1600+ entries in 0.62s
jurov: the PGP monkeys just did not foresaw any need to put into signature hash of signed document alone
assbot: PGP Poster - cem ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxhXrr )
fluffypony: http://www.cem.me/20150621-pgp-poster.html
mircea_popescu: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25625347/PGP_Pub.png << yeah that's pretty great.
assbot: PGP Poster - cem ... ( http://bit.ly/1BxwqHT )
mats: http://www.cem.me/20150621-pgp-poster.html
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: E3A490547D5E8A590A5608B0C31CB3DFF91576C7. This may take a few moments.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org hQEMA7S - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1GkpI3Q )
shinohai: try sending it to me: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xE33585713E184252
ag3nt_zer0: trinque: ok sounds good... maybe I am looking at the "keys" wrong... since pgp is called the bitcoin-standard in encrypted communications, I just assumed it would have a public key/private key situation similar to BTC and that this would be how to encrypt and decrypt
asciilifeform: what's with the folks who 'need' the automated email-pgp things? are they still using 2-button mice ?
mircea_popescu: the 80% automation is what we do now anyway, for instance when using pgp
pete_dushenski: kalki: don't worry too much about the 'advice' of the newest mac pgp client
pete_dushenski: more like "Snowden’s actions have also led to terrorist groups to discard new encryption technology in favour of good ol' pgp. "
ascii_field: i can 'reduce entropy' of mircea_popescu's pgp key by telling that the factors are odd. what of it.
asciilifeform: like pgp in the '90s
asciilifeform: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=line%40home.com&op=index << and, as always, somebody 'helpfully' uploaded it 'on top of' this fella's genuine key
mircea_popescu: jurov seems to be working fine for pgp comments on trilema
mircea_popescu: because god fucking forbid you download pgp signed matter and verify it locally
asciilifeform: alphonse23_: there is a large and well-established network of public key servers. e.g., https://pgp.mit.edu and other sks
alphonse23_: oh, so if you want to store your pgp some where, so anyone can verify it's you, you upload it to sks
asciilifeform: typically users of pgp/gpg upload their public keys there, and they can later be retrieved by anyone using a hash of the key
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=jbollstrom%40gmail.com&op=index << tell-tale duplicate submission. but not the usual 32-bit walk thing
BingoBoingo: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/great-someone-managed-to-sign-facebooks-pgp-key-with-an-ascii-goatse
williamdunne: danielpbarron: She doesn't have her password unfortunately to here PGP key D:
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: A364FCEAC68953860519C8A5A66E2D65273F03BD. This may take a few moments.
assbot: No valid OpenPGP data found on pgp.mit.edu.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: A364FCEAC68953860519C8A5A66E2D65273F03BD. This may take a few moments.
WolfGoethe: never messed with pgp
WolfGoethe: so i need to get a pgp key first?
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: A886215D072240C8D8632DA8564F4D7DAEEA5571. This may take a few moments.
williamdunne has just been flagged to NSA by facebook as someone who uses PGP
williamdunne: http://thehackernews.com/2015/06/facebook-pgp-keys.html
williamdunne: Facebook has added PGP support..
asciilifeform: numerically, use of pgp is 'manlier' than drilling for oil...
assbot: Logged on 31-05-2015 03:03:55; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu this is yet another attribute of the animal we are hunting (the yet-undiscovered diddled pgp client.) almost certainly it shows the claimed fp rather than the actual.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu this is yet another attribute of the animal we are hunting (the yet-undiscovered diddled pgp client.) almost certainly it shows the claimed fp rather than the actual. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-05-2015#1147958 << prisoners in usa are 'civil dead', i.e. they cannot communicate securely or pgp-sign. ask ted kazynski. so i'll take that bullet plz ☝︎
ascii_field: i conjecture that the overlap of these and the folks using chump-pgp is a null set
ascii_field: unrelated: anybody locate the inevitable pgp client which only looks at bottom (or top) 32 bits of each 64-bit modulus chunk when computing fingerprint ?
mircea_popescu: you put that on the page, they verify they can use pgp, that's it.
mircea_popescu: and you can replace captcha with pgp challenge
copypaste: i could make a PGP key with just any data.
mircea_popescu: copypaste this is how pgp evens the odds : a new sig costs about 10x more cycles to make
cazalla: i can go and create 6 million pgp keys
copypaste: i'll think about it some more in the morning. what would stop bots from generating PGP keys? unless i forced them into being at a certain PGp level of course
mircea_popescu: copypaste bring it back on a pgp backend.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-05-2015#1144917 << the idea is that key/identity maintenance is expensive, and so people don't generally want to do it unless needed, which reduces to, unless some woman spent 9 months with it in the oven and then what came out was smart enough to bother. if you want to / need to pgp, use either of our sigs. ☝︎
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: D191CE495914F681F7CA94EB31040DE39974C0B2. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 2F13A45085FBE5A7E22E16211AA79029251E74D6. This may take a few moments.
mircea_popescu: but no, what i want is dual rsa-cs for b-a's dream-reimplementaton of pgp
funkenstein_: so one reason it would be nice to have ECDSA as an asym. crypto option in PGP
Hasimir: mircea_popescu, I ran asciilifeform's litmus.py script against all the keys in my gpg 1.4 keyring and got 9 hits, the oldest of which belongs to the PGP time stamp service and was made in 1995
mircea_popescu: incidentally, asciilifeform & all : is b-a pgp going to use vsh for hashing ?
mircea_popescu: decimation moreover, you can just pgp me the code and i'll publish it.
Hasimir: depends on which wot really, I can think of one or two that would know the math well enough, but are not involved in bitcoin at all (the pgp wot, however, is another matter)
asciilifeform: a few of the faux keys are labeled 'pgp corp. global directory'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "Because the PGP Global Directory allows users to manage lost keys, it cannot use cryptographic mechanisms for verification. Instead, like mailing list servers and other public Internet services, the PGP Global Directory verifies a key by requiring a response to a verification email sent to each email address specified on the key. It also requires periodic re-confirmation for each advertised email address
mircea_popescu: "nsa's pgp keyservers not responsible for fraud - there is a history of cosmic rays having done this before"
Hasimir: all it would take would be the same as allowing it to hash any pgp message
Hasimir: does it look for the "BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE" header?
Hasimir: well, I know nsa head-hunted at least one nai employee back when they owned pgp corp
ascii_field: for all we know, it is possible that on some pgp client the faux keys could replace the genuine ones if user ever 'synced' from sks
ascii_field: 'The PGP Global Directory is not a replacement for the PGP Web of Trust, but an additional mechanism to provide a global foundation for the PGP Web of Trust that enables opportunistic secure communications.'
ascii_field: 'Because the PGP Global Directory allows users to manage lost keys, it cannot use cryptographic mechanisms for verification. Instead, like mailing list servers and other public Internet services, the PGP Global Directory verifies a key by requiring a response to a verification email sent to each email address specified on the key.'
ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu https://keyserver.pgp.com/vkd/VKDVerificationPGPCom.html << mega-l0l
ascii_field: https://keyserver.pgp.com/vkd/GetWelcomeScreen.event << apparently this still exists.
ascii_field: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=zarghani.s%40gmail.com&op=index
Hasimir: and v2 keys == pgp 2.3 to pgp 2.6(i)
mircea_popescu: pgp has no way to enforce names
ascii_field: example: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=lou%40ece.cmu.edu&op=index
ascii_field: anyone know a winblowistic implementation of pgp ? as in, actually using microshit's api
ascii_field: http://www.reddit.com/r/security/comments/36mi86/if_you_are_on_this_list_phuctor_may_have_your_pgp/ << shitsquad pushed 'the button' nulling 'ups' it appears, l0l
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is a pgp for mac thing yes
asciilifeform: davout: i was wondering same thing, as you might expect. anyone got an ancient copy of pgp for winblows handy ?
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 11:51:47; davout: number 23 : "PGP Global Directory Verification Key" <<< !!1
mircea_popescu: it's all a pgp keyserver archive download + python script away
davout: number 23 : "PGP Global Directory Verification Key" <<< !!1 ☟︎
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 32FE1E61B1C711186CA378DEFD8981F1BC41ABB9. This may take a few moments.
Pierre_Rochard: little intermission to discuss -assets instead of pgp for a sec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdhNkv4ryuM (background on the meme: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pepe-the-frog )
mircea_popescu: ehh, diddled php implementations << obviously i mean pgp not php.
mircea_popescu: if however his pgp implementation is compromised in a specific way, the wrong key on the server may very well be the magic packet, causing it to behave in an unexpected - and not otherwise detectable - manner.
mircea_popescu: with a correctly working pgp implementation, the user connects ot a sks server, discards the wrong key and proceeds as expected.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: F4DE6DF4EB8BA2DAAD8D14A5B0045BC902AC1559. This may take a few moments.
mircea_popescu: moreover, the way it presents the blob is as a single, shares pgp key blob
asciilifeform: but right now the display apparatus expects all moduli to be associated with pgp keys
asciilifeform: davout: nope. applies pgp parser 1st
asciilifeform: this is a point, if you convert your ssl or whatever rsa key to pgp format,
assbot: Logged on 17-05-2015 17:59:08; asciilifeform: i can change yours to 'pgp over dead goat' and it'll parse.
asciilifeform: i can change yours to 'pgp over dead goat' and it'll parse. ☟︎
asciilifeform: jurov: i'm waiting for the apocalyptic 'omg1111111111!!!111 pgp broken, seppuku now' stampede
jurov: asciilifeform: phuctor rejects this: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0E280B593F9A01F9
asciilifeform: and we must not neglect the third party - the fine folks who boobytrapped mr schmuck's copy of pgp.
asciilifeform: we haven't really discussed it, but there are interesting implications in breaking a fella's pgp key.
asciilifeform: yes, we broke a pgp key.
trinque: it just looks for the start and end of the pgp message
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-05-2015#1132555 << had the thought, that a 'future pgp' could easily include a feature for key agglomeration - where an old key remains in continuous use when upgraded with new one, whereby signatures actually include both side-by-side at all times, while enciphering takes them in turn. thus, you get the added key length (and fresh keymat) from new key, while demonstrating that you are th ☝︎
williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2015#1127940 << as in, customer can opt to have no communication with exchange outside of pgp ? <<< All email communications were encrypted, and they could communicate with me directly in an encrypted manner. No order entry tho ☝︎
ascii_field: http://www.principality-hutt-river.org/gov/PHR_Govt_Notice_of_False_Misleading_&_Fraudulent_Representation.htm << this kind of thing is a major problem for 'micronation' derps. but for some reason not one has, afaik, ever contemplated pgp.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-05-2015#1127940 << as in, customer can opt to have no communication with exchange outside of pgp ? ☝︎