn't consider WP a lesser evil than Disqus
fluffypony: pankkake: for comments does it matter?
mircea_popescu: pankkake mike_c is working on something based on that principle
mircea_popescu: pankkake true.
mircea_popescu: pankkake that's open to miner manipulation rly.
mircea_popescu: pankkake yeah a new zooko triangle is emerging
BCB: pankkake, are you a troll for hire
mircea_popescu: o look at that, pankkake we're cotrolls now.
fluffypony: pankkake is "Popescu's co-troll"? I didn't know it was a shared position
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/249ix0/accounting_for_the_amazing_company_the/ lol pankkake your reputation is ahead of you
ozbot: Accounting for the Amazing Company. The Bitcointalk standard. | pankkake
jurov: http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/04/29/accounting-for-the-amazing-company-the-bitcointalk-standard/ show some love for pankkake :)
fluffypony: pankkake: http://i.imgur.com/hFgtAI2.jpg funny man
moiety: lmfao at W.3 pankkake :]
ozbot: Accounting for the Amazing Company. The Bitcointalk standard. | pankkake
mircea_popescu: http://pankkake.headfucking.net/2014/04/29/accounting-for-the-amazing-company-the-bitcointalk-standard/
moiety: pankkake: if you can find an elusive manul block, it'd probably kill your hardware
mircea_popescu: pankkake see, the problem is you don't fly enough.
mircea_popescu: pankkake eh i wouldn't go as far as that