171 entries in 0.754s
BingoBoingo: ;;google yellowjacket wasp
BingoBoingo: So yardwork story from today. This year we've had a bumper crop of what I though were bumblebees move it, turns out they are carpenter bees. Rather harmless things I'm trimming trees the squirrels planted in the flower beds and the big bees are just buzzing around pollinating the shit out of the columbine... Yellowjacket wasp gets the jump on one of the bees near me and as I retreat because fuck yellow jackets, all of the carpente
mircea_popescu: he is simply making stuff out of masticated wood pulp, like a wasp
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> get stung by nutso us wasp o may gawd... << There's a burrowing and colonizing Vespid species endemic here. When they nest in the yard it is time for the serious chemicals. Eradicating a nest will scar that part of the yard for years.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform depends on the wasp, but not very well known really.
asciilifeform: what's in a wasp, anyway? formic acid ?
mircea_popescu: get stung by nutso us wasp o may gawd...
BingoBoingo: I'm not sure a wasp is actually a terrorist... seems more like a drunk cursed with work
asciilifeform: decimation: see also 'wasp'.
mats: i think the WASP is a more economically feasible approach
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i got a piece of junk mail once, advertising specially-made capsules (for folks who have no idea how to use a saw or glue?) for buring rifles. << Obvious hypothesis, they found a Wasp cache and kept the rifles
kakobrekla: aha the wasp danced him do death
mats: the wasp wins, actually
mats: there's one where a scorpion lookin thing flips a wasp, pins it, and then kills it by eating his butt
asciilifeform: a 'wasp' could sow some very thick confusion via replay, even if he cannot decode.
mircea_popescu: a you're ok then. ever stepped on a dead wasp ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 3rd snowden is then, logically, invited to 'go wasp'
decimation: in the same sense that the wasp guy did
asciilifeform: what's in short supply, is an 'earth' home to supply mr. wasp with containers, forged documents, etc
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But a Wasp with a poor support network also has a death wish...
asciilifeform: all that 'wasp' without support can hope for, is
decimation: yeah 'wasp' doesn't work in anarchy
assbot: Logged on 18-10-2014 18:23:44; asciilifeform: thestringpuller: note that, for all the poetic license of the tale, it is very clear that wasp needs a support network.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: wasp << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-10-2014#882545 ☝︎
gribble: WASP - Lone Wolf (122 pages) - White Aryan Resistance: <http://www.resist.com/WASP.pdf>; Wasp (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp_(novel)>; One man against a whole planet: Eric Frank Russell's Wasp | Tor.com: <http://www.tor.com/blogs/2011/03/one-man-against-a-whole-planet-eric-frank-russells-wasp>
BingoBoingo: ;;google wasp eric frank russell pdf
thestringpuller: http://www.resist.com/WASP.pdf
thestringpuller: http://www.resist.com/WASP.pdf
BingoBoingo: ;;google Wasp pdf
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: By refering to Kimbrel as Sirian I mean as in from the Wasp, bowlegged with inhuman movements. Only way to describe the fucker.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well what protected the Wasp's bag?
asciilifeform: sphex wasp.
decimation: yeah, if you are going to be a wasp with support, secure comms are pretty important
asciilifeform: and speaking of wasp,
decimation: I liked "the wasp", it was amusing
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: You finish wasp yet?
decimation: the 'wasp' model is more-or-less a pointless suicide mission for a lone wolf
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: note that, for all the poetic license of the tale, it is very clear that wasp needs a support network. ☟︎
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: this does read like a KGB playbook (wasp)
assbot: Wasp (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RagnarDanneskjol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp_(novel)
PeterL: so I converted that WASP pdf into a txt file http://btcscoop.com/WASP.txt ☟︎
decimation: asciilifeform: amusing story. the moral: once a wasp - always a wasp until death or total victory
decimation: asciilifeform: I'm enjoying 'the wasp'
asciilifeform: ere," said Wolf. "We want you to become a wasp."'
asciilifeform: 'Wolf went on, "The weight of a wasp is under half an ounce. Compared with a human being its size is minute, its strength negligible. Its sole armament is a tiny syringe holding a drop of irritant, formic acid, and in this case it didn't even use it. Nevertheless it killed four big men and converted a large, powerful car into a heap of scrap." "I see the point," agreed Mowry, "but where do I come in?" "Right h
asciilifeform: http://www.resist.com/WASP.pdf
asciilifeform: decimation: if he patiently attacked physical targets of opportunity << see the novel 'wasp' (eric frank russel)
thickasthieves: i was loading some stuff into the fridge earlier and felt like a web or string my neck, so i grabbed and flicked to floor. it was a huge red wasp.
asciilifeform: but, as in 'wasp', one suffices.
asciilifeform: cazalla: or like eric frank russell's 'wasp'.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: wasp << highly recommended.
BingoBoingo: I might have to read 'Wasp'
asciilifeform: anyone here ever read eric frank russell's 'wasp' ?
bats_cd03 adds killing a shark with a wasp knife to bucket list
assbot: Tom Walker from www.floridahoghunts.com American Hoggers kills huge boar with Wasp Injection Knife - YouTube
ozbot: Spider Wasp - Entypus unifasciatus - BugGuide.Net
cazalla: i don't like foreigners coming into my country and upsetting the WASP ratio
Vexual: ill have o be the wasp and do exactlyu as expected
reeses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Bentley ← THAT is a WASP
ozbot: The Late, Great American WASP - WSJ.com
Bugpowder: that is really not a wasp
Namworld: I have not. Although it seems by the new definition you gave it, I'm a wasp.
mircea_popescu: a wasp is a kid that grows up principally interracting with his parents, who are overly-intellectual, is never beaten, is carefully kept overclean and never gets to either injure himself or face any real responsibility
Namworld: What's a wasp? My first thought was "You ain't getting a job with that."
mircea_popescu: ok, new definition for wasp : person that reads the above and does not immediately think "so they fuck on campus ?"
Bugpowder: by wasp you mean neo-wasp meritistocrats, not WSJ Joe Epstein US was great when WASPs were kings?
mircea_popescu: only if the stanford model is applied to a well controlled environment made out of wasp kids thoroughly acculturated.
kakobrekla: https://github.com/Bit-Wasp/BitWasp
mircea_popescu: all this wasp bite FUD!
paranainc: http://www.geek.com/geek-pick/wasp-the-linux-powered-flying-spy-drone-that-cracks-wi-fi-gsm-netwokrs-1407741/