323 entries in 0.474s

deedbot: BingoBoingo unrated
BingoBoingo: <
xanthyos> we're in voice chat right now << How has your injury recovered?
xanthyos voiced for 30 minutes.
gribble: thomas_d was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 10 weeks, 2 days, 21 hours, 31 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <thomas_d>
xanthyos ?
assbot: Successfully unrated
xanthyos ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.unrate.
assbot: You have not rated
Adlai: !gettrust assbot
xanthyos xanthyos: /rate
xanthyos -1 never voice yourself in assets again
assbot: You rated user
xanthyos on 08-Oct-2014, with a rating of -5, and supplied these additional notes: met in '04; he depends on government subsidies and will side with the USG in order to maintain his leech lifestyle..
mats: probably all,
xanthyos cazalla: i don't think they have for a long time
xanthyos, which is why 18f_tits.jpg.exe worked so well lol
xanthyos:i'd like to play monopoly with #b-a members if we could figure out a place to do the dice << scoopbot started as a bot to roll dice for me and my friend RPGing over IRC
xanthyos: TomServo: care to play monopoly? we can use our own boards and everyone gets to be the car << i always play the hat!
xanthyos: Perhaps another time
xanthyos, i can just see some grandma buying that for her grandson thinking it's hip and cool because it's youtube
xanthyos: thestringpuller: what if we created a #bitcoin-assets pokerstars home game club and had a way that every account generated was tied to a gribble-authed account, and use it as both a gaming platform as well as a record-keeping ledger for off-blockchain track of wins and losses <<< check it out kakobrekla
xanthyos, i don't see the edge in playing with smart folk from here, at least for me personally, wot or no wot
xanthyos, why would you want to play poker against people from this room?
xanthyos: well gpg authing into the poker engine provides some level of non-repduiation
xanthyos: gribble is really centric. but also a goof keystore. thats why i like punkman's auth model that is sinilar to mpex
xanthyos, another cop beating?
danielpbarron: i met
xanthyos through Overand; he's sorta hackerish or something
Overand: I'm someone who knews (or knew)
xanthyos and danielpbarron in meatspace.
xanthyos, dagger still broken?
assbot: Logged on 02-12-2014 17:36:10;
xanthyos: 0.25925176 BTC will arrive in your My Wallet account on Monday Dec 8, 2014.
xanthyos if ssh doen't have noticeable lag it should not be ddos
xanthyos getting it !up, that's good news
ben_vulpes: i'm actually just checking the robustness of my new bouncer setup,
xanthyos cazalla:
xanthyos, we can rebuild your cock!
xanthyos: surely there's a hashtag out there waiting for you
xanthyos i think teh plebs be getting restless, undata's like the third hinting to you.
undata: you still taking about your dick
xanthyos, this isn't traumatic at all unless perhaps a life spent wrapped in cotton wool
xanthyos, i dunno about you but if i hear a knock at the door, i cbf even going to see who it is let alone stand there an argue for 15m
xanthyos, for cop to listen to your shit for 15m, that's a lot of patience
xanthyos, those cops are standing around like they don't even wanna deal with your shit
xanthyos, yelling at cops and saying it's going on youtube never helps
mircea_popescu: am i the only one reading
xanthyos as "shanty-os", as in you know, temple-os before it became a temple ?
xanthyos, dick pics leaked? i'm not done with logs yet so feel free to tell me now
xanthyos: ;;rate thomas_d -10 abuser in all ways and betrayer do not trust and
xanthyos dont' let yourself be decieved again
gribble: Nick '
xanthyos', with hostmask '
xanthyos@silenceisdefeat.com', is identified as user '
xanthyos', with GPG key id DF074A8E1242692B, key fingerprint AF3F0A9DD77A3B76411A95DBDF074A8E1242692B, and bitcoin address None
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user
xanthyos has been recorded.
ben_vulpes: ;;rate
xanthyos 1 genuine guy who wears his heart on his sleeve
xanthyos: i'll rate you +1 for a year for that picture
xanthyos: so, how's your cock doing
BingoBoingo: lol ben_vulpes isn't in
xanthyos dick pic WoT
nubbins`: bagels7 are you also going to snap your dick in half like
xanthyos did?
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell
xanthyos until you share those photos you're a goddamn scammer
undata: "
xanthyos: i act and speak with total sincerity at all times" << pfffff
undata: "
xanthyos: they won't even see me because i called the dr a faggot" << winrar right here
xanthyos, he's there tonight, just his talk is tmw or some shit, i dunno, i take offense at him being here in my home town :P
xanthyos, how's ya cock mate
xanthyos: BingoBoingo: Successfully changed key for user
xanthyos from B62E7295387001E9 to DF074A8E1242692B. You are now authenticated for user
xanthyos with key DF074A8E1242692B
xanthyos: might wanna hold off in the event of waterfall following nov 28
xanthyos: You don't need to worry about that.
cazalla: i still don't follow how you "bend" or "pop" it
xanthyos, please to be making an instructional video
ben_vulpes: <
xanthyos> i have an ocd ritual of bending it back to pop it
xanthyos, don't be playing with it while it heals too, 10 years no sex, i imagine maybe you get a bit furious with it at times
xanthyos, chicks dig scars.. why in pain though? i thought you guys can have as much oxy as one pleases there?