847 entries in 0.907s
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the protocol doesn't exclude it
dub: mjr_: sanest comparison I've seen was from this channel, imagine a casine where you had to cash out and back in after every bet
dub: mjr_: they're probably arguing the wrong thing but factually SD using the blockchain for accountign is retarded
jurov: mjr___ what's up?
jurov: mjr_ have you seen bit4x.com or 1broker.com ?
jurov: mjr_ i think most of us have one common address/privkey
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they're euro tho
jurov: mjr_ only for small litecoin trades
jurov: mjr_ do you know about glbse? he was its owner
jurov: mjr_ there's sometimes a good deal on -otc too, i got amazon codes, small paypal payments and like
mircea_popescu: mjr_ lisrten, that's half of the story. what do you do with the bitcoins ?
jurov: mjr_ if you use coinbr you can ask me to look up. i'll then rate you like "-10 did not pay coinbr monthly fee"
TradeFortress: mjr_ doesn't even change the cursor
mircea_popescu: mjr_ it is!
mircea_popescu: mjr__ to some degree. the way it practically works is mostly by putting min bids in during ipos
mircea_popescu: mjr__ i do a mix of both
jurov: i understood mjr__ looks for a broker he'll just push the shares to and broker does the legwork
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you can find an escrow you trust, push to them.
jurov: mjr__, shorting is by definition incompatible with simple escrow
thestringpuller: mjr__: smickles is working on something for that purpose I thik
mircea_popescu: mjr_ and why can' you ?!
mircea_popescu: mjr_ that may be, but they suck at the actual soup.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ AAPL
jurov: mjr_ i mean evoorhees changing the plans every day
thestringpuller: mjr_: someone is controlling the options market
jurov: hi mjr_, noticed s.mpoe?
mircea_popescu: mjr__ ty! sometimes the needed improvements are hidden in plain sight
jurov: mjr__ in coinbr?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they're out already
mircea_popescu: mjr_ end of options month. last friday
Bugpowder: mjr_:
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well i don't think the mpoe bot expected linear btc in the past year.
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> if no one can buy or sell with bitcoins, their value drops << this is absolute nonsebnse.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ are you familiar with that theory of investing whereby early on in your investing life you should never sell assets, to avoid the spreads, but simply buy something else and change portofolio that way ?
kakobrekla: mjr_ go read http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well... i dunno.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they're developing their own last i heard.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ he's trolling you
mircea_popescu: mjr_ prolly can have an app.
nanotube: mjr_: cool. /me doesn't use reddit, but i hear it's pretty big.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ it's not the case.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the key is if they find a new jobs. they don't, they're dead.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ it's not like joe six pack has sotck money
mircea_popescu: mjr_ right.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ what's your exit point ? or didn't establuish in advance ?
mircea_popescu: how long you been in mjr_ ?
mircea_popescu: actually mjr_, these days it pretty much does
mircea_popescu: here you go mjr__ : http://trilema.com/2013/the-rarge-part-of-this-lally/
mircea_popescu: mjr__ ya that's nonsense
Diablo-D3: mjr_: I already named myself the pope of it as a joke quite a few years ago
Diablo-D3: mjr_: Im seriously considering starting the church of satoshi
jurov: mjr_ done: http://live.coinbr.com/last?mpsic=S.MPOE
jurov: mjr_ i think something like live.coinbr.com/last?mpsic=MPSIC can be added easily
mircea_popescu: mjr_ and of course they will. there's no other way.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ selling calls on the usd or buying calls on the btc are very similar i think
mircea_popescu: mjr_ and THEN it collapses
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the excruciatingly precise way to do it would be to keep separate accounts.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well you have to decide if you keep books in btc or not
jurov: mjr_ why so rushed? yo could have placed limit order at lower price
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you might try bitcoin-central
mircea_popescu: mjr_ yes indeed it is.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ eyah, save that formula somewhere. strike - (1 / what you paid) = break even point
Anduck: mjr_: now it's your job to find out which one
jurov: hi mjr_
awkorama_: hi mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ it doesn't contain it in fact. it contains it in essence.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ mayhap you have a point
mircea_popescu: lol mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ there's people to whom 30btc or 3mn bux are exactly the same :
mircea_popescu: mjr_ to some 16 yo kid spazzing out...
mircea_popescu: mjr_ hookers and blow.
jurov: mjr_ yes i've got some ideas for dashboard.. only that right now i'm working on email notifications ;)
jurov: mjr_ you mean last mpex price?
Diablo-D3: mjr_: they released fpgas, not asics
mircea_popescu: mjr_ for a while yet
Bugpowduur: mjr_: someone is a bit optimistic about that arb opp
mircea_popescu: mjr_ collateral to buy an option ? no, you don't you can't lose anything by buying one.
Bugpowder: mjr__ think about it a little harder
jurov: bugpowder, are you saying that evoorhees will send sell order at 0.0055 and ends up paying more cause of mjr__?
jurov: mjr__ that's crystal clear to me. just that this market often likes to keep going to one side till the bot exhausts it allotment
awkorama_: mjr__: hi, please respond to my query
jurov: mjr__ okay, is uspected that. will discuss it with MP.
jurov: mjr__: can you pls help me to wrap my head around https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=118551.msg1504855#msg1504855 ?
jurov: hi mjr__
pigeons: i thought it was mjr_'s stability bot
jurov: lol what would mjr_ say upon seeing this
DeadWeasel: apparently that was not allowed. you just go on, mjr_
jurov: mjr_, are you going to fund today? since i'm preparing to haul stuff to mpex
jurov: mjr_ yes once funded, "new order" link appears
smickles: mjr_: did I?
awkorama: mjr_: no.. because if he implements the project, it would be public
smickles: mjr_: consider how often that could happen with 'regular' NDAs
smickles: mjr_: you could set up the contract in such a way that it's enforceable 'IRL'
smickles: mjr_: ever lurked in #bitcoin-market?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ so use somethingsensible, not like they change that often
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you have a bot ?
smickles: hey mjr_, wanna borrow a crapload of s.dice to arb with :)
smickles: mjr_: assbot is run by kakobreklaa independant of mpex
mircea_popescu: mjr_ dood. you know what depositary receipts are ?
topace: mjr_: the trades you see from havelock are BETWEEN havelock users