49 entries in 0.588s
asciilifeform still waiting for slavecoin
a111: 46 results for "slavecoin", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=slavecoin
asciilifeform: !#s slavecoin
asciilifeform: 'As Easy as Playing Mobile Games' 'Mine & Earn Coins From Your Phone' << slavecoin ?!!
jurov: slavecoin blockchain
ascii_butugychag: (slavecoin!)
mircea_popescu: http://41.media.tumblr.com/c54dae92e84d836c68e2a667f7d45dba/tumblr_n15ldcHA9o1rtx81jo1_1280.jpg << guard room to the slavecoin mining facility.
mircea_popescu: objectively, what difference can you see between the slave that mines slavecoin because otherwise the ants and the holy paladin that doesn't ravish the maid because... "he couldn't live with himself" otherwise ?
assbot: : http://s.b-a.link/?q=slavecoin
punkman: !s slavecoin
mircea_popescu: slavecoin is honorcoin,
ascii_modem: slavecoin then.
ascii_field: straight to 'slavecoin'
assbot: 26 results for 'slavecoin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=slavecoin
asciilifeform: !s slavecoin
Chillum: never heard of slavecoin
asciilifeform: Chillum has rediscovered 'slavecoin'.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the way i understand, they were an early proxy slavecoin.
mircea_popescu: check it out asciilifeform , one step closer to slavecoin
asciilifeform still waiting for 'slavecoin'
assbot: 22 results for 'slavecoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=slavecoin
asciilifeform: !s slavecoin
assbot: 18 results for 'slavecoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=slavecoin
asciilifeform: !s slavecoin
BayAreaCoins: and lol @ slavecoin too, I really hope it doesn't turn into that.
asciilifeform: and i leave for a day, and slavecoin (!) walks in ?
asciilifeform: slavecoin!
asciilifeform: moiety: the best alt is 'slavecoin'
asciilifeform: good approx. of slavecoin.
asciilifeform: so there could be a hope for slavecoin after all.
asciilifeform: i'm still waiting for 'slavecoin.' it would be the perfect 'gift from the gods' to the 'anyone with a computer Ought to Matter!' crowd.
asciilifeform: (a SlaveCoin would, hypothetically, do to human labour what bitcoin did to computing power)
asciilifeform: gonna be tricky to hire these folks for speech transcription once they start mining SlaveCoin.
asciilifeform: slavecoin.
asciilifeform: SlaveCoin.
asciilifeform: notably missing is: slavecoin.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` hence the slavecoin he referenced way up
asciilifeform: you should tell him about slavecoin-over-shortwave.
asciilifeform: ('tis that or slavecoin.)
mircea_popescu: still, probably the one applciation of asciilifeform's slavecoin
asciilifeform: smart money's on 'slavecoin.'
mircea_popescu: slavecoin also heats the space.
asciilifeform: damn it all, i'm still waiting for SlaveCoin.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: SlaveCoin?
jurov: sorry for not reading it all but have a proposal for slavecoin
asciilifeform: the only long-term solution is a work function that is "AI-complete." Hence SlaveCoin.
asciilifeform: SlaveCoin, on the other hand, evens the playing field somewhat.
asciilifeform: all of the Bitcoin-like altchains are doomed, because the first serious guy with a semiconductor fab will own the world. SlaveCoin is the future!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: I'm rather surprised you have not built SlaveCoin yet.