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ossabot: Logged on 2018-01-09 18:48:52
phf: mule is probably part of the greater concern within the overal situation which was japanese and unicode
diana_coman: theoretically at least, nothing stops
phf from still reading it anyway.
mircea_popescu: in other news, pretty great
lobbes piece. my one curiosity is "what if this had come out back when, say,
phf could still have read it", as a forinstance ; but then again as the man says : the next girls will be trained properly.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-26 13:49:11
phf: you ought to consider moving here, or at least coming for a visit. the place is a lot livelier than dc, food is better, girls are prettier, things are generally cheaper, etc. etc. etc.
ossabot: Logged on 2018-02-05 20:57:25 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo
phf trinque diana_coman so i'm thinking of basically getting a dozen amd fx-8350s (because just 125w compared to say fx-9590s 220) racked in u2 mbs (say maybe ASRock 970M PRO3 ? i thinkl that fits in 2u neh ?) with 64 gb ram each and a coupla ssds ? any complaints/suggestions ?
mircea_popescu: next item, moving files in v ?! WHAT THE FUCK
phf fixed this as the only thing he did in like 3 years.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-02 02:14:00 mp_en_viaje: o look at that,
phf logger also quit sometime last night. hey!
mp_en_viaje: evidently they never do, thought same of
phf, and so on
mp_en_viaje: when i returned to timisoara i moved into a place my left-behind man on the ground got for me, when
phf showed up in minsk i took him to places my advance team either researched or actually scouted, these are things.
mp_en_viaje: it did not work for the original latino whores ; it did not work for dpb, "oh, ima call myself a republican but really, what i'm interested in is remarkably stupid sterlie shit". not worked for
phf idem exactly, and will not work fucking generally.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 21:41:56 mircea_popescu: consider both the positive (no convergence language'd ever have emerged out of "oh,
phf did excellent job with logger") and the negative (without "we have these loggers, how do we sync them" nobody'd have ever understood why mp-wp is a better display mechanism than "this shit i just brewed").
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 21:41:56 mircea_popescu: consider both the positive (no convergence language'd ever have emerged out of "oh,
phf did excellent job with logger") and the negative (without "we have these loggers, how do we sync them" nobody'd have ever understood why mp-wp is a better display mechanism than "this shit i just brewed").
mircea_popescu: consider both the positive (no convergence language'd ever have emerged out of "oh,
phf did excellent job with logger") and the negative (without "we have these loggers, how do we sync them" nobody'd have ever understood why mp-wp is a better display mechanism than "this shit i just brewed").
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-18 13:33:17 asciilifeform: meanwhile,
phf's site appears to have fallen down. i.e. only access to era1 l0gz is nao by hand.
mircea_popescu: the flow of history doth in fact inform and ground the view, however. "what happened to
phf ?!" is not so important about the one tard ; but rather, instructive as to the failure mode of a sort of mind.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 02:46:27 mircea_popescu:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-11#1935561 << unlike
phf, holding a torch of oneitis for some pantsuit chick that likely couldn't pick him out of a line-up, i should hope the texan has enough fucking sense to actually manage his household as his own.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 02:06:51 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, standard wasn't ~properly~ described. standard was described at fucking all, i don't need to explain the difference between your logger which diana_coman 's running now and
phf's alleged logger which, for all anyone knows, consists of one mechanical turk who meanwhile got sad / ran away.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 13:29:43 asciilifeform: fwiw 'talk directly to mp' when 'i'm in a corner' moar often than not , in my experience, gives
this output. i accept this, he's a 'sink or swim' sort of guru. but also not surprised that
phf hesitated to ask him for an evac chopper .
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-23 05:17:58 mircea_popescu: "Needless to say, I am unamused ; and, to answer the
original inquiry in firmer terms containing no ifs or buts : no, I personally have no further interest in hearing what
phf may have to say on any topic. The time for "ok then, I will get my logger to spec by X date and hope to have my blog up by Y date" came and went, sometime yesterday.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-02 02:14:00 mp_en_viaje: o look at that,
phf logger also quit sometime last night. hey!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-07-28 19:01:07 mp_en_viaje: as per
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806991 tradition i don't even have enough information to distinguish between the case where "
phf bleeding to death in a minsk ditch" ; "
phf in love forgot all about world" ; "
phf kidnapped by unreported alien invasion" or literally any other alternative. nfi how to approach it, either, tried everything i could think of.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-07-24 09:50:27 mp_en_viaje: hey
phf, did you disappear ?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 09:23:33 diana_coman: there is always (and still available and I'd like to see it taken by
phf, yes) the place in other castles; so I suppose, if one must answer the question, the threshold as I see it atm = reaching to ban from *other* castles.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 12:15:28 asciilifeform: for that matter, we still have a system like this -- deedbot. is trinque doomed to same fate as
phf, if he ever 'gets lucky' and trapped on cannibal island , and it takes him a week to knife his way out ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, standard wasn't ~properly~ described. standard was described at fucking all, i don't need to explain the difference between your logger which diana_coman 's running now and
phf's alleged logger which, for all anyone knows, consists of one mechanical turk who meanwhile got sad / ran away.
mircea_popescu: but yes, to say it plainly : i don't agree
phf was some kind of technical monument or example to be followed. making things that work does not enact one into such ; observe that every frog makes things that work, extremely fine things that work extremely well, viz the very fucking frog in question. yet a frog that can breathe is an ordinary frog, not an exceptional engineer.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 05:21:49 mircea_popescu: imagine, all this flurry of exciting new development could have been occuring in 2017, if i had the sense to kick
phf out on his rear in 2017, rather than let him sit his dumb ass on us for two years.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 00:43:20 asciilifeform: trinque:
orig. contention, which i disputed.
phf was 1 of the very, very few people whose hands grew from right place, and it will take very long time to replace , not even speaking of the full functionality of the orig. bot ( still not had ) but of e.g. the vpatch viewer, which i use erry fucking day of the week
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 09:23:33 diana_coman: there is always (and still available and I'd like to see it taken by
phf, yes) the place in other castles; so I suppose, if one must answer the question, the threshold as I see it atm = reaching to ban from *other* castles.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 00:29:16 asciilifeform: trinque: obv. mircea_popescu's (and for that matter anyone's) ratings are b/w him and odin. but imho to present the disappearance of
phf as some kinda win, is disingenuous at best .
snsabot: Logged on 2017-08-29 18:19:28 asciilifeform:
phf: 'Собрал царь зверей всех животных в лесу на поляне и говорит: - Cегодня мы будем трахать тех, у кого рот маленький. Правильно ежик? - Даааааа-Даааааа! - сказал ежик. - А завтра мы будем трахать тех, у кого рот большой. Правильно
diana_coman: asciilifeform: neah; and I'm not going now to try and guess what was in
phf's mind at one point or another, wtf.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: in that particular selected snippet, tell me for my curiosity *what* exactly stopped
phf from talking directly to mp? and for that matter again, what exactly stopped him from telling his girl to get online and say "help"?
diana_coman: asciilifeform: I doubt it can help you if it gets read like the rest; anyway, the shortest summary I can come up with:
phf persistently refused to engage tmsr beyond the purely technical; and ultimately (when pressure forced a decision) made his choice for out rather than in.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 02:23:16 mircea_popescu: and to properly bolster the fundaments of the foregoing terror -- it DPOES NOT MATTER whether one actually was, deliberately, working for the enemy. from my pov,
phf is not "merely an idiot", but very well
saboteur anon describes NOT because he actually is, but because... again, guy found with smoking gun next to dead president is hanged, [
http diana_coman: asciilifeform: well, for one thing I don't think it's an accurate description of the situation in that...who produced
phf, esthlos, framedragger? re esthlos at least I can even say that no, he precisely dropped out of ..production as you put it.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 05:21:49 mircea_popescu: imagine, all this flurry of exciting new development could have been occuring in 2017, if i had the sense to kick
phf out on his rear in 2017, rather than let him sit his dumb ass on us for two years.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 00:43:20 asciilifeform: trinque:
orig. contention, which i disputed.
phf was 1 of the very, very few people whose hands grew from right place, and it will take very long time to replace , not even speaking of the full functionality of the orig. bot ( still not had ) but of e.g. the vpatch viewer, which i use erry fucking day of the week
diana_coman: there is always (and still available and I'd like to see it taken by
phf, yes) the place in other castles; so I suppose, if one must answer the question, the threshold as I see it atm = reaching to ban from *other* castles.
mircea_popescu: and to properly bolster the fundaments of the foregoing terror -- it DPOES NOT MATTER whether one actually was, deliberately, working for the enemy. from my pov,
phf is not "merely an idiot", but very well
saboteur anon describes NOT because he actually is, but because... again, guy found with smoking gun next to dead president is hanged, [
http://logs.nosu lobbes: there's been plenty of people in my meatlife who I like a great deal; enjoy their company. But I also wouldn't trust them with xyz. The WoT is individual to individual for a reason. One person may be able to answer questions better about another than another. The tendons between mp and
phf weakened, but this ain't a republic of one after all.
Phf could resurface in asciilifeform's castle tomorrow and
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-11 03:57:39 trinque: iirc mircea_popescu met
phf irl, didn't like him, and that was that
trinque: it's unfortunate no
phf<->asciilifeform remains absent mp, such that this could be demonstrated otherwise.
trinque: iirc mircea_popescu met
phf irl, didn't like him, and that was that
trinque: I quite like
phf ftr, on the basis of history, but I don't think that's the point
trinque: why doesn't asciilifeform have a relationship with
phf independent of mircea_popescu ?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 05:21:49 mircea_popescu: imagine, all this flurry of exciting new development could have been occuring in 2017, if i had the sense to kick
phf out on his rear in 2017, rather than let him sit his dumb ass on us for two years.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 05:21:49 mircea_popescu: imagine, all this flurry of exciting new development could have been occuring in 2017, if i had the sense to kick
phf out on his rear in 2017, rather than let him sit his dumb ass on us for two years.
mircea_popescu: imagine, all this flurry of exciting new development could have been occuring in 2017, if i had the sense to kick
phf out on his rear in 2017, rather than let him sit his dumb ass on us for two years.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-12-19 16:01:57
phf: asciilifeform: i have no issues with unfriendliness of your approach or it's secret busting nature. i'm trying different approach, and so far our success is identical in that it's 0. we're at a point where our mutual approaches can benefit, yet you deny me mine, periodically insulting it in creative ways.
bvt: i kind of remembered that it had something with to do with percentages, this surfaced out mod6's message; when you mentioned that the result is still ~wrong, remembered that it had something to do with "man who invests X% of time into empire...", used
phf's log for a keyword search.
lobbes: fix being
phf's uniturd algo