78 entries in 0.559s

deedbot: mircea_popescu rated
znort987 1 at 2012/12/12 18:34:54 << he's in the MPEx faq
a111: Logged on 2017-09-10 19:30 asciilifeform: ( there was an item written by -- that very same --
znort987 ; but it dun work worth a shit )
a111: Logged on 2016-08-23 21:41 asciilifeform:
znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is.
trinque: !!gettrust deedbot
znort987 pete_dushenski: damn
znort987... there was no way he was going to make his 86btc back at 1 or 2% margins was there. roi approached infinity as bitbet lost broader republican usage and support. shame.
a111: 2016-10-22 <
znort987> A fresh set of opinions on the topic would be welcome
jhvh1: thestringpuller:
znort987 was last seen in #trilema 3 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <
znort987> A fresh set of opinions on the topic would be welcome
znort987: The operation succeeded.
znort987 there's been a bot control code standardization. you prolly want !~ (see also bots.contravex.com )
a111: Logged on 2016-08-23 21:41 asciilifeform:
znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell
znort987 a) it's one part of what looks like 7 or 8 and b) for entomologist interest only.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-21 13:23
znort987: trinque: thx, what I was looking for.
znort987 deedbot has a json for that, lemme find it for it
znort987 sorry, republic is poor can't currently afford rounded corners.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 19:36
znort987: so anyhoo ... reason I'm here is simply to make a statement: bitbet is whole, not a cent of customer funds is ever accessible from the internet, and bitfinex was *never* used (nor were any other online wallets / exchanges / etc ...)
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 19:48 asciilifeform:
znort987: i'd say that getting out of coinbase, and similar insanity, or at the very least 'washing' their coinz, if they insist on using usgbase, is the responsibility of the affected users, not of bbet.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 19:43
znort987: coinbase threatens their customers with account closure if they are caught either sending to or receiving from bbet
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 19:30
znort987: yahoo email account was hacked. hacker used it to email kako, davout and pete begging for coinz
deedbot: danielpbarron rated
znort987 1 << bought BitBet after it was delisted and put into receivership
znort987, that coinbase bans you should be seen as a feature rather than a bug
znort987: second statement, likely not needed for this crowd bu has to be in the log:
znort987@yahoo.com is a compromised email, please ignore anything coming from there unless gpg-signed
mats: $gettrust deedbot
znort987 mats: $gettrust
znort987 deedbot
ben_vulpes: what's all this about a bridge loan,
znort987 ?
znort987 voiced for 30 minutes.
davout: $gettrust deedbot
znort987 davout:
znort987 whoever that is
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user
znort987 has changed from 1 to 1.