31 entries in 0.551s

diana_coman: meanwhile
production Eulora server unreachable; fwiw the
testing server is still reachable.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: These are both rental boxes for S.MG. One is the
production machine. The other leased monthly (formerly cold spare) for diana_coman to do
testing and such.
diana_coman: but otherwise the udp_tester.vpatch makes some changes to udp lib that are really just for
testing (i.e. I think they should not be part of
production use of udp lib)
ben_vulpes: box can come up for
testing with the spare ssd drive held for s.mg raid redundancy; then reprovision with cuntoo later in the month and the fat stack of SSDs to flesh out the raid array for the
production cutover.
lobbes: Biggest challenge for me was I had to figure out how to set up mysql for mp-wp via command-line (as I interact with my VPSen via ssh only). Turned out to be very simple once I did figure it out. Currently
testing and tweaking themes, and then plan to post my own compendium cobbled from my notes once I get the thing into "
Framedragger: 1) you may want to retain several versions of the thing you're developing -
testing environment, development, some-large-feature-im-working-on-thats-currently-breaking-everything
mod6: ben_vulpes: yah, and when you're
testing in
production, this can't be a thing.
punkman: I think you gotta either use a release or care about which patches you use, now if there are different
production and
testing releases that's another thing
ben_vulpes had papers and dollars allocated from the semi
testing company for "research and development" that largely consisted of stapling together existing systems and handing the whole package off (with specs and partlists) to the
production line engineers
ben_vulpes: peer review,
testing in
production, what's the difference anyways
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: my professional slave time's been strictly constrained to cross-domain systems engineering in high-voltage wafer
testing, machine shop engineering,
production line automation and retarded "web" "technologies".
Jason: i'd obv have my own supybot for
testing and development - i see no real reason as to run my own bot in
production though
benkay: debate all the things while
testing in
production benkay:
testing in
benkay: this asseteer in-
production testing session is complete and.
testing in
testing in
production since 2011
rbonestell: I have 5 people
testing it right now- found and resolved a few issues. Went from alpha to beta, might go
production in a week or so if nothing seriously is found.
ericmuyser: "Second - metabank.ru is not taking 'prepayment', its just preorders with 100% refund just to freeze funds - basically people can just show them bitcoins and keep on their OWN wallets (not moving them). Its mainly purpose is just preliminary evaluation of volumes for next
production batch. With other sales, etc - that all will be discussed only AFTER
testing. So my advice - don't be crazy and don't buy BS (Edite
benkay: once again
testing production in public