323 entries in 0.474s
deedbot: BingoBoingo unrated xanthyos.
BingoBoingo: !!unrate xanthyos
BingoBoingo: <xanthyos> we're in voice chat right now << How has your injury recovered?
deedbot: xanthyos voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up xanthyos
BingoBoingo: !s Xanthyos
gribble: thomas_d was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 10 weeks, 2 days, 21 hours, 31 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <thomas_d> xanthyos ?
assbot: Successfully unrated xanthyos
ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.unrate.xanthyos:063771f705eb0f8c74a35a3ed06912c88db82549b6ad1aeedac4b1d224b64d6a
ben_vulpes: !unrate xanthyos
asciilifeform: also catching up with pet, might end up like xanthyos, l0l
cazalla: ;;later tell xanthyos if you ever manage to break your cock again, i read you can now get a replacement in south africa http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31876219
punkman: just xanthyos I suppose
assbot: You have not rated xanthyos.
mircea_popescu: !rated xanthyos
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user xanthyos: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/xanthyos | http://w.b-a.link/user/xanthyos
Adlai: !gettrust assbot xanthyos
xanthyos: /rate xanthyos -1 never voice yourself in assets again
mircea_popescu: xanthyos but terrorism's nice. plus we have cookies.
assbot: You rated user xanthyos on 08-Oct-2014, with a rating of -5, and supplied these additional notes: met in '04; he depends on government subsidies and will side with the USG in order to maintain his leech lifestyle..
danielpbarron: !rated xanthyos
mats: probably all, xanthyos
cazalla: i don't think they have for a long time xanthyos, which is why 18f_tits.jpg.exe worked so well lol
BingoBoingo: Nice family xanthyos
danielpbarron stabs xanthyos
BingoBoingo: !up xanthyos
PeterL: xanthyos:i'd like to play monopoly with #b-a members if we could figure out a place to do the dice << scoopbot started as a bot to roll dice for me and my friend RPGing over IRC
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: TomServo: care to play monopoly? we can use our own boards and everyone gets to be the car << i always play the hat!
Zarathul: xanthyos: thanks!
TomServo: xanthyos: Perhaps another time
cazalla: xanthyos, hows ya cock
cazalla: xanthyos, i can just see some grandma buying that for her grandson thinking it's hip and cool because it's youtube
BingoBoingo: !up xanthyos
cazalla: xanthyos, ya know electrum wallet is racist, right? https://twitter.com/ElectrumWallet/status/541420975716597760 (lol at that shit still being there)
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: thestringpuller: what if we created a #bitcoin-assets pokerstars home game club and had a way that every account generated was tied to a gribble-authed account, and use it as both a gaming platform as well as a record-keeping ledger for off-blockchain track of wins and losses <<< check it out kakobrekla
cazalla: xanthyos, i don't see the edge in playing with smart folk from here, at least for me personally, wot or no wot
cazalla: xanthyos, why would you want to play poker against people from this room?
thestringpuller: xanthyos: well gpg authing into the poker engine provides some level of non-repduiation
thestringpuller: xanthyos: gribble is really centric. but also a goof keystore. thats why i like punkman's auth model that is sinilar to mpex
BingoBoingo: Hi xanthyos
cazalla: xanthyos, another cop beating?
Overand: xanthyos:
danielpbarron: i met xanthyos through Overand; he's sorta hackerish or something
Overand: I'm someone who knews (or knew) xanthyos and danielpbarron in meatspace.
cazalla: xanthyos, dagger still broken?
assbot: Logged on 02-12-2014 17:36:10; xanthyos: 0.25925176 BTC will arrive in your My Wallet account on Monday Dec 8, 2014.
asciilifeform: xanthyos: nope.
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: That's a hoax post.
cazalla: how's the dick xanthyos ?
BingoBoingo: !up xanthyos
jurov: xanthyos if ssh doen't have noticeable lag it should not be ddos
davout: xanthyos getting it !up, that's good news
kuzetsa: xanthyos: no, I do not.
ben_vulpes: i'm actually just checking the robustness of my new bouncer setup, xanthyos
cazalla: xanthyos, we can rebuild your cock!
thomas_d: xanthyos ?
undata: xanthyos: surely there's a hashtag out there waiting for you
mircea_popescu: xanthyos i think teh plebs be getting restless, undata's like the third hinting to you.
undata: you still taking about your dick xanthyos?
cazalla: xanthyos, this isn't traumatic at all unless perhaps a life spent wrapped in cotton wool
cazalla: xanthyos, i dunno about you but if i hear a knock at the door, i cbf even going to see who it is let alone stand there an argue for 15m
cazalla: xanthyos, for cop to listen to your shit for 15m, that's a lot of patience
cazalla: xanthyos, those cops are standing around like they don't even wanna deal with your shit
cazalla: xanthyos, yelling at cops and saying it's going on youtube never helps
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask xanthyos!xanthyos@silenceisdefeat.com. Trust relationship from user assbot to user xanthyos: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=xanthyos | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=xanthyos | Rated since: Tue May 13 21:36:26 2014
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust assbot xanthyos
mircea_popescu: am i the only one reading xanthyos as "shanty-os", as in you know, temple-os before it became a temple ?
cazalla: xanthyos, drunk too?
cazalla: xanthyos, dick pics leaked? i'm not done with logs yet so feel free to tell me now
xanthyos: ;;rate thomas_d -10 abuser in all ways and betrayer do not trust and xanthyos dont' let yourself be decieved again
gribble: Nick 'xanthyos', with hostmask 'xanthyos!xanthyos@silenceisdefeat.com', is identified as user 'xanthyos', with GPG key id DF074A8E1242692B, key fingerprint AF3F0A9DD77A3B76411A95DBDF074A8E1242692B, and bitcoin address None
ben_vulpes: ;;ident xanthyos
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user xanthyos to user assbot: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=xanthyos&dest=assbot | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=assbot | Rated since: Fri Apr 11 02:04:55 2014
ben_vulpes: ;;gettrust xanthyos assbot
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user xanthyos has been recorded.
ben_vulpes: ;;rate xanthyos 1 genuine guy who wears his heart on his sleeve
ben_vulpes: xanthyos: i'll rate you +1 for a year for that picture
ben_vulpes: xanthyos: aww i'm just trolling
davout: xanthyos: so, how's your cock doing
BingoBoingo: lol ben_vulpes isn't in xanthyos dick pic WoT
nubbins`: bagels7 are you also going to snap your dick in half like xanthyos did?
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell xanthyos until you share those photos you're a goddamn scammer
undata: "xanthyos: i act and speak with total sincerity at all times" << pfffff
undata: "xanthyos: they won't even see me because i called the dr a faggot" << winrar right here
BingoBoingo: undata: Xanthyos
cazalla: xanthyos, he's there tonight, just his talk is tmw or some shit, i dunno, i take offense at him being here in my home town :P
cazalla: xanthyos, how's ya cock mate
xanthyos: BingoBoingo: Successfully changed key for user xanthyos from B62E7295387001E9 to DF074A8E1242692B. You are now authenticated for user xanthyos with key DF074A8E1242692B
ben_vulpes: what's your cross today, xanthyos ?
mats_cd03: xanthyos: might wanna hold off in the event of waterfall following nov 28
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: You don't need to worry about that.
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B27NMbuCAAAxOKa.jpg << dude got a decent beard.
cazalla: i still don't follow how you "bend" or "pop" it xanthyos, please to be making an instructional video
ben_vulpes: <xanthyos> i have an ocd ritual of bending it back to pop it
cazalla: xanthyos, don't be playing with it while it heals too, 10 years no sex, i imagine maybe you get a bit furious with it at times
cazalla: xanthyos, share the love
cazalla: xanthyos, chicks dig scars.. why in pain though? i thought you guys can have as much oxy as one pleases there?
assbot: Rating Details for User 'xanthyos' ... ( http://bit.ly/1F62639 )
xanthyos: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=xanthyos&sign=ANY&type=RECV << nice none of you neg rated me for my TMI
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: Of course you were missed.