28 entries in 0.985s
mircea_popescu: "full" text search is a misnomer, even. there's ways to construct conceptual search that anyone who's spent any time with dyslexic children intimately understands. words occur together in their own wot.
erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22not+in+wot%22
trinque: ben_vulpes: www-wot package farts out a bunch of json index files for the search
phf: asciilifeform: this goes back to the books thread we had long time ago. in-wot solution should exist and be up to tmsr standards. but if you're going to search for books in irradiated library ruins you just have to accept that you have to wear a hazmat and that you might get raped by feral locals.
asciilifeform: that being said, some reasonaby standard way for wot folk to offer one another search of ~own~ wwwtron -- would be spiffy imho
trinque: I would rather search the aggregated browsing history of my WoT than google
trinque: search engine in WoT when
ben_vulpes: search'll need redoing on top of the wot as well.
assbot: Logged on 24-09-2015 20:23:18; mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/FooBar/
mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/FooBar/ ☟︎
mike_c: I was going to add an ajax search of the user page to the 'not found' btcalpha wot nick search page
assbot: 8 results for 'wot database' - #bitcoin-assets search
jurov: and i was trying things like http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+database
asciilifeform pictures wot search as a graph traversal of personal 'bookmark' collections of wot-people
asciilifeform knows of no reason why wot-search needs to crawl anything
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> *: asciilifeform opens koraktor, bound in human skin, and searches for a death spell for google << wot based search. working towards it. << Caled it when you asked about crawling millions of urls
mircea_popescu: *: asciilifeform opens koraktor, bound in human skin, and searches for a death spell for google << wot based search. working towards it.
mircea_popescu: jurov no, make search wot-based.
assbot: 1 results for 'wot database' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+database
MolokoDesk: that's why I'm getting the public key out of the WOT registry at: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAF65AE980C825691
assbot: 7 results for 'wot recording' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+recording
assbot: 0 results for 'wot video' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+video
assbot: 4 results for 'decentralized wot' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=decentralized+wot
assbot: 13 results for 'better wot' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=better+wot
assbot: 0 results for 'from:ThickAsThieves "new wot"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3AThickAsThieves+%22new+wot%22
mircea_popescu: punkman: I'd rephrase that, WoT is an avenue where you do due dilligence. You trust MP enough, you can stop your search after getting the "go-ahead" from MP << for that matter mp can even say something like "o, forget it, if he's gypping you for 1.3 BTC I"M paying for it."
punkman: I'd rephrase that, WoT is an avenue where you do due dilligence. You trust MP enough, you can stop your search after getting the "go-ahead" from MP
fluffypony: can you search the WoT for a specific gpg key id?