847 entries in 0.621s
davout: MJR_: well. https://bitcoin-central.net pretty much sums it all up
davout: MJR_: hello
truffles: MJR_ which minion is getting out of line?
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i think all future children will have to learn to be comfortable with the fact that their mother's goodies are public record.
kakobrekla: MJR_ is worried.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ they've put seinfeld.
asciilifeform: MJR_ the solution is pictograms. or ditch the clerk and install robots.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ then you're a gypsy racist
mircea_popescu: MJR_ azns get the stick. a lot.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ for that matter, people keep going "o, i dunno what good a philosophy degree would be IRL"
mircea_popescu: MJR_ ^
mircea_popescu: MJR_> it is actually ($0+punishing that guy) vs ($10+feeling cheated) << good point that.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ reciprocation is the problem with that.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ seems it could be usable to troll people neh ?
mircea_popescu: MJR_ http://trilema.com/2013/fire-in-alabama-lets-make-the-most-of-it/
Scrat: MJR_: build something for the sake of building it with angular?
jurov: mjr_ so what new... user asked me to escalate a problem to mpex... that will be inevitably axed :/
Scrat: MJR_: i hope you;ve converted it to a socket pool
jurov: hi mjr_ , just spotted: http://www.igmarkets.co.uk/cfd/bitcoin-binary-options.html
Scrat: MJR_: no encryption?
joecool: MJR_: i thought he was in hiding
jurov: mjr_ these? http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/blog/the-winklevii-strike-again-to-corner-the-bitcoin-market
truff1es: <MJR_> in fact, eventually a small portion of all transactions will go to the blockchain>> please elaborate
Diablo-D3: MJR_: are you on drugs?
asciilifeform: MJR_: free money
asciilifeform: MJR_: you can profit from an altchain without controlling it (in the sense that Warcraft gold is controlled) - simply through pre-mining.
mod6: MJR_: `route add` <<< should do the trick
kakobrekla: seriously MJR_, where have you been
jurov: MJR_: or mtgox prevents them withdrawing it
kakobrekla: maybe MJR_ can tell him "no skateboards"
mircea_popescu: MJR_ prolly something you can make. not so hard to query the book
jurov: Hi mjr_
mircea_popescu: MJR__ heya
Scrat: MJR_: cached by cloudflare
kakobrekla: 13:49.33 ( MJR_ ) after most people had already forgotten they were waiting
kakobrekla: MJR_ but he paid a lot more than preorders for half the spec?
jurov: MJR_ can you show them https://bitfunder.com/asset/CoinBr.iDiff-O ?
troc: <MJR_> there was a different announcement... ... ...
kakobrekla: you think its worth saving bitfloor after all that happend there MJR_
mircea_popescu: MJR_ im resisting the urge to search through logs for me going "don't use bitfloor" at people.
BitHub: where mjr_
mod6: mjr___: haha, that'd be awesome
Diablo-D3: mjr___: its why Im a fan of sea of rolled cores over unrolled cores
Diablo-D3: mjr___: I dont see the point in decreasing latency in that
Diablo-D3: mjr___: in context of what?
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i was explaining a month or two ago how to get a fixing market for btc.
gesell: mjr_ this type of analysis doesnt apply here sadly because much of the crash is simply from technical glitches
jurov: mjr_ did not plan for it and afraid to break it...
mircea_popescu: MJR_ depends who's people. people with no competence won't develop it magically.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ yea well...
mircea_popescu: MJR_ it's a talent.
dub: MJR_: table/card games, painting little plastic soldiers
guruvan: what's the CTOs name MJR_?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ it does./
Scrat: mjr_: pride
TomServo: mjr_: https://twitter.com/MagicalTux/status/322317865443274752/photo/1
pigeons: mjr_: my bad, i was reading them reverse order
pigeons: mjr_: wait for the actual bids and asks to load, don't just look at the suggestion
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> we are sorry for doing serious damage to an amazing community due to our incompetence <<< that.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ thanks. http://trilema.com/2013/its-been-an-epic-few-days-what-happened/#comment-92701
mircea_popescu: MJR_ iirc he has a child due
mircea_popescu: hi MJR_
gesell: ciao MJR_
mod6: haha. true MJR_
naemsi: MJR_: thanks
mircea_popescu: MJR_ there's two things biotcoin investors are too smart for : mpex and limit orders.
kakobrekla: MJR_ i didnt say dat :p
gesell: MJR_: yeah I'm not sure. Wouldnt assume that yet, unless someone saw them when they were up, and saw them removed just before the crash
Scrat: MJR_: fallback has nothing to do with node crashing though
kakobrekla: MJR_ between 20 and 2000
mpexbot: MJR_: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
mpexbot: MJR_: 220.66
unbalanced_: MJR_: your server code could talk via APIs to anything it wants. In theory the client could too. Mix and match communication with different end points as your app requires.
unbalanced_: MJR_: a common use case is socket.io goes on your server and in your own client web page
jurov: MJR_, Scrat: I also have request limiter set up, caused regular users to get 503 error till i tuned it up
Scrat: MJR_: it is, incoming traffic is free
Scrat: MJR_: yeah I'm not saying otherwise, but in that case the objective of the attacker is to slap you with a $100k ec2 bill
Scrat: MJR_: a smart attack targetted against ec2 would pull static assets with legit looking requests
mircea_popescu: MJR_ if you only expose it through their load balancer should be fine in most cases.
Insaneatyou: MJR_ in a regulated market in fiat I thought writing bots to trade for you was illegal
unbalanced_: MJR_ is your site in private testing yet?
mircea_popescu: MJR_ where "the services they need" = other people doing all the work so they can just repackage it and pretend to be apple./
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i kept trying to push people towards dfoing a blog, which is a subset of what you say but easier to do (for a geek)
jurov: MJR_ ur doing something too, no?
ThickAsThieves: 230s lag mjr_
mircea_popescu: MJR_ not afauik
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i think both ways.
jurov: mjr___: check ur router/firewall
mircea_popescu: mjr___ the problem with this entire exercise is
jurov: MJR__ the risks that make ppl afraid of torbroker were thoroughly explained by mp...
mircea_popescu: MJR__ let's try a different approach, maybe sex works better.
jurov: MJR__: at least you have us here for months, can make some judgememnt about our character
jurov: MJR__ i don't get it too. what information do you have that convinced you it's certainly legit?
mircea_popescu: MJR__ torbroker has carefully avoiding making plain the fact that all customer positions are loans to it.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ does this thing purport to be a bitcoin busienss ?
mod6: (10:30) < MJR__> I would say that torbroker seems definitely not fraudulent << i read about this. sounds great until they scam out like TorWallet
mircea_popescu: MJR__ were you here when we discussed with cads something similar yest ?
jurov: MJR__: the trust was bootstrapped upon mircea having workable scheme from MPOE
mircea_popescu: MJR__ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=110861.msg1227871#msg1227871
jurov: MJR__: yes he had, but it's not total score that counts