15 entries in 0.98s
asciilifeform: sn0wmonster: trinque's wotron ( which is in use here ) gives you a complete copy of the wot on demand. how would you make this 'more decentralized' ?
sn0wmonster: i've been trying to find the perfect WoT system to include into #Taskhive for a while now and i was under the impression that#bitcoin-otc simply decentralized would suffice,
asciilifeform: znort987: there is not - unfortunately - yet a fully decentralized (see 'gossipd' thread) wot mechanism. but there are at least 3 centralized wotrons. in order of age: -otc wot; kakobreklan ('assbot') wot; and #trilema wot.
williamdunne: felipelalli: I don't think your idea is that bad, but it would need to be more decentralized and based on WoT. For example asciilifeform might meet you in person and vouch that you are whom you say you are, and that your identity number is: 31231610
mircea_popescu: well, once completed gossipd actually is a fully decentralized wot keeper, sure.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski:"where's the $1.5mn funding for nanotube's WoT" << perhaps you don';t understand what "a protocol for decentralized and password-less authentication" means.
ThickAsThieves: you think theyd take an ATC proposal? maybe namecoin WoT? decentralized google? https://bitcoinfoundation.org/about/grant-program/
ThickAsThieves: Say the WoT is decentralized, supports more fields of data, has full API for integration for things like logging in to facebook or visiting Italy. The stronger and more prevelant the WoT gets, the more likely it is to become a requirement
ThickAsThieves: one problem i have for my vision of a decentralized wot, is when i simulate it in my end, it turns into a sort of international passport system over time and could totally remove anonymity from so many areas of life, and well, is that what we really want?
assbot: 4 results for 'decentralized wot' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=decentralized+wot
ThickAsThieves: !s decentralized wot
danielpbarron: there could be more than one WoT twitter bot, too (is this getting close to a decentralized WoT; just brainstorming here)
ThickAsThieves: if the WoT is decentralized, and has verification methods, signing, identities, etc, and bitcoin also does, they start to converge in their features
freeroute: WOT can be as centralized or as decentralized as you make it, the trust could all lead to a central authority (or central authorities)
ThickAsThieves: <herbijudlestoids> except the entire thing is stored on some server --- recently ive been preaching need for a decentralized wot